コード例 #1
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: thautwarm/rbnf-rts
def view_parsing_graph(filename: str):
    :param filename: JSON format file
    import graphviz_artist as ga
    import graphviz_artist.attr as a
    import json
    with open(filename) as f:
        graph = json.load(f)

    starts = {v: k for k, v in graph['starts'].items()}

    g = ga.Graph(directed=True)
    nodes = {int(k): v for k, v in graph['nodes'].items()}
    gnodes = {}
    for i, node in nodes.items():
        kind = node['kind']
        ctor = kind['ctor']
        if ctor == "NEntity":
            val = kind['val']
            ctor = val['ctor']
            if ctor == "ETerm":
                label = repr(val['val'])
            elif ctor == "ENonTerm":
                label = val['name']
                label = ctor + " ..."
        elif ctor == "NReturn":
            label = "return"
            label = ctor + " ..."
        if label == 'Start ...':
            label = "Start " + str(starts[i])
        label += " %d" % i
        gnodes[i] = g.new(a.Label(label), a.Shape.box)

    for i, node in nodes.items():
        gnode = gnodes[i]
        for each in node['followed']:
            _ = gnode > gnodes[each]

コード例 #2
ファイル: where-elabo.py プロジェクト: thautwarm/Site-32
import graphviz_artist as ga
import graphviz_artist.attr as a

g = ga.Graph(directed=True)
g.update(attrs=(a.HorizontalGraph, ))

math = g.new(a.Label("math : Python的一个library"))
pi = g.new(a.Label("pi : math.pi"))
r = g.new(a.Label("r : 1"))
h = g.new(a.Label("h : 1"))
S = g.new(a.Label("S : 2 * S_top + S_side"))
S_top = g.new(a.Label("S_top : pi * r ** 2"))
S_side = g.new(a.Label("S_side : C * h "))
C = g.new(a.Label("C : 2 * pi * r"))

_ = math > pi > r > h > S_top > C > S_side > S

コード例 #3
import graphviz_artist as ga

# use attr module to see which Graphviz Attributes
# could be auto-completed.
import graphviz_artist.attr as attr

# for some reason, the name of keyword arg has no actual semantics,
# but the value does:
#   ga.Graph(kw=attr.XXX) == ga.Graph(_=XXX) == ga.Graph(x=XXX)
g = ga.Graph(attr.HorizontalGraph)

# `attr.Shape("<name>")` to specify the shape of nodes.
n1 = g.new(attr.Label('hey'), attr.Shape.diamond)
n2 = g.new(attr.Label('hey'), attr.Shape.hexagon)
n3 = g.new(attr.Label('you'), attr.Shape.star)

# `attr.Directed()` makes a directed edge.
directed = attr.Directed()

# `attr.Label` to specify the text that edges display
edge_label = attr.Label("passed_here")

# `attr.Penwidth` to decide the width of edge glyph.
edge_size = attr.Penwidth(2.)

# in `a < b[b_to_c_attrs...] > c`, the edge `b -> c` will have attribute `b_to_c_attrs`.
_ = n3[directed, edge_label, edge_size] > n1[directed] == n2 > n3


assert """digraph {
コード例 #4
import graphviz_artist as ga

import graphviz_artist.attr as attr

g = ga.Graph()
n1 = g.new()
n2 = g.new()
_ = n1[attr.Label("ok")] == n2


assert """digraph {
	0 [label=Hey]
	0 [label=Holla]
	0 -> 1 [label=ok dir=none]
	1 -> 0 [label=ok dir=none]
}""" == str(g.g)