def main(sHost="localhost", nPort=8080, dOptions=None, bTestPage=False, nMultiCPU=None): "start server" global TESTPAGE global HOMEPAGE if bTestPage: TESTPAGE = True HOMEPAGE = HOMEPAGE.replace("{SERVER_PORT}", str(nPort)) if dOptions: oGCE.setOptions(dOptions) # Python version print("Python: " + sys.version) if sys.version_info.major < (3, 7): print("Python 3.7+ required") return # Grammalecte echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(oGCE.version)) oGCE.displayOptions() # Process Pool Executor initExecutor(nMultiCPU) # Server (Bottle) run(app, host=sHost, port=nPort)
def getServerOptions(): xConfig = configparser.SafeConfigParser() try:"grammalecte-server-options._global.ini") dOpt = xConfig._sections['options'] except: echo( "Options file [grammalecte-server-options._global.ini] not found or not readable" ) exit() return dOpt
def getConfigOptions(sLang): xConfig = configparser.SafeConfigParser() try:"grammalecte-server-options." + sLang + ".ini") except: echo("Options file [grammalecte-server-options." + sLang + ".ini] not found or not readable") exit() try: dGCOpt = { k: bool(int(v)) for k, v in xConfig._sections['gc_options'].items() } except: echo("Error in options file [grammalecte-server-options." + sLang + ".ini]. Dropped.") traceback.print_exc() exit() return dGCOpt
i = 0 while True: yield str(i) i += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': # initialisation oGrammarChecker = grammalecte.GrammarChecker("fr", "Server") oSpellChecker = oGrammarChecker.getSpellChecker() oLexicographer = oGrammarChecker.getLexicographer() oTextFormatter = oGrammarChecker.getTextFormatter() gce = oGrammarChecker.getGCEngine() echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(gce.version)) dServerOptions = getServerOptions() dGCOptions = getConfigOptions("fr") if dGCOptions: gce.setOptions(dGCOptions) dServerGCOptions = gce.getOptions() echo("Grammar options:\n" + " | ".join( [k + ": " + str(v) for k, v in sorted(dServerGCOptions.items())])) dUser = {} userGenerator = genUserId() app = Bottle() # GET @app.route("/") def mainPage():
def output (sText, hDst=None): "write in the console or in a file if <hDst> not null" if not hDst: echo(sText, end="") else: hDst.write(sText)
def main (): "launch the CLI (command line interface)" xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser() xParser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) [on Windows, -f is similar to -ff]", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-ff", "--file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-iff", "--interactive_file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-owe", "--only_when_errors", help="display results only when there are errors", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="generate list of errors in JSON (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-cl", "--concat_lines", help="concatenate lines not separated by an empty paragraph (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-tf", "--textformatter", help="auto-format text according to typographical rules (not with option --concat_lines)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-tfo", "--textformatteronly", help="auto-format text and disable grammar checking (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-ctx", "--context", help="return errors with context (only with option --json)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-wss", "--with_spell_sugg", help="add suggestions for spelling errors (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-pdi", "--personal_dict", help="load personnal dictionary (JSON file)", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-w", "--width", help="width in characters (40 < width < 200; default: 100)", type=int, choices=range(40,201,10), default=100) xParser.add_argument("-lo", "--list_options", help="list options", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-lr", "--list_rules", nargs="?", help="list rules [regex pattern as filter]", const="*") xParser.add_argument("-sug", "--suggest", help="get suggestions list for given word", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-on", "--opt_on", nargs="+", help="activate options") xParser.add_argument("-off", "--opt_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate options") xParser.add_argument("-roff", "--rule_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate rules") xParser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging mode (only in interactive mode)", action="store_true") xArgs = xParser.parse_args() oGrammarChecker = grammalecte.GrammarChecker("fr") oSpellChecker = oGrammarChecker.getSpellChecker() oLexicographer = oGrammarChecker.getLexicographer() oTextFormatter = oGrammarChecker.getTextFormatter() if xArgs.personal_dict: oJSON = loadDictionary(xArgs.personal_dict) if oJSON: oSpellChecker.setPersonalDictionary(oJSON) if not xArgs.json: echo("Python v" + sys.version) echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(oGrammarChecker.gce.version)) # list options or rules if xArgs.list_options or xArgs.list_rules: if xArgs.list_options: oGrammarChecker.gce.displayOptions("fr") if xArgs.list_rules: oGrammarChecker.gce.displayRules(None if xArgs.list_rules == "*" else xArgs.list_rules) exit() # spell suggestions if xArgs.suggest: for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(xArgs.suggest): if xArgs.json: sText = json.dumps({ "aSuggestions": lSugg }, ensure_ascii=False) else: sText = "Suggestions : " + " | ".join(lSugg) echo(sText) exit() # disable options if not xArgs.json: xArgs.context = False if xArgs.concat_lines: xArgs.textformatter = False # grammar options oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({"html": True, "latex": True}) if xArgs.opt_on: oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:True for opt in xArgs.opt_on }) if xArgs.opt_off: oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:False for opt in xArgs.opt_off }) # disable grammar rules if xArgs.rule_off: for sRule in xArgs.rule_off: oGrammarChecker.gce.ignoreRule(sRule) if xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file: # file processing sFile = xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") if xArgs.file_to_file or sys.platform == "win32" else None bComma = False if xArgs.json: output('{ "grammalecte": "'+oGrammarChecker.gce.version+'", "lang": "'+oGrammarChecker.gce.lang+'", "data" : [\n', hDst) for i, sText, lLineSet in generateParagraphFromFile(sFile, xArgs.concat_lines): if xArgs.textformatter or xArgs.textformatteronly: sText = oTextFormatter.formatText(sText) if xArgs.textformatteronly: output(sText, hDst) continue if xArgs.json: sText = oGrammarChecker.getParagraphErrorsAsJSON(i, sText, bContext=xArgs.context, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, \ bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, bReturnText=xArgs.textformatter, lLineSet=lLineSet) else: sText, _ = oGrammarChecker.getParagraphWithErrors(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, nWidth=xArgs.width) if sText: if xArgs.json and bComma: output(",\n", hDst) output(sText, hDst) bComma = True if hDst: echo("§ %d\r" % i, end="", flush=True) if xArgs.json: output("\n]}\n", hDst) elif xArgs.interactive_file_to_file: # file processing: interactive mode sFile = xArgs.interactive_file_to_file hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") for i, sText, lLineSet in generateParagraphFromFile(sFile, xArgs.concat_lines): if xArgs.textformatter: sText = oTextFormatter.formatText(sText) while True: sResult, lErrors = oGrammarChecker.getParagraphWithErrors(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=False, bSpellSugg=True, nWidth=xArgs.width) print("\n\n============================== Paragraph " + str(i) + " ==============================\n") echo(sResult) print("\n") vCommand = getCommand() if vCommand == "q": # quit hDst.close() exit() elif vCommand == "n": # next paragraph hDst.write(sText) break else: nError, cAction, vSugg = vCommand if 0 <= nError <= len(lErrors) - 1: dErr = lErrors[nError] if cAction == ">" and 0 <= vSugg <= len(dErr["aSuggestions"]) - 1: sSugg = dErr["aSuggestions"][vSugg] sText = sText[0:dErr["nStart"]] + sSugg + sText[dErr["nEnd"]:] elif cAction == "=": sText = sText[0:dErr["nStart"]] + vSugg + sText[dErr["nEnd"]:] else: print("Error. Action not possible.") else: print("Error. This error doesn’t exist.") else: # pseudo-console sInputText = "\n~==========~ Enter your text [/h /q] ~==========~\n" sText = _getText(sInputText) while True: if sText.startswith("?"): for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split(): if sWord: echo("* " + sWord) for sMorph in oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord): echo(" {:<32} {}".format(sMorph, oLexicographer.formatTags(sMorph))) elif sText.startswith("!"): for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split(): if sWord: for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(sWord): echo(" | ".join(lSugg)) elif sText.startswith(">"): oSpellChecker.drawPath(sText[1:].strip()) elif sText.startswith("="): sSearch = sText[1:].strip() if "=" in sSearch: nCut = sSearch.find("=") sFlexPattern = sSearch[0:nCut] sTagsPattern = sSearch[nCut+1:] else: sFlexPattern = sSearch sTagsPattern = "" for aRes in, sTagsPattern): echo("{:<30} {:<30} {}".format(*aRes)) elif sText.startswith("/o+ "): oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:True for opt in sText[3:].strip().split() if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/o- "): oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:False for opt in sText[3:].strip().split() if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/r- "): for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split(): oGrammarChecker.gce.ignoreRule(sRule) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/r+ "): for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split(): oGrammarChecker.gce.reactivateRule(sRule) echo("done") elif sText in ("/debug", "/d"): xArgs.debug = not xArgs.debug echo("debug mode on" if xArgs.debug else "debug mode off") elif sText in ("/textformatter", "/tf"): xArgs.textformatter = not xArgs.textformatter echo("textformatter on" if xArgs.debug else "textformatter off") elif sText in ("/help", "/h"): echo(_HELP) elif sText in ("/lopt", "/lo"): oGrammarChecker.gce.displayOptions("fr") elif sText.startswith("/lr"): sText = sText.strip() sFilter = sText[sText.find(" "):].strip() if " " in sText else None oGrammarChecker.gce.displayRules(sFilter) elif sText in ("/quit", "/q"): break elif sText.startswith("/rl"): # reload (todo) pass elif sText.startswith("$"): for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText[1:]): if xArgs.textformatter: sParagraph = oTextFormatter.formatText(sParagraph) lParagraphErrors, lSentences = oGrammarChecker.gce.parse(sParagraph, bDebug=xArgs.debug, bFullInfo=True) echo(txt.getReadableErrors(lParagraphErrors, xArgs.width)) for dSentence in lSentences: echo("{nStart}:{nEnd}".format(**dSentence)) echo(" <" + dSentence["sSentence"]+">") for dToken in dSentence["lToken"]: echo(" {0[nStart]:>3}:{0[nEnd]:<3} {1} {0[sType]:<14} {2} {0[sValue]:<16} {3:<10} {4}".format(dToken, \ "×" if dToken.get("bToRemove", False) else " ", "!" if dToken["sType"] == "WORD" and not dToken.get("bValidToken", False) else " ", " ".join(dToken.get("lMorph", "")), \ "·".join(dToken.get("aTags", "")) ) ) echo(txt.getReadableErrors(dSentence["lGrammarErrors"], xArgs.width)) else: for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText): if xArgs.textformatter: sParagraph = oTextFormatter.formatText(sParagraph) sRes, _ = oGrammarChecker.getParagraphWithErrors(sParagraph, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width, bDebug=xArgs.debug) if sRes: echo("\n" + sRes) else: echo("\nNo error found.") sText = _getText(sInputText)
def main (): xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser() xParser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) [on Windows, -f is similar to -ff]", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-ff", "--file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-owe", "--only_when_errors", help="display results only when there are errors", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="generate list of errors in JSON (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-cl", "--concat_lines", help="concatenate lines not separated by an empty paragraph (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-tf", "--textformatter", help="auto-format text according to typographical rules (not with option --concat_lines)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-tfo", "--textformatteronly", help="auto-format text and disable grammar checking (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-ctx", "--context", help="return errors with context (only with option --json)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-wss", "--with_spell_sugg", help="add suggestions for spelling errors (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-w", "--width", help="width in characters (40 < width < 200; default: 100)", type=int, choices=range(40,201,10), default=100) xParser.add_argument("-lo", "--list_options", help="list options", action="store_true") xParser.add_argument("-lr", "--list_rules", nargs="?", help="list rules [regex pattern as filter]", const="*") xParser.add_argument("-sug", "--suggest", help="get suggestions list for given word", type=str) xParser.add_argument("-on", "--opt_on", nargs="+", help="activate options") xParser.add_argument("-off", "--opt_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate options") xParser.add_argument("-roff", "--rule_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate rules") xParser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging mode (only in interactive mode)", action="store_true") xArgs = xParser.parse_args() oGrammarChecker = grammalecte.GrammarChecker("fr") oSpellChecker = oGrammarChecker.getSpellChecker() oLexicographer = oGrammarChecker.getLexicographer() oTextFormatter = oGrammarChecker.getTextFormatter() if not xArgs.json: echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(oGrammarChecker.gce.version)) # list options or rules if xArgs.list_options or xArgs.list_rules: if xArgs.list_options: oGrammarChecker.gce.displayOptions("fr") if xArgs.list_rules: oGrammarChecker.gce.displayRules(None if xArgs.list_rules == "*" else xArgs.list_rules) exit() # spell suggestions if xArgs.suggest: for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(xArgs.suggest): if xArgs.json: sText = json.dumps({ "aSuggestions": lSugg }, ensure_ascii=False) else: sText = "Suggestions : " + " | ".join(lSugg) echo(sText) exit() # disable options if not xArgs.json: xArgs.context = False if xArgs.concat_lines: xArgs.textformatter = False # grammar options oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({"html": True, "latex": True}) if xArgs.opt_on: oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:True for opt in xArgs.opt_on if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) if xArgs.opt_off: oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:False for opt in xArgs.opt_off if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) # disable grammar rules if xArgs.rule_off: for sRule in xArgs.rule_off: oGrammarChecker.gce.ignoreRule(sRule) sFile = xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file if sFile: # file processing hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") if xArgs.file_to_file or sys.platform == "win32" else None bComma = False if xArgs.json: output('{ "grammalecte": "'+oGrammarChecker.gce.version+'", "lang": "'+oGrammarChecker.gce.lang+'", "data" : [\n', hDst) for i, sText, lLineSet in generateParagraphFromFile(sFile, xArgs.concat_lines): if xArgs.textformatter or xArgs.textformatteronly: sText = oTextFormatter.formatText(sText) if xArgs.textformatteronly: output(sText, hDst) continue if xArgs.json: sText = oGrammarChecker.generateParagraphAsJSON(i, sText, bContext=xArgs.context, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, \ bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, bReturnText=xArgs.textformatter, lLineSet=lLineSet) else: sText = oGrammarChecker.generateParagraph(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, nWidth=xArgs.width) if sText: if xArgs.json and bComma: output(",\n", hDst) output(sText, hDst) bComma = True if hDst: echo("§ %d\r" % i, end="", flush=True) if xArgs.json: output("\n]}\n", hDst) else: # pseudo-console sInputText = "\n~==========~ Enter your text [/h /q] ~==========~\n" sText = _getText(sInputText) while True: if sText.startswith("?"): for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split(): if sWord: echo("* " + sWord) for sMorph in oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord): echo(" {:<32} {}".format(sMorph, oLexicographer.formatTags(sMorph))) elif sText.startswith("!"): for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split(): if sWord: for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(sWord): echo(" | ".join(lSugg)) elif sText.startswith(">"): oSpellChecker.drawPath(sText[1:].strip()) elif sText.startswith("="): for sRes in[1:].strip()): echo(sRes) elif sText.startswith("/+ "): oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:True for opt in sText[3:].strip().split() if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/- "): oGrammarChecker.gce.setOptions({ opt:False for opt in sText[3:].strip().split() if opt in oGrammarChecker.gce.getOptions() }) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/-- "): for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split(): oGrammarChecker.gce.ignoreRule(sRule) echo("done") elif sText.startswith("/++ "): for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split(): oGrammarChecker.gce.reactivateRule(sRule) echo("done") elif sText == "/debug" or sText == "/d": xArgs.debug = not(xArgs.debug) echo("debug mode on" if xArgs.debug else "debug mode off") elif sText == "/textformatter" or sText == "/tf": xArgs.textformatter = not(xArgs.textformatter) echo("textformatter on" if xArgs.debug else "textformatter off") elif sText == "/help" or sText == "/h": echo(_HELP) elif sText == "/lopt" or sText == "/lo": oGrammarChecker.gce.displayOptions("fr") elif sText.startswith("/lr"): sText = sText.strip() sFilter = sText[sText.find(" "):].strip() if sText != "/lr" and sText != "/rules" else None oGrammarChecker.gce.displayRules(sFilter) elif sText == "/quit" or sText == "/q": break elif sText.startswith("/rl"): # reload (todo) pass else: for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText): if xArgs.textformatter: sText = oTextFormatter.formatText(sText) sRes = oGrammarChecker.generateParagraph(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width, bDebug=xArgs.debug) if sRes: echo("\n" + sRes) else: echo("\nNo error found.") sText = _getText(sInputText)
def output (sText, hDst=None): if not hDst: echo(sText, end="") else: hDst.write(sText)