コード例 #1
ファイル: executor.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
    def execute(self, file_path: Path, platform=None):
        Executes the script file.

        :param file_path: path to the script file
        :param platform: language (platform) of this file
        :return: tuple: platform dictionary with values from the script's namespace.
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            raise UserFailure(f"File does not exist: {file_path}")
        if platform is None:
            platform = determine_platform(file_path)
        if platform is None:
            raise UserFailure(
                f"Can't recognize the language platform for the file {file_path}"
        my_dir = os.getcwd()
            if platform == "matlab":
                output = self.execute_matlab(file_path)
            elif platform == "jupyter":
                output = self.execute_jupyter(file_path)
            elif platform == "python":
                output = self.execute_python(file_path)
                raise GspackFailure(f"Unrecognized platform: {platform}")
        if self.verbose:
            print(f"Found and executed successfully: \n-> {file_path}")
        return platform, output
コード例 #2
ファイル: executor.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
    def execute_jupyter(self, file_path: Path):
        Executes a Jupyter Notebook, all coding cells top to bottom.

        :param file_path: path to the notebook
        :return: dictionary with all variables left in the namespace after the the Notebook finishes its execution.

        # load the notebook object
        with io.open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            nb = read(f, 4)

        # create the module and add it to sys.modules
        # if name in sys.modules:
        #    return sys.modules[name]
        shell = InteractiveShell.instance()
        fullname = file_path.stem
        module = types.ModuleType(fullname)
        module.__file__ = file_path
        module.__loader__ = self
        module.__dict__['get_ipython'] = get_ipython
        sys.modules[fullname] = module

        # extra work to ensure that magics that would affect the user_ns
        # actually affect the notebook module's ns
        save_user_ns = shell.user_ns
        shell.user_ns = module.__dict__
        with open(self.log_path, 'w') as f:
                code_cells_counter = 0
                for cell in nb.cells:
                    if cell.cell_type == 'code':
                        code_cells_counter += 1
                        # transform the input to executable Python
                        code = shell.input_transformer_manager.transform_cell(
                        # run the code in module
                            with redirected_output(new_stdout=f):
                                exec(code, module.__dict__)
                        except TimeoutError:
                            raise UserFailure(
                                "Code did not finish before timeout")
                        except Exception as e:
                            raise UserFailure(
                                "Exception occurred while executing your"
                                " code in code cell %d: %s" %
                                (code_cells_counter, e))
                shell.user_ns = save_user_ns
        return module.__dict__
コード例 #3
ファイル: grader.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
def get_submission_file_path(submission_dir: Path, main_file_name=None):
    Find the student's main submission file and figure out the language by the file's extension.
    Also checks that all student's files are readable.

    :param submission_dir: Directory with the student's submission
    :param main_file_name: Name of the main file from the rubric.
    :return: tuple: path to the main submission's file and its language
    submission_files = []
    if not submission_dir.is_dir():
        raise GspackFailure(f"Not a directory: {submission_dir}")

    for f in os.listdir(submission_dir):
        platform = determine_platform(submission_dir / f)
        if platform is not None:
                # we don't do anything with the output because at this point we just want to check
                # that the file is readable.
                with open(submission_dir / f, 'r') as f2:
                    _ = f2.read()
            except Exception as e:
                raise GspackFailure(
                    f"Gradescope is unable to read your file: \n {str(e)} \n" +
                    f"This might happen if your file is damaged or improperly encoded (not in UTF-8)"
            submission_files.append(submission_dir / f)

    if len(submission_files) == 0:
        raise GspackFailure(
            "No student solution files found. Check that you submitted either .m files or .py files."

    main_file = None
    if main_file_name is not None:
        # Checks whether one and only one file matches the main file's name from the rubric
        # in the submission's directory
        for file in submission_files:
            if file.stem == main_file_name:
                if main_file is not None:
                    raise GspackFailure(
                        f"More than one file matches the main file's name" +
                        f" ({main_file_name}): {main_file} and {file}")
                main_file = file

        if main_file is None:
            raise UserFailure(
                f"File with the name {main_file_name} is not found. Check that you named your "
                + f"main file properly.")
        # If no `main_file_name` is provided then we only check that there is only one file in
        # the submission directory
        if len(submission_files) > 1:
            raise GspackFailure(
                "You should have submitted one file, but you submitted many: \n "
                + "\n".join([str(f) for f in submission_files]))
        main_file = submission_files[0]
    return main_file
コード例 #4
ファイル: executor.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
    def execute_python(self, file_path: Path):
        Executes a Python script

        :param file_path: path to the script
        :return: dictionary with all variables left in the namespace after the script finishes its execution.
        with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
            code = f.read()
        module_name = file_path.stem
        module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
        module.__file__ = os.path.abspath(file_path)

        with open(self.log_path, 'w') as f:
            with redirected_output(new_stdout=f, new_stderr=f):
                    exec(code, module.__dict__)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise UserFailure(
                        f"Exception occurred while executing your code: {str(e)}"
            # in case the code opened plots -- close them
            # to avoid buffer overflow
        if os.path.exists(self.log_path):
        return module.__dict__
コード例 #5
ファイル: executor.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
    def execute_matlab(self, file_path: Path):
        Executes a MATLAB file.

        :param file_path: path to the file
        :return: dictionary with values of variables listed in `self.matlab_config["variables_to_get"]`
        if "matlab" not in self.supported_platforms:
            raise UserFailure(
                "MATLAB support is disabled for this assignment, but a MATLAB file is submitted."
        # MATLAB executor has been moved into a separate file because MATLAB Engine
        # requires being imported in the very first line of the file.
            from .matlab_executor import execute_matlab as execute_matlab_ext
            output = execute_matlab_ext(file_path,
        except TimeoutError:
            return UserFailure("Code did not finish before timeout.")
        return output
コード例 #6
    def from_json(rubric_path: Path, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        Creates Rubric from a JSON file.

        :param rubric_path: Path to the rubric file. Must be a JSON file.
        :param verbose: Whether to print logs
        :param kwargs: For passing along irrelevant variables.
        :return: an instance of Rubric
        if not rubric_path.exists() or not rubric_path.is_file():
            raise UserFailure(
                f"Rubric file does not exist: \n -> {rubric_path}")
        with open(rubric_path, 'r') as f:
                rubric = json.load(f)
            except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
                raise UserFailure(
                    f"Rubric file can not be loaded. Error:\n{e}\n" +
                    "Make sure the path is right and the are no typos in JSON syntax."
        return Rubric.from_dict(rubric, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
コード例 #7
    def fetch_values_for_tests(self, variables: dict):
        Goes through the rubric and variables, and saves the values from variables from test_suite to the rubric.

        :param variables: Dictionary of the variables.
        :return: None if successful, otherwise raises an error
        if self.test_suite is None:
            raise GspackFailure(
                "Rubric was not initialized properly: test_suite is None.")
        self.test_suite_values = {}
        for test in self.test_suite:
            test_value = variables.get(test["variable_name"], None)
            if test_value is None:
                raise UserFailure(
                    f"{test['test_name']}: variable {test['variable_name']} is set to be checked"
                    f" but it's not defined after the solution finishes its execution."
            self.test_suite_values[test["variable_name"]] = test_value
コード例 #8
ファイル: matlab_executor.py プロジェクト: aksholokhov/gspack
def execute_matlab(file_path: Path, matlab_config: dict):
    Executes MATLAB solution script and returns variables from it's namespace.

    :param file_path: Path to the script
    :param matlab_config: Dictionary with additional parameters:

        - `variables_to_take`: list of variables' names which should be pulled from MATLAB's namespace

    :return: Dictionary "name" - "value" for variables listed in matlab_config["variables_to_take"]
        # Launch MATLAB engione
        eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
    except Exception as e:
        raise GspackFailure(
            f"MATLAB Engine failed to start with the following error: \n {e}.")
        # Execute MATLAB script
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = f"Exception occurred while executing your code: \n {str(e)}"
        raise UserFailure(err_msg)
        # pull variables from MATLAB workspace `eng.workspace` into `workspace` dict.
        # The reason to explicitly require the list of variables' names is because
        # MATLAB engine and all its components die once the execution leaves this scope,
        # so `return eng.workspace` would not work.
        workspace = {}
        variables_to_take = matlab_config.get("variables_to_take", ())
        for name in variables_to_take:
            item = get_from_workspace(eng.workspace, name)
            if item is not None:
                workspace[name] = matlab2python(item)
        return workspace
    except Exception as e:
        raise GspackFailure(
            f"Failure while exporting data from MATLAB environment: \n {str(e)}"
コード例 #9
def create_autograder(solution, rubric=None, verbose=True):
    Creates autograder archive based on the solution. The archive is named "autograder.zip", and
    is placed alongside the solution file.

    :param solution: path to solution file
    :param rubric: path to a rubric file (.json). If not provided then the rubric is assumed to be in the solution file.
    :param verbose: whether to print detailed outputs.
    :return: None
    solution_path = Path(solution).resolve()
        platform = determine_platform(solution_path)

        if rubric is not None:
            # If path to a rubric file is provided then it's loaded first,
            # and the rubric inside the solution file, if any, is ignored.
            rubric_path = Path(rubric).resolve()
            rubric = Rubric.from_json(rubric_path,
            # The solution file is executed, the variables from its namespace are stored in solution_variables
            # See the docstring for Executor.execute() for more details.
            _, solution_variables = Executor(
            if platform == "matlab":
                # For MATLAB solutions a separate rubric file has to be provided
                # since there is no way to put it inside the solution file itself.
                raise UserFailure(
                    "You need to provide a rubric file with your MATLAB solution.\n"
                    + "Use argument '--rubric path/to/rubric.json'")
            _, solution_variables = Executor(
            # When rubric is not provided as a separate file, gspack looks for it in the solution file's namespace.
            rubric = Rubric.from_dict(solution_variables,

        # Scan the rubric and pull the values of variables from test suite from solution_variables.
        # These values are going to be saved to autograder.zip alongside with the rubric.
        create_archive(solution_path.parent / AUTOGRADER_ZIP,

    except UserFailure as e:
        # This error indicates that something went wrong because the user did something wrong,
        # and gspack was able to identify what exactly and provided a suggestion
        # in the error's message.
        print("ERROR: The process is aborted, see the error below:")
        return None
    except (GspackFailure, Exception) as e:
        # This error indicates that something went out of gspack's control. It likely indicates a bug in gspack.
            "ERROR: The process is aborted due to an unusual reason. Contact the developers."
        # raise e
        return None
        f"Archive created successfully: \n-> {solution_path.parent / AUTOGRADER_ZIP}"
コード例 #10
def create_archive(archive_path: Path,
                   rubric: Rubric,
                   platform: str,
    Creates a Gradescope autograder archive (autograder.zip).

    :param archive_path: path where archive should be saved.
    :param rubric: rubric with attached true values.
    :param platform: which language was used for writing the solution file
    :param verbose: whether to print detailed outputs.
    :return: None. Saves the archive to archive_path or aborts.
    if verbose:
        print("Generating the archive:")
    program_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    archive_dir = archive_path.parent.absolute()
        # This function puts all the files for the archive to a newly created DIST_DIR and
        # deletes it once it's packed into autograder.zip
        os.mkdir(archive_dir / DIST_DIR)

        # Copy necessary files (setup.sh, run_autograder). See AUTOGRADER_ARCHIVE_FILES.
        for file in AUTOGRADER_ARCHIVE_FILES:
            full_path = program_dir / TEMPLATES_DIR / file
            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                raise GspackFailure(
                    f"-> {file}: the file {full_path} does not exist." +
                    f" It's likely a gspack installation bug." +
                    f" You should contact authors" +
                    f" or post the issue on the project's Github page.")
            shutil.copyfile(full_path, archive_dir / DIST_DIR / file)
            if verbose:
                print(f"-> {file}: OK")

        # Generate requirements file. It's either in 'requirements' variable or it can be generated via pipreqs.
        if verbose:
            print("Looking for package requirements for your solution:")
        if rubric.requirements is not None:
            with open(archive_dir / DIST_DIR / REQUIREMENTS_FILE, "w") as f:
                print("-> saved from 'requirements' variable, OK.")
            # pipreqs package scans the solution and generates the list of (non-standard) Python packages used.
            if platform == "python":
                generate_reqs_output = generate_requirements(
                    output_path=archive_dir / DIST_DIR / REQUIREMENTS_FILE)
                if not generate_reqs_output[0].startswith(
                        b"INFO: Successfully saved"):
                    raise GspackFailure(
                        "Extra package requirements identification FAILED. " +
                        "Make sure all solution files in the solution's " +
                        "directory (including subdirectories), " +
                        "can be executed without errors, and there are no other,"
                        " irrelevant python files in the solution directory.")
                if verbose:
                    print(f"-> Generated via pipreqs: OK")
            elif platform == "jupyter":
                if verbose:
                        "-> Not provided, assumed no extra packages are needed"
            elif platform == "matlab":
                    "-> If you need extra MATLAB toolboxes for your solution contact your department "
                    "to make sure they're added to the department's MATLAB distribution for Gradescope."

        # This file will contain all the information that setup.sh needs during
        # the Docker initialization process.
        config = {}

        if "matlab" in rubric.supported_platforms:
            # Add MATLAB support
            if rubric.matlab_credentials is None:
                raise UserFailure(
                    "MATLAB support is requested but no matlab_credentials path is provided"
            if verbose:
                print("Adding MATLAB support...")

            # Check that all the necessary files are in the credentials folder
            matlab_folder_path = Path(
            if not matlab_folder_path.exists(
            ) or not matlab_folder_path.is_dir():
                raise UserFailure(
                    f"matlab_credentials: the directory {matlab_folder_path} does not exist"
                    + f" or it's not a directory.")

            # Move all necessary files to the archive's directory
            for file in MATLAB_FILES:
                if not (matlab_folder_path / file).exists():
                    raise UserFailure(
                        f"-> {file}: File {(matlab_folder_path / file).absolute()} does not exist."
                shutil.copyfile(matlab_folder_path / file,
                                archive_dir / DIST_DIR / file)
                if verbose:
                    print(f"-> {file}: OK")

            # Getting prefix and suffix commands for the run_autograder script, if any.
            # These _prefix and _suffix normally contain all the commands
            # which need to be executed before and after the main
            # grading script kicks in. For instance, opening and closing a SSH tunnels to
            # MATLAB license servers, if used.
            run_autograder_prefix = ""
            run_autograder_suffix = ""
            if (matlab_folder_path / PROXY_SETTINGS).exists():
                with open(matlab_folder_path / PROXY_SETTINGS,
                          "r") as proxy_settings_file:
                    proxy_settings = json.load(proxy_settings_file)
                    if proxy_settings['open_tunnel'] is not None:
                        run_autograder_prefix += proxy_settings['open_tunnel']
                    if proxy_settings['close_tunnel'] is not None:
                        run_autograder_suffix += proxy_settings['close_tunnel']

            # Create run_autograder file given the prefix and suffix
            with open(archive_dir / DIST_DIR / RUN_AUTOGRADER_FILE,
                      'w') as run_autograder_dest:
                run_autograder_dest.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash \n")
                if run_autograder_prefix is not None:
                    run_autograder_dest.write(run_autograder_prefix + "\n")
                with open(program_dir / TEMPLATES_DIR / RUN_AUTOGRADER_FILE,
                          'r') as run_autograder_src:
                    run_autograder_dest.write(run_autograder_src.read() + "\n")
                if run_autograder_suffix is not None:
            config["matlab_support"] = 1
            if verbose:
                print("MATLAB support added successfully.", end='\n')
            config["matlab_support"] = 0
            # Create run_autograder file only adding bash prefix to the template
            with open(archive_dir / DIST_DIR / RUN_AUTOGRADER_FILE,
                      'w') as run_autograder_dest:
                run_autograder_dest.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash \n")
                with open(program_dir / TEMPLATES_DIR / RUN_AUTOGRADER_FILE,
                          'r') as run_autograder_src:
                    run_autograder_dest.write(run_autograder_src.read() + "\n")

        # Add Jupyter Notebooks support.
        if "jupyter" in rubric.supported_platforms:
            config["jupyter_support"] = 1
            config["jupyter_support"] = 0

        # save the config.json file
        with open(archive_dir / DIST_DIR / CONFIG_JSON, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(config, f)

        # Check and add extra files from extra_files list,
        if verbose and rubric.extra_files is not None:
            print("Find extra files list:")

        for extra_file in rubric.extra_files:
            if not (archive_dir / extra_file).exists():
                raise UserFailure(
                    f"{extra_file}: can't find {archive_dir / extra_file}")
            shutil.copyfile(archive_dir / extra_file,
                            archive_dir / DIST_DIR / extra_file)
            if verbose:
                print(f"-> {extra_file}: OK")

        # save the rubric and true values from the rubric to the archive's folder.
        rubric.save_to(archive_dir / DIST_DIR)

        # Zip all files in DIST directory
        zip_archive = ZipFile(archive_dir / AUTOGRADER_ZIP, 'w')
        for extra_file in os.listdir(archive_dir / DIST_DIR):
            zip_archive.write(archive_dir / DIST_DIR / extra_file,
        return True
        # Delete the temporary dist directory
        if os.path.exists(archive_dir / DIST_DIR):
            shutil.rmtree(archive_dir / DIST_DIR)
コード例 #11
    def check_rubric_correctness(rubric: dict,
        Checks that the rubric in the dictionary is correct. Raises UserFailure if it's not.

        :param rubric: Dictionary that contains arguments for the rubric
        :param verbose: Whether to print logs
        :param solution_platform: the language (platform) which the solution is implemented on
        :param kwargs: For passing along irrelevant variables.
        :return: True if the rubric is correct, otherwise raises a UserFailure

        # Check the correctness of the test suite
        test_suite = rubric.get('test_suite', None)
        if test_suite is None:
            raise UserFailure(
                "No test_suite variable defined in the solution file.")
        if type(test_suite) is not list:
            raise UserFailure(
                f"test_suite is defined as {type(test_suite)} but it should be list."

        # Assign individual test's scores, if not assigned, using total_score,
        # or make sure total_score is consistent with individual scores, if both are set.
        score_per_test = None
        total_score = rubric.get('total_score', None)
        if total_score is not None:
                total_score = float(total_score)
            except Exception:
                raise UserFailure(
                    "Total score should be a number. Check the type of the total_score variable."
            score_per_test = total_score / len(test_suite)

        if verbose:
            print("Found the test suite configuration:")

        # Recovers individual scores based on `total_score`, if needed.
        actual_total_score = 0
        for test in test_suite:
            if (score_per_test is None) ^ (test.get('score', None) is None):
                if test.get('score', None) is None:
                    test['score'] = score_per_test
                if (test.get('score', None) is None) and (score_per_test is
                    raise UserFailure(
                        f"{test['test_name']}: score is missing and total_score is not defined."
                        " You need to either define scores for each test or define total_score."
                        score_from_rubric = float(test['score'])
                    except Exception:
                        raise UserFailure(
                            f"Score for {test['test_name']} ({test['variable_name']}) is not a number."

                    if abs(score_from_rubric - score_per_test
                           ) > 1e-2 and score_per_test is not None:
                        raise UserFailure(
                            f"{test['test_name']}: score for this test is not consistent with total_score:"
                            f" {score_from_rubric:.2f} vs {score_per_test:.2f} ({total_score}/{len(test_suite)})."
                            f" You need to define either one global score to assign points evenly,"
                            f" or to define all test's scores manually. When you do both make sure they're consistent."

                _ = float(test['rtol']) if test.get('rtol', None) else None
                _ = float(test['atol']) if test.get('atol', None) else None
            except Exception:
                raise UserFailure(
                    f"Tolerances for test {test['test_name']}: rtol and atol should be float numbers"

            actual_total_score += float(test['score'])
            if verbose:
                print(f"-> {test['test_name']}: OK")

        if verbose:
            print(f"The total number of points is {actual_total_score:.0f}.")

        # Check the number of attempts
        number_of_attempts = rubric.get('number_of_attempts', None)
        if number_of_attempts is not None:
                number_of_attempts = int(number_of_attempts)
            except Exception:
                raise UserFailure("number_of_attempts should be int.")
            if verbose:
                print(f"Number of attempts: {number_of_attempts}")
            if verbose:
                print(f"Number of attempts: unlimited.")

        # Check the list of supported platforms.
        supported_platforms = rubric.get("supported_platforms", None)
        if supported_platforms is not None:
            if not type(supported_platforms) is list:
                raise UserFailure(
                    "supported_platforms should be a list of strings")
            for platform in supported_platforms:
                if platform not in all_supported_platforms.keys():
                    raise UserFailure(
                        f"Unrecognized platform: {platform}." +
                        f" Options are: {', '.join(all_supported_platforms.keys())}"
            # If no list of supported platforms is provided it's assumed that the only platform to supports
            # is the one which the solution file is implemented with.
            if solution_platform is not None:
                supported_platforms = [
                raise GspackFailure(
                    "Neither supported_platforms nor solution's platform is provided."

        rubric["supported_platforms"] = supported_platforms
        if verbose:
            print(f"Supported platforms: {', '.join(supported_platforms)}")

        # Check the main file's name
        main_file_name = rubric.get("main_file_name", None)
        if main_file_name is not None:
            if verbose:
                    f"Main file's name: {main_file_name}" +
                    f"[{';'.join(chain(*[all_supported_platforms[platform] for platform in supported_platforms]))}]"

        # Check the list of extra files
        extra_files = rubric.get("extra_files", None)
        if extra_files is not None:
            if not type(extra_files) is list:
                raise UserFailure(
                    "extra_files should be a list of file names"
                    " located in the same directory as the solution")

        # Check the list of requirements
        requirements = rubric.get("requirements", None)
        if requirements is not None:
            if not type(requirements) is list:
                raise UserFailure(
                    "requirements variables should be a list of package names")

        return True