def align_marker_set(gid_dict, marker_info_file: MarkerInfoFile, copy_number_file: CopyNumberFile, cpus): """Aligns the set of genomes for a specific domain. Parameters ---------- gid_dict : dict A dictionary containing information about the genome, indexed by the id. marker_info_file : MarkerInfoFile A domain specific subclass of the marker info file. copy_number_file : CopyNumberFile A domain-specific subclass of the copy number file. cpus : int The maximum number of CPUs to use in subprocesses. Returns ------- Dict[str, str] dict[gid] = sequence """ logger = logging.getLogger('timestamp') logger.log(LOG_TASK, f'Generating concatenated alignment for each marker.') single_copy_hits = get_single_copy_hits(gid_dict, copy_number_file, cpus) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='gtdbtk_tmp_') as dir_tmp: # Write each of the markers to disk. marker_paths = dict() for marker_id, marker_d in single_copy_hits.items(): cur_path = os.path.join(dir_tmp, f'{marker_id}.fa') marker_paths[marker_id] = cur_path with open(cur_path, 'w') as fh: for cur_gid, cur_seq in marker_d.items(): fh.write(f'>{cur_gid}\n{cur_seq}\n') # Run hmmalign on all of the markers (in order of largest) hmmer_v = HmmAligner.get_version() logger.log( LOG_TASK, f'Aligning {len(marker_paths)} identified markers using hmmalign {hmmer_v}.' ) queue = list() for marker_id, marker_path in sorted( marker_paths.items(), key=lambda z: -marker_info_file.markers[z[0]]['size']): queue.append( (marker_id, marker_info_file.markers[marker_id]['path'], marker_path, frozenset(single_copy_hits[marker_id]))) with mp.get_context('spawn').Pool(processes=cpus) as pool: results = list( tqdm_log(pool.imap_unordered(run_hmm_align_worker, queue), total=len(queue), unit='marker')) # Create the concatenated alignment. return create_concat_alignment(results, marker_info_file)
def align(self, identify_dir, skip_gtdb_refs, taxa_filter, min_perc_aa, custom_msa_filters, skip_trimming, rnd_seed, cols_per_gene, min_consensus, max_consensus, min_per_taxa, out_dir, prefix, outgroup_taxon, genomes_to_process=None): """Align marker genes in genomes.""" if identify_dir != out_dir: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_IDENTIFY)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_IDENTIFY)) copy( os.path.join(identify_dir, PATH_BAC120_MARKER_SUMMARY.format(prefix=prefix)), os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_IDENTIFY)) copy( os.path.join(identify_dir, PATH_AR122_MARKER_SUMMARY.format(prefix=prefix)), os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_IDENTIFY)) identify_gene_file = os.path.join( identify_dir, PATH_TLN_TABLE_SUMMARY.format(prefix=prefix)) copy(identify_gene_file, os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_IDENTIFY)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_ALIGN_INTERMEDIATE)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, DIR_ALIGN_INTERMEDIATE)) # write out files with marker information bac120_marker_info_file = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_BAC120_MARKER_INFO.format(prefix=prefix)) self._write_marker_info(Config.BAC120_MARKERS, bac120_marker_info_file) ar122_marker_info_file = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_AR122_MARKER_INFO.format(prefix=prefix)) self._write_marker_info(Config.AR122_MARKERS, ar122_marker_info_file) genomic_files = self._path_to_identify_data(identify_dir, identify_dir != out_dir) if genomes_to_process is not None and len(genomic_files) != len( genomes_to_process): self.logger.error( '{} are not present in the input list of genome to process.'. format( list( set(genomic_files.keys()) - set(genomes_to_process.keys())))) raise InconsistentGenomeBatch( 'You are attempting to run GTDB-Tk on a non-empty directory that contains extra ' 'genomes not present in your initial identify directory. Remove them, or run ' 'GTDB-Tk on a new directory.')'Aligning markers in %d genomes with %d threads.' % (len(genomic_files), self.cpus)) # determine marker set for each user genome bac_gids, ar_gids, _bac_ar_diff = self.genome_domain( identify_dir, prefix) # align user genomes gtdb_taxonomy = Taxonomy().read(self.taxonomy_file) for gids, msa_file, mask_file, marker_set_id in ((bac_gids, Config.CONCAT_BAC120, Config.MASK_BAC120, "bac120"), (ar_gids, Config.CONCAT_AR122, Config.MASK_AR122, "ar122")): domain_str = 'archaeal' if marker_set_id == 'bac120': domain_str = 'bacterial' if len(gids) == 0: continue 'Processing {:,} genomes identified as {}.'.format( len(gids), domain_str)) if marker_set_id == 'bac120': marker_info_file = bac120_marker_info_file marker_filtered_genomes = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_BAC120_FILTERED_GENOMES.format(prefix=prefix)) marker_msa_path = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_BAC120_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)) marker_user_msa_path = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_BAC120_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)) else: marker_info_file = ar122_marker_info_file marker_filtered_genomes = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_AR122_FILTERED_GENOMES.format(prefix=prefix)) marker_msa_path = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_AR122_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)) marker_user_msa_path = os.path.join( out_dir, PATH_AR122_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)) cur_genome_files = { gid: f for gid, f in genomic_files.items() if gid in gids } if skip_gtdb_refs: gtdb_msa = {} else: gtdb_msa = self._msa_filter_by_taxa(msa_file, gtdb_taxonomy, taxa_filter, outgroup_taxon) gtdb_msa_mask = os.path.join(Config.MASK_DIR, mask_file) hmm_aligner = HmmAligner(self.cpus, self.pfam_top_hit_suffix, self.tigrfam_top_hit_suffix, self.protein_file_suffix, self.pfam_hmm_dir, self.tigrfam_hmms, Config.BAC120_MARKERS, Config.AR122_MARKERS) user_msa = hmm_aligner.align_marker_set(cur_genome_files, marker_set_id) # Write the individual marker alignments to disk if self.debug: self._write_individual_markers(user_msa, marker_set_id, marker_info_file, out_dir, prefix) # filter columns without sufficient representation across taxa if skip_trimming: 'Skipping custom filtering and selection of columns.') pruned_seqs = {} trimmed_seqs = merge_two_dicts(gtdb_msa, user_msa) elif custom_msa_filters: aligned_genomes = merge_two_dicts(gtdb_msa, user_msa) 'Performing custom filtering and selection of columns.') trim_msa = TrimMSA( cols_per_gene, min_perc_aa / 100.0, min_consensus / 100.0, max_consensus / 100.0, min_per_taxa / 100.0, rnd_seed, os.path.join(out_dir, 'filter_%s' % marker_set_id)) trimmed_seqs, pruned_seqs = trim_msa.trim( aligned_genomes, marker_info_file) if trimmed_seqs: 'Filtered MSA from {:,} to {:,} AAs.'.format( len(list(aligned_genomes.values())[0]), len(list(trimmed_seqs.values())[0]))) 'Filtered {:,} genomes with amino acids in <{:.1f}% of columns in filtered MSA.' .format(len(pruned_seqs), min_perc_aa)) filtered_user_genomes = set(pruned_seqs).intersection(user_msa) if len(filtered_user_genomes): 'Filtered genomes include {:.} user submitted genomes.' .format(len(filtered_user_genomes))) else: f'Masking columns of {domain_str} multiple sequence alignment using canonical mask.' ) trimmed_seqs, pruned_seqs = self._apply_mask( gtdb_msa, user_msa, gtdb_msa_mask, min_perc_aa / 100.0) 'Masked {} alignment from {:,} to {:,} AAs.'.format( domain_str, len(list(user_msa.values())[0]), len(list(trimmed_seqs.values())[0]))) if min_perc_aa > 0: '{:,} {} user genomes have amino acids in <{:.1f}% of columns in filtered MSA.' .format(len(pruned_seqs), domain_str, min_perc_aa)) # write out filtering information with open(marker_filtered_genomes, 'w') as fout: for pruned_seq_id, pruned_seq in pruned_seqs.items(): if len(pruned_seq) == 0: perc_alignment = 0 else: valid_bases = sum( [1 for c in pruned_seq if c.isalpha()]) perc_alignment = valid_bases * 100.0 / len(pruned_seq) fout.write( '%s\t%s\n' % (pruned_seq_id, 'Insufficient number of amino acids in MSA ({:.1f}%)'. format(perc_alignment))) # write out MSAs if not skip_gtdb_refs: 'Creating concatenated alignment for {:,} {} GTDB and user genomes.' .format(len(trimmed_seqs), domain_str)) self._write_msa(trimmed_seqs, marker_msa_path, gtdb_taxonomy) trimmed_user_msa = { k: v for k, v in trimmed_seqs.items() if k in user_msa } if len(trimmed_user_msa) > 0: 'Creating concatenated alignment for {:,} {} user genomes.' .format(len(trimmed_user_msa), domain_str)) self._write_msa(trimmed_user_msa, marker_user_msa_path, gtdb_taxonomy) else: f'All {domain_str} user genomes have been filtered out.') # Create symlinks to the summary files if marker_set_id == 'bac120': symlink_f( PATH_BAC120_FILTERED_GENOMES.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_BAC120_FILTERED_GENOMES.format( prefix=prefix)))) if len(trimmed_user_msa) > 0: symlink_f( PATH_BAC120_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_BAC120_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)))) if not skip_gtdb_refs: symlink_f( PATH_BAC120_MSA.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_BAC120_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)))) elif marker_set_id == 'ar122': symlink_f( PATH_AR122_FILTERED_GENOMES.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_AR122_FILTERED_GENOMES.format( prefix=prefix)))) if len(trimmed_user_msa) > 0: symlink_f( PATH_AR122_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_AR122_USER_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)))) if not skip_gtdb_refs: symlink_f( PATH_AR122_MSA.format(prefix=prefix), os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename( PATH_AR122_MSA.format(prefix=prefix)))) else: self.logger.error( 'There was an error determining the marker set.') raise GenomeMarkerSetUnknown