def clear_world(self): try: GraspitCommander.clearWorld() except: print "Could not call graspit commander clearWold. Will try again" try: GraspitCommander.clearWorld() except: print "Could not clear world so I will just continue"
def sample_grasps(self, planner, max_steps=50000): if planner.lower() == "simulated_annealing": grasps = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=max_steps) elif planner.lower() == "uniform": grasps = grid_sample_client.GridSampleClient.computePreGrasps(5, 2) else: print( "Planner " + planner + " not found.\nDefaulting to the simulated annealing planner") grasps = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=50000) return grasps.grasps
def run(self): grasp_quality = GraspitCommander.computeQuality() pub = rospy.Publisher('graspQuality', String, queue_size=3) rate = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg_str = str(grasp_quality.epsilon) + " " + str( grasp_quality.volume) pub.publish(msg_str) rate.sleep()
def Graspit(): GraspitCommander.clearWorld() Rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, math.pi / 2, 0) object_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() object_pose.position.x = 3 object_pose.position.y = 3 object_pose.position.z = 0.09 object_pose.orientation.x = Rotation[0] object_pose.orientation.y = Rotation[1] object_pose.orientation.z = Rotation[2] object_pose.orientation.w = Rotation[3] '''robot_transformation = np.array([[math.cos(67.5),0,math.sin(67.5),0],[0,1,0,0],[-math.sin(67.5),0,math.cos(67.5),0],[0,0,0,1]]) robot_rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(robot_transformation) robot_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() robot_pose.position.x = -3 robot_pose.position.y = -3 robot_pose.position.z = 0.01 robot_pose.orientation.x = 0 robot_pose.orientation.y = 0 robot_pose.orientation.z = 0 robot_pose.orientation.w = 0''' GraspitCommander.importObstacle("floor") GraspitCommander.importGraspableBody("longBox", pose=object_pose) GraspitCommander.importRobot("fetch_gripper") plan = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=50000) return plan
def graspit(): GraspitCommander.clearWorld() rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 1.5707963, 0, -2.094129) poses = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() poses.position.x = 3 poses.position.y = 3 poses.position.z = 0.001 poses.orientation.x = rotation[0] poses.orientation.y = rotation[1] poses.orientation.z = rotation[2] poses.orientation.w = rotation[3] GraspitCommander.importObstacle("floor") GraspitCommander.importGraspableBody("cracker", pose=poses) GraspitCommander.importRobot("fetch_gripper") plan = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=50000) return plan
def act(self): robot = GraspitCommander.getRobot(0) self.dofs = robot.robot.dofs if self.key < 15: for i in range(15): if actions[i] == self.action: self.dofs[i] += ACTION_STEP else: for i in range(15, len(actions)): if actions[i] == self.action: self.dofs[i] -= ACTION_STEP robot.moveDOFToContacts(self.dofs, 2, True)
from grasp_execution import * print('reach') #import reachability_analyzer import grasp_execution # from grasp_execution.grasp_execution_node import * """ """ import IPython IPython.embed() """ #from reachability_analyzer.grasp_reachability_analyzer import GraspReachabilityAnalyzer #from grasp_execution.grasp_execution_node import * from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander GraspitCommander.loadWorld("test_grasp") print('START GRASP' * 100) grasp_output = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=50000) print('DONE GRASP' * 100) print(grasp_output) """ import imp try: spam_info = imp.find_module('grasp_execution') spam = imp.load_module('grasp_execution', *spam_info) print(dir(spam)) print(spam.__package__) print(spam.__name__) print(spam.__path__)
# add object / gripper to GraspIt! and plan grasps from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander gc = GraspitCommander() gc.clearWorld() gc.importRobot('fetch_gripper') pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 gc.importGraspableBody( "/home/vlad/Downloads/ycb_meshes/spam_12oz/meshes/spam_12oz.ply", pose) graspit_grasps = gc.planGrasps(graspable_body_id=0) # add Spam to MoveIt import geometry_msgs.msg import world_manager from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = '/base_link' pose.pose = Pose(Point(0.042, 0.384, 0.826), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)) world_manager.world_manager_client.add_mesh( 'spam', '/home/vlad/Downloads/spam_12oz.dae', pose) ### Using MoveIt to move arm -- this works by itsels, without using CURPP. The arm moves to this location. import rospy from moveit_msgs.msg import MoveItErrorCodes from moveit_python import MoveGroupInterface, PlanningSceneInterface from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion
from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander import time if __name__ == "__main__": GraspitCommander.clearWorld() GraspitCommander.loadWorld("plannerMug") GraspitCommander.approachToContact() GraspitCommander.setDynamics(True) GraspitCommander.setDynamics(False) GraspitCommander.toggleDynamicsController(False) while not GraspitCommander.dynamicAutoGraspComplete(): r = GraspitCommander.getRobot(0) print r.robot.dofs GraspitCommander.setRobotDOFForces([0, 100000000, 100000000, 100000000]) GraspitCommander.stepDynamics(1) r = GraspitCommander.getRobot(0) dofs = list(r.robot.dofs) for i in range(len(dofs)): dofs[i] -= 0.01 GraspitCommander.toggleAllCollisions(False) GraspitCommander.autoOpen(0) GraspitCommander.approachToContact(-10) GraspitCommander.toggleAllCollisions(True)
def demo(): rospy.init_node('hw3_demo', anonymous=True) gc = GraspitCommander() gc.clearWorld() # Load in the fetch gripper and fully extend out the gripper rospy.loginfo("import the fetch gripper...") gripper = gc.importRobot('fetch_gripper') rospy.loginfo("extend out the fetch gripper...") count_seconds(2) gc.autoOpen() # Load the a mug rospy.loginfo("import mug") mug = gc.importGraspableBody('mug') # Place the robot and the object rospy.loginfo("manual grasp pose") count_seconds(3) gripper_pose = Pose(position=Point(-0.0704542484271, -0.201466631816, 0.0016985854928), orientation=Quaternion(0.0108604258991, 0.0360529356943, 0.675958273869, 0.735977342698)) gc.setRobotPose(gripper_pose, id=0) test_grasp(gc, 2) # Start plalnning (succeed if contact is reached) rospy.loginfo("manual grasp pose") count_seconds(3) gripper_pose = Pose(position=Point(0.06, -0.20, 0), orientation=Quaternion(0, 0, 1.1, 1)) gc.setRobotPose(gripper_pose, id=0) attempts = 1 while (not gc.dynamicAutoGraspComplete() and attempts < 5): rospy.loginfo("graspit planing attempt " + str(attempts)) attempts += 1 gc.planGrasps() test_grasp(gc, 2) if (gc.dynamicAutoGraspComplete()): rospy.loginfo("graspit done") else: rospy.loginfo("graspit failed") # Show Grasp Pose gripper_pose = gc.getRobot().robot.pose rospy.loginfo("current gripper pose:\n" + str(gripper_pose))
def evaluate_pregrasp(self, pre_grasp): GraspitCommander.toggleAllCollisions(False) GraspitCommander.forceRobotDof([pre_grasp.dofs[0], 0, 0, 0]) GraspitCommander.setRobotPose(pre_grasp.pose) GraspitCommander.toggleAllCollisions(True) GraspitCommander.findInitialContact() GraspitCommander.approachToContact(250) GraspitCommander.autoGrasp() result = GraspitCommander.getRobot(0) quality = self.compute_quality() return result, quality
def collectData( handType, num ): #Workhorse of this file, handType is the chosen hand, num is the type of shape directory = './' + str(handType) + '_' + str(int( time.time())) + '/' #Directory for saving metrics and labels os.mkdir(directory, 0755) shapes = ['cube', 'ellipse', 'cylinder', 'cone'] shapes = [shapes[num % 4]] eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()'/home/irongiant/NearContactStudy/ShapeGenerator/', nargout=0) env = openravepy.Environment() collisionChecker = openravepy.RaveCreateCollisionChecker(env, 'ode') env.SetCollisionChecker(collisionChecker) #env.SetViewer('qtcoin') #Set viewer (optional) robot, init_transform = loadRobot( env, handType ) #load robot into Openrave and get transform of the hand in OpenRAVE iter = 0 #viewer = env.GetViewer() gc = GraspitCommander() GraspitCommander.GRASPIT_NODE_NAME = "/graspit" + str(num + 1) + "/" hand_points = getManuallyLabelledPoints(handType) centerRet, surface_norms = getHandPoints(handType) if handType == 'Barrett': #The 'trianglesTransformed' variable is a hack used to handle the trianglesTransformed = 0 # inconsistencies between the meshes of the hands. I'll explain more in a writeup elif handType == 'pr2_gripper': trianglesTransformed = 2 else: trianglesTransformed = 1 points_in_hand_plane = getGridOnHand( robot, hand_points.keys(), centerRet, surface_norms ) #Generates the points and normals of the grids on the hand points_in_hand_plane = morphPoints( robot, points_in_hand_plane, trianglesTransformed ) #Morphs the points from the grid plane onto the mesh of the hand if handType == 'pr2_gripper': numJoints = 0 else: numJoints = len(robot.GetActiveDOFValues()) T_rotation = numpy.eye(4) T_rotation[0:3, 0:3] = rotation_matrix_from_rpy(0, 0, math.pi / 2) for shape in shapes: #Only iterates over 1 shape, see line 264 parameterShape = generateParameters(shape) for parameters in parameterShape: item, filename = loadObject(env, eng, shape, parameters) STLtoPLY(filename) gc.clearWorld() gc.importRobot(handType) gc.importGraspableBody('/home/irongiant/Grasp-Metrics/Shapes/' + filename + '.ply') robot_pose = getPoseMsg(getRobotPose(numpy.eye(4), handType)) gc.setRobotPose(robot_pose) gc.setGraspableBodyPose( 0, getPoseMsg(numpy.matmul(T_rotation, numpy.eye(4)))) item.SetVisible(1) #Can make item visible or invisible for viewing print filename generateSDF( filename, 0.0025, 70) #Signed distance field needs grid resolution parameters transforms = sample_obj_transforms(env, gc, item, handType) graspit_transform = getRobotPose( transforms, handType) #Get the tarnsform for loading the hand into graspit for transform in transforms: item.SetTransform(transform) #transform[0:3,0:3] = numpy.matmul(transform[0:3,0:3], rotation_matrix_from_rpy(math.pi/2, math.pi, 0)) gc.setGraspableBodyPose( 0, getPoseMsg(numpy.matmul(T_rotation, transform))) print transform print getPoseMsg(transform) generateHandFeatures( env, gc, directory + filename + str(iter), robot, item, filename, transform, points_in_hand_plane, trianglesTransformed, math.pi / 6, 5) #Saves signed distance metric and wedge metric #env.Save(directory + filename + '_' + str(iter) + '.dae') configuration = [0] * (6 + numJoints) noise_std = [0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] + [ 0.1 ] * numJoints #Covariance matrix parameters for gaussian noise injection noise_distr = generateGaussianNoise( handType, configuration, noise_std, 100) #Samples noise from multivariate gaussian # volume = epsilon = [] epsilon = [] contacts = [] for noise in noise_distr: noise_induced_transform = numpy.eye(4) noise_induced_transform[0:3, 3] = numpy.array(noise[0:3]) noise_induced_transform[0:3, 0:3] = rotation_matrix_from_rpy( noise[3:6][0], noise[3:6][1], noise[3:6][2]) #if handType != "pr2_gripper": # robot.SetTransform(numpy.matmul(init_transform, noise_induced_transform)) #else: robot.SetTransform( numpy.matmul(noise_induced_transform, init_transform) ) #Inject noise into transform of hand for i in range(6, 6 + numJoints): if noise[i] < 0: noise[i] = 0 if handType != "pr2_gripper": robot.SetDOFValues( noise[6:6 + numJoints], numpy.arange(numJoints) ) #Inject noise into joint angles of hand collExcept = 0 try: robot_pose = getPoseMsg( getRobotPose(noise_induced_transform, handType)) gc.setRobotPose( robot_pose ) #Sets teh same transform set in OpenRAVE into GraspIt! result = gc.computeQuality() #Computes grasp quality except (RobotCollisionException, InvalidRobotPoseException): collExcept = 1 if not env.CheckCollision(robot) and collExcept == 0: if handType == "Barrett": gc.forceRobotDof(noise[6:6 + numJoints]) if handType == 'ShadowHand': gc.approachToContact() gc.autoGrasp() g_contacts = [] try: r = gc.getRobot(0) contact = r.robot.contacts for c in contact: point = pose = g_contacts.append([ point.x, point.y, point.z, pose.x, pose.y, pose.z, pose.w ]) result = gc.computeQuality() # volume += [result.volume] epsilon += [ result.epsilon ] #List of grasp qualities as a result of noise contacts.append( g_contacts ) # list of contacts made between hand and object during grasp as a result of noise except InvalidRobotPoseException: # volume += [0] epsilon += [0] if handType != 'ShadowHand': dofs = [0] * numJoints else: dofs = [0] * 17 if handType != 'pr2_gripper': gc.forceRobotDof(dofs) gc.autoOpen() robot.SetTransform(init_transform) robot_pose = getPoseMsg(getRobotPose(numpy.eye(4), handType)) gc.setRobotPose(robot_pose) if handType != "pr2_gripper": robot.SetDOFValues([0] * len(robot.GetActiveDOFValues()), numpy.arange( 0, len(robot.GetActiveDOFValues()))) numpy.savetxt(directory + filename + str(iter) + '_epsi_labels' + '.out', epsilon, delimiter=',', fmt='%s') #Saves the grasp qualities numpy.savetxt(directory + filename + str(iter) + '_cont_labels' + '.out', contacts, delimiter=',', fmt='%s') #Saves the contacts made iter += 1 env.Remove(env.GetBodies()[1])
import os import time import traceback import numpy as np from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander from utils import gen_example GraspitCommander.clearWorld() # GraspitCommander.loadWorld("barrettTactileGlassDyn") GraspitCommander.loadWorld("plannerMugTactile") save_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/critic_image_dataset') batch_size = 10000 while True: states = [] values = [] images = [] count = 0 while count < batch_size: try: state, value, image = gen_example(GraspitCommander) states.append(state) values.append(value) images.append(image) count += 1 print(count, batch_size) except:
cd graspit_ros_ws source devel/setup.bash roslaunch graspit_interface graspit_interface.roslaunch import numpy from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose gc = GraspitCommander() gc.importRobot('ShadowHand') gc.autoGrasp(0) gc.importGraspableBody('/home/eadom/Grasp-Metrics/Shapes/cube_h5_w5_e5.ply') r = gc.getRobot(0) dofs = list(r.robot.dofs) q = [0,0,0,1] T = numpy.eye(4) T[2][3] = 0.023 objPose = Pose() objPose.position.x = 0 objPose.position.y = 0 objPose.position.z = 0.05 objPose.orientation.x = q[0] objPose.orientation.y = q[1] objPose.orientation.z = q[2] objPose.orientation.w = q[3] T = numpy.eye(4) robotPose = Pose() robotPose.position.x = 0
def compute_quality(self): return GraspitCommander.computeQuality()
#!/usr/bin/env python from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander gc = GraspitCommander() ROS_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 1 # Refresh world gc.clearWorld() gc.importRobot('fetch_gripper') gc.autoOpen() cupPose = Pose() cupPose.position.x = 0.05 cupPose.position.y = 0 cupPose.position.z = 0 cupPose.orientation.x = 1.6 cupPose.orientation.y = -0.3 cupPose.orientation.z = 0.1 cupPose.orientation.w = 1.0 gc.importGraspableBody('mug', cupPose) gc.findInitialContact() gc.autoGrasp() pose = gc.getRobot(0) print(pose)
#! /usr/bin/env python import math from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander import rospy import tf import geometry_msgs.msg import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': GraspitCommander.clearWorld() Transformation = np.array([[math.cos(67.5), 0, math.sin(67.5), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-math.sin(67.5), 0, math.cos(67.5), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) Rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(Transformation) object_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() object_pose.position.x = 3 object_pose.position.y = 3 object_pose.position.z = 0.1 object_pose.orientation.x = Rotation[0] object_pose.orientation.y = Rotation[1]
def import_graspable_object(self, object_name, pose=None): if pose == None: GraspitCommander.importGraspableBody(object_name) else: GraspitCommander.importGraspableBody(object_name, pose)
def import_robot(self, robot_name, pose=None): if pose == None: GraspitCommander.importRobot(robot_name) else: GraspitCommander.importRobot(robot_name, pose)
def setup_scene_with_barrett_hand(self, add_collision_plane=False): self.clear_world() if add_collision_plane: GraspitCommander.importObstacle("floor") self.import_robot("BarrettBH8_280")
import grasp_execution import grasp_execution_node from graspit_commander import GraspitCommander import graspit_interface.msg from graspit_msgs.srv import * import geometry_msgs import actionlib import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Point GraspitCommander.loadWorld("test_grasp") # GraspitCommander.importGraspableBody("/home/masatoshichang/models/doughnut4.ply") GraspitCommander.importRobot('fetch_gripper') print('doughnut') grasp_output = GraspitCommander.planGrasps(max_steps=50000) print(grasp_output) unchecked_for_reachability_grasps = grasp_output.grasps service_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy("/world_manager/add_object", graspit_msgs.srv.AddObject) object_pose = PoseStamped() object_pose.pose.position = Point(2.75, 0, 0.58)
def __init__(self, host, port, eval, real, id): = id self.save_task_id = 0 self.eval = eval self.real = real self.h = np.arange(int(d.camera_h))[:, np.newaxis] self.w = np.arange(int(d.camera_w))[np.newaxis, :] self.obj_index = -1 self.in_grasp = False self.all_pybullet_envs = { i: None for i in os.listdir(d.pybullet_env_dir) } self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix = { os.path.splitext(f)[0]: 0 for f in self.all_pybullet_envs } for f in self.all_pybullet_envs: self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix[os.path.splitext(f)[0]] += 1 self.multi_seen_envs = list( set([ f for f in self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix if 'seen' in f and not f.startswith('1-') and self.files_exist(f) ])) self.multi_novel_envs = list( set([ f for f in self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix if 'novel' in f and not f.startswith('1-') and self.files_exist(f) ])) self.single_seen_envs = list( set([ f for f in self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix if 'seen' in f and f.startswith('1-') and self.files_exist(f) ])) self.single_novel_envs = list( set([ f for f in self.all_pybullet_envs_prefix if 'novel' in f and f.startswith('1-') and self.files_exist(f) ])) self.envs_dict = { 'multi': { 'seen': self.multi_seen_envs, 'novel': self.multi_novel_envs }, 'single': { 'seen': self.single_seen_envs, 'novel': self.single_novel_envs } } if self.real: if g.hand == 'barrett': from staubli_barrett_commander.staubli_barrett_commander import StabuliBarrettCommander self.commander = StabuliBarrettCommander( else: from ur5_seed_commander.ur5_seed_commander import Ur5SeedCommander self.commander = Ur5SeedCommander( else: if self.is_graspit(): self.commander = GraspitCommander(host, port) else: if g.hand == 'barrett': self.commander = PybulletBarrettCommander(eval) else: self.commander = PybulletSeedCommander(eval) = host self.port = port