コード例 #1
ファイル: secret_agent.py プロジェクト: ras0219/csce420-risk
	def pregame_place(self, numarmies, sim):
		#c = random.choice(sim.owns[self])
		#return {c:numarmies}
		owned = sim.owns[self]
		stronghold = max(graph_funcs.regions(owned, sim.edgelist), key=len)
		c = random.choice(stronghold)
		return {c:numarmies}
コード例 #2
ファイル: secret_agent.py プロジェクト: ras0219/csce420-risk
	def place_armies(self, numarmies, sim):
		#return self.pregame_place(numarmies, sim) # STUPID
		owned = sim.owns[self]
		stronghold = max(graph_funcs.regions(owned, sim.edgelist), key=len)
		stronghold = graph_funcs.inner_border(stronghold, sim.edgelist)

		def summator(x):
			edges = filter(lambda i: sim.countries[i] != self, sim.edgelist[x])
			return sum(map(lambda i: sim.armies[i], edges))

		threatened = map(lambda i: (i,summator(i)), stronghold)
		coolest = max(threatened, key=lambda i: i[1])

		return {coolest[0]: numarmies}
コード例 #3
ファイル: secret_agent.py プロジェクト: ras0219/csce420-risk
	def attack(self, sim):
		self.sim = sim

		owned = sim.owns[self]
		if len(owned) == 0:
			# Uh... we don't own anything...
			return None

		# Find the largest cluster of countries that we own
		stronghold = max(graph_funcs.regions(owned, sim.edgelist), key=len)

		scorez = []
		for country in graph_funcs.inner_border(stronghold, sim.edgelist):
			# We don't have enough dudes to attack from this country
			# Retreat!!!!
			if self.army_size(country) < 2:

			# Retrieve a list of neighboring countries
			neighbors = sim.edgelist[country]
			neighbors = filter(lambda c: sim.countries[c] != self, neighbors)
			neighbors = sorted(neighbors, key=lambda i: sim.armies[i])
			if len(neighbors) == 0:

			for neighbor in neighbors:
				#patch = sim.model.full_cdf()
				#chancetowin = mathmodel.integral2d(patch, lambda a1,a2: a1 > 0)
				# LOL there's a function for that LOL
				score = self.mm.chance_to_win(sim.armies[country], sim.armies[neighbor])
				scorez += [(country, neighbor, score)]
#			print country,neighbors
#			print scorez

		if len(scorez) > 0:
			victim = sorted(scorez, key = lambda i: i[2]).pop()
			return (victim[0], victim[1], sim.armies[victim[0]] - 1)
#		print "Done"
		return None