def update_all_parameter(diff): #print 'each difference - %s' % diff luc_node = int(30*diff) hcc_node = int(5) time = 10 #parameter luc_gro = int(6*diff) hcc_gro = int(2) lucG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(luc_node, luc_gro) hccG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(hcc_node, hcc_gro) frequency = np.array([0.9, 0.1]) G_combine =nx.Graph() G_combine = graph.merge_graph(G_combine, hccG, lucG, frequency) frequency_1 = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) G_combine_1 =nx.Graph() G_combine_1 = graph.merge_graph(G_combine_1, hccG, lucG, frequency_1) #Time series cell volume LucN = [] hccN = [] #Number of initial cell LucN0 = 100 hccN0 = 100 LucN_init = 100 hccN_init = 100 for t in range(time): LucN.append(calc.convert_volume(LucN0)) lucG = graph.update_graph(lucG, luc_gro) LucN0 = LucN_init*calc.calc_entropy(lucG, t+1) for t in range(time): hccN.append(calc.convert_volume(hccN0)) hccG = graph.update_graph(hccG, hcc_gro) hccN0 = hccN_init*calc.calc_entropy(hccG, t+1) #Mix Number of cell MixN0 = 100 MixN_init = 100 initial_populations = MixN0*frequency G_comb_gro = ((frequency*np.array([luc_gro, hcc_gro])).sum())/2 MixN = [] x = [] for t in range(time): x.append(t) MixN.append(calc.convert_volume(MixN0)) G_combine = graph.update_graph(G_combine, G_comb_gro) MixN0 = MixN_init*calc.calc_entropy(G_combine, t+1) sim_ratio = np.array(LucN)/np.array(MixN) return sim_ratio """
def update_all_parameter(diff): #print 'each difference - %s' % diff luc_node = int(30 * diff) hcc_node = int(5) time = 10 #parameter luc_gro = int(6 * diff) hcc_gro = int(2) lucG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(luc_node, luc_gro) hccG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(hcc_node, hcc_gro) frequency = np.array([0.9, 0.1]) G_combine = nx.Graph() G_combine = graph.merge_graph(G_combine, hccG, lucG, frequency) frequency_1 = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) G_combine_1 = nx.Graph() G_combine_1 = graph.merge_graph(G_combine_1, hccG, lucG, frequency_1) #Time series cell volume LucN = [] hccN = [] #Number of initial cell LucN0 = 100 hccN0 = 100 LucN_init = 100 hccN_init = 100 for t in range(time): LucN.append(calc.convert_volume(LucN0)) lucG = graph.update_graph(lucG, luc_gro) LucN0 = LucN_init * calc.calc_entropy(lucG, t + 1) for t in range(time): hccN.append(calc.convert_volume(hccN0)) hccG = graph.update_graph(hccG, hcc_gro) hccN0 = hccN_init * calc.calc_entropy(hccG, t + 1) #Mix Number of cell MixN0 = 100 MixN_init = 100 initial_populations = MixN0 * frequency G_comb_gro = ((frequency * np.array([luc_gro, hcc_gro])).sum()) / 2 MixN = [] x = [] for t in range(time): x.append(t) MixN.append(calc.convert_volume(MixN0)) G_combine = graph.update_graph(G_combine, G_comb_gro) MixN0 = MixN_init * calc.calc_entropy(G_combine, t + 1) sim_ratio = np.array(LucN) / np.array(MixN) return sim_ratio """
def exp_test(): #parameter luc_node = 100 time = 10 luc_gro = 10 #Generate Graph lucG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(luc_node, luc_gro) #Time series cell volume LucN = [] #Number of initial cell LucN0 = 100 LucN_init = 100 mm2 = 43 for t in range(time): LucN.append(calc.convert_volume(LucN0)) lucG = graph.update_graph(lucG, luc_gro) LucN0 = LucN_init * math.exp(1 / 10 * (t + 1)) r_LucN, r_hccN, r_MixN = graph.num_read_cells(mm2) time_point = len(r_LucN[0]) #8 sim_tmp = len(LucN) / time_point #1.25 LucN_p = [] for t in range(time_point): LucN_p.append(LucN[int(round(t * sim_tmp))]) corr_Luc = [] for i in range(len(r_LucN)): #times of experiments tmp_Luc = np.corrcoef(r_LucN[i], LucN_p) corr_Luc.append(tmp_Luc[0, 1]) print np.average(np.array(corr_Luc)) return 0
def exp_test(): #parameter luc_node = 100 time = 10 luc_gro = 10 #Generate Graph lucG = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(luc_node, luc_gro) #Time series cell volume LucN = [] #Number of initial cell LucN0 = 100 LucN_init = 100 mm2 = 43 for t in range(time): LucN.append(calc.convert_volume(LucN0)) lucG = graph.update_graph(lucG, luc_gro) LucN0 = LucN_init*math.exp(1/10*(t+1)) r_LucN, r_hccN, r_MixN = graph.num_read_cells(mm2) time_point = len(r_LucN[0])#8 sim_tmp = len(LucN)/time_point #1.25 LucN_p = [] for t in range(time_point): LucN_p.append(LucN[int(round(t*sim_tmp))]) corr_Luc = [] for i in range(len(r_LucN)): #times of experiments tmp_Luc = np.corrcoef(r_LucN[i], LucN_p) corr_Luc.append(tmp_Luc[0,1]) print np.average(np.array(corr_Luc)) return 0
G_combine_1 = graph.merge_graph(G_combine_1, hccG, lucG, frequency_1) #Time series cell volume LucN = [] hccN = [] #Number of initial cell LucN0 = 10**4 hccN0 = 10**4 LucN_init = 10**4 hccN_init = 10**4 for t in range(time): LucN.append(calc.convert_volume(LucN0)) lucG = graph.update_graph(lucG, luc_gro) LucN0 = LucN_init*calc.calc_entropy(lucG, t+1) for t in range(time): hccN.append(calc.convert_volume(hccN0)) hccG = graph.update_graph(hccG, hcc_gro) hccN0 = hccN_init*calc.calc_entropy(hccG, t+1) #Mix Number of cell MixN0 = 10**4 MixN_init = 10**4 initial_populations = MixN0*frequency G_comb_gro = ((frequency*np.array([luc_gro, hcc_gro])).sum())/2 MixN = [] x = [] for t in range(time):
for E in Edges: qubits[E[0] - 1].cphase(qubits[E[1] - 1]) #Comment to not draw the graph if (args.draw): G1 = draw_graph_pos(Edges, ninput, nQubits) print("Server makes adaptive measurements and corrections") result = measure_mbqc(seq_out, nQubits, qubits) qout = result[0] #print("idx_output ",result[1]) #comment to not draw/update the graph if (args.draw): idx_output = result[1] update_graph(G1[0], G1[1], G1[2], idx_output) noutput = len(qout) print("Server Sending: Number of output qubits = {}".format(noutput)) Bob.sendClassical("Alice", noutput) for q in qout: Bob.sendQubit(q, "Alice") recvd_data = Bob.recvClassical() data = pickle.loads(recvd_data) if data != "OK": print("Server received : {} ".format(data)) if (args.draw):
# Each measurement has has a qubit index (between 0 and nQubits) qubit_n = int.from_bytes(Server.recvClassical(), "little") # Each measurement has an angle to measure in degrees angle = int.from_bytes(Server.recvClassical(), "little") qout_idx.remove(qubit_n - 1) #print("{}".format(qout_idx)) print("Server Measuring qubit {} using angle {}".format( qubit_n, angle)) #qubits[qubit_n-1].rot_Z(angle) qubits[qubit_n - 1].rot_Z(-int(angle) % 256) qubits[qubit_n - 1].rot_Y( 256 - 64) # to make the measurement along in the |+> |-> basis m = qubits[qubit_n - 1].measure() time.sleep(0.1) print("Server Sending (classical): result of measurement {}".format(m)) Server.sendClassical(client_name, m) for i in range(nQubits - nMeasurement): print("Server Sending (quantum): qubit {}".format(qout_idx[i] + 1)) Server.sendQubit(qubits[qout_idx[i]], client_name) recv_data = Server.recvClassical() #recv ok from the client data = pickle.loads(recv_data) print("message = {} ".format(data)) if (args.draw): update_graph(G1[0], G1[1], G1[2], qout_idx) sys.exit(0)