コード例 #1
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: xinchao1230/kalpa
  def EndParsing(self):
    '''Called at the end of parsing.'''

    # TODO(joi) Rewrite this, it's extremely ugly!
    if len(self.mixed_content):
      if isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes):
        # Remove leading and trailing chunks of pure whitespace.
        while (len(self.mixed_content) and
               isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes) and
               self.mixed_content[0].strip() == ''):
          self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[1:]
        # Strip leading and trailing whitespace from mixed content chunks
        # at front and back.
        if (len(self.mixed_content) and
            isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes)):
          self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0].lstrip()
        # Remove leading and trailing ''' (used to demarcate whitespace)
        if (len(self.mixed_content) and
            isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], types.StringTypes)):
          if self.mixed_content[0].startswith("'''"):
            self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0][3:]
    if len(self.mixed_content):
      if isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes):
        # Same stuff all over again for the tail end.
        while (len(self.mixed_content) and
               isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes) and
               self.mixed_content[-1].strip() == ''):
          self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[:-1]
        if (len(self.mixed_content) and
            isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes)):
          self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1].rstrip()
        if (len(self.mixed_content) and
            isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], types.StringTypes)):
          if self.mixed_content[-1].endswith("'''"):
            self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1][:-3]

    # Check that all mandatory attributes are there.
    for node_mandatt in self.MandatoryAttributes():
      mandatt_list = []
      if node_mandatt.find('|') >= 0:
        mandatt_list = node_mandatt.split('|')

      mandatt_option_found = False
      for mandatt in mandatt_list:
        assert mandatt not in self.DefaultAttributes().keys()
        if mandatt in self.attrs:
          if not mandatt_option_found:
            mandatt_option_found = True
            raise exception.MutuallyExclusiveMandatoryAttribute(mandatt)

      if not mandatt_option_found:
        raise exception.MissingMandatoryAttribute(mandatt)

    # Add default attributes if not specified in input file.
    for defattr in self.DefaultAttributes():
      if not defattr in self.attrs:
        self.attrs[defattr] = self.DefaultAttributes()[defattr]
コード例 #2
    def _FindInputFile(self):
        output_context = self.grd_node.GetRoot().output_context
        match = self.split_context_re_.match(output_context)
        if not match:
            raise exception.MissingMandatoryAttribute(
                'All <output> nodes must have an appropriate context attribute'
                ' (e.g. context="touch_200_percent")')
        req_layout, req_scale = match.group(1), int(match.group(2))

        layouts = [req_layout]
        if 'default' not in layouts:
        scales = [req_scale]
        try_low_res = self.grd_node.FindBooleanAttribute(
            'fallback_to_low_resolution', default=False, skip_self=False)
        if try_low_res and 100 not in scales:
        for layout in layouts:
            for scale in scales:
                dir = '%s_%s_percent' % (layout, scale)
                path = os.path.join(dir, self.rc_file)
                if os.path.exists(self.grd_node.ToRealPath(path)):
                    return path, scale, req_scale
        # If we get here then the file is missing, so fail.
        dir = "%s_%s_percent" % (_MakeBraceGlob(layouts),
                                 _MakeBraceGlob(map(str, scales)))
        raise exception.FileNotFound(
            'Tried ' +
            self.grd_node.ToRealPath(os.path.join(dir, self.rc_file)))
コード例 #3
    def _FindInputFile(self):
        output_context = self.grd_node.GetRoot().output_context
        match = self.split_context_re_.match(output_context)
        if not match:
            raise exception.MissingMandatoryAttribute(
                'All <output> nodes must have an appropriate context attribute'
                ' (e.g. context="touch_200_percent")')
        req_layout, req_scale = match.group(1), int(match.group(2))

        layouts = [req_layout]
        try_default_layout = self.grd_node.GetRoot().fallback_to_default_layout
        if try_default_layout and 'default' not in layouts:

        # TODO(tdanderson): Search in descending order of all image scales
        #                   instead of immediately falling back to 100.
        #                   See crbug.com/503643.
        scales = [req_scale]
        try_low_res = self.grd_node.FindBooleanAttribute(
            'fallback_to_low_resolution', default=False, skip_self=False)
        if try_low_res and 100 not in scales:

        for layout in layouts:
            for scale in scales:
                dir = '%s_%s_percent' % (layout, scale)
                path = os.path.join(dir, self.rc_file)
                if os.path.exists(self.grd_node.ToRealPath(path)):
                    return path, scale, req_scale

        if not try_default_layout:
            # The file was not found in the specified output context and it was
            # explicitly indicated that the default context should not be searched
            # as a fallback, so return an empty path.
            return None, 100, req_scale

        # The file was found in neither the specified context nor the default
        # context, so raise an exception.
        dir = "%s_%s_percent" % (_MakeBraceGlob(layouts),
                                 _MakeBraceGlob(map(str, scales)))
        raise exception.FileNotFound(
            'Tried ' +
            self.grd_node.ToRealPath(os.path.join(dir, self.rc_file)))