コード例 #1
	def testAddEmptyGraph(self):
		gr1 = graph.digraph()
		gr1.generate(25, 100)
		gr1c = copy.copy(gr1)
		gr2 = graph.digraph()
		self.assertTrue(gr1.nodes() == gr1c.nodes())
		self.assertTrue(gr1.edges() == gr1c.edges())
コード例 #2
	def testAddGraph(self):
		gr1 = graph.digraph()
		gr1.generate(25, 100)
		gr2 = graph.digraph()
		gr2.generate(40, 200)
		for each in gr2.nodes():
			self.assertTrue(each in gr1)
		for each in gr2.edges():
			self.assertTrue(each in gr1.edges())
コード例 #3
    def resolveIncludes(self, includeTree=graph.digraph()):

        console.debug("including %s" % (
            self._fname.decode('utf-8') if self._fname else "<unknown>",))
        config  = self._data
        jobsmap = self.getJobsMap({})

        if self._fname:   # we stem from a file
            if self._fname not in includeTree:
                includeTree.add_node(self._fname) # only for the top-level config - others will be inserted by the parent

        if 'include' in config:
            for i in range(len(config['include'])):
                incspec = config['include'][i] # need this indirection so that later macro expansions in config['inlcude'] take effect
                # analyse value of ['include'][key]
                if isinstance(incspec, types.StringTypes):
                    fname = incspec
                elif isinstance(incspec, types.DictType):
                    fname = incspec['path']
                    raise RuntimeError, "Unknown include spec: %s" % repr(incspec)

                fname = fname.encode('utf-8')
                fapath = self.absPath(fname) # calculate path relative to config file

                # cycle check
                includeTree.add_node(fapath)  # add the child
                if self._fname:
                    # add edge to child, but not if we are a memory-config,
                    # since we don't create nodes for those.
                    includeTree.add_edge(self._fname, fapath)
                cycle_nodes = includeTree.find_cycle()
                if cycle_nodes:
                    raise RuntimeError("Detected circular inclusion of config files: %r" % cycle_nodes)

                # see if we use a namespace prefix for the imported jobs
                if isinstance(incspec, types.DictType) and 'as' in incspec:
                    namespace = incspec['as']
                    namespace = ""

                econfig = Config(self._console, fapath.decode('utf-8'))
                econfig.resolveIncludes(includeTree)   # recursive include
                # check include/import
                if 'import' in incspec:
                    importList = incspec['import']
                    importList = None
                # check include/block
                if 'block' in incspec:
                    blockList = incspec['block']
                    blockList = None
                # check include/bypass-export-list
                if 'bypass-export-list' in incspec:
                    bypassExports = incspec['bypass-export-list']
                    bypassExports = False
                self._integrateExternalConfig(econfig, namespace, importList, blockList, bypassExports)
                self._includedConfigs.append(econfig)  # save external config for later reference
コード例 #4
    def testDigraph(self):
        def has_parent(node, list):
            for each in list:
                if gr.has_edge(each, node):
                    return True
            return ts == []

        gr = graph.digraph()
        gr.add_nodes([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
        gr.add_edge(0, 1)
        gr.add_edge(0, 2)
        gr.add_edge(1, 3)
        gr.add_edge(1, 4)
        gr.add_edge(2, 5)
        gr.add_edge(2, 6)
        gr.add_edge(3, 7)
        gr.add_edge(8, 0)
        gr.add_edge(7, 5)
        gr.add_edge(3, 0)
        gr.add_edge(4, 3)
        gr.add_edge(2, 7)
        gr.add_edge(6, 0)
        ts = gr.topological_sorting()
        while ts:
            x = ts.pop()
            assert has_parent(x, ts)
コード例 #5
ファイル: DependencyLoader.py プロジェクト: smbale/qooxdoo
    def sortClassesTopological(self, classList, variants, buildType=''):
        # create graph object
        gr = graph.digraph()

        # add classes as nodes

        # for each load dependency add a directed edge
        for classId in classList:
            deps, _ = self._classesObj[classId].getCombinedDeps(variants, self._jobconf)
            for dep in deps["load"]:
                depClassId = dep.name
                if depClassId in classList:
                    gr.add_edge(depClassId, classId)

        # cycle check?
        cycle_nodes = gr.find_cycle()
        if cycle_nodes:
            #raise RuntimeError("Detected circular dependencies between nodes: %r" % cycle_nodes)

        classList = gr.topological_sorting()

        return classList
コード例 #6
        def test_makeCut(self):
                # blah?

                # start with a non-directed graph.
                g = pygraph.graph()
                # add some nodes
                # add some edges
                for each in range(1,10):
                # make a single cut
                gcut1 = makeCut([1,2],g)
                # should be two less edges because both (1,2) and (2,1) should have been removed.
                self.assertTrue(len(gcut1.edges()) == len(g.edges())-2)
                gcut2 = makeCut(([1,2],[3,4]),g)
                self.assertTrue(len(gcut2.edges()) == len(g.edges())-4)
                gcut3 = makeCut(([1,2],[3,4],[4,5]),g)
                self.assertTrue(len(gcut3.edges()) == len(g.edges())-6)

                # directed graph test
                g2 = pygraph.digraph()
                # add some nodes
                # add some edges
                for each in range(1,10):
                # make a single cut
                g2cut1 = makeCut([1,2],g2)
                self.assertTrue(len(g2cut1.edges()) == len(g2.edges())-1)
                # make two cuts
                g2cut2 = makeCut(([1,2],[2,3]),g2)
                self.assertTrue(len(g2cut2.edges()) == len(g2.edges())-2)
コード例 #7
def separateGraphs(g):
        # given a graph g with non-connected components, return each component separately.
        # there's countGraphs(g) number of graphs to find in g.
        graphs = []
        #dict = pygraph.accessibility.connected_components(g)
        thedict = pygraph.accessibility.connected_components(g)
        # there's len(frozenset(thedict.keys())) number of graphs to be returned.
        for each in list(frozenset(thedict.values())):
                if type(g) == type(pygraph.graph):
                        g2 = pygraph.graph()
                if type(g) == type(pygraph.digraph):
                        g2 = pygraph.digraph()
                        print "ERROR: unknown graph type.\n"
                for node in thedict.keys():
                        if thedict[node] == each:
                                # also, add the edges corresponding to this node in this component
                                for edge in g.edges():
                                        if edge[0] == node or edge[1] == node:
        return graphs
コード例 #8
 def testNoCycleDigraph2(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     assert G.find_cycle() == []
コード例 #9
    def _sortPackagesTopological(self, packages):  # packages : [Package]

        import graph

        # create graph object
        gr = graph.digraph()

        # add classes as nodes

        # for each load dependency add a directed edge
        for package in packages:
            for dep in package.packageDeps:
                gr.add_edge(package, dep)

        # cycle check?
        cycle_nodes = gr.find_cycle()
        if cycle_nodes:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Detected circular dependencies between packages: %r" %

        packageList = gr.topological_sorting()

        return packageList
コード例 #10
    def sortClassesTopological(self, includeWithDeps, variants):

        # create graph object
        gr = graph.digraph()

        # add classes as nodes

        # for each load dependency add a directed edge
        for classId in includeWithDeps:
            deps, _ = self.getCombinedDeps(classId, variants)
            for depClassId in deps["load"]:
                if depClassId in includeWithDeps:
                    gr.add_edge(depClassId, classId)

        # cycle check?
        cycle_nodes = gr.find_cycle()
        if cycle_nodes:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Detected circular dependencies between nodes: %r" %

        classList = gr.topological_sorting()

        return classList
コード例 #11
 def testReadDigraphDot(self):
     dot = ['digraph graphname {', '1;', '2;', '3;', '4;', '5;', '1 -> 2;', '4 -> 5;', '1 -> 5;', '2 -> 3;', '2 -> 4;', '3 -> 5;', '}', '']
     dot = "\n".join(dot)
     gr = graph.digraph()
     gr.read(dot, 'dot')
     self._check_nodes(gr, dot)
     self._check_arrows(gr, dot)
コード例 #12
	def testGraphComplete(self):
		gr = graph.digraph()
		for i in xrange(10):
			for j in range(10):
				self.assertTrue((i, j) in gr.edges() or i == j)
コード例 #13
 def testSanityDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.generate(100, 500)
     st, lo = G.breadth_first_search()
     for each in G:
         if (st[each] != None):
             assert lo.index(each) > lo.index(st[each])
コード例 #14
ファイル: ast.py プロジェクト: janelee307/pyREtic-1
    def saveTree(self, filename):
        Saves the image of AST built with the current node as a root node.

        @param filename:
            filename to which to save. 'png' extension will be appended.


        import graph
        import gv
        gr = graph.digraph()
        queue = [self]
        i = 0
        h = {}
        while len(queue):
            n = queue.pop()
            h[n] = i
            gr.add_node(i, [('label', n.value)])
            if n.children is not None:
            i += 1
        queue = [self]
        while len(queue):
            n = queue.pop()
            if n.children is not None:
                for c in n.children:
                    gr.add_edge(h[n], h[c])
        dot = gr.write(fmt='dot')
        gvv = gv.readstring(dot)
        gv.layout(gvv, 'dot')
        gv.render(gvv, 'png', str(filename) + '.png')
コード例 #15
ファイル: DependencyLoader.py プロジェクト: fthomasfr/qooxdoo
    def sortClassesTopological(self, classList, variants, buildType=''):
        # create graph object
        gr = graph.digraph()

        # add classes as nodes

        # for each load dependency add a directed edge
        for classId in classList:
            deps, _ = self._classesObj[classId].getCombinedDeps(variants, self._jobconf)
            for dep in deps["load"]:
                depClassId = dep.name
                if depClassId in classList:
                    gr.add_edge(depClassId, classId)

        # cycle check?
        cycle_nodes = gr.find_cycle()
        if cycle_nodes:
            #raise RuntimeError("Detected circular dependencies between nodes: %r" % cycle_nodes)

        classList = gr.topological_sorting()

        return classList
コード例 #16
        def test_cutsets(self):
                # this is the big one.
                # total number of f-cutsets in a given graph = (len(g.nodes())-1)

                # start with a non-directed graph
                g = pygraph.graph()
                # add some nodes.
                # add some edges
                for each in range(1,10):

                # find all cutsets that divide the graph into 2 graphs.
                # the third parameter is set to the max number of cuts to return
                # in this case, we know that there are at most 9 cuts,
                # (because of the 9 edges)
                gsets = cutsets(g,2,len(g.edges())/2)
                self.assertTrue(len(gsets)==len(g.edges())/2) # this only holds for pygraph.graph (not pygraph.digraph)

                # directed graph test.
                g2 = pygraph.digraph()
                for each in range(1,10):
                self.assertTrue(countGraphs(makeCut([1,2],g2)) == 2)
                g2sets = cutsets(g2,2)
コード例 #17
def fastGraph(g):
    dg = graph.digraph()
    for v in g:
    for v in g:
        for w in g[v]:
            dg.add_edge(v, w)
    return dg
コード例 #18
	def testRandomGraph(self):
		gr = graph.digraph()
		gr.generate(100, 500)
		self.assertEqual(len(gr.edges()), 500)
		for each, other in gr.edges():
			self.assertTrue(each in gr)
			self.assertTrue(other in gr)
コード例 #19
ファイル: tempi.py プロジェクト: matthiasgoergens/Tempi-Count
def fastGraph(g):
    dg = graph.digraph()
    for v in g:
    for v in g:
        for w in g[v]:
            dg.add_edge(v, w)
    return dg
コード例 #20
 def testSanityDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.generate(100, 500)
     st, pre, post = G.depth_first_search()
     for each in G:
         if (st[each] != None):
             assert pre.index(each) > pre.index(st[each])
             assert post.index(each) < post.index(st[each])
コード例 #21
	def testGraphInverse(self):
		gr = graph.digraph()
		gr.generate(50, 300)
		inv = gr.inverse()
		for each in gr.edges():
			self.assertTrue(each not in inv.edges())
		for each in inv.edges():
			self.assertTrue(each not in gr.edges())
コード例 #22
 def test_countGraphs_digraph(self):
         g = pygraph.digraph()
         for each in range(1,10):
         g1cut1 = makeCut([1,2],g)
コード例 #23
	def testNodeRemoval(self):
		gr = graph.digraph()
		gr.generate(10, 90)
		self.assertTrue(0 not in gr)
		for each, other in gr.edges():
			self.assertTrue(each in gr)
			self.assertTrue(other in gr)
コード例 #24
 def testNoCycleDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(2, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 5)
     G.add_edge(3, 5)
     assert G.find_cycle() == []
コード例 #25
    def resolveIncludes(self, includeTree=graph.digraph()):

        console.debug("including %s" % (self._fname or "<unknown>",))
        config  = self._data
        jobsmap = self.getJobsMap({})

        if self._fname:   # we stem from a file
            if self._fname not in includeTree:
                includeTree.add_node(self._fname) # only for the top-level config - others will be inserted by the parent

        if 'include' in config:
            for i in range(len(config['include'])):
                incspec = config['include'][i] # need this indirection so that later macro expansions in config['inlcude'] take effect
                # analyse value of ['include'][key]
                if isinstance(incspec, types.StringTypes):
                    fname = incspec
                elif isinstance(incspec, types.DictType):
                    fname = incspec['path']
                    raise RuntimeError, "Unknown include spec: %s" % repr(incspec)

                fname = fname.encode('utf-8')
                fapath = self.absPath(fname) # calculate path relative to config file

                # cycle check
                includeTree.add_node(fapath)  # add the child
                includeTree.add_edge(self._fname, fapath) # add edge to child
                cycle_nodes = includeTree.find_cycle()
                if cycle_nodes:
                    raise RuntimeError("Detected circular inclusion of config files: %r" % cycle_nodes)

                # see if we use a namespace prefix for the imported jobs
                if isinstance(incspec, types.DictType) and 'as' in incspec:
                    namespace = incspec['as']
                    namespace = ""

                econfig = Config(self._console, fapath.decode('utf-8'))
                econfig.resolveIncludes(includeTree)   # recursive include
                # check include/import
                if 'import' in incspec:
                    importList = incspec['import']
                    importList = None
                # check include/block
                if 'block' in incspec:
                    blockList = incspec['block']
                    blockList = None
                # check include/bypass-export-list
                if 'bypass-export-list' in incspec:
                    bypassExports = incspec['bypass-export-list']
                    bypassExports = False
                self._integrateExternalConfig(econfig, namespace, importList, blockList, bypassExports)
                self._includedConfigs.append(econfig)  # save external config for later reference
コード例 #26
 def testMisleadingDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(2, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 5)
     G.add_edge(3, 5)
     G.add_edge(3, 1)
     assert G.find_cycle() == [1, 2, 3]
コード例 #27
 def testSmallCycleDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(2, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 5)
     G.add_edge(2, 1)
     # Cycle: 1-2
     assert G.find_cycle() == [1,2]
コード例 #28
    def savePythonGraph(self, filename):
        Saves CFG as a png image by means of graphviz.

        @param filename: CFG will be saved to "filename.png"

            import graph
            import gv
        except ImportError:
            print '# Err: no modules for drawing graphs found... try:'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install python-setuptools ' \
                                                   '# needed for the next line'
            print '#> sudo easy_install python-graph '\
                                           '# This actually installs the thing'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install libgv-python ' \
                                             '# for graphviz in python support'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install python-pydot # for pydot'
            return None
        pattern1 = re.compile(r'\n')
        pattern2 = re.compile(r'\"')
        gr = graph.digraph()
        for n in self.nodes:
            if self.nodes[n].code != '':
                if self.nodes[n].condition is not None:
                    txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', self.nodes[n].code + \
                          '\n\n' + str(self.nodes[n].condition))
                    txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                    gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
                    #print '1:::'
                    #print txt
                    txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', self.nodes[n].code)
                    txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                    gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
                    #print '2:::'
                    #print txt
                txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', str(self.nodes[n].condition))
                txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
            if not self.nodes[n].conditional:
                gr.add_node_attribute(n, ('shape', 'box'))
        for n in self.nodes:
            for e in self.nodes[n].outgoing:
                gr.add_edge(n, e.toNode, label=e.type)
        dot = gr.write(fmt='dot')
        #print '>>>>>'
        #print dot
        #print '<<<<<'
        gvv = gv.readstring(dot)
        gv.layout(gvv, 'dot')
        gv.render(gvv, 'png', str(filename) + '.png')
コード例 #29
    def savePythonGraph(self, filename):
        Saves CFG as a png image by means of graphviz.

        @param filename: CFG will be saved to "filename.png"

            import graph
            import gv
        except ImportError:
            print '# Err: no modules for drawing graphs found... try:'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install python-setuptools ' \
                                                   '# needed for the next line'
            print '#> sudo easy_install python-graph '\
                                           '# This actually installs the thing'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install libgv-python ' \
                                             '# for graphviz in python support'
            print '#> sudo apt-get install python-pydot # for pydot'
            return None
        pattern1 = re.compile(r'\n')
        pattern2 = re.compile(r'\"')
        gr = graph.digraph()
        for n in self.nodes:
            if self.nodes[n].code != '':
                if self.nodes[n].condition is not None:
                    txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', self.nodes[n].code + \
                          '\n\n' + str(self.nodes[n].condition))
                    txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                    gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
                    #print '1:::'
                    #print txt
                    txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', self.nodes[n].code)
                    txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                    gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
                    #print '2:::'
                    #print txt
                txt = re.sub(pattern1, r'\\l', str(self.nodes[n].condition))
                txt = re.sub(pattern2, r'\\"', txt)
                gr.add_node(n, [('label', '"' + txt + '"')])
            if not self.nodes[n].conditional:
                gr.add_node_attribute(n, ('shape', 'box'))
        for n in self.nodes:
            for e in self.nodes[n].outgoing:
                gr.add_edge(n, e.toNode, label=e.type)
        dot = gr.write(fmt='dot')
        #print '>>>>>'
        #print dot
        #print '<<<<<'
        gvv = gv.readstring(dot)
        gv.layout(gvv, 'dot')
        gv.render(gvv, 'png', str(filename) + '.png')
コード例 #30
 def testWriteDigraphDot(self):
     gr = graph.digraph()
     gr.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     gr.add_edge(1, 2)
     gr.add_edge(2, 3)
     gr.add_edge(2, 4)
     gr.add_edge(4, 5)
     gr.add_edge(1, 5)
     gr.add_edge(3, 5)
     dot = gr.write('dot')
     self._check_nodes(gr, dot)
     self._check_arrows(gr, dot)
コード例 #31
 def testDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(2, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 5)
     G.add_edge(1, 5)
     G.add_edge(3, 5)
     st, lo = G.breadth_first_search()
     assert st == {1: None, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 1}
     assert lo == [1, 2, 5, 3, 4]
コード例 #32
 def testDigraphDFS(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(1, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 3)
     G.add_edge(5, 1)
     G.add_edge(3, 5)
     G.add_edge(5, 6)
     st, pre, post = G.depth_first_search(1, filter=filters.find(5))
     assert st == {1: None, 2: 1, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3}
コード例 #33
 def testDigraph(self):
     G = graph.digraph()
     G.add_nodes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     G.add_edge(1, 2)
     G.add_edge(2, 3)
     G.add_edge(2, 4)
     G.add_edge(4, 5)
     G.add_edge(1, 5)
     G.add_edge(3, 5)
     st, pre, post = G.depth_first_search()
     assert st == {1: None, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 3}
     assert pre == [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]
     assert post == [5, 3, 4, 2, 1]
コード例 #34
ファイル: Logging.py プロジェクト: 1and1/qooxdoo
 def createPrinterGraph(gr, depsLogConf):
     # create a helper graph for output
     format, mode = getFormatMode(depsLogConf)
     searchRoot   = depsLogConf.get('dot/root')  # get the root node for the spanning tree
     searchRadius = depsLogConf.get('dot/radius', None)
     if searchRadius:
         filter    = graph.filters.radius(searchRadius)
         filter    = graph.filters.null()
     st, op = gr.breadth_first_search(root=searchRoot, filter=filter) # get the spanning tree
     gr1 = graph.digraph()
     st_nodes = set(st.keys() + st.values())
     addNodes(gr1, st_nodes)
     addEdges(gr, gr1, st, st_nodes, mode)
     return gr1
コード例 #35
ファイル: helpers_revert.py プロジェクト: marcanpilami/hist
def _load_tag(self):
            Loads a level. All active objects are updated, missing objects are created.
        ## Build a graph with all relationships betwen objects, then do a topological sort
        di = graph.digraph()
        for av in self.versionned_objects.all():
            avatar = av.history_model
            ## Add the node to the graph
            if not di.has_node(avatar.essence.id):      ## It may have been created before through a relationship
            ## Add edges towards linked objects
            for field in avatar._meta.fields + avatar._meta.many_to_many:
                # Check this field is an historised relationship
                if field.__class__.__name__ != 'ManyToManyField' and field.__class__.__name__ != 'ForeignKey':
                    if not field.history_field:
                except AttributeError:
                # Extract target essences
                if field.__class__.__name__ == 'ManyToManyField':
                    target_essences = getattr(avatar, field.name).all()  
                if field.__class__.__name__ == 'ForeignKey':
                    target_essences = [getattr(avatar, field.name),]
                    if target_essences[0] == None:
                        target_essences = []
                # Add edges 
                for essence in target_essences:
                    ## Add the target node to the graph if it doesn't already exist
                    if not di.has_node(essence.id):
                    ## Add the edge
                    di.add_edge(essence.id, avatar.essence.id)
        id_list = di.topological_sorting()      
        ## Restore the objects in the computed order
        for essence_id in id_list:
            avatar = self.versionned_objects.get(essence__id = essence_id).history_model
コード例 #36
ファイル: lts2graph.py プロジェクト: svn2github/python-graph2
def load_automaton(filename):
    Read a automaton described as a labelled transition system and build the equivalent graph.
    @type  filename: string
    @param filename: Name of the file containing the LTS-described automaton.
    @rtype:  graph
    @return: Automaton's graph.
    gr = graph.digraph()
    infile = file(filename,'r')
    line = infile.readline()
    final = []
    while (line):
        line = line.replace("\n",'').split(' ')
        datatype = line[0]
        data = line[1:]
        if (datatype == 'Q'):
            # States
            for each in data:
        if (datatype == 'A'):
            # Alphabet
        if (datatype == 'F'):
            # Final states
            final = final + data
        if (datatype == 's'):
            # Initial state
        if (datatype == 't'):
            # Transitions
            if (gr.has_edge(data[1], data[2])):
                gr.set_edge_label(data[1], data[2], \
                    gr.get_edge_label(data[1], data[2]) + ', ' + data[0])
                gr.add_edge(data[1], data[2], label=data[0])
        line = infile.readline()
    for node in gr:
        if (node in final and node != '.'):
            gr.add_node_attribute(node, ('shape','doublecircle'))
        elif (node != '.'):
            gr.add_node_attribute(node, ('shape','circle'))
    return gr, final
コード例 #37
 def createPrinterGraph(gr, depsLogConf):
     # create a helper graph for output
     format, mode = getFormatMode(depsLogConf)
     searchRoot = depsLogConf.get(
         'dot/root')  # get the root node for the spanning tree
     searchRadius = depsLogConf.get('dot/radius', None)
     if searchRadius:
         filter = graph.filters.radius(searchRadius)
         filter = graph.filters.null()
     st, op = gr.breadth_first_search(
         root=searchRoot, filter=filter)  # get the spanning tree
     gr1 = graph.digraph()
     st_nodes = set(st.keys() + st.values())
     addNodes(gr1, st_nodes)
     addEdges(gr, gr1, st, st_nodes, mode)
     return gr1
コード例 #38
        def test_combinations(self):
                # combinations() actually exists in python 2.6 as itertools.combinations()
                # very simple test.
                simpleTest = [1,2,3,4,5]
                simplecom = combinations(simpleTest,1)
                simplecom = list(simplecom)
                self.assertTrue(len(simplecom) == len(simpleTest))
                #stillsimplecom = list(combinations(simpleTest,2)) 

                # make a directed graph
                g = pygraph.digraph()
                # add some nodes
                # add some edges
                for each in range(1,10):
                # get the combinations
                com = combinations(g.edges(),3)
                # don't want a generator
                com = list(com)
                # don't want dupes.
                com2 = frozenset(copy.copy(com))
コード例 #39
    def depsToDotFile(classDepsIter, depsLogConf):
        def getNodeAttribs(classId, useCompiledSize=False, optimize=[]):
            # return color according to size
            attribs = []
            color = fontsize = None
            sizes = {  # (big-threshold, medium-threshold)
                'compiled': (8000, 2000),
                'source': (20000, 5000)
            compOptions = CompileOptions()
            compOptions.optimize = optimize
            compOptions.variantset = variants
            compOptions.format = True  # guess it's most likely
            if classId in script.classesAll:
                if useCompiledSize:
                    fsize = script.classesAll[classId].getCompiledSize(
                        compOptions, featuremap=script._featureMap)
                    mode = 'compiled'
                    fsize = script.classesAll[classId].size
                    mode = 'source'

                if fsize > sizes[mode][0]:
                    color = "red"
                    fontsize = 15
                elif fsize > sizes[mode][1]:
                    color = "green"
                    fontsize = 13
                    color = "blue"
                    fontsize = 10

            if fontsize:
                attribs.append(("fontsize", fontsize))
            if color:
                attribs.append(("color", color))
            return attribs

        def addEdges(gr, gr1, st, st_nodes, mode):
            # rather gr.add_spanning_tree(st), go through individual edges for coloring
            for v in st.iteritems():
                if None in v:  # drop edges with a None node
                v2, v1 = v
                if gr.has_edge(v1, v2):
                    gr1.add_edge(v1, v2, attrs=gr.get_edge_attributes(v1, v2))
            if not mode or not mode == "span-tree-only":  # add additional dependencies
                for v1 in st_nodes:  # that are not covered by the span tree
                    for v2 in st_nodes:
                        if None in (v1, v2):
                        if gr.has_edge(v1, v2):
                                         attrs=gr.get_edge_attributes(v1, v2))

        def addNodes(gr, st_nodes):
            # rather gr.add_nodes(st), go through indiviudal nodes for coloring
            useCompiledSize = depsLogConf.get("dot/compiled-class-size", True)
            optimize = jobconf.get("compile-options/code/optimize", [])
            for cid in st_nodes:
                if cid == None:  # None is introduced in st
                attribs = getNodeAttribs(cid, useCompiledSize, optimize)
                gr.add_node(cid, attrs=attribs)

        def writeDotFile(gr1, depsLogConf):
            file = depsLogConf.get('dot/file', "deps.dot")
            dot = gr1.write(fmt='dotwt')
            console.info("Writing dependency graph to file: %s" % file)
            filetool.save(file, dot)

        def getFormatMode(depsLogConf):
            format = mode = None
            mode = depsLogConf.get('dot/span-tree-only', None)
            if mode:
                mode = "span-tree-only"
            return format, mode

        def createPrinterGraph(gr, depsLogConf):
            # create a helper graph for output
            format, mode = getFormatMode(depsLogConf)
            searchRoot = depsLogConf.get(
                'dot/root')  # get the root node for the spanning tree
            searchRadius = depsLogConf.get('dot/radius', None)
            if searchRadius:
                filter = graph.filters.radius(searchRadius)
                filter = graph.filters.null()
            st, op = gr.breadth_first_search(
                root=searchRoot, filter=filter)  # get the spanning tree
            gr1 = graph.digraph()
            st_nodes = set(st.keys() + st.values())
            addNodes(gr1, st_nodes)
            addEdges(gr, gr1, st, st_nodes, mode)
            return gr1

        # -- Main (depsToDotFile) ------------------------------------------

        phase = depsLogConf.get('phase', None)
        gr = graph.digraph()
        #graphAddNodes(gr, script.classes)
        graphAddEdges(classDepsIter, gr, phase)
        gr1 = createPrinterGraph(gr, depsLogConf)
        writeDotFile(gr1, depsLogConf)