コード例 #1
ファイル: constructors.py プロジェクト: PatrickLaban/graphine
def cycle(n, is_directed=True):
	"""Generates a cycle of size n.

	The verticies are numbered [0, n).

	The edges are named after the verticies they connect such that
	an edge connecting verticies 1 and 2 is named (1,2).
	G = Graph()
	for i in range(n):
	for i in range(n):
		j = (i + 1) % n
		G.add_edge(i, j, (i,j), is_directed=is_directed)
	return G
コード例 #2
ファイル: constructors.py プロジェクト: PatrickLaban/graphine
def K(n):
	"""Generates a completely connected undirected graph of size n.

	The verticies are numbered [0, n).

	The edges are named after the verticies they connect such that
	an edge connected verticies 1 and 2 is named (1,2).
	# create the graph
	k = Graph()
	# generate all the nodes
	for i in range(n):
	# generate all the edges
	for i in range(n):
		for j in range(i+1, n):
			k.add_edge(i, j, (i,j), is_directed=False)
	# return the graph
	return k
コード例 #3
ファイル: maze.py プロジェクト: PatrickLaban/graphine
def build_maze():
	"""Creates the maze."""
	maze = Graph()
	# add the player's starting positions and the end
	p1_start = maze.add_node(name="p1_start")
	p2_start = maze.add_node(name="p2_start")
	end = maze.add_node(name="END")
	# create a list of connected components
	nodes = [[p1_start], [p2_start], [end]]
	# add all the rooms, making each its own component
	for i in range(NUM_ROOMS):
	# while some components are unconnected
	while len(nodes) > 1:
		# choose two components at random
		component_1, component_2 = random.sample(list(nodes), 2)
		# and one node from each component
		node_1 = random.choice(component_1)
		node_2 = random.choice(component_2)
		# and if they don't have too many doors...
		if len(node_1.outgoing) < NUM_DOORS and len(node_2.outgoing) < NUM_DOORS:
			# connect them
			maze.add_edge(node_1, node_2, is_directed=False)
			# then merge the components
	# finally, make sure that the start and end points have doors.
	choices = random.sample(list(maze.nodes), 3)
	if len(p1_start.outgoing) < NUM_DOORS: maze.add_edge(p1_start, choices[0], is_directed=False)
	if len(p2_start.outgoing) < NUM_DOORS: maze.add_edge(p2_start, choices[1], is_directed=False)
	if len(end.outgoing) < NUM_DOORS: maze.add_edge(end, choices[2], is_directed=False)
	return p1_start, p2_start, maze
コード例 #4
ファイル: fsm.py プロジェクト: PatrickLaban/graphine
def walk_fsm(data):
	fsm = Graph()
	fsm.add_edge("consume_one", "loop_on_zero", consumes="1", accept=False)
	fsm.add_edge("loop_on_zero", "loop_on_zero", consumes="0", accept=False)
	fsm.add_edge("loop_on_zero", "end_with_one", consumes="1", accept=True)
	accept = False
	w = fsm.walk_path("consume_one")
	for edges in w:
			next = {e.consumes: e for e in edges}[data.pop(0)]
			accept = next.accept
			return False
	return accept and not data
コード例 #5
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with pyFish.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from pyFish import Core
from pyFish.Moves import *
from graph.base import Graph
from ContinentBot import ContinentBot

#The id of the game the bot is to play. 
GAME_ID = '73888572'
#The name of the player in the game the bot will be playing for.
PLAYER_NAME = 'The Curmudgeon'
#The cookie the bot will use to authenticate as PLAYER_NAME
COOKIE = 'SESSID=21548ed928da03bb61bade292db94948; LAST=829925F678A3F7AB3A03F11EC9BCBB6800340380D4A4'

bot = ContinentBot(GAME_ID, PLAYER_NAME, COOKIE)

territory = bot.game.map.territories['1']

g = Graph()

for neighbor in territory.attackable_neighbors.values():
    g.add_edge(territory, neighbor)

for edge in g.search_edges(start=territory):
コード例 #6
class Reader(ContentHandler):
    """Generates a Graph from GraphML data."""

    def startDocument(self):
        """Handles the beginning of a given document."""
        self.current_graph = None
        self.elements = []
        self.ids = {}
        self.defaults = {}

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        """Dispatches opening tags to the appropriate handler."""
            handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s_start" % name)
        except AttributeError as error:
            print("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag %s" % name)

    def endElement(self, name):
        """Dispatches closing tags to the appropriate handler."""
            handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s_end" % name)
        except AttributeError as error:
            print("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag %s" % name)

    def handle_graphml_start(self, attrs):

    def handle_graphml_end(self):

    def handle_graph_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new node and puts it on the stack."""
        # create the new graph
        self.current_graph = Graph()
        # associate it with its id
        self.ids[attrs["id"]] = self.current_graph
        # set the default edge direction
        self.defaults["edgedefault"] = attrs["edgedefault"]
        # add it to the graphs stack

    def handle_graph_end(self):
        """Pops the graph off the graph stack."""
        if isinstance(self.elements[-1], Graph):
            raise ParseError("Invalid closing tag.")

    def handle_node_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new Node and puts it on the stack."""
        # get the id
        id = attrs["id"]
        # create the node
        node = self.current_graph.add_node(id)
        # associate it with its id
        self.ids[id] = node
        # put it on the stack

    def handle_node_end(self):
        """Ties off the node and removes it from the stack."""
        if isinstance(self.elements[-1], Graph.Node):
            raise ParseError("Invalid closing tag.")

    def handle_edge_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new edge and puts it on the stack."""
        # get the edge's id
        id = attrs["id"]
        # get the edge's start and end
        start = self.ids[attrs["source"]]
        end = self.ids[attrs["target"]]
        # verify them
        if not isinstance(start, Graph.Node) or not isinstance(end, Graph.Node):
            raise ParseError("Encountered invalid node ids while parsing edge %s" % id)
            # get the edge's directed state
        is_directed = attrs.get("directed", self.defaults["edgedefault"])
        # build the edge
        edge = self.current_graph.add_edge(start, end, id, is_directed=is_directed)
        # associate its id with it
        self.ids[id] = edge
        # and push it onto the stack

    def handle_edge_end(self):
        """Ties off the edge and removes it from the stack."""
        if isinstance(self.elements[-1], Graph.Edge):
            raise ParseError("Invalid closing tag.")

    def handle_key_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new key and puts it on the stack."""
        # keys are represented as dictionaries
        key = {"_data_type": "key"}
        # now, so are attrs
        attrs = dict(attrs.items())
        # with two attributes: id and for
        key["id"] = attrs.pop("id")
        key["for"] = attrs.pop("for")
        # now figure out the other ones
        for k, v in attrs.items():
            if k.startswith("attr."):
                key[k[5:]] = v
                # and put the miserable concoction on the stack
        # and into the ids dict
        self.ids[key["id"]] = key

    def handle_key_end(self):
        """Ties off the key and removes it from the stack."""
        if self.elements[-1]["_data_type"] == "key":
            raise ParseError("Invalid closing tag.")

    def handle_data_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new data structure and puts it onto the stack."""
        data = {}
        key_id = attrs["key"]
        data["key"] = self.ids[key_id]

    def handle_data_end(self):
        """Ties off the data structure and removes it from the stack."""
        data = self.elements.pop()
        key = data["key"]
        data_name = key["name"]
        data_type = key["type"]
        default_value = key.get("default", False)
        data_value = data.get("default", default_value)
        types = {
            "obj": loads,
            "string": str,
            "boolean": bool,
            "int": int,
            "float": float,
            "double": float,
            "long": float,
        setattr(self.elements[-1], data_name, types[data_type](data_value))

    def handle_default_start(self, attrs):
        """Creates a new default and attaches it to the parent key."""
        self.elements[-1]["default"] = None

    def handle_default_end(self):
        """Ties off the default value."""

    def handle_desc_start(self):
        """Creates a new key and puts it on the stack."""
        print("Warning: ignoring description")

    def handle_desc_end(self):
        """Ties off the key and removes it from the stack."""
        print("Warning: ignoring description")

    def characters(self, data):
        """If valid, associates the characters with the last element on the stack."""
            data = data.strip()
            if data:
                self.elements[-1]["default"] = data.strip()
コード例 #7
ファイル: urltrack.py プロジェクト: PatrickLaban/graphine
	# get the starting point
	start = sys.argv[1]

	# get the files we're interested in
	files = sys.argv[1:]

	# build the pagename -> node mappings
	nodes = {}

	# add nodes
	nodes[start] = G.add_node(name=start)
	for f in files:
		nodes[f] = G.add_node(name=f)

	# get all their links
	for f1 in files:
		links = get_urls(f1)
		# filter them against the files list
		for link in links:
			for f2 in files:
				if link == f2:
					try: G.add_edge(nodes[f1], nodes[f2])
					except: pass

	# get the shortest paths
	shortest_paths = G.get_shortest_paths(nodes[start], lambda e: 1)

	# print the results
	for node, path in shortest_paths.items():
		print("The shortest path from %s to %s is %d clicks" % (start, node.name, path[0]))