def do_fusions(self, args): """ Carry out the default set of fusions on the graph""" self._check_graph() if args.list: self.ppaged("\n".join( ["%s - %s" % (name, desc) for name, desc in get_fusions()])) return if args.apply: fusions = [get_fusion(name) for name in args.apply] if not fusions: self.perror('fusion %s not found' % args.apply) return elif args.pow2: fusions = [get_pow2_match_group()] elif args.scale8: fusions = [get_scale8_match_group()] else: self.perror( "No fusion set selected. Nothing to do. Select --pow2 or --scale8." ) return for fusion in fusions: fusion.match(self.G) self.G.add_dimensions() if self.G.quantization and not self.G.quantization.verify_quantization( self.G): self.G.quantization = None
def test_mobv2_quant_asym_tf1_15_vwwvehicle(): graph = 'tests/mobv2_valid/mobv2_vwwvehicle_quant_asym.tflite' tfi = TfliteImporter() G = tfi.create_graph(graph, { 'load_tensors': True, 'load_quantization': True }) G.add_dimensions() G.adjust_order() matcher = get_scale8_match_group() matcher.match(G) G.add_dimensions()
def test_adjust9(mn3q_graph, caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) tfi = TfliteImporter() G = tfi.create_graph(mn3q_graph, { 'load_tensors': True, 'load_quantization': True }) G.add_dimensions() G.adjust_order() matcher = get_scale8_match_group() matcher.match(G) G.add_dimensions()
def test_adjust10(caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) tfi = TfliteImporter() G = tfi.create_graph( "tests/graph/ssdlite_v2_quant_ocr_nopostprocess.tflite", { 'load_tensors': True, 'load_quantization': True }) G.add_dimensions() G.adjust_order() matcher = get_scale8_match_group() matcher.match(G) G.add_dimensions()
def do_fusions(self, args): """ Carry out the default set of fusions on the graph""" if args.list: table = texttable.Texttable() table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l']) table.set_max_width(120) table.add_rows([['Name', 'Description']] + get_fusions()) self.ppaged(table.draw()) return self._check_graph() state = ConstantInputParameters.save_compression_state(self.G) try: if args.apply: fusions = [get_fusion(name) for name in args.apply] invalid_names = [ args.apply[idx] for idx, fusion in enumerate(fusions) if fusion is None ] if invalid_names: self.perror( f'fusion{"s" if len(invalid_names) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(invalid_names)} not found' ) return elif args.pow2: fusions = [get_pow2_match_group()] elif args.scale8: fusions = [get_scale8_match_group()] else: self.perror( "No fusion set selected. Nothing to do. Select --pow2 or --scale8." ) return for fusion in fusions: fusion.match(self.G) self.G.add_dimensions() if self.G.quantization and verify_quantization(self.G): quantizer = NewQuantizer(self.G) quantizer.quantize() problems = verify_quantization(self.G) if problems: self.perror('quantization issue after fusions') for problem in problems: self.perror(problem) finally: ConstantInputParameters.restore_compression_state(self.G, state)
def test_external_biases_sq8(qvww_graph): # this model has at the end an external biases layer as constant add tfi = TfliteImporter() G = tfi.create_graph(qvww_graph, {"load_quantization": True, "load_tensors": True}) G.add_dimensions() matcher = get_scale8_match_group() matcher.match(G) G.add_dimensions() image = 'tests/vwwimages/COCO_val2014_000000174838_1.png' img_in = img_in = img_in.resize((238, 208)) input_tensor = np.array(img_in, dtype=np.uint8) input_tensor = (input_tensor.astype(np.float32) - 128) / 128 executer = GraphExecuter(G, qrecs=G.quantization) # check if nntool can execute qoutput_tensors = executer.execute([input_tensor], qmode=QuantizationMode.all_dequantize()) foutput_tensors = executer.execute([input_tensor], qmode=None) diff = [q[0]-f[0] for q,f in zip(qoutput_tensors, foutput_tensors)] assert max([np.max(d) for d in diff]) < 2.2
def test_gen_vergesense(caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) tfi = TfliteImporter() G = tfi.create_graph("tests/graph/marco_17_04.tflite", { 'load_tensors': True, 'load_quantization': True }) G.add_dimensions() G.adjust_order() matcher = get_scale8_match_group() matcher.match(G) G.add_dimensions() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: opts = { 'default_input_location': 'ARG_LOC_L2', 'default_output_location': 'ARG_LOC_L2', 'default_global_location': 'ARG_LOC_L3_HFLASH', 'default_local_location': 'AT_MEM_UNDEF', 'tensor_directory': tempdir } code_gen = CodeGenerator(G, DefaultNamingConvension(G), opts) default_template(G, code_generator=code_gen) code_gen.write_constants()
def do_fusions(self, args): """ Carry out the default set of fusions on the graph""" if args.list: table = texttable.Texttable() table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l']) table.set_max_width(120) table.add_rows([['Name', 'Description']] + get_fusions()) self.ppaged(table.draw()) return self._check_graph() if args.apply: fusions = [get_fusion(name) for name in args.apply] invalid_names = [ args.apply[idx] for idx, fusion in enumerate(fusions) if fusion is None ] if invalid_names: self.perror( f'fusion{"s" if len(invalid_names) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(invalid_names)} not found' ) return elif args.pow2: fusions = [get_pow2_match_group()] elif args.scale8: fusions = [get_scale8_match_group()] else: self.perror( "No fusion set selected. Nothing to do. Select --pow2 or --scale8." ) return for fusion in fusions: fusion.match(self.G) self.G.add_dimensions() if self.G.quantization and not self.G.quantization.verify_quantization( self.G): self.G.quantization = None