def main(galaxy_package_file, id, version=None): with open(galaxy_package_file, 'r') as handle: for ld in yield_packages(handle): if ld['id'].lower() != id.lower(): continue if version is not None and ld['version'].lower() != version.lower(): continue print """<action type="download_by_url" sha256sum="{0[sha]}"> {1} </action>""".format(ld, depot_url(ld))
def get(package_id, download_location): package_found = False for ld in yield_packages(urllib2.urlopen(PACKAGE_SERVER + 'urls.tsv')): # TODO: check platform/architecture, failover to all if available? # iid, version, platform, architecture, upstream_url, checksum, alternate_url = line.split('\t') if ld['id'] == package_id.strip() and ld['platform']== 'src': package_found = True # I worry about this being unreliable. TODO: add target filename column? pkg_name = package_name(ld) storage_path = os.path.join(download_location, pkg_name) url = depot_url(ld) urllib.urlretrieve(url, storage_path) download_checksum = hashlib.sha256(open(storage_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if ld['checksum'] != download_checksum: print ('Checksum does not match, something seems to be wrong.\n' '{expected}\t(expected)\n{actual}\t(downloaded)').format( expected=ld['checksum'], actual=download_checksum) else: print 'Download successful for %s.' % (pkg_name) if not package_found: print 'Package (%s) could not be found in this server.' % (package_id)