コード例 #1
ファイル: download_locations.py プロジェクト: mikpanko/grakon
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        print "Downloading second level ids"
        ids = []
        i = 0
        for line in open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'regions.txt')):
            region_id, name = line.strip().split(' ', 1)

            for option in HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(URL+region_id)) \
                    .select("//table[@width='100%' and @cellspacing='2' and @cellpadding='5']//tr[2]//option"):
                id = option.select("@value").extract()[0]

                for option1 in HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(URL+id)) \
                        .select("//table[@width='100%' and @cellspacing='2' and @cellpadding='5']//tr[3]//option"):

            i += 1
            print_progress(i, 80)

        print "Downloading locations hierarchy"
        i = 0
        data = {}
        for id in set(ids):
            for tr in HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(URL+id)).select("//table[@class='list']/tr")[1:]:
                okato_id = tr.select(".//td[2]//b/text()").extract()[0].replace(' ', '')
                assert len(okato_id)==8

                data[okato_id] = tr.select("./td[3]/text()").extract()[0]

            i += 1
            print_progress(i, len(ids))

        with open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'locations.json'), 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))
コード例 #2
ファイル: init_db.py プロジェクト: mikpanko/elections_network
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location
        from navigation.models import Page

        db_entries = {}

        #print "initializing static pages"
        #pages_data = open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'pages_data.json')).read()
        #data = json.loads(pages_data)
        #for name, html in data.iteritems():
        #    Page.objects.create(name=name, content=html)

        print "loading the regions hierarchy"
        data = json.loads(open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'regions-gosduma.json')).read())
        i = 0
        for location in iterate_struct(data, []):
            print_progress(i, 100)
            if len(location) == 1:
                db_entries[location[0]] = {'entry': Location.objects.create(name=location[0], **default_location_fields), 'sub': {}}
            elif len(location) == 2:
                db_entries[location[0]]['sub'][location[1]] = \
                        Location.objects.create(name=location[1], region=db_entries[location[0]]['entry'], **default_location_fields)
            elif len(location) == 3:
                Location.objects.create(name=location[2], region=db_entries[location[0]]['entry'],
                        tik=db_entries[location[0]]['sub'][location[1]], **default_location_fields)
            i += 1

            if i > 100:
                break # artificial break to speed up data loading
コード例 #3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location
        from organizations.models import Organization
        from protocols.models import Protocol

        cik = Organization.objects.get(name='cik')
        content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Organization)

        locations_processed = Protocol.objects.filter(content_type=content_type, object_id=cik.id) \
                .values_list('location', flat=True)
        uiks_count = Location.objects.exclude(tik=None).count()
        j = len(locations_processed)
        for location in Location.objects.exclude(tik=None).exclude(id__in=locations_processed):
            trs = HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(location.results_url())) \
                    .select("//table[@width='100%' and @cellspacing='1' and @cellpadding='2' and @bgcolor='#ffffff']//tr")
            #trs = list(HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(location.results_url())) \
            #        .select("//body//table[3]//tr[4]//td//table[6]//tr"))

            del trs[18]
            assert len(trs) == 23, "incorrect number of rows"

            data = {}
            for i in range(23):
                data['p'+str(i+1)] = int(trs[i].select(".//b/text()").extract()[0])

            data.update({'location': location, 'verified': True})

            Protocol.objects.get_or_create(content_type=content_type, object_id=cik.id,
                    protocol_id=location.id, defaults=data)

            print_progress(j, uiks_count)
            j += 1
コード例 #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location
        from loginza.models import UserMap
        from protocols.models import Protocol
        from users.models import Role

        locations = list(Location.objects.values_list('id', 'region', 'tik'))

        locations_by_id = {}
        for loc_id, region_id, tik_id in locations:
            locations_by_id[loc_id] = (region_id, tik_id)

        inactive_ids = UserMap.objects.filter(verified=False).values_list('user', flat=True)
        roles = list(Role.objects.exclude(user__user__email='', user__user__is_active=False,
                user__in=inactive_ids).values_list('location', 'type'))

        # Calculate roles distribution
        roles_by_location = {}
        for loc_id, role_type in roles:
            roles_by_location.setdefault(loc_id, []).append(role_type)

        data_by_location = {}
        for loc_id in locations_by_id:
            data_by_location[loc_id] = Counter(roles_by_location.get(loc_id, []))

        # Add uiks counts to tiks
        for loc_id in locations_by_id:
            region_id, tik_id = locations_by_id[loc_id]
            if tik_id: # only process uiks
                data_by_location[tik_id] += data_by_location[loc_id]

        # Add tiks counts to regions
        for loc_id in locations_by_id:
            region_id, tik_id = locations_by_id[loc_id]
            if region_id and tik_id is None: # only process tiks
                data_by_location[region_id] += data_by_location[loc_id]

        # Add cik data
        protocols_by_location = {}
        for protocol in Protocol.objects.from_cik():
            protocols_by_location[protocol.location_id] = protocol

        for loc_id in protocols_by_location:
            pr = protocols_by_location[loc_id]
            data_by_location[loc_id].update(p9=pr.p9, p19=pr.p19, p20=pr.p20, p21=pr.p21,
                    p22=pr.p22, p23=pr.p23)

        # Recalculate uiks
        i = 0
        count = Location.objects.count()
        for location in Location.objects.all():
            prev_value = location.data
            location.data = json.dumps(data_by_location[location.id])
            if location.data != prev_value:

            i += 1
            print_progress(i, count)
コード例 #5
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location

        skip = 0
        osm_dir_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'osm')
        files = [data[2] for data in os.walk(osm_dir_path)][0]
        for filename in files:
            xml = fromstring(open(os.path.join(osm_dir_path, filename)).read())

            i = 0
            for node in xml:
                if node.tag != 'node':

                attrs = dict((tag.get('k'), tag.get('v')) for tag in node)

                if not (('addr:city' in attrs) and ('addr:street' in attrs) and \
                        ('addr:housenumber' in attrs) and ('ref' in attrs)):
                    skip += 1

                    location = Location.objects.get(region_name=filename[:-4], name=attrs['ref'])
                except Location.DoesNotExist:
                    skip += 1
                    location.x_coord = float(node.get('lon'))
                    location.y_coord = float(node.get('lat'))

                    location.address = '%s, %s %s' % (attrs['addr:city'],
                            attrs['addr:street'], attrs['addr:housenumber'])

                    if attrs.get('phone', ''):
                        location.telephone = attrs.get('phone', '')


                print_progress(i, len(xml))
                i += 1

        print "skipped", skip
コード例 #6
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Boundary

        for i in range(1, 90):
            data = json.loads(open(os.path.join(
                    settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'grakon', 'static', 'districts', str(i)+'s.json')).read())

            for feature in data['features']:
                properties = feature['properties']
                geometry = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]

                data_to_save = {'properties': properties, 'geometry': geometry}
                        x_min=min(point[0] for point in geometry),
                        x_max=max(point[0] for point in geometry),
                        y_min=min(point[1] for point in geometry),
                        y_max=max(point[1] for point in geometry)

            print_progress(i, 90)
コード例 #7
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location

        print "creating regions"
        for location in Location.objects.filter(region=None):

        print "creating tiks"
        i = 0
        uik_count = Location.objects.filter(tik=None).exclude(region=None).count()
        for location in Location.objects.filter(tik=None).exclude(region=None):
            print_progress(i, uik_count)
            i += 1

        print "creating uiks"
        i = 0
        uik_count = Location.objects.exclude(tik=None).count()
        for location in Location.objects.exclude(tik=None):
            print_progress(i, uik_count)
            i += 1
コード例 #8
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import FOREIGN_CODE, FOREIGN_NAME, Location

        uiks = {}
        for line in open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'foreign_uiks.csv'), 'r'):
            uik_no, country_id, country_name, address = line.strip().split(',')
            uiks[uik_no] = {'tik': int(country_id), 'address': address}

        countries_by_id = dict((location.id, location) for location in Location.objects.exclude(region=None) \

        foreign_countries = Location.objects.get(region=None, region_code=FOREIGN_CODE)

        i = 0
        for uik_option in HtmlXPathSelector(text=read_url(FOREIGN_UIKS_URL)) \
            uik_no = uik_option.select("text()").extract()[0].strip()[:4]

            if uik_no not in uiks:
                print uik_no

            url = uik_option.select("@value").extract()[0]
            for param in url.split('?')[1].split('&'):
                param_name, param_value = param.split('=')
                if param_name in ('root', 'tvd'):
                    uiks[uik_no][param_name] = int(param_value)

            location = Location(region=foreign_countries, tik=countries_by_id[uiks[uik_no]['tik']],
                    name=uik_no, region_name=FOREIGN_NAME, region_code=FOREIGN_CODE,
                    address=uiks[uik_no]['address'], tvd=uiks[uik_no]['tvd'],
                    root=uiks[uik_no]['root'], data='{}')

            i += 1
            print_progress(i, 350)
コード例 #9
ファイル: import_locations.py プロジェクト: mikpanko/grakon
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location

        data = {}
        path = []
        txt = open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'struct.txt')).read() \
        for line in txt.splitlines():
            level = (len(line)-len(line.lstrip())) / 4
            loc = tuple(line.strip().split('|'))

            if len(path) > level:
                path = path[:level]

            if len(path) == level:
                dt = data
                for p in path:
                    dt = dt[p]
                dt[loc] = {}
                raise ValueError('incorrect file format')

        #import json
        #with open('/home/serg/data/grakon/test.txt', 'w') as f:
        #    f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8'))

        #locations = list(Location.objects.all())
        #locations_by_okato = dict((loc.okato_id, loc) for loc in locations if loc.okato_id!='')

        # Get or create Russia
        country, created = Location.objects.get_or_create(country=None, defaults={'name': u'Россия'})

        i = 0
        for (region_name, region_id), region_data in data.items():
            region = Location.objects.create(country=country, okato_id=region_id, name=region_name)
            for (district_name, district_id), district_data in region_data.iteritems():
                district = Location.objects.create(country=country, region=region,
                        okato_id=district_id, name=district_name)
                for location_name, location_id in district_data:
                    Location.objects.create(country=country, region=region,
                            district=district, okato_id=location_id, name=location_name)

            print_progress(i, len(data))
            i += 1

        for (name, okato_id), region_data in data.iteritems():
            if region_id in locations_by_okato:
                region = locations_by_okato[region_id]
                if region.name != region_data[0]:
                    # TODO: ask user what to do
                    print "Mismatch:", region.name, '!=', region_data[0]
                region = Location.objects.create(country=country, okato_id=region_id,

            for district_id, district_data in region_data[1].iteritems():
                if district_id in locations_by_okato:
                    district = locations_by_okato[district_id]
                    if district.name != district_data[0]:
                        # TODO: ask user what to do
                        print "Mismatch:", district.name, '!=', district_data[0]
                    # Manual hack because name is too long
                    if u'Таймырский Долгано-Ненецкий район' in district_data[0]:
                        district_data[0] = u'Таймырский Долгано-Ненецкий район'

                    district = Location.objects.create(country=country, region=region,
                            okato_id=district_id, name=district_data[0])

                locations = []
                for loc_id, loc_data in district_data[1].iteritems():
                    if loc_id in locations_by_okato:
                        location = locations_by_okato[loc_id]
                        if location.name != loc_data:
                            # TODO: ask user what to do
                            print "Mismatch:", location.name, '!=', loc_data
                        locations.append(Location(country=country, region=region,
                                district=district, okato_id=loc_id, name=loc_data))

コード例 #10
ファイル: import_election.py プロジェクト: mikpanko/elections
def import_uiks_file(path):
    data = json.loads(open(path, 'r').read().decode('utf8'))

    from elections.models import Election, ElectionLocation
    from locations.models import Location
    election_date = datetime.strptime(data['date'], r'%d.%m.%Y')

    # Create country location for the date
    country, created = Location.objects.get_or_create(name=u'Россия', region_code=0, date=election_date)

    election, created = Election.objects.get_or_create(vrn=int(data['vrn']), prver=int(data['prver']),
            defaults={'title': data['election_name'], 'date': election_date, 'location': country})
    if not created:
        raise ValueError("Election has been imported already")

        region = Location.objects.get(region=None, region_code=data['region_id'], date=election_date)
    except Location.DoesNotExist:
        region = Location.objects.get(region=None, region_code=data['region_id'], date=None)

        region.id = None
        region.country = country
        region.date = election_date

    if data['vrn'][0] == '2':
        ElectionLocation(location=region, election=election).save()

    merge_ids = set(uik_data['merge_id'] for uik_data in data['merge'])
    tiks = Location.objects.filter(tik=None, merge_id__in=merge_ids, date=election_date).exclude(region=None)
    tiks_by_merge_id = dict((tik.merge_id, tik) for tik in tiks)

    for merge_id in merge_ids:
        if merge_id not in tiks_by_merge_id:
            tik = Location.objects.get(merge_id=merge_id, date=None)
            tik.id = None
            tik.date = election_date
            tik.country = country
            tik.region = region
            tiks_by_merge_id[merge_id] = tik

        ElectionLocation(location=tiks_by_merge_id[merge_id], election=election).save()

    if data['vrn'][0] == '2': # region-level elections
        election.location = region
        if len(merge_ids) == 1:
            election.location = tiks_by_merge_id[list(merge_ids)[0]]
            election.location = region

    i = 0
    for uik_data in data['merge']:
        tik = tiks_by_merge_id[uik_data['merge_id']]
        uik, created = Location.objects.get_or_create(tik=tik, date=election_date, name=uik_data['name'][5:],
                defaults={'country': region.country, 'region': region, 'region_name': region.region_name,
                'region_code': region.region_code})

        ElectionLocation(location=uik, election=election, tvd=int(uik_data['tvd'])).save()

        i += 1
        print_progress(i, len(data['merge']))
コード例 #11
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        from grakon.models import Profile
        from links.models import Link
        from locations.models import Location
        from users.models import Contact, Role

        profiles_db = []
        USER_COUNT = 40
        print "creating users"
        # Create users
        for i in xrange(USER_COUNT):
            print_progress(i, USER_COUNT)
            is_male = choice([True, False])
            if is_male:
                first_name, username = choice(male_names)
                last_name = choice(male_surnames)
                first_name, username = choice(female_names)
                last_name = choice(female_surnames)

            alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstvuwz'
            while True:
                postfix = '_' + choice(alphabet) + choice(['_', '']) + choice(alphabet)

                    user = User.objects.create(username=username+postfix, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name)
                except IntegrityError:
                    profile = user.get_profile()
                    profile.about = u"Этот пользователь создан в тестовых целях и не является настоящим человеком"

        print "creating links"
        locations_db = list(Location.objects.all())
        for i in range(len(locations_db)):
            print_progress(i, len(locations_db))
            for j in range(choice([1, 2])):
                user = choice(profiles_db)
                link_data = choice(links)
                    Link.objects.create(location=locations_db[i], user=user, name=link_data[0], url=link_data[1])
                except IntegrityError:

        print "creating contacts"
        for i in range(USER_COUNT):
            print_progress(i, USER_COUNT)
            Role.objects.create(location=choice(locations_db), user=profiles_db[i], type='voter')
            for i in range(choice([1, 2, 3])):
                contact = choice(profiles_db)
                if contact != user:
                        Contact.objects.create(user=profiles_db[i], contact=contact)
                    except IntegrityError:

        # Add superuser as a contact to a few users
        for profile in Profile.objects.filter(user__is_superuser=True):
            for i in range(4):
                    Contact.objects.create(user=choice(profiles_db), contact=profile)
                except IntegrityError:

                if not profile.first_name and not profile.last_name:
                    profile.first_name = profile.username
コード例 #12
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location
        from organizations.models import Organization
        from protocols.models import Protocol

        cik = Organization.objects.get(name='cik')
        content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Organization)

        if args[0] == 'cik':
            protocol_queryset = Protocol.objects.from_cik()
            organization = cik
        elif args[0] == 'other':
            protocol_queryset = Protocol.objects.from_users().filter(verified=True)
            organization = Organization.objects.get(name='grakon')

            cik_protocols_by_location = dict((p.location_id, p) for p in Protocol.objects.from_cik())

        # TODO: take average if there are few protocols from one uik
        # Generate CIK data for TIKs
        j = 0
        tiks_count = Location.objects.exclude(region=None).filter(tik=None).count()
        for tik in Location.objects.exclude(region=None).filter(tik=None):
            protocols = list(protocol_queryset.filter(location__tik=tik))

            data = {'location': tik, 'verified': True}
            for i in range(23):
                data['p'+str(i+1)] = sum(getattr(protocol, 'p'+str(i+1)) for protocol in protocols)

            # a fix to renormalize weight of protocols
            if args[0] == 'other':
                cik_protocol = cik_protocols_by_location[tik.id]
                if data['p10'] != 0:
                    factor = float(cik_protocol.p10) / data['p10']
                    for i in range(23):
                        data['p'+str(i+1)] = int(factor*data['p'+str(i+1)])

            protocol, created = Protocol.objects.get_or_create(content_type=content_type,
                    object_id=organization.id, protocol_id=tik.id, defaults=data)

            if not created:
                for i in range(23):
                    setattr(protocol, 'p'+str(i+1), data['p'+str(i+1)])

            print_progress(j, tiks_count)
            j += 1

        # Generate CIK data for regions
        for region in Location.objects.filter(region=None):
            protocols = list(protocol_queryset.filter(location__region=region))

            data = {'location': region, 'verified': True}
            for i in range(23):
                data['p'+str(i+1)] = sum(getattr(protocol, 'p'+str(i+1)) for protocol in protocols)

            # a fix to renormalize weight of protocols
            if args[0] == 'other':
                cik_protocol = cik_protocols_by_location[region.id]
                if data['p10'] != 0:
                    factor = float(cik_protocol.p10) / data['p10']
                    for i in range(23):
                        data['p'+str(i+1)] = int(factor*data['p'+str(i+1)])

            protocol, created = Protocol.objects.get_or_create(content_type=content_type,
                    object_id=organization.id, protocol_id=region.id, defaults=data)

            if not created:
                for i in range(23):
                    setattr(protocol, 'p'+str(i+1), data['p'+str(i+1)])
コード例 #13
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from locations.models import Location
        REGIONS = {}
        region_ids_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'region_ids.txt')
        for line in open(region_ids_path):
            region_title, region_name, region_id = line.split(', ')
            REGIONS[region_name] = (region_title, int(region_id.strip()))

        i = 0
        for region in REGIONS:
            print_progress(i, len(REGIONS))

            region_location = Location.objects.get(region=None, region_name=region)

            # Update TIKs
            info_list = json.loads(open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'regions', '%s.json' % region)).read().decode('utf8'))
            for tik_info in info_list:
                    tik = Location.objects.filter(region_name=region, tik=None).get(tvd=tik_info['tvd'])
                except Location.DoesNotExist:
                    tik = location_from_info(tik_info)
                    tik.region = region_location
                    tik.region_name = region
                    tik.region_code = REGIONS[region][1]
                    print "new tik", tik.id

                uiks_by_number = {}
                for uik in list(Location.objects.filter(tik=tik)):
                    uiks_by_number[uik.name] = uik

                for uik_data in tik_info['sub']:
                    if uik_data['name'].startswith(u'УИК №'):
                        uik_data['name'] = uik_data['name'][5:]
                        print uik_data['name'], region
                        raise ValueError

                    if uik_data['name'] in uiks_by_number:
                        uik = uiks_by_number[uik_data['name']]
                        if uik.tvd!=int(uik_data['tvd']) or uik.root!=int(uik_data['root']):
                            #print "update uik", region, uik.tvd, uik_data['tvd'], uik_data['name']
                            uik.tvd = uik_data['tvd']
                            uik.root = uik_data['root']
                        #print "new uik", region, uik_data['name']
                        uik = location_from_info(uik_data)

                        uik.region = region_location
                        uik.tik = tik

                        uik.region_name = region
                        uik.region_code = REGIONS[region][1]


                # Remove UIKs
                number_list = [uik_data['name'] for uik_data in tik_info['sub']]
                for old_tik in list(Location.objects.filter(tik=tik).exclude(name__in=number_list)):
                    print "UIK to delete", old_tik.id

            i += 1
コード例 #14
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        REGIONS = {}
        region_ids_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'region_ids.txt')
        for line in open(region_ids_path):
            region_title, region_name, region_id = line.split(', ')
            REGIONS[region_name] = (region_title, int(region_id.strip()))

        i = 0
        for region in REGIONS:
            print_progress(i, len(REGIONS))

            # Init regional comission
            info = json.loads(open(data_path(region, 'center')).read().decode('utf8'))
            regional_location = location_from_info(info)
            regional_location.name = REGIONS[region][0]
            regional_location.region_name = region
            regional_location.region_code = REGIONS[region][1]

            # Init TIKs
            info_list = json.loads(open(data_path(region, 'merge')).read().decode('utf8'))
            for info in info_list:
                tik = location_from_info(info)
                tik.region = regional_location
                tik.region_name = region
                tik.region_code = REGIONS[region][1]

            i += 1

        # Init foreign countries
        from locations.models import FOREIGN_CODE, FOREIGN_NAME, FOREIGN_TERRITORIES
        foreign = location_from_info({'name': FOREIGN_TERRITORIES, 'postcode': 0, 'address': ''})
        foreign.region_name = FOREIGN_NAME
        foreign.region_code = FOREIGN_CODE

        countries_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'countries.txt')
        for country in open(countries_path):
            location = location_from_info({'name': country.strip(), 'postcode': 0, 'address': ''})
            location.region_name = FOREIGN_NAME
            location.region_code = FOREIGN_CODE
            location.region = foreign

        # init uiks
        from locations.models import Location
        for region in REGIONS:
            print region

            region_location = Location.objects.get(region_name=region, region=None)

            uiks_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_PATH, 'data', 'regions', region+'.json')
            tiks_list = json.loads(open(uiks_path).read().decode('utf8'))
            j = 0
            for tik in tiks_list:
                    tik_location = Location.objects.get(region=region_location, tvd=tik['tvd'])
                except Location.DoesNotExist:
                    print region, tik['tvd']

                print_progress(j, len(tiks_list))
                for uik_data in tik['sub']:
                    if uik_data['name'].startswith(u'УИК №'):
                        uik_data['name'] = uik_data['name'][5:]
                        print uik_data['name'], region
                        raise ValueError

                    uik = location_from_info(uik_data)

                    uik.region = region_location
                    uik.tik = tik_location

                    uik.region_name = region
                    uik.region_code = REGIONS[region][1]


                j += 1