def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # MY_CODE map_graph = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: src, dest, total_dist, outdoor_dist = line.split(' ') src = Node(src) dest = Node(dest) if not map_graph.has_node(src): map_graph.add_node(src) if not map_graph.has_node(dest): map_graph.add_node(dest) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(total_dist), int(outdoor_dist)) map_graph.add_edge(edge) return map_graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO # print("Loading map from file...") file = open(map_filename, 'r') # open the file g = Digraph() for line in file: # read each line of the file line = line.strip('\n') # remove the \n character line = line.split(' ') for i in range(0, 2): nod = Node(line[i]) if not g.has_node(nod): g.add_node(nod) wei_edge = WeightedEdge(Node(line[0]), Node(line[1]), int(line[2]), int(line[3])) g.add_edge(wei_edge) file.close() return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO print("Loading map from file...") digraph = Digraph() nodes = remove_duplicates(get_all_nodes_from_map_data(map_filename)) edges = get_edges_from_map_data(map_filename) for each in nodes: digraph.add_node(each) for each in edges: digraph.add_edge(each) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # print("Loading map from file...") inFile = open(map_filename, 'r') graph = Digraph() for line in inFile: linedata = line.split(' ') scr = Node(linedata[0]) des = Node(linedata[1]) graph.nodes.add(scr) graph.nodes.add(des) if not scr in graph.edges: graph.add_node(scr) if not des in graph.edges: graph.add_node(des) edge = WeightedEdge(scr, des, int(linedata[2]), int(linedata[3])) graph.add_edge(edge) return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ g = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as f: data = dataList = data.split('\n') for mapEdge in dataList: edgeList = mapEdge.split(' ') # from to TD, DO fromN = Node(edgeList[0]) toN = Node(edgeList[1]) if not g.has_node(fromN): g.add_node(fromN) if not g.has_node(toN): g.add_node(toN) g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(fromN, toN, edgeList[2], edgeList[3])) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") inFile = open(map_filename, 'r') digraph = Digraph() for line in inFile: mapEntry = line.split() #mapEntry(list) src = Node(mapEntry[0]) dest = Node(mapEntry[1]) total_distance = int(mapEntry[2]) outdoor_distance = int(mapEntry[3]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) digraph.add_edge(edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ graph = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as file: for line in file.readlines(): el = line.strip('\n').split(' ') # Add nodes if they're not already in the graph for node in el[:2]: if not graph.has_node(node): graph.add_node(node) graph.add_edge(WeightedEdge(*el)) return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") g = Digraph() with open(map_filename, "r") as file: for line in file: (src, dst, tot_dist, outdoor_dist) = line.split(' ') tot_dist = int(tot_dist) outdoor_dist = int(outdoor_dist) if not g.has_node(Node(src)): g.add_node(Node(src)) if not g.has_node(Node(dst)): g.add_node(Node(dst)) g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dst, tot_dist, outdoor_dist)) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() f = open(map_filename, 'r') for line in f: line = line.split() src = Node(line[0]) dst = Node(line[1]) for node in [src, dst]: if not graph.has_node(node): graph.add_node(node) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dst, int(line[2]), int(line[3])) graph.add_edge(edge) f.close() return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() # 创建空图 with open(map_filename) as file: for line in file: elements = line.split() # 按空格分割成list src = Node(elements[0]) dest = Node(elements[1]) total_distance = int(elements[2]) # 数字类型 outdoor_distance = int(elements[3]) # 数字类型 if not graph.has_node(src): graph.add_node(src) if not graph.has_node(dest): graph.add_node(dest) graph.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance)) return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") campus_map = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as file_handle: for line in file_handle: # 32 36 70 0 info = line.strip().split( ) # info = ["32","36","70","0"] strip返回一个去掉前后端的line的副本 from_node = Node(info[0]) to_node = Node(info[1]) if not campus_map.has_node(from_node): campus_map.add_node(from_node) if not campus_map.has_node(to_node): campus_map.add_node(to_node) cur_edge = WeightedEdge(from_node, to_node, int(info[2]), int(info[3])) # 假设cur_edge不存在重复的情况,也就是说mit_map.txt没有提供重复的数据 campus_map.add_edge(cur_edge) return campus_map
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # read map-file mapFile = open(map_filename, "r") mitGraph = Digraph() nodeMap = dict() # each entry for line in mapFile: # [src, dest, total dist, outdoot dist] info = line.strip("\n").split(" ") for i in range(2): if not info[i] in nodeMap: thisNode = Node(info[i]) mitGraph.add_node(thisNode) nodeMap[info[i]] = thisNode mitGraph.add_edge( WeightedEdge(nodeMap[info[0]], nodeMap[info[1]], int(info[2]), int(info[3])) ) return mitGraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ d = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as f: for line in f: data = line.split(' ') assert (len(data) == 4) src = Node(data[0]) dest = Node(data[1]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, data[2], data[3]) if not d.has_node(src): d.add_node(src) if not d.has_node(dest): d.add_node(dest) d.add_edge(edge) f.close() return d
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") graph = Digraph() with open(map_filename, 'r') as f1: list1 = f1.readlines() for item in list1: src, dest, total, outdoors = item[0:-1].split(' ') if (graph.has_node(Node(src)) == 0): graph.add_node(Node(src)) if (graph.has_node(Node(dest)) == 0): graph.add_node(Node(dest)) graph.add_edge(WeightedEdge(Node(src), Node(dest), total, outdoors)) # TODO return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") f=open(map_filename,'r') g=Digraph() for line in f: src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance = line.split() src_node=Node(src) dest_node=Node(dest) src_dest=WeightedEdge(src_node, dest_node, total_distance, outdoor_distance) if not g.has_node(src_node): g.add_node(src_node) if not g.has_node(dest_node): g.add_node(dest_node) g.add_edge(src_dest) f.close() return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ #print("Loading map from file...") campus_graph = Digraph() # 实例化Digraph with open(map_filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() for line in lines: list = line.split() if not campus_graph.has_node(Node(list[0])): campus_graph.add_node(Node(list[0])) # 若不在即加入 if not campus_graph.has_node(Node(list[1])): campus_graph.add_node(Node(list[1])) campus_graph.add_edge( WeightedEdge( # 将该边加入 Node(list[0]), Node(list[1]), list[2], list[3])) return campus_graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ g = Digraph() # Create a digraph object print("Loading map from file...") with open(map_filename, "r") as f: for passage in f: # For each entry, store four info From, To, TotalD, OutD = passage.split() node_src, node_dest = Node(From), Node(To) if not g.has_node(node_src): g.add_node(node_src) if not g.has_node(node_dest): g.add_node(node_dest) g.add_edge( WeightedEdge(node_src, node_dest, int(TotalD), int(OutD))) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("\n\nLoading map from file...") g = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as file: for line in file: s, t, total, outdoor = line.split() s, t = map(Node, (s, t)) if not g.has_node(s): g.add_node(s) if not g.has_node(t): g.add_node(t) edge = WeightedEdge(s, t, *map(int, (total, outdoor))) g.add_edge(edge) return g
def buildGraph(mapEntries): g = Digraph() nodelist = [] #createing nodelist and adding nodes for eachEntry in mapEntries: eachEntrySource = eachEntry[0] eachEntryDest = eachEntry[1] if eachEntrySource not in nodelist: #making sure the node is unique nodelist.append(eachEntrySource) g.add_node(Node(eachEntrySource)) if eachEntryDest not in nodelist: nodelist.append(eachEntryDest) g.add_node(Node(eachEntryDest)) #creating edges for eachEntry in mapEntries: src = Node(eachEntry[0]) #eachEntrySource Node dest = Node(eachEntry[1]) #"eachEntryDest" tD = eachEntry[2] #eachEntryTotalDistance oD = eachEntry[3] #eachEntryOutdoorDistance g.add_edge(WeightedEdge(src, dest, tD, oD)) #Adding the weighted edge kind return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") openfile = open(map_filename, 'r') gph = Digraph() for line in openfile: NewLine = line.strip('\n').split(" ") a, b, c, d = NewLine a, b = Node(a), Node(b) c, d = int(c), int(d) if a not in gph.nodes: gph.add_node(a) if b not in gph.nodes: gph.add_node(b) DirEdge = WeightedEdge(a, b, c, d) gph.add_edge(DirEdge) openfile.close() return gph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ digraph = Digraph() print("Loading map from file...") with open(map_filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: parts = line.split() src = Node(parts[0]) dest = Node(parts[1]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(parts[2]), int(parts[3])) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, int(parts[2]), int(parts[3])) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) digraph.add_edge(edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ digraph = Digraph() count = 0 with open(map_filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: line_list = line.split(' ') count += 1 src = Node(line_list[0]) dest = Node(line_list[1]) if not digraph.has_node(src): digraph.add_node(src) if not digraph.has_node(dest): digraph.add_node(dest) weighted_edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, line_list[2], line_list[3]) digraph.add_edge(weighted_edge) return digraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO print("Loading map from file...") f = open(map_filename) line_list = [] for line in f: clean_line = line.rstrip() line_list.append(clean_line) f.close() src_li = [] dest_li = [] weighted_edge_li = [] for string in line_list: param = string.split(' ') src_li.append(Node(param[0])) dest_li.append(Node(param[1])) edge = WeightedEdge(src_li[-1], dest_li[-1], int(param[2]), int(param[3])) weighted_edge_li.append(edge) map = Digraph() for i in range(len(src_li)): try: map.add_node(src_li[i]) map.add_node(dest_li[i]) except ValueError as error: print(error) continue # will go next iter of this for-loop directly, skipping any code below it for i in range(len(src_li)): try: map.add_edge(weighted_edge_li[i]) except ValueError as error1: print(error1) continue return map
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # TODO print("Loading map from file...") # Format for the graph file: # Starting node, destination node, total weight of edge (distance), total distance spent outside # So steps: # 1. Create graph object # For every line: # 0. Save all numbers in variables (source, destination, total_distance, outdoor_distance) # 1. Create source_node object # 2.Create destination node object # 3. If graph has not(source_node) object: # add_node to graph # else get node from graph and save in src variable # Do the same for destination object # 4. Create weightedEdge object from variables and objects # 5. Add edge to graph # Problem 2c: Testing load_map # Include the lines used to test load_map below, but comment them out g = Digraph() with open(map_filename) as f: for line in f: input = line.split() source = input[0] destination = input[1] total_distance = input[2] outdoor_distance = input[3] src_object = Node(source) dest_object = Node(destination) if not (g.has_node(src_object)): g.add_node(src_object) if not (g.has_node(dest_object)): g.add_node(dest_object) edge_object = WeightedEdge(src_object, dest_object, total_distance, outdoor_distance) if edge_object not in g.get_edges_for_node(src_object): g.add_edge(edge_object) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # Open map_filename for reading and parse each line to get the edge parameters # Assumes map_filename is properly formatted newdigraph = Digraph() # Initialize new digraph with open(map_filename, mode='r') as fID: for tline in fID: # Split on space edge_params = tline.split(' ') # edge_params will have the following format: # edge_params[0]: Source Node, string # edge_params[1]: Destination Node, string # edge_params[2]: Total Distance, int # edge_params[3]: Distance Outdoors, int for idx, param in enumerate(edge_params): if idx < 2: # Node names, staying as strings. Strip newline edge_params[idx] = edge_params[idx].replace('/n', '') else: # Distances, cast as integers. This strips the newline edge_params[idx] = int(edge_params[idx]) # Check to see if our source node is in the digraph we're generating, # add if it's not if not newdigraph.has_node(edge_params[0]): newdigraph.add_node(edge_params[0]) # Check to see if our destination node is in the digraph we're # generating, add if it's not if not newdigraph.has_node(edge_params[1]): newdigraph.add_node(edge_params[1]) newdigraph.add_edge( WeightedEdge(edge_params[0], edge_params[1], edge_params[2], edge_params[3])) return newdigraph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # Create a new graph graph = Digraph() # Read in the data from the file with open(map_filename, 'r') as map_data: for line in map_data: # Split the line by '' to isolate the 4 variables of interest line_data = line.split() src = Node(line_data[0]) dest = Node(line_data[1]) total_distance = int(line_data[2]) outdoor_distance = int(line_data[3]) # Create a weighted edge from src to dest new_wedge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance) #If src or dest nodes not graph, then create them if not graph.has_node(src): graph.add_node(src) if not graph.has_node(dest): graph.add_node(dest) # Add the new edge to the grapg graph.edges[src].append(new_wedge) return graph
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ # Create the empty digraph. g = Digraph() #Creating a node look up dictionary, so that 2 nodes are not created with the name 'a' that look the same # but do not set off the duplicate warnings. nodes = {} print("Loading map from file...") loaded_data = [] with open(map_filename, 'r') as f: loaded_data = # Split the loaded data at the newlines. loaded_data = loaded_data.split("\n") for path in loaded_data: if not path == "": # Avoid any blank lines. source, destination, total_dist, outdoor_dist = path.split(' ') # Check if we've already made a node for the source and destination if not source in nodes.keys(): nodes[source] = Node(source) if not destination in nodes.keys(): nodes[destination] = Node(destination) # If the nodes are not in the nodes list, add them if not nodes[source] in g.nodes: g.add_node(nodes[source]) if not nodes[destination] in g.nodes: g.add_node(nodes[destination]) g.add_edge( WeightedEdge(nodes[source], nodes[destination], total_dist, outdoor_dist)) return g
def load_map(map_filename): g = Digraph() infile = open(map_filename, "r") for line in infile: coord = line.split() n1 = Node(coord[0]) n2 = Node(coord[1]) e = WeightedEdge(n1, n2, coord[2], coord[3]) if (not g.has_node(n1)): g.add_node(n1) if (not g.has_node(n2)): g.add_node(n2) g.add_edge(e) return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") # initialize a digraph g representing the map g = Digraph() # open the file contains map data with open(map_filename) as file: # read data per line and store it into a list read_data ="\n") # the list contains an unnecessary newline character at the end read_data = read_data[:-1] # loop through each entry in data list for entry in read_data: # split each entry into source, destination nodes, total_distance and outdoor_distance # and store them into a list respectively raw_data = entry.split(" ") # src = source node, dest = destination, total = total_distance, outdoor = outdoor_distance src = Node(raw_data[0]) dest = Node(raw_data[1]) total = int(raw_data[2]) outdoor = int(raw_data[3]) # check if g already has node src or not if not g.has_node(src): g.add_node(src) # check if g already has node dest or not if not g.has_node(dest): g.add_node(dest) # initialize a weighted edge edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total, outdoor) # add above edge into g g.add_edge(edge) # close file file.close() # return the desired directed graph return g
def load_map(map_filename): """ Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph Parameters: map_filename : name of the map file Assumes: Each entry in the map file consists of the following four positive integers, separated by a blank space: From To TotalDistance DistanceOutdoors e.g. 32 76 54 23 This entry would become an edge from 32 to 76. Returns: a Digraph representing the map """ print("Loading map from file...") with open(map_filename) as f: mit_digraph = Digraph() for line in f: #create a list of node names and distances if '\n' in line: sliced_line = line[0:len(line) - 1] node_edge_distance_list = sliced_line.split(' ') else: node_edge_distance_list = sliced_line.split(' ') #create nodes and the edge src = Node(node_edge_distance_list[0]) dest = Node(node_edge_distance_list[1]) total_distance = int(node_edge_distance_list[2]) outdoor_distance = int(node_edge_distance_list[3]) edge = WeightedEdge(src, dest, total_distance, outdoor_distance) #add nodes and edge to graph try: mit_digraph.add_node(src) except ValueError: pass try: mit_digraph.add_node(dest) except ValueError: pass mit_digraph.add_edge(edge) return mit_digraph