コード例 #1
    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects.

        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets ``self.results``.
        from gromacs.formats import XVG

        logger.info("Preparing RMSF graphs as XVG objects.")
        results = AttributeDict(RMSF=XVG(self.parameters.filenames['RMSF']),
        self.results = results
        return results
コード例 #2
ファイル: distances.py プロジェクト: uitb/GromacsWrapper
 def analyze(self, **kwargs):
     """Make data files available as numpy arrays."""
     results = AttributeDict()
     for name, f in self.parameters.filenames.items():
         results[name] = XVG(f)
     self.results = results
     return results
コード例 #3
    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Analyze hydrogen bond output.

        * hydrogen bond existence (existence)
        * total number of hydrogen bonds (num)
        * (others can be added easily)

        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets ``self.results``.
        from gromacs.formats import XPM, XVG

        results = AttributeDict()
        results['num'] = XVG(self.parameters.filenames['num'])
        results['matrix'] = hbm = XPM(self.parameters.filenames['hbm'],

        hb_fraction = hbm.array.mean(axis=0)
        desc = [
            line.strip() for line in open(self.parameters.filenames['log'])
            if not line.startswith('#')
        results['existence'] = zip(desc, hb_fraction)

        with open(self.parameters.filenames['existence'], "w") as out:
                "Hydrogen bond existence analysis (results['existence'] and %(existence)r)",
            for name, frac in results['existence']:
                logger.info("hb_existence: %-40s %4.1f%%", name, 100 * frac)
                out.write("{0:<40!s} {1:4.1f}%\n".format(name, 100 * frac))

        self.results = results
        return results
コード例 #4
    def test_correl(self, correldata):
        xvg = XVG(array=correldata, names="t,y1,y2")
        # FIXME
        # force=True : TypeError: tcorrel() got an unexpected keyword argument 'force'
        xvg.set_correlparameters(nstep=None, ncorrel=25000)

        sigma = xvg.error
        tc = xvg.tc
        assert_equal(sigma.shape, (2, ))
        assert_equal(tc.shape, (2, ))
コード例 #5
    def analyze(self,**kwargs):
        """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects.

        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets ``self.results``.
        from gromacs.formats import XVG

        logger.info("Preparing HelixBundle graphs as XVG objects.")
        results = AttributeDict( (k, XVG(fn)) for k,fn in self.parameters.filenames.items() )
        self.results = results
        return results
コード例 #6
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: aozalevsky/GromacsWrapper
    def store_xvg(self, name, a, **kwargs):
        """Store array *a* as :class:`~gromacs.formats.XVG` in result *name*.

        kwargs are passed to :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG`.

        This is a helper method that simplifies the task of storing
        results in the form of a numpy array as a data file on disk in
        the xmgrace format and also as a :class:`~gromacs.formats.XVG`
        instance in the :attr:`gromacs.analysis.core.Worker.results`
        from gromacs.formats import XVG
        kwargs.pop('filename',None)     # ignore filename
        filename = self.plugindir(name+'.xvg')
        xvg = XVG(**kwargs)
        self.results[name] = xvg
        self.parameters.filenames[name] = filename
        return filename
コード例 #7
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: uitb/GromacsWrapper
    def store_xvg(self, name, a, **kwargs):
        """Store array *a* as :class:`~gromacs.formats.XVG` in result *name*.

        kwargs are passed to :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG`.

        This is a helper method that simplifies the task of storing
        results in the form of a numpy array as a data file on disk in
        the xmgrace format and also as a :class:`~gromacs.formats.XVG`
        instance in the :attr:`gromacs.analysis.core.Worker.results`
        from gromacs.formats import XVG
        kwargs.pop('filename', None)  # ignore filename
        filename = self.plugindir(name + '.xvg')
        xvg = XVG(**kwargs)
        self.results[name] = xvg
        self.parameters.filenames[name] = filename
        return filename
コード例 #8
	# Loop through all the density files in the main directory. In this case "b" stands for the OH-percentage of the SAM,
	# and "c" stands for the number of molecules (2 for 2000, 3 for 3000, etc)
	# We save each time the data of the density file in the variable "input" and
	# the radial coordinates in the variable "x"
	peakcount = 0
	for b in SAMs:
		for c in Waters:
			print >> myfile, '             '
			peakcount = systems[(b, c)]
			shift = peak[peakcount]
			print >> myfile2, '{0}	{1} {2}'.format('#File:', b, c)
			for d in frange(start_time, end_time, 0.5):
				l = d + 0.5
				l = str(l)
				d = str(d)
				xvg = XVG()
				filename = 'g_rad_dmap_%dpc_w%d_%sns_%sns.xvg'%(b,c,d,l, )
				if not os.path.isfile(filename):
					print >> myfile, '{0}  {1}  {2}'.format(filename, 'nan', 'nan')
					print >> myfile2, '{0}  {1}'.format('nan', 'nan')
				input = xvg.array
				x = input[0]
	# Here we create the array "zcoord" with the z-coordinates of the slices subtracting the shift value.
				slicestotal = len(input) - 1
				S = ZLENGTH/ slicestotal
				zcoord = np.zeros(len(input)-1)
				for i in range(1,len(input)): 
					zcoord[i-1] = (S *(i-1))-shift
コード例 #9
 def test_decimate(self, correldata, method, maxpoints=100):
     xvg = XVG(array=correldata)
     data = xvg.array
     reduced = xvg.decimate(method, data, maxpoints=maxpoints)
     assert_equal(reduced.shape, (len(data), maxpoints))
コード例 #10
 def test_write_read(self, xvg, tmpdir):
     fname = "random.xvg"
     with tmpdir.as_cwd():
         newxvg = XVG(filename=fname)
     assert_almost_equal(newxvg.array, xvg.array)
コード例 #11
 def xvg(self, data):
     return XVG(array=data.copy(), names="t,a,b,c,d,e")
コード例 #12
    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Load results from disk into :attr:`_Dihedrals.results` and compute PMF.

        The PMF W(phi) in kT is computed from each dihedral
        probability distribution P(phi) as

           W(phi) = -kT ln P(phi)

        It is stored in :attr:`_Dihedrals.results` with the key *PMF*.

             bins for histograms (passed to numpy.histogram(new=True))

        :Returns: a dictionary of the results and also sets

        bins = kwargs.pop("bins", 361)

        results = AttributeDict()

        # get graphs that were produced by g_angle
        for name, f in self.parameters.filenames.items():
                results[name] = XVG(f)
            except IOError:
                pass  # either not computed (yet) or some failure

        # compute individual distributions
        ts = results["timeseries"].array  # ts[0] = time, ts[1] = avg
        dih = ts[2:]

        phi_range = (-180.0, 180.0)

        Ndih = len(dih)
        p = Ndih * [None]  # histograms (prob. distributions), one for each dihedral i
        for i in xrange(Ndih):
            phis = dih[i]
            p[i], e = numpy.histogram(phis, bins=bins, range=phi_range, normed=True, new=True)

        P = numpy.array(p)
        phi = 0.5 * (e[:-1] + e[1:])  # midpoints of bin edges
        distributions = numpy.concatenate((phi[numpy.newaxis, :], P))  # phi, P[0], P[1], ...

        xvg = XVG()
        results["distributions"] = xvg
        del xvg

        # compute PMF (from individual distributions)
        W = -numpy.log(P)  # W(phi)/kT = -ln P
        W -= W.min(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis]  # minimum at 0 kT
        pmf = numpy.concatenate((phi[numpy.newaxis, :], W), axis=0)
        xvg = XVG()
        results["PMF"] = xvg

        self.results = results
        return results
コード例 #13
    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Load results from disk into :attr:`_Dihedrals.results` and compute PMF.

        The PMF W(phi) in kT is computed from each dihedral
        probability distribution P(phi) as

           W(phi) = -kT ln P(phi)

        It is stored in :attr:`_Dihedrals.results` with the key *PMF*.

             bins for histograms (passed to numpy.histogram(new=True))

        :Returns: a dictionary of the results and also sets

        bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 361)

        results = AttributeDict()

        # get graphs that were produced by g_angle
        for name, f in self.parameters.filenames.items():
                results[name] = XVG(f)
            except IOError:
                pass    # either not computed (yet) or some failure

        # compute individual distributions
        ts = results['timeseries'].array    # ts[0] = time, ts[1] = avg
        dih = ts[2:]

        phi_range = (-180., 180.)

        Ndih = len(dih)
        p = Ndih * [None]  # histograms (prob. distributions), one for each dihedral i
        for i in xrange(Ndih):
            phis = dih[i]
            p[i],e = numpy.histogram(phis, bins=bins, range=phi_range, normed=True, new=True)

        P = numpy.array(p)
        phi = 0.5*(e[:-1]+e[1:])   # midpoints of bin edges
        distributions = numpy.concatenate((phi[numpy.newaxis, :], P))  # phi, P[0], P[1], ...

        xvg = XVG()
        results['distributions'] = xvg
        del xvg

        # compute PMF (from individual distributions)
        W = -numpy.log(P)                      # W(phi)/kT = -ln P
        W -= W.min(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis]   # minimum at 0 kT
        pmf = numpy.concatenate((phi[numpy.newaxis, :], W), axis=0)
        xvg = XVG()
        results['PMF'] = xvg

        self.results = results
        return results
コード例 #14
    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects.

        - Make COM as a function of time available as XVG files and
        - Compute RMSD of the COM of each group (from average
          position, "rmsd").
        - Compute distance whic encompasses 50% of observations ("median")
        - Compute drift of COM, i.e. length of the vector between
          initial and final position. Initial and final position are
          computed as averages over *nframesavg* frames ("drift").

        RMSD, median, and drift are columns in an xvg file. The rows correspond
        to the groups in :attr:`gromacs.analysis.plugins.com.Worker.results.group_names`.

              number of initial and final frames that are averaged in
              order to compute the drift of the COM of each group
              group name whose com is taken as the reference and subtracted from
              all other coms for the distance calculations. If supplied,
              additional result 'com_relative_*refgroup*' is created.

        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets
        from gromacs.formats import XVG

        logger.info("Preparing COM graphs as XVG objects.")
        self.results = AttributeDict(
            (k, XVG(fn)) for k, fn in self.parameters.filenames.items())

        # compute RMSD of COM and shift of COM (drift) between avg pos
        # over first/last 5,000 frames
        nframesavg = kwargs.pop('nframesavg', 5000)
        ngroups = len(self.parameters.group_names)
        xcom = self.results['com'].array

        refgroup = kwargs.pop('refgroup', None)
        if refgroup is not None:
            if not refgroup in self.parameters.group_names:
                errmsg = "refgroup={0!s} must be one of {1!r}".format(
                    refgroup, self.parameters.group_names)
                raise ValueError(errmsg)
            nreference = 1 + 3 * self.parameters.group_names.index(
                refgroup)  # 1-based !!
            reference_com = xcom[nreference:nreference + 3]
            xcom[1:] -= numpy.vstack(ngroups *
                                     [reference_com])  # can't use broadcast
            logger.debug("distances computed with refgroup %r", refgroup)

                           names=['time'] + self.parameters.group_names)

        def vlength(v):
            return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2,
                                        axis=0))  # distances over time step

            "drift calculated between %d-frame averages at beginning and end",
        records = []
        for i in xrange(1, 3 * ngroups + 1, 3):
            x = xcom[i:i + 3]
            r = vlength(
                x -
                x.mean(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis])  # distances over time step
            #r0 = vlength(r - r[:,0][:,numpy.newaxis])         # distances over time step from r(t=0)
            #h,edges = numpy.histogram(r, bins=kwargs.get('bins', 100), normed=True)
            #m = 0.5*(edges[1:]+edges[:-1])
            #c = h.cumsum(dtype=float)    # integral
            #c /= c[-1]                   # normalized (0 to 1)
            #median = m[c < 0.5][-1]
            #g =  h/(4*numpy.pi*m**2)
            #import scipy.integrate
            #radint = lambda y: 4*numpy.pi*scipy.integrate.simps(m**2*y, x=m)
            #g /= radint(g)  # properly normalized radial distribution function
            rmsd = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(
                r**2))  # radial spread sqrt(radint(m**2 * g))
            median = numpy.median(
                r)  # radius that contains 50% of the observations
            dx = x[:, :nframesavg].mean(axis=1) - x[:,
            drift = vlength(dx)
            records.append((rmsd, median, drift))

        return self.results