コード例 #1
def station_split(osmdb, gtfsdb, split_threshold = 50, range = 0.005): # meters (max distance to link node), degrees (intersection box size)
    split_idx = 1000000000 # base node/edge number. above usual OSM ids, but still leaves half of 32bit int range.
    n_stops = gtfsdb.count_stops()
    n_edges = osmdb.count_edges()
    #edge_index = Rtree(osmdb_filename+'-edges')
    edge_index = Rtree()
    def index_subedge(rid, pair, edge_id) :
        ((s_lon, s_lat), (e_lon, e_lat)) = pair
        box = (min(s_lon, e_lon), min(s_lat, e_lat), max(s_lon, e_lon), max(s_lat, e_lat))
        # Need our own index number to remove edges as we go along.
        # This index could ideally be generated automatically, with collision detection.
        edge_index.add( rid, box, obj = (edge_id, pair) )
    new_nodes = {} # for keeping track of where new nodes are added
    print 'indexing OSM sub-way sub-edges into rtree' 
    progress = 0
    for edge_id, way_id, from_nd, to_nd, dist, coords, tags in osmdb.edges() :
        new_nodes [edge_id] = [] # an empty placeholder list to be filled in when new nodes are created along this edge
        for subedge_number, pair in enumerate(cons(coords)) :
            # make id the subedge number along the parent edge 
            index_subedge(subedge_number, pair, edge_id) # take first element because db response is a tuple
        if progress % 1000 == 0 : 
            sys.stdout.write('\rEdge %d/%d' % (progress, n_edges))
        progress += 1
    def nearest_point_on_subedge((subedge_rid, (edge_id, pair), subedge_bbox), stop_lat, stop_lon) :
        # print "finding nearest point on edge %s (rtree id %d)" % (edge_id, edge_rid)
        ((s_lon, s_lat), (e_lon, e_lat)) = pair
        # print (s_lat, s_lon, e_lat, e_lon, stop_lat, stop_lon)
        stop   = lg.GPoint(stop_lon, stop_lat)
        ls     = lg.LineString([(s_lon, s_lat), (e_lon, e_lat)], geographic=True)
        dist   = ls.distance_pt(stop)
        pt     = ls.closest_pt(stop)
        loc    = ls.locate_point(pt)
        return subedge_rid, edge_id, pair, subedge_bbox, dist, pt, loc
コード例 #2
 # New nodes have been created as necessary. Delete old edges and add new ones between the new nodes.
 print 'Removing old edges and adding new ones...'        
 for edge_id, node_list in new_nodes.items() :
     progress += 1
     if progress % 100 == 0 : 
         sys.stdout.write('\rEdge %d/%d' % (progress, n_edges))
     if len(node_list) == 0 : continue 
     # get information about the edge to be replaced
     edge_id, way_id, from_nd, to_nd, edge_length, coords, tags = osmdb.edge(edge_id)
     # find distance and length for each sub-edge
     subedges = []
     c_dist = 0
     for (lon1, lat1), (lon2, lat2) in cons(coords) :
         dist = geoid_dist(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 
         subedges.append((c_dist, dist))
         c_dist += dist
     print '\nedge: ', edge_id
     print 'subedges: ', subedges
     print 'new node list: ', node_list
     # sort new nodes by subedge index and location within subedge
     node_list.sort( key = lambda x: float(x[1]) + x[2] ) 
     c = osmdb.cursor()
     last_node_id = from_nd
     dist = 0
     subedge_idx = 0
     while len(node_list) > 0 :
         node_id, node_subedge, node_loc = node_list.pop(0) # take from beginning not end of list - otherwise sort is reversed.