def render(self, path_file, extension): try: main(path_file) # check for errors except (parseError, ForkStatementDetected) as e: return e.message[0] + " " + e.message[1] # return eventually an error message else: save_path = render('dot', extension, path_file) view(save_path) # open the default image viewer return save_path
def printDot(self, filename): # Only used in Lab 6 graph = nx.DiGraph() self._start.printDot(graph, set()) graph.graph['graph'] = dict() graph.graph['graph']['overlap'] = 'false' nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(graph, filename) gz.render('dot', 'pdf', filename) gz.view(filename + '.pdf')
def print_graph(graph: ESTGGraph, file_name: str, view_flag: bool = False, overwrite_graph: bool = False): if os.path.isfile(TextParseESTG.PATH_TO_GRAPH + file_name) and not GraphUtil.__was_file_changed(file_name)\ and not overwrite_graph: if view_flag: gv.view(TextParseESTG.PATH_TO_GRAPH + file_name + TextParseESTG.SVG_EXTENSION) return g = gv.Digraph(format='svg', strict=True) initial_marking = graph.initial_places mark_traversed_transitions = {} mark_placed_places = {} for place in initial_marking: if place not in mark_placed_places: g.node(, shape="circle", width=".5", fixedsize="true") mark_placed_places[place] = 1 for end_place in graph.stg_graph[place]: if end_place not in mark_placed_places: g.node(, shape="circle", width=".5", fixedsize="true") mark_placed_places[end_place] = 1 key = + + str( graph.stg_graph_transitions[(place, end_place)]) if key not in mark_traversed_transitions: transition = graph.stg_graph_transitions[(place, end_place)] g.node(, label="", xlabel=GraphUtil.__transition_to_string( transition.transition), shape="box", width="0.5", height="0.001") g.edge(,, arrowhead="onormal", arrowsize="0.5") g.edge(, mark_traversed_transitions[key] = 1 GraphUtil.__aux_print_graph(mark_traversed_transitions, mark_placed_places, g, end_place, graph) g.render(TextParseESTG.PATH_TO_GRAPH + file_name) + file_name) if view_flag: gv.view(TextParseESTG.PATH_TO_GRAPH + file_name + TextParseESTG.SVG_EXTENSION)
def plot(self): from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph dot = to_agraph(self.G) dot.layout("dot") dot.draw("../graphs/pseudo_mpe.png", format="png") from graphviz import view view("../graphs/pseudo_mpe.png") return
def render(self, path_file, extension, V_rend_on_default_image_viewer): try: main(path_file) # check for errors except (parseError, ForkStatementDetected) as e: print("non riesco a creare il render") return e.message[0] + " " + e.message[ 1] # return eventually an error message else: #V voglio mettere che lo apre se glielo dico io,altirmenti mi rendera quello #che volgio save_path = render('dot', extension, path_file) if V_rend_on_default_image_viewer == True: view(save_path) # open the default image viewer return save_path
def saveAndView(self,name='./myDFA.gv'): """ Saves a copy of the constructed DFA and opens a PDF version for viewing. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name AND relative (or absolute) path for your saved DFA. The default is './myDFA.gv'. Returns ------- None. """ nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(self.__DFA,name) gv.render('dot','pdf',name) ViewName = name + '.pdf' gv.view(ViewName)
def render( source: gv.Source, out_path: str, format: str = None, engine: str = None, renderer: str = None, formatter: str = None, view: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Render source with Graphviz. Parameters ---------- source Graphviz source to render out_path path to visualisation file to write format Graphviz render file format engine Graphviz layout engine renderer Graphviz output renderer formatter Graphviz output formatter view after rendering, display with the default application """ image_bytes = gv.pipe( engine or source.engine, format, str(source).encode(), renderer=renderer, formatter=formatter, ) out_path = Path(out_path).with_suffix('.' + format) out_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_path.write_bytes(image_bytes) if view: gv.view(str(out_path))
def printDot(self, filename, view=False): # Only used in Lab 5 graph = nx.DiGraph() names = dict() for i, instruction in enumerate(self._listIns): names[instruction] = str(i) + "_" + str(instruction) # nodes for instruction in self._listIns: graph.add_node(names[instruction]) # edges for instruction in self._listIns: for child in instruction._out: graph.add_edge(names[instruction], names[child]) # Add a fake "START" node to mark the entry of the CFG if i == 0: graph.add_node("START") graph.add_edge("START", names[self._start]) graph.graph['graph'] = dict() graph.graph['graph']['overlap'] = 'false' nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(graph, filename) gz.render('dot', 'pdf', filename) if view: gz.view(filename + '.pdf')
def test_view_mocked(mocker, mock_platform, mock_popen, mock_startfile, quiet): assert graphviz.view('nonfilepath', quiet=quiet) is None if mock_platform == 'windows': mock_startfile.assert_called_once_with('nonfilepath') return if quiet: kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL} else: kwargs = {} if mock_platform == 'darwin': mock_popen.assert_called_once_with(['open', 'nonfilepath'], **kwargs) elif mock_platform in ('linux', 'freebsd'): mock_popen.assert_called_once_with(['xdg-open', 'nonfilepath'], **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError
def test_view_unknown_platform(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'platform'): graphviz.view('nonfilepath')
print("MD=4 Train accuracy: {:.3f}".format(tree.score(X_train, y_train))) print("MD=4 Test accuracy: {:.3f}".format(tree.score(X_test, y_test))) s = export_graphviz(tree, out_file='', class_names=['malignant', 'benign'], feature_names=cancer.feature_names, impurity=False, filled=True) f = open('', "r") dot_graph = f.close() graphviz.Source(dot_graph, format='pdf', filename='tree.pdf') graphviz.view(dot_graph) print( "\n\x1b[0;30;47mPour voir le graphe, aller sur, copier l'affichage en balise\x1b[0m" ) print("Feature Importance:\n{}".format(tree.feature_importances_)) plot_feature_importances_cancer(tree) from IPython.display import display tree = dsets.plot_tree_not_monotone() display(tree)
def draw_routes(self, *args, blocking=False): """Draw the routes between one or several pairs of nodes For each sender-receiver pair in argument, the function will draw all the routes that the sender knows towards the receiver. Arguments: args(list of 2-tuple): a list of 2-tuple, each specifying a source and a destination blocking (bool, optional): whether or not the python program should be stopped until the gtk window is closed, or should continue to run in the background """ for from_node, to_node in args: if (not isinstance(from_node, int) or from_node < 0 or from_node > self._sim_params.nb_nodes or not isinstance(to_node, int) or to_node < 0 or to_node >= self._sim_params.nb_nodes) or from_node == to_node: continue # Create a directed graph with no edges, using the physical graph routes_graph = nx.MultiGraph() for n in self.nodes: routes_graph.add_edges_from(((, neighbor) for neighbor in n.neighbors if neighbor > edge_labels = c.defaultdict(lambda: "") # Recursive function crawling through the nodes' tables def trace_route(current_node, next_node, next_cid, previous_node=None): # Update the edge list and edge labels if previous_node is None: edge_labels[current_node, next_node] = str(current_node) + " " else: edge_labels[current_node, next_node] = edge_labels[ previous_node, current_node] + str(current_node) + " " routes_graph.add_edge(current_node, next_node, label=edge_labels[current_node, next_node], penwidth=2) if next_node == to_node: return # Retrieve, using the RT+PRTof the "next_node", the next hop. # VERY WRONG : this table lookup triggers a sql query. SQL # queries inside loops are wrooooong, and can often be avoided. # But this is much simpler, and this function's efficiency is # not critical, since called only for debug entries = self.nodes[next_node].rt.joint_lookup( PRT, fields=[RT.NEXT_NODE, RT.NEXT_CID], join_on=(RT.ROWID, PRT.RT_ROWID), constraints={ PRT.PREV_NODE: current_node, PRT.PREV_CID: next_cid }) assert len( entries ) == 1, "{} entries returned: {}\nWhile tracing from node {} to node {}, with current_node = {}, next_hop = {}. See tables".format( len(entries), [[v for v in r] for r in entries], from_node, to_node, current_node, (next_node, next_cid), self.nodes[next_node].display_node_table()) next_hop = entries[0] # There may be several possible next hops that lead to the destination # For each possible next hop, call trace_route again (unless the next _node is the destination) trace_route(next_node, next_hop[RT.NEXT_NODE], next_hop[RT.NEXT_CID], previous_node=current_node) # Add edges according to the RT of nodes in the network starts_of_routes = self.nodes[from_node].rt.lookup( fields=[RT.NEXT_NODE, RT.NEXT_CID], constraints={RT.ACTUAL_RCVR: to_node}) # self._db.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM drt WHERE _node=? AND actualdest=? AND istemporary=0 AND actualnexthop<>-1", (from_node, to_node,)) # drt_entries = self._db.fetchall()"Drawing {} routes from {} to {}".format( len(starts_of_routes), from_node, to_node)) for route in starts_of_routes: trace_route(from_node, route[RT.NEXT_NODE], route[RT.NEXT_CID]) nx.drawing.nx_pydot.write_dot( routes_graph, '/tmp/routes_graph_{}-{}.dot'.format(from_node, to_node)) graphviz.render( 'dot', 'png', '/tmp/routes_graph_{}-{}.dot'.format(from_node, to_node)) time.sleep(1) graphviz.view('/tmp/routes_graph_{}-{}.dot.png'.format( from_node, to_node)) os.remove('/tmp/routes_graph_{}-{}.dot'.format(from_node, to_node))