コード例 #1
    "Worker.task_limit", 2000, "Limits the number of tasks a worker retrieves "
    "every poll")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.flow_lease_time", 600,
                          "Duration of flow lease time in seconds.")

    "Frontend.throttle_average_interval", 60,
    "Time interval over which average request rate is "
    "calculated when throttling is enabled.")

    ["aff4:/flows/W:TransferStore", "aff4:/flows/W:Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smpt server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")

# Server Cryptographic settings.
    description="CA private key. Used to sign for client enrollment.",
コード例 #2
                         "The main path to the locally cached documentation.")

    "AdminUI.webauth_manager", "NullWebAuthManager",
    "The web auth manager for controlling access to the UI.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("AdminUI.django_debug", True,
                       "Turn on to add django debugging")

    "AdminUI.django_secret_key", "CHANGE_ME",
    "This is a secret key that should be set in the server "
    "config. It is used in XSRF and session protection.")

    "AdminUI.django_allowed_hosts", ["*"],
    "Set the django ALLOWED_HOSTS parameter. "
    "See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("AdminUI.enable_ssl", False,
                       "Turn on SSL. This needs AdminUI.ssl_cert to be set.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.ssl_cert_file", "",
                         "The SSL certificate to use.")

    "AdminUI.ssl_key_file", None,
    "The SSL key to use. The key may also be part of the cert file, in which "
    "case this can be omitted.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.url", "http://localhost:8000/",
                         "The direct external URL for the user interface.")
コード例 #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the check subsystem."""
from grr.lib import config_lib

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Checks.config_dir", ["%(grr/checks|resource)",
                       "A list of directories to load checks from.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Checks.config_files", [],
                       "Paths of check configurations to load at start up.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Checks.max_results", 50,
                          "Maximum items to include as check results.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/grr-insider
from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib import rdfvalue
from grr.lib import type_info

# Windows Memory driver information.
                         "The SCCM service name for the driver.")

                         "%(Client.name) Pmem",
                         "The SCCM display name for the driver.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("MemoryDriver.driver_files", [],
                       "The default drivers to use.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("MemoryDriver.aff4_paths", [],
                       "The AFF4 paths to the driver objects.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("MemoryDriver.device_path", r"\\\\.\\pmem",
                         "The device path which the client will open after "
                         "installing this driver.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("MemoryDriver.service_name", "pmem",
                         "The name of the service created for "
                         "the driver (Windows).")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("MemoryDriver.display_name", "%(service_name)",
                         "The display name of the service created for "
                         "the driver (Windows).")
コード例 #5
ファイル: data_store.py プロジェクト: kaneschutzman/grr
                          help="How long do we wait for a transaction lock.")

    r"%{(?P<path>files/nsrl/...).*}", r"%{(?P<path>W/[^/]+).*}",
    r"%{(?P<path>CA/[^/]+).*}", r"%{(?P<path>C\..\{1,16\}?)($|/.*)}",
    r"%{(?P<path>hunts/[^/]+).*}", r"%{(?P<path>blobs/[^/]+).*}",

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Datastore.pathing", DATASTORE_PATHING,
                       ("Path selection for subjects in the file-based data "
                        "stores (by priority)."))

                         help=("Location of the data store (usually a "
                               "filesystem directory)"))

# SQLite data store.
    help=("Number of rows that need to be deleted before "
          "checking if the sqlite file may need to be "
コード例 #6
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: ytisf/grr
from grr.lib import rdfvalue
from grr.lib.rdfvalues import crypto

# General Client options.
    "Client.name", "GRR",
    "The name of the client. This will be used as a base "
    "name to generate many other default parameters such "
    "as binary names and service names. Note that on "
    "Linux we lowercase the name to confirm with most "
    "linux naming conventions.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.binary_name", "%(Client.name)",
                         "The name of the client binary.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Client.labels", [], "Labels for this client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.company_name", "GRR Project",
                         "The name of the company which made the client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.description", "%(name) %(platform) %(arch)",
                         "A description of this specific client build.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.platform", "windows",
                         "The platform we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.arch", "amd64",
                         "The architecture we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.build_time", "Unknown",
                         "The time the client was built.")
コード例 #7
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: rubicondimitri/grr
    "could not complete after this many seconds.")

# We write a journal entry for the flow when it's about to be processed.
# If the journal entry is there after this time, the flow will get terminated.
    "Worker.stuck_flows_timeout", 60 * 60 * 6,
    "Flows who got stuck in the worker for more than this time (in seconds) "
    "are forcibly terminated")

    "Frontend.throttle_average_interval", 60,
    "Time interval over which average request rate is "
    "calculated when throttling is enabled.")

    "Frontend.well_known_flows", ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

    "Frontend.static_aff4_prefix", "aff4:/web/static/",
    "The AFF4 URN prefix for all streams served publicly from the frontend.")

    "Frontend.static_url_path_prefix", "/static/",
    "The URL prefix for all streams served publicly from the frontend.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smtp server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")
コード例 #8
ファイル: artifacts.py プロジェクト: wwwiretap/grr
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the artifact subsystem."""

import os

from grr.lib import config_lib

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Artifacts.artifact_dirs", [
    os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/artifacts"),
        os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/artifacts/" +
    os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/artifacts/local")
], "A list directories to load artifacts from.")

    "Artifacts.knowledge_base", [
        "AllUsersProfileEnvironmentVariable", "CurrentControlSet",
        "ProgramFiles", "ProgramFilesx86", "SystemDriveEnvironmentVariable",
        "SystemRoot", "TempEnvironmentVariable", "UserShellFolders",
        "WinCodePage", "WinDirEnvironmentVariable", "WinDomainName",
        "WinPathEnvironmentVariable", "WinTimeZone", "WindowsRegistryProfiles",
        "WMIProfileUsersHomeDir", "WMIAccountUsersDomain", "OSXUsers",
        "LinuxUserProfiles", "LinuxRelease"
    ], "List of artifacts that are collected regularly by"
    " interrogate and used for interpolation of client-side"
    " variables. Includes artifacts for all supported OSes. "
    "Anything not in this list won't be downloaded by"
    " interrogate so be sure to include any necessary"
    " dependencies.")
コード例 #9
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: lismore/grr
    "could not complete after this many seconds.")

# We write a journal entry for the flow when it's about to be processed.
# If the journal entry is there after this time, the flow will get terminated.
    "Worker.stuck_flows_timeout", 60 * 60 * 6,
    "Flows who got stuck in the worker for more than this time (in seconds) "
    "are forcibly terminated")

    "Frontend.throttle_average_interval", 60,
    "Time interval over which average request rate is "
    "calculated when throttling is enabled.")

    "Frontend.well_known_flows", ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smtp server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("Worker.smtp_starttls", False,
                       "Enable TLS for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_user", None,
                         "Username for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_password", None,
コード例 #10
                         "The main path to the locally cached documentation.")

    "AdminUI.webauth_manager", "NullWebAuthManager",
    "The web auth manager for controlling access to the UI.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("AdminUI.django_debug", True,
                       "Turn on to add django debugging")

    "AdminUI.django_secret_key", "CHANGE_ME",
    "This is a secret key that should be set in the server "
    "config. It is used in XSRF and session protection.")

    "AdminUI.django_allowed_hosts", ["*"],
    "Set the django ALLOWED_HOSTS parameter. "
    "See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("AdminUI.enable_ssl", False,
                       "Turn on SSL. This needs AdminUI.ssl_cert to be set.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.ssl_cert_file", "",
                         "The SSL certificate to use.")

    "AdminUI.ssl_key_file", None,
    "The SSL key to use. The key may also be part of the cert file, in which "
    "case this can be omitted.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.url", "http://localhost:8000/",
                         "The direct external URL for the user interface.")
コード例 #11
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: rubicondimitri/grr
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""API config options."""

from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib import rdfvalue

config_lib.DEFINE_list("API.access_groups", [],
                       "Groups allowed to call the AdminUI API. Empty list"
                       " means anyone can call. Note you MUST replace the "
                       "lib.authorizations.local.groups.GroupAccess class "
                       "with a class that can retrieve group information to"
                       " use this setting.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("API.access_groups_label", "api_access",
                         "The access that API.access_groups will be granted. "
                         "This config option is useful if you have multiple "
                         "API servers which should be accessed by different "
                         "API.access_group groups. You likely don't want to "
                         "change this.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("API.DailyFlowRequestLimit", "10",
                          "Number of flows a user can run on a single client "
                          "per day before being blocked by throttling. Set to "
                          "0 to disable checking.")

config_lib.DEFINE_semantic(rdfvalue.Duration, "API.FlowDuplicateInterval",
                           default="1200s", description="Amount of time "
                           "that needs to pass before the throttler will allow "
                           "an identical flow to run on the same client. Set "
                           "to 0s to disable checking.")
コード例 #12
from grr.lib import aff4
from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib import data_store
from grr.lib import flow
from grr.lib import master
from grr.lib import rdfvalue
from grr.lib import registry
from grr.lib import stats
from grr.lib import utils

from grr.proto import flows_pb2

    "Cron.enabled_system_jobs", [], "List of system cron jobs that will be "
    "automatically scheduled on worker startup. "
    "If cron jobs from this list were disabled "
    "before, they will be enabled on worker "
    "startup. Vice versa, if they were enabled "
    "but are not specified in the list, they "
    "will be disabled.")

class Error(Exception):

class CronSpec(rdfvalue.Duration):
    data_store_type = "string"

    def SerializeToDataStore(self):
        return self.SerializeToString()
コード例 #13
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/grr
    "Source.version_numeric", "%(version_major)%(version_minor)"
    "Version string of the client as an integer.")

# Note: Each thread adds about 8mb for stack space.
config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Threadpool.size", 50,
                          "Number of threads in the shared thread pool.")

    "Worker.queue_shards", 5, "Queue notifications will be sharded across "
    "this number of datastore subjects.")

    "Frontend.well_known_flows", ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smtp server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("Worker.smtp_starttls", False,
                       "Enable TLS for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_user", None,
                         "Username for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_password", None,
コード例 #14
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/grr
from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib.rdfvalues import crypto

# General Client options.
    "Client.name", "GRR",
    "The name of the client. This will be used as a base "
    "name to generate many other default parameters such "
    "as binary names and service names. Note that on "
    "Linux we lowercase the name to confirm with most "
    "linux naming conventions.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.binary_name", "%(Client.name)",
                         "The name of the client binary.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Client.labels", [], "Labels for this client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.company_name", "GRR Project",
                         "The name of the company which made the client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.description", "%(name) %(platform) %(arch)",
                         "A description of this specific client build.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.platform", "windows",
                         "The platform we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.arch", "amd64",
                         "The architecture we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.build_time", "Unknown",
                         "The time the client was built.")
コード例 #15
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: tkuennen/grr
                         "The main path to the templates.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.help_root", "%(docs|resource)",
                         "The main path to the locally cached documentation.")

    "AdminUI.webauth_manager", "NullWebAuthManager",
    "The web auth manager for controlling access to the UI.")

    "AdminUI.remote_user_header", "X-Remote-User",
    "Header containing authenticated user's username. "
    "Used by RemoteUserWebAuthManager.")
    "AdminUI.remote_user_trusted_ips", [""],
    "Only requests coming from these IPs will be processed "
    "by RemoteUserWebAuthManager.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.firebase_api_key", None,
                         "Firebase API key. Used by FirebaseWebAuthManager.")
config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.firebase_auth_domain", None,
                         "Firebase API key. Used by FirebaseWebAuthManager.")
    "AdminUI.firebase_auth_provider", "GoogleAuthProvider",
    "Firebase auth provider (see "
    "https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/start). Used by "

# TODO(amoser): Deprecated, remove at some point.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.django_secret_key", "CHANGE_ME",
                         "This is deprecated. Used csrf_secret_key instead!.")
コード例 #16
from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib import rdfvalue

# General Client options.
    "Client.name", "GRR",
    "The name of the client. This will be used as a base "
    "name to generate many other default parameters such "
    "as binary names and service names. Note that on "
    "Linux we lowercase the name to confirm with most "
    "linux naming conventions.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.binary_name", "%(Client.name)",
                         "The name of the client binary.")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Client.labels", [], "Labels for this client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.company_name", "GRR Project",
                         "The name of the company which made the client.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.description", "%(name) %(platform) %(arch)",
                         "A description of this specific client build.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.platform", "windows",
                         "The platform we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.arch", "amd64",
                         "The architecture we are running on.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Client.build_time", "Unknown",
                         "The time the client was built.")
コード例 #17
ファイル: data_server.py プロジェクト: wwwiretap/grr
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the data servers."""

from grr.lib import config_lib

# The Data Store server.
config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Dataserver.stats_frequency", 60,
                          ("Time interval in seconds for data server "
                           "statistics updates"))

                       ["", ""],
                       "List of allowed data servers (first is the master).")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Dataserver.max_connections", 5,
                          ("Maximum number of connections to the data server "
                           "per process."))

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Dataserver.port", 7000,
                          "Port for a specific data server.")

# Login information for clients of the data servers.
    "Dataserver.client_credentials", ["user:pass:rw"],
    "List of data server client credentials, given as "
    "<username>:<password>:<mode> where mode is r or rw.")

# Login information used by data servers when registering with the master.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Dataserver.server_username", "server",
                         "Username for servers.")
コード例 #18
ファイル: artifacts.py プロジェクト: yeyingtomorrow/grr
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the artifact subsystem."""

from grr.lib import config_lib

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Artifacts.artifact_dirs", [
    "%(grr/artifacts|resource)", "%(grr/artifacts/flow_templates|resource)",
], "A list directories to load artifacts from.")

    "Artifacts.knowledge_base", [
コード例 #19
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: lzbgt/grr
    "Source.version_numeric", "%(version_major)%(version_minor)"
    "Version string of the client as an integer.")

# Note: Each thread adds about 8mb for stack space.
config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Threadpool.size", 50,
                          "Number of threads in the shared thread pool.")

    "Worker.queue_shards", 5, "Queue notifications will be sharded across "
    "this number of datastore subjects.")

    "Frontend.well_known_flows", ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

    "Frontend.DEBUG_well_known_flows_blacklist", [],
    "Drop these well known flows requests without "
    "processing. Useful as an emergency tool to reduce "
    "the load on the system.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smtp server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("Worker.smtp_starttls", False,
コード例 #20
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: thatarchguy/grr
                          "The queue manager retries to work on requests it "
                          "could not complete after this many seconds.")

# We write a journal entry for the flow when it's about to be processed.
# If the journal entry is there after this time, the flow will get terminated.
    "Worker.stuck_flows_timeout", 60 * 60 * 6,
    "Flows who got stuck in the worker for more than this time (in seconds) "
    "are forcibly terminated")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Frontend.throttle_average_interval", 60,
                          "Time interval over which average request rate is "
                          "calculated when throttling is enabled.")

                       ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
                       "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
                       "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

# Smtp settings.
config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_server", "localhost",
                         "The smtp server for sending email alerts.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Worker.smtp_port", 25, "The smtp server port.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("Worker.smtp_starttls", False,
                       "Enable TLS for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_user", None,
                         "Username for the smtp connection.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Worker.smtp_password", None,
コード例 #21
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for logging and error reporting subsystems."""

from grr.lib import config_lib
from grr.lib import rdfvalue
from grr.lib import type_info

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Logging.domain", "localhost",
                         "The email domain belonging to this installation. "
                         "Leave blank to not restrict email to this domain")

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Logging.engines", ["stderr"],
                       "Enabled logging engines. Valid values are "
                       "combinations of stderr,file,syslog,event_log.")

config_lib.DEFINE_bool("Logging.verbose", False,
                       help="If true log more verbosely.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Logging.path", "%(TEMP|env)/tmp/",
                         help="Path to log file directory.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Logging.syslog_path", "localhost:514",
                         help="Path to syslog socket. This can be a unix "
                         "domain socket or in a UDP host:port notation.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Logging.filename", "%(Logging.path)/GRRlog.txt",
                         help="Filename of the grr log file.")

コード例 #22
    "after this many seconds.")

    "Worker.notification_retry_interval", 30,
    "The queue manager retries to work on requests it "
    "could not complete after this many seconds.")

# We write a journal entry for the flow when it's about to be processed.
# If the journal entry is there after this time, the flow will get terminated.
    "Worker.stuck_flows_timeout", 60 * 60 * 6,
    "Flows who got stuck in the worker for more than this time (in seconds) "
    "are forcibly terminated")

    "Frontend.well_known_flows", ["TransferStore", "Stats"],
    "Allow these well known flows to run directly on the "
    "frontend. Other flows are scheduled as normal.")

    "Frontend.DEBUG_well_known_flows_blacklist", [],
    "Drop these well known flows requests without "
    "processing. Useful as an emergency tool to reduce "
    "the load on the system.")

    "Frontend.static_aff4_prefix", "aff4:/web/static/",
    "The AFF4 URN prefix for all streams served publicly from the frontend.")

    "Frontend.static_url_path_prefix", "/static/",
    "The URL prefix for all streams served publicly from the frontend.")
コード例 #23
ファイル: artifacts.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/grr-insider
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the artifact subsystem."""

import os

from grr.lib import config_lib

    [os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/artifacts"),
     os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/artifacts/local")
    ], "A list directories to load artifacts from.")

コード例 #24
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: zzzzpaul/grr
    help="The path to a test config with local customizations.")

                         help="Somewhere to write temporary files.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("Test.data_store", "FakeDataStore",
                         "The data store to run the tests against.")

config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Test.remote_pdb_port", 2525,
                          "Remote debugger port.")

    "Test.end_to_end_client_ids", [],
    "List of client ids to perform regular end_to_end tests"
    " on.  These clients should be always on and connected"
    " to the network.")

    "Test.end_to_end_client_hostnames", [],
    "List of hostnames to perform regular end_to_end tests"
    " on.  These clients should be always on and connected"
    " to the network.")

    "Test.end_to_end_result_check_wait", "50m",
    "rdfvalue.Duration string that determines how long we "
    "wait after starting the endtoend test hunt before we "
    "check the results. Should be long enough that all "
    "clients will have picked up the hunt, but not so "
コード例 #25
                         "URL of the 'Report a problem' link.")

config_lib.DEFINE_string("AdminUI.help_url", "/help/index.html",
                         "URL of the 'Help' link.")

                         "Base path for GitHub-hosted GRR documentation. ")

    "AdminUI.new_hunt_wizard.default_output_plugin", None,
    "Output plugin that will be added by default in the "
    "'New Hunt' wizard output plugins selection page.")

# Temporary option that allows limiting access to legacy UI renderers. Useful
# when giving access to GRR AdminUI to parties that have to use the HTTP API
# only.
# TODO(user): remove as soon as legacy rendering system is removed.
    "AdminUI.legacy_renderers_allowed_groups", [],
    "Users belonging to these  groups can access legacy GRR renderers, "
    "which are still used for some GRR features (manage binaries, legacy "
    "browse virtual filesystem pane, etc). If this option is not set, then "
    "no additional checks are performed when legacy renderers are used.")

    "AdminUI.debug_impersonate_user", None,
    "NOTE: for debugging purposes only! If set, every request AdminUI gets "
    "will be attributed to the specified user. Useful for checking how AdminUI "
    "looks like for an access-restricted user.")
コード例 #26
    help=("The name of the configuration file which will be embedded in the "
          "deployable binary."))

    default=("%(Client.binary_name) --install "
             "--config %(ClientBuilder.config_filename)"),
    help=("The command that the installer will execute after "
          "unpacking the package."))

    help="Plugins that will copied to the client installation file and run "
    "at install time.")

    help="Plugins that will copied to the client installation file and run when"
    "the client is running.")

    help="Filename for logging, to be copied to Client section in the client "
    "that gets built.")
コード例 #27
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Configuration parameters for the check subsystem."""
import os

from grr.lib import config_lib

config_lib.DEFINE_list("Checks.config_dir", [
    os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/checks"),
    os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../grr/checks/local")
], "A list of directories to load checks from.")
config_lib.DEFINE_list("Checks.config_files", [],
                       "Paths of check configurations to load at start up.")
config_lib.DEFINE_integer("Checks.max_results", 50,
                          "Maximum items to include as check results.")