コード例 #1
ファイル: test_eventlet.py プロジェクト: jab/greenamqp
    def test_eventlet_per_channel(self):        
        from eventlet import spawn, sleep
        from eventlet.event import Event
        conn = Connection(**settings.connect_args)
        start_engines = Event()
        messages_to_send = 75

        def make_message(routing_key, i):
            return Message(u'%s message #%d' % (routing_key, i))
        def writer(channel_id, routing_key, read_ready):

            chan = conn.channel(channel_id)
            for i in range(messages_to_send):
                msg = make_message(routing_key, i)
                chan.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=routing_key)
        def reader(channel_id, routing_key, read_ready):
            messages = []
            def got_message(m):
            chan = conn.channel(channel_id)
            chan.queue_declare(queue=routing_key, exclusive=True)
            chan.queue_bind(routing_key, exchange='amq.direct', routing_key=routing_key)
            chan.basic_consume(queue=routing_key, callback=got_message)

                if len(messages) == messages_to_send:

        # set up a bunch of pairs of readers
        # and writers that are all sending 
        # and recieving on the same connection 
        # via separate channels.
        pairs = 25
        procs = []
        ch = conn.channel(pairs*2 + 2)
        for i in range(1, pairs + 1):
            key = 'q_%d' % i
            read_ready = Event()
            procs.append(spawn(writer, i, key, read_ready))
            procs.append(spawn(reader, i + pairs, key, read_ready))

        # tell them to begin...

        for proc in procs:

コード例 #2
ファイル: test_connection.py プロジェクト: jab/greenamqp
class TestConnection(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.conn = Connection(**settings.connect_args)

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.conn:

    def test_channel(self):
        ch = self.conn.channel(1)
        self.assertEqual(ch.channel_id, 1)

        ch2 = self.conn.channel()
        self.assertNotEqual(ch2.channel_id, 1)


    def test_close(self):
        Make sure we've broken various references when closing
        channels and connections, to help with GC.

        # Create a channel and make sure it's linked as we'd expect
        ch = self.conn.channel()
        self.assertEqual(1 in self.conn.channels, True)
        self.assertEqual(ch.connection, self.conn)
        self.assertEqual(ch.is_open, True)

        # Close the channel and make sure the references are broken
        # that we expect.
        self.assertEqual(ch.connection, None)
        self.assertEqual(1 in self.conn.channels, False)
        self.assertEqual(ch.callbacks, {})
        self.assertEqual(ch.is_open, False)

        # Close the connection and make sure the references we expect
        # are gone.
        self.assertEqual(self.conn.connection, None)
        self.assertEqual(self.conn.channels, None)

    def test_gc_closed(self):
        Make sure we've broken various references when closing
        channels and connections, to help with GC.

        gc.garbage: http://docs.python.org/library/gc.html#gc.garbage
            "A list of objects which the collector found to be
            unreachable but could not be freed (uncollectable objects)."
        unreachable_before = len(gc.garbage)
        # Create a channel and make sure it's linked as we'd expect
        ch = self.conn.channel()
        self.assertEqual(1 in self.conn.channels, True)

        # Close the connection and make sure the references we expect
        # are gone.

        self.assertEqual(unreachable_before, len(gc.garbage))

    def test_gc_forget(self):
        Make sure the connection gets gc'ed when there is no more
        references to it.
        unreachable_before = len(gc.garbage)

        ch = self.conn.channel()
        self.assertEqual(1 in self.conn.channels, True)

        # remove all the references
        self.conn = None
        ch = None

        self.assertEqual(unreachable_before, len(gc.garbage))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_channel.py プロジェクト: jab/greenamqp
class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.conn = Connection(**settings.connect_args)
        self.ch = self.conn.channel()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_defaults(self):
        Test how a queue defaults to being bound to an AMQP default
        exchange, and how publishing defaults to the default exchange, and
        basic_get defaults to getting from the most recently declared queue,
        and queue_delete defaults to deleting the most recently declared

        self.ch.access_request('/data', active=True, write=True, read=True)

        msg = Message('unittest message',
            application_headers={'foo': 7, 'bar': 'baz'})

        qname, _, _ = self.ch.queue_declare()
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, routing_key=qname)

        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg, msg2)

        n = self.ch.queue_purge()
        self.assertEqual(n, 0)

        n = self.ch.queue_delete()
        self.assertEqual(n, 0)

    def test_encoding(self):
        self.ch.access_request('/data', active=True, write=True, read=True)

        my_routing_key = 'unittest.test_queue'

        qname, _, _ = self.ch.queue_declare()
        self.ch.queue_bind(qname, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)

        # No encoding, body passed through unchanged
        msg = Message('hello world')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(msg2, 'content_encoding'))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, str))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, 'hello world')

        # Default UTF-8 encoding of unicode body, returned as unicode
        msg = Message(u'hello world')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'UTF-8')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, unicode))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, u'hello world')

        # Explicit latin1 encoding, still comes back as unicode
        msg = Message(u'hello world', content_encoding='latin1')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'latin1')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, unicode))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, u'hello world')

        # Plain string with specified encoding comes back as unicode
        msg = Message('hello w\xf6rld', content_encoding='latin1')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'latin1')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, unicode))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, u'hello w\u00f6rld')

        # Plain string with bogus encoding
        msg = Message('hello w\xf6rld', content_encoding='I made this up')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'I made this up')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, str))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, 'hello w\xf6rld')

        # Turn off auto_decode for remaining tests
        self.ch.auto_decode = False

        # Unicode body comes back as utf-8 encoded str
        msg = Message(u'hello w\u00f6rld')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'UTF-8')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, str))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, 'hello w\xc3\xb6rld')

        # Plain string with specified encoding stays plain string
        msg = Message('hello w\xf6rld', content_encoding='latin1')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'latin1')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, str))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, 'hello w\xf6rld')

        # Explicit latin1 encoding, comes back as str
        msg = Message(u'hello w\u00f6rld', content_encoding='latin1')
        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)
        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg2.content_encoding, 'latin1')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg2.body, str))
        self.assertEqual(msg2.body, 'hello w\xf6rld')

    def test_exception(self):
        Check that Channel exceptions are actually raised as Python

        self.assertRaises(AMQPChannelException, self.ch.queue_delete, 'bogus_queue_that_does_not_exist')

    def test_large(self):
        Test sending some extra large messages.

        self.ch.access_request('/data', active=True, write=True, read=True)

        qname, _, _ = self.ch.queue_declare()

        for multiplier in [100, 1000, 10000]:
            msg = Message('unittest message' * multiplier,
                application_headers={'foo': 7, 'bar': 'baz'})

            self.ch.basic_publish(msg, routing_key=qname)

            msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(no_ack=True)
            self.assertEqual(msg, msg2)

    def test_publish(self):
        tkt = self.ch.access_request('/data', active=True, write=True)
        self.assertEqual(tkt, self.ch.default_ticket)

        self.ch.exchange_declare('unittest.fanout', 'fanout', auto_delete=True)

        msg = Message('unittest message',
            application_headers={'foo': 7, 'bar': 'baz'})

        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'unittest.fanout')

    def test_queue(self):
        self.ch.access_request('/data', active=True, write=True, read=True)

        my_routing_key = 'unittest.test_queue'
        msg = Message('unittest message',
            application_headers={'foo': 7, 'bar': 'baz'})

        qname, _, _ = self.ch.queue_declare()
        self.ch.queue_bind(qname, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)

        self.ch.basic_publish(msg, 'amq.direct', routing_key=my_routing_key)

        msg2 = self.ch.basic_get(qname, no_ack=True)
        self.assertEqual(msg, msg2)