コード例 #1
ファイル: tensor.py プロジェクト: guoyang0123/psi4release
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     key = (key, ) if not isinstance(key, tuple) else key
     if all(isinstance(arg, basestring) for arg in key):
         argidxs = EinsumTensor.split_indices(key)
         if isinstance(value, EinsumContraction):
             # Carry out the contraction and store the result...
             # TODO Sanity checking for correct shape
             value.contract(dest=EinsumTensor(argidxs, tensor=self))
         elif isinstance(value, EinsumTensor):
             idxs, subidxs = EinsumTensor.split_indices(argidxs,
             eself = EinsumTensor(argidxs, tensor=self)
             if idxs == value.indices and subidxs == value.sub_indices:
                 if value.coeff == 1.0:
                     super(Tensor, eself.sliced_tensor).__setitem__(
                         Ellipsis, value.sliced_tensor)
                     super(Tensor, eself.sliced_tensor).__setitem__(
                         Ellipsis, value.coeff * value.sliced_tensor)
                 #np.ndarray.__setitem__(self, Ellipsis, value.tensor)
             elif len(idxs) == len(value.indices):
                 # Just rearrange things...
                 rv = value.sort_to(dest=eself, multiplier=value.coeff)
                 # We're doing an internal contraction.  EinsumSum.sum_into handles this.
                 tmp = EinsumSum(value)
         elif isinstance(value, EinsumSum):
             # TODO Sanity checking for correct shape
             value.sum_into(dest=EinsumTensor(argidxs, tensor=self))
         elif isinstance(value, Tensor):
             if grendel.sanity_checking_enabled:
                 # Check the shape of the tensor to be assigned to the block
                 # TODO Sanity checking for correct shape
             #np.ndarray.__setitem__(dest_tens, tuple([Ellipsis]*self.ndim), value)
             # The user probably made a mistake
             raise ValueError
         super(Tensor, self).__setitem__(key, value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tensor.py プロジェクト: guoyang0123/psi4release
    def __getitem__(self, args):
        Returns the sub-``Tensor`` corresponding to the depth specified.  If the resulting sub-``Tensor`` is just an item
        (i.e. if the ``ndim`` attribute of self is equal to the number of arguments given), the ``numpy.ndarray``
        behavior is used (which just returns the entry, which is a special numpy subclass of ``float`` or ``int``).
        If the resulting sub-``Tensor`` has a ``ndim`` attribute of 1, a ``Vector`` object is returned.
        If the resulting sub-``Tensor`` has a ``ndim`` attribute of 2, a ``Matrix`` object is returned.


        TODO:  Write example test cases
        TODO: Move this to the class documentation since it doesn't show up in sphinx

        # if a single item is given, handle it as a length-1 tuple
        args = (args, ) if not isinstance(args, tuple) else args
        # Handle Einstein summation
        if all(isinstance(arg, basestring) for arg in args):
            argidxs = EinsumTensor.split_indices(args)
            return EinsumTensor(argidxs, self)
                ret_val = np.ndarray.__getitem__(self, args)
            if np.isscalar(ret_val):
                return ret_val
                shp = ret_val.shape
                if len(shp) == 1:
                    return ret_val.view(Vector)
                elif len(shp) == 2:
                    return ret_val.view(Matrix)
                    return ret_val