コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: benkonrath/django-guardian
def get_obj_perms_model(obj, base_cls, generic_cls):
    if isinstance(obj, Model):
        obj = obj.__class__
    ctype = get_content_type(obj)

    if django.VERSION >= (1, 8):
        fields = (f for f in obj._meta.get_fields()
                  if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one) and f.auto_created)
        fields = obj._meta.get_all_related_objects()

    for attr in fields:
        if django.VERSION < (1, 8):
            model = getattr(attr, 'model', None)
            model = getattr(attr, 'related_model', None)
        if (model and issubclass(model, base_cls) and
                model is not generic_cls):
            # if model is generic one it would be returned anyway
            if not model.objects.is_generic():
                # make sure that content_object's content_type is same as
                # the one of given obj
                fk = model._meta.get_field('content_object')
                if ctype == get_content_type(remote_model(fk)):
                    return model
    return generic_cls
コード例 #2
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
    def get_organization_filters(self, obj, permission_expiry=False):
        User = get_user_model()
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)

        # Django organizations
        organization_model = get_organization_obj_perms_model(obj)
        organization_rel_name = organization_model.permission.field.related_query_name()
        if self.user:
            fieldname = '%s__organization__%s' % (
            organization_filters = {fieldname: self.user}
            organization_filters = {'%s__organization' % organization_rel_name: self.organization}
        if organization_model.objects.is_generic():
                '%s__content_type' % organization_rel_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % organization_rel_name: obj.pk,
            organization_filters['%s__content_object' % organization_rel_name] = obj

        org_q = tuple()
        if permission_expiry:
            kwargs1 = {"%s__permission_expiry" % organization_rel_name: None}
            kwargs2 = {"%s__permission_expiry__gte" % organization_rel_name: datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)}
            org_q = (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2),)

        return organization_filters, org_q
コード例 #3
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: genialis/resolwe
def get_groups_with_perms(obj, attach_perms=False):
    """Return queryset of all ``Group`` objects with *any* object permissions for the given ``obj``."""
    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)

    if not attach_perms:
        # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is the case
        group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_filters = {
                '%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
            group_filters = {'%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj}
        return Group.objects.filter(**group_filters).distinct()
        group_perms_mapping = defaultdict(list)
        groups_with_perms = get_groups_with_perms(obj)
        queryset = group_model.objects.filter(group__in=groups_with_perms).prefetch_related('group', 'permission')
        if group_model is GroupObjectPermission:
            queryset = queryset.filter(object_pk=obj.pk, content_type=ctype)
            queryset = queryset.filter(content_object_id=obj.pk)

        for group_perm in queryset:
        return dict(group_perms_mapping)
コード例 #4
    def get_perms(self, obj):
        Returns list of ``codename``'s of all permissions for given ``obj``.

        :param obj: Django model instance for which permission should be checked

        if self.user and not self.user.is_active:
            return []
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        key = self.get_local_cache_key(obj)
        if key not in self._obj_perms_cache:
            if self.user and self.user.is_superuser:
                perms = list(chain(*Permission.objects
            elif self.user:
                # Query user and group permissions separately and then combine
                # the results to avoid a slow query
                user_perms = self.get_user_perms(obj)
                group_perms = self.get_group_perms(obj)
                perms = list(set(chain(user_perms, group_perms)))
                perms = list(set(self.get_group_perms(obj)))
            self._obj_perms_cache[key] = perms
        return self._obj_perms_cache[key]
コード例 #5
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     content_type = get_content_type(self.content_object)
     if content_type != self.permission.content_type:
         raise ValidationError("Cannot persist permission not designed for "
                               "this class (permission's type is %r and object's type is %r)"
                               % (self.permission.content_type, content_type))
     return super(BaseObjectPermission, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: managers.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
    def assign_perm(self, perm, user_or_group, obj, renewal_period=None, subscribe_to_emails=True):
        Assigns permission with given ``perm`` for an instance ``obj`` and
        if getattr(obj, 'pk', None) is None:
            raise ObjectNotPersisted("Object %s needs to be persisted first"
                                     % obj)
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        if not isinstance(perm, Permission):
            permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=ctype, codename=perm)
            permission = perm

        kwargs = {'permission': permission, self.user_or_group_field: user_or_group}
        if self.is_generic():
            kwargs['content_type'] = ctype
            kwargs['object_pk'] = obj.pk
            kwargs['content_object'] = obj
        obj_perm, _ = self.get_or_create(**kwargs)

        obj_perm.permission_expiry = calculate_permission_expiry(obj_perm, renewal_period)

        if subscribe_to_emails:
            obj_perm.permission_expiry_0day_email_sent = False
            obj_perm.permission_expiry_30day_email_sent = False
            obj_perm.permission_expiry_0day_email_sent = True
            obj_perm.permission_expiry_30day_email_sent = True

        return obj_perm
コード例 #7
    def bulk_assign_perm(self, perm, user_or_group, queryset):
        Bulk assigns permissions with given ``perm`` for an objects in ``queryset`` and

        ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
        if not isinstance(perm, Permission):
            permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=ctype, codename=perm)
            permission = perm

        checker = ObjectPermissionChecker(user_or_group)

        assigned_perms = []
        for instance in queryset:
            if not checker.has_perm(permission.codename, instance):
                kwargs = {'permission': permission, self.user_or_group_field: user_or_group}
                if self.is_generic():
                    kwargs['content_type'] = ctype
                    kwargs['object_pk'] = instance.pk
                    kwargs['content_object'] = instance

        return assigned_perms
コード例 #8
    def assign_perm_to_many(self, perm, users_or_groups, obj):
        Bulk assigns given ``perm`` for the object ``obj`` to a set of users or a set of groups.
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        if not isinstance(perm, Permission):
            permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=ctype,
            permission = perm

        kwargs = {'permission': permission}
        if self.is_generic():
            kwargs['content_type'] = ctype
            kwargs['object_pk'] = obj.pk
            kwargs['content_object'] = obj

        to_add = []
        field = self.user_or_group_field
        for user in users_or_groups:
            kwargs[field] = user

        return self.model.objects.bulk_create(to_add)
コード例 #9
    def remove_perm(self, perm, user_or_group, obj):
        Removes permission ``perm`` for an instance ``obj`` and given ``user_or_group``.

        Please note that we do NOT fetch object permission from database - we
        use ``Queryset.delete`` method for removing it. Main implication of this
        is that ``post_delete`` signals would NOT be fired.
        if getattr(obj, 'pk', None) is None:
            raise ObjectNotPersisted("Object %s needs to be persisted first"
                                     % obj)

        filters = Q(**{self.user_or_group_field: user_or_group})

        if isinstance(perm, Permission):
            filters &= Q(permission=perm)
            filters &= Q(permission__codename=perm,

        if self.is_generic():
            filters &= Q(object_pk=obj.pk)
            filters &= Q(content_object__pk=obj.pk)
        return self.filter(filters).delete()
コード例 #10
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
    def get_organization_perms(self, obj, permission_expiry=False):
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)

        perms_qs = Permission.objects.filter(content_type=ctype)
        organization_filters, org_q = self.get_organization_filters(obj, permission_expiry)
        organization_perms_qs = perms_qs.filter(*org_q, **organization_filters)
        organization_perms = organization_perms_qs.values_list("codename", flat=True)

        return organization_perms
コード例 #11
    def get_group_perms(self, obj):
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)

        perms_qs = Permission.objects.filter(content_type=ctype)
        group_filters = self.get_group_filters(obj)
        group_perms_qs = perms_qs.filter(**group_filters)
        group_perms = group_perms_qs.values_list("codename", flat=True)

        return group_perms
コード例 #12
    def get_user_perms(self, obj):
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)

        perms_qs = Permission.objects.filter(content_type=ctype)
        user_filters = self.get_user_filters(obj)
        user_perms_qs = perms_qs.filter(**user_filters)
        user_perms = user_perms_qs.values_list("codename", flat=True)

        return user_perms
コード例 #13
def _get_pks_model_and_ctype(objects):
    Returns the primary keys, model and content type of an iterable of Django model objects.
    Assumes that all objects are of the same content type.

    if isinstance(objects, QuerySet):
        model = objects.model
        pks = [force_text(pk) for pk in objects.values_list('pk', flat=True)]
        ctype = get_content_type(model)
        pks = []
        for idx, obj in enumerate(objects):
            if not idx:
                model = type(obj)
                ctype = get_content_type(model)

    return pks, model, ctype
コード例 #14
def get_obj_perms_model(obj, base_cls, generic_cls):
    if isinstance(obj, Model):
        obj = obj.__class__
    ctype = get_content_type(obj)

    fields = (f for f in obj._meta.get_fields()
                if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one) and f.auto_created)

    for attr in fields:
        model = getattr(attr, 'related_model', None)
        if (model and issubclass(model, base_cls) and
                model is not generic_cls and getattr(model, 'enabled', True)):
            # if model is generic one it would be returned anyway
            if not model.objects.is_generic():
                # make sure that content_object's content_type is same as
                # the one of given obj
                fk = model._meta.get_field('content_object')
                if ctype == get_content_type(fk.remote_field.model):
                    return model
    return generic_cls
コード例 #15
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_groups_with_perms(obj, attach_perms=False):
    Returns queryset of all ``Group`` objects with *any* object permissions for
    the given ``obj``.

    :param obj: persisted Django's ``Model`` instance

    :param attach_perms: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would be
      dictionary of ``Group`` instances with permissions' codenames list as
      values. This would fetch groups eagerly!


        >>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, get_groups_with_perms
        >>> from guardian.models import Group
        >>> page = FlatPage.objects.create(title='Some page', path='/some/page/')
        >>> admins = Group.objects.create(name='Admins')
        >>> assign_perm('change_flatpage', admins, page)
        >>> get_groups_with_perms(page)
        [<Group: admins>]
        >>> get_groups_with_perms(page, attach_perms=True)
        {<Group: admins>: [u'change_flatpage']}

    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)

    if not attach_perms:
        # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is the case
        group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_filters = {
                '%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
            group_filters = {'%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj}
        return Group.objects.filter(**group_filters).distinct()
        group_perms_mapping = defaultdict(list)
        groups_with_perms = get_groups_with_perms(obj)
        qs = group_model.objects.filter(group__in=groups_with_perms).prefetch_related('group', 'permission')
        if group_model is GroupObjectPermission:
            qs = qs.filter(object_pk=obj.pk, content_type=ctype)
            qs = qs.filter(content_object_id=obj.pk)

        for group_perm in qs:
        return dict(group_perms_mapping)
コード例 #16
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_perms_for_model(cls):
    Returns queryset of all Permission objects for the given class. It is
    possible to pass Model as class or instance.
    if isinstance(cls, basestring):
        app_label, model_name = cls.split('.')
        model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)
        model = cls
    ctype = get_content_type(model)
    return Permission.objects.filter(content_type=ctype)
コード例 #17
    def get_user_filters(self, obj):
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
        related_name = model.permission.field.related_query_name()

        user_filters = {'%s__user' % related_name: self.user}
        if model.objects.is_generic():
                '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
            user_filters['%s__content_object' % related_name] = obj

        return user_filters
コード例 #18
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
    def get_user_filters(self, obj, permission_expiry=False):
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
        related_name = model.permission.field.related_query_name()

        user_filters = {'%s__user' % related_name: self.user}
        if model.objects.is_generic():
                '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
            user_filters['%s__content_object' % related_name] = obj

        user_q = tuple()
        if permission_expiry:
            kwargs1 = {"%s__permission_expiry" % related_name: None}
            kwargs2 = {"%s__permission_expiry__gte" % related_name: datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)}
            user_q = (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2),)

        return user_filters, user_q
コード例 #19
    def assign_perm(self, perm, user_or_group, obj):
        Assigns permission with given ``perm`` for an instance ``obj`` and
        if getattr(obj, 'pk', None) is None:
            raise ObjectNotPersisted("Object %s needs to be persisted first"
                                     % obj)
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)
        if not isinstance(perm, Permission):
            permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=ctype, codename=perm)
            permission = perm

        kwargs = {'permission': permission, self.user_or_group_field: user_or_group}
        if self.is_generic():
            kwargs['content_type'] = ctype
            kwargs['object_pk'] = obj.pk
            kwargs['content_object'] = obj
        obj_perm, _ = self.get_or_create(**kwargs)
        return obj_perm
コード例 #20
    def has_perm(self, user_obj, perm, obj=None):
        Returns ``True`` if given ``user_obj`` has ``perm`` for ``obj``. If no
        ``obj`` is given, ``False`` is returned.

        .. note::

           Remember, that if user is not *active*, all checks would return

        Main difference between Django's ``ModelBackend`` is that we can pass
        ``obj`` instance here and ``perm`` doesn't have to contain
        ``app_label`` as it can be retrieved from given ``obj``.

        **Inactive user support**

        If user is authenticated but inactive at the same time, all checks
        always returns ``False``.

        # check if user_obj and object are supported
        support, user_obj = check_support(user_obj, obj)
        if not support:
            return False

        if '.' in perm:
            app_label, perm = perm.split('.')
            if app_label != obj._meta.app_label:
                # Check the content_type app_label when permission
                # and obj app labels don't match.
                ctype = get_content_type(obj)
                if app_label != ctype.app_label:
                    raise WrongAppError("Passed perm has app label of '%s' while "
                                        "given obj has app label '%s' and given obj"
                                        "content_type has app label '%s'" %
                                        (app_label, obj._meta.app_label, ctype.app_label))

        check = ObjectPermissionChecker(user_obj)
        return check.has_perm(perm, obj)
コード例 #21
    def bulk_remove_perm(self, perm, user_or_group, queryset):
        Removes permission ``perm`` for a ``queryset`` and given ``user_or_group``.

        Please note that we do NOT fetch object permission from database - we
        use ``Queryset.delete`` method for removing it. Main implication of this
        is that ``post_delete`` signals would NOT be fired.
        filters = Q(**{self.user_or_group_field: user_or_group})

        if isinstance(perm, Permission):
            filters &= Q(permission=perm)
            ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
            filters &= Q(permission__codename=perm,

        if self.is_generic():
            filters &= Q(object_pk__in = [str(pk) for pk in queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True)])
            filters &= Q(content_object__in=queryset)

        return self.filter(filters).delete()
コード例 #22
    def get_group_filters(self, obj):
        User = get_user_model()
        ctype = get_content_type(obj)

        group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
        group_rel_name = group_model.permission.field.related_query_name()
        if self.user:
            fieldname = '%s__group__%s' % (
            group_filters = {fieldname: self.user}
            group_filters = {'%s__group' % group_rel_name: self.group}
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
                '%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
            group_filters['%s__content_object' % group_rel_name] = obj

        return group_filters
コード例 #23
 def test_get_content_type(self):
     with mock.patch(
         "guardian.conf.settings.GET_CONTENT_TYPE", "guardian.testapp.tests.test_conf.get_test_content_type"
         self.assertEqual(get_content_type(None), "x")
コード例 #24
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_objects_for_group(group, perms, klass=None, any_perm=False, accept_global_perms=True):
    Returns queryset of objects for which a given ``group`` has *all*
    permissions present at ``perms``.

    :param group: ``Group`` instance for which objects would be returned.
    :param perms: single permission string, or sequence of permission strings
      which should be checked.
      If ``klass`` parameter is not given, those should be full permission
      names rather than only codenames (i.e. ``auth.change_user``). If more than
      one permission is present within sequence, their content type **must** be
      the same or ``MixedContentTypeError`` exception would be raised.
    :param klass: may be a Model, Manager or QuerySet object. If not given
      this parameter would be computed based on given ``params``.
    :param any_perm: if True, any of permission in sequence is accepted
    :param accept_global_perms: if ``True`` takes global permissions into account.
      If any_perm is set to false then the intersection of matching objects based on global and object based permissions
      is returned. Default is ``True``.

    :raises MixedContentTypeError: when computed content type for ``perms``
      and/or ``klass`` clashes.
    :raises WrongAppError: if cannot compute app label for given ``perms``/


    Let's assume we have a ``Task`` model belonging to the ``tasker`` app with
    the default add_task, change_task and delete_task permissions provided
    by Django::

        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_group
        >>> from tasker import Task
        >>> group = Group.objects.create('some group')
        >>> task = Task.objects.create('some task')
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, 'tasker.add_task')
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.add_task', group, task)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, 'tasker.add_task')
        [<Task some task>]

    The permission string can also be an iterable. Continuing with the previous example:
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.add_task', 'tasker.delete_task'])
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.delete_task', group, task)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.add_task', 'tasker.delete_task'])
        [<Task some task>]

    Global permissions assigned to the group are also taken into account. Continuing with previous example:
        >>> task_other = Task.objects.create('other task')
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.change_task', group)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.change_task'])
        [<Task some task>, <Task other task>]
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.change_task'], accept_global_perms=False)
        [<Task some task>]

    if isinstance(perms, basestring):
        perms = [perms]
    ctype = None
    app_label = None
    codenames = set()

    # Compute codenames set and ctype if possible
    for perm in perms:
        if '.' in perm:
            new_app_label, codename = perm.split('.', 1)
            if app_label is not None and app_label != new_app_label:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("Given perms must have same app "
                                            "label (%s != %s)" % (app_label, new_app_label))
                app_label = new_app_label
            codename = perm
        if app_label is not None:
            new_ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_label,
            if ctype is not None and ctype != new_ctype:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("ContentType was once computed "
                                            "to be %s and another one %s" % (ctype, new_ctype))
                ctype = new_ctype

    # Compute queryset and ctype if still missing
    if ctype is None and klass is not None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
    elif ctype is not None and klass is None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(ctype.model_class())
    elif klass is None:
        raise WrongAppError("Cannot determine content type")
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        if ctype.model_class() != queryset.model:
            raise MixedContentTypeError("Content type for given perms and "
                                        "klass differs")

    # At this point, we should have both ctype and queryset and they should
    # match which means: ctype.model_class() == queryset.model
    # we should also have ``codenames`` list

    global_perms = set()
    if accept_global_perms:
        global_perm_set = group.permissions.values_list('codename', flat=True)
        for code in codenames:
            if code in global_perm_set:
        for code in global_perms:
        if len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) == 0 or any_perm):
            return queryset

    # Now we should extract list of pk values for which we would filter
    # queryset
    group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
    groups_obj_perms_queryset = (group_model.objects
    if len(codenames):
        groups_obj_perms_queryset = groups_obj_perms_queryset.filter(
    if group_model.objects.is_generic():
        fields = ['object_pk', 'permission__codename']
        fields = ['content_object__pk', 'permission__codename']
    if not any_perm and len(codenames):
        groups_obj_perms = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*fields)
        data = list(groups_obj_perms)

        keyfunc = lambda t: t[0]  # sorting/grouping by pk (first in result tuple)
        data = sorted(data, key=keyfunc)
        pk_list = []
        for pk, group in groupby(data, keyfunc):
            obj_codenames = set((e[1] for e in group))
            if any_perm or codenames.issubset(obj_codenames):
        objects = queryset.filter(pk__in=pk_list)
        return objects

    values = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(fields[0], flat=True)
    if group_model.objects.is_generic():
        values = list(values)
    return queryset.filter(pk__in=values)
コード例 #25
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_objects_for_user(user, perms, klass=None, use_groups=True, any_perm=False,
                         with_superuser=True, accept_global_perms=True):
    Returns queryset of objects for which a given ``user`` has *all*
    permissions present at ``perms``.

    :param user: ``User`` or ``AnonymousUser`` instance for which objects would
      be returned.
    :param perms: single permission string, or sequence of permission strings
      which should be checked.
      If ``klass`` parameter is not given, those should be full permission
      names rather than only codenames (i.e. ``auth.change_user``). If more than
      one permission is present within sequence, their content type **must** be
      the same or ``MixedContentTypeError`` exception would be raised.
    :param klass: may be a Model, Manager or QuerySet object. If not given
      this parameter would be computed based on given ``params``.
    :param use_groups: if ``False``, wouldn't check user's groups object
      permissions. Default is ``True``.
    :param any_perm: if True, any of permission in sequence is accepted. Default is ``False``.
    :param with_superuser: if ``True`` and if ``user.is_superuser`` is set,
      returns the entire queryset. Otherwise will only return objects the user
      has explicit permissions. This must be ``True`` for the accept_global_perms
      parameter to have any affect. Default is ``True``.
    :param accept_global_perms: if ``True`` takes global permissions into account.
      Object based permissions are taken into account if more than one permission is handed in in perms and at least
      one of these perms is not globally set. If any_perm is set to false then the intersection of matching object
      is returned. Note, that if with_superuser is False, accept_global_perms will be ignored, which means that only
      object permissions will be checked! Default is ``True``.

    :raises MixedContentTypeError: when computed content type for ``perms``
      and/or ``klass`` clashes.
    :raises WrongAppError: if cannot compute app label for given ``perms``/


        >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user
        >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='******')
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, 'auth.change_group')
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
        >>> group = Group.objects.create('some group')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.change_group', joe, group)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, 'auth.change_group')
        [<Group some group>]

    The permission string can also be an iterable. Continuing with the previous example:

        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'])
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'], any_perm=True)
        [<Group some group>]
        >>> assign_perm('auth.delete_group', joe, group)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'])
        [<Group some group>]

    Take global permissions into account:

        >>> jack = User.objects.get(username='******')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.change_group', jack) # this will set a global permission
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, 'auth.change_group')
        [<Group some group>]
        >>> group2 = Group.objects.create('other group')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.delete_group', jack, group2)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group']) # this retrieves intersection
        [<Group other group>]
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'], any_perm) # this retrieves union
        [<Group some group>, <Group other group>]

    If accept_global_perms is set to ``True``, then all assigned global
    permissions will also be taken into account.

    - Scenario 1: a user has view permissions generally defined on the model
      'books' but no object based permission on a single book instance:

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List of all books will be
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: list will be empty.

    - Scenario 2: a user has view permissions generally defined on the model
      'books' and also has an object based permission to view book 'Whatever':

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List of all books will be
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: list will only contain book

    - Scenario 3: a user only has object based permission on book 'Whatever':

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List will only contain book
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: List will only contain book

    - Scenario 4: a user does not have any permission:

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: Empty list.
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: Empty list.
    if isinstance(perms, basestring):
        perms = [perms]
    ctype = None
    app_label = None
    codenames = set()

    # Compute codenames set and ctype if possible
    for perm in perms:
        if '.' in perm:
            new_app_label, codename = perm.split('.', 1)
            if app_label is not None and app_label != new_app_label:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("Given perms must have same app "
                                            "label (%s != %s)" % (app_label, new_app_label))
                app_label = new_app_label
            codename = perm
        if app_label is not None:
            new_ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_label,
            if ctype is not None and ctype != new_ctype:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("ContentType was once computed "
                                            "to be %s and another one %s" % (ctype, new_ctype))
                ctype = new_ctype

    # Compute queryset and ctype if still missing
    if ctype is None and klass is not None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
    elif ctype is not None and klass is None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(ctype.model_class())
    elif klass is None:
        raise WrongAppError("Cannot determine content type")
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        if ctype.model_class() != queryset.model:
            raise MixedContentTypeError("Content type for given perms and "
                                        "klass differs")

    # At this point, we should have both ctype and queryset and they should
    # match which means: ctype.model_class() == queryset.model
    # we should also have ``codenames`` list

    # First check if user is superuser and if so, return queryset immediately
    if with_superuser and user.is_superuser:
        return queryset

    # Check if the user is anonymous. The
    # django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object doesn't work for queries
    # and it's nice to be able to pass in request.user blindly.
    if user.is_anonymous:
        user = get_anonymous_user()

    global_perms = set()
    has_global_perms = False
    # a superuser has by default assigned global perms for any
    if accept_global_perms and with_superuser:
        for code in codenames:
            if user.has_perm(ctype.app_label + '.' + code):
        for code in global_perms:
        # prerequisite: there must be elements in global_perms otherwise just follow the procedure for
        # object based permissions only AND
        # 1. codenames is empty, which means that permissions are ONLY set globally, therefore return the full queryset.
        # OR
        # 2. any_perm is True, then the global permission beats the object based permission anyway,
        # therefore return full queryset
        if len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) == 0 or any_perm):
            return queryset
        # if we have global perms and still some object based perms differing from global perms and any_perm is set
        # to false, then we have to flag that global perms exist in order to merge object based permissions by user
        # and by group correctly. Scenario: global perm change_xx and object based perm delete_xx on object A for user,
        # and object based permission delete_xx  on object B for group, to which user is assigned.
        # get_objects_for_user(user, [change_xx, delete_xx], use_groups=True, any_perm=False, accept_global_perms=True)
        # must retrieve object A and B.
        elif len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) > 0):
            has_global_perms = True

    # Now we should extract list of pk values for which we would filter
    # queryset
    user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
    user_obj_perms_queryset = (user_model.objects
    groups_obj_perms_queryset = None
    organizations_obj_perms_queryset = None
    group_fields = None
    organization_fields = None
    organization_model = None
    group_model = None

    if len(codenames):
        user_obj_perms_queryset = user_obj_perms_queryset.filter(
    direct_fields = ['content_object__pk', 'permission__codename']
    generic_fields = ['object_pk', 'permission__codename']
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        user_fields = generic_fields
        user_fields = direct_fields

    if use_groups:
        group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
        group_filters = {
            'permission__content_type': ctype,
            'group__%s' % get_user_model().groups.field.related_query_name(): user,
        if len(codenames):
                'permission__codename__in': codenames,
        groups_obj_perms_queryset = group_model.objects.filter(**group_filters)
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_fields = generic_fields
            group_fields = direct_fields

        # Orgs
        organization_model = get_organization_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
        organization_filters = {
            'permission__content_type': ctype,
            'permission__codename__in': codenames,
            'organization__users': user,
        organizations_obj_perms_queryset = organization_model.objects.filter(**organization_filters)
        if organization_model.objects.is_generic():
            organization_fields = generic_fields
            organization_fields = direct_fields

        if not any_perm and len(codenames) and not has_global_perms:
            user_obj_perms = user_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*user_fields)
            groups_obj_perms = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*group_fields)
            organizations_obj_perms = organizations_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*organization_fields)
            data = list(user_obj_perms) + list(groups_obj_perms) + list(organizations_obj_perms)
            # sorting/grouping by pk (first in result tuple)
            keyfunc = lambda t: t[0]
            data = sorted(data, key=keyfunc)
            pk_list = []
            for pk, group in groupby(data, keyfunc):
                obj_codenames = set((e[1] for e in group))
                if codenames.issubset(obj_codenames):
            objects = queryset.filter(pk__in=pk_list)
            return objects

    if not any_perm and len(codenames) > 1:
        counts = user_obj_perms_queryset.values(
        user_obj_perms_queryset = counts.filter(

    values = user_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(user_fields[0], flat=True)
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        values = set(values)
    q = Q(pk__in=values)
    if use_groups:
        values = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(group_fields[0], flat=True)
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            values = set(values)
        q |= Q(pk__in=values)

        values = organizations_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(organization_fields[0], flat=True)
        if organization_model.objects.is_generic():
            values = list(values)
        q |= Q(pk__in=values)

    return queryset.filter(q)
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_conf.py プロジェクト: Nideayu/Mxhop
 def test_get_content_type(self):
     with mock.patch('guardian.conf.settings.GET_CONTENT_TYPE', 'guardian.testapp.tests.test_conf.get_test_content_type'):
         self.assertEqual(get_content_type(None), 'x')
コード例 #27
def get_objects_for_user(user,
    Returns queryset of objects for which a given ``user`` has *all*
    permissions present at ``perms``.

    If ``perms`` is an empty list, then it returns objects for which
    a given ``user`` has *any* object permission.

    :param user: ``User`` or ``AnonymousUser`` instance for which objects would
      be returned.
    :param perms: single permission string, or sequence of permission strings
      which should be checked.
      If ``klass`` parameter is not given, those should be full permission
      names rather than only codenames (i.e. ``auth.change_user``). If more than
      one permission is present within sequence, their content type **must** be
      the same or ``MixedContentTypeError`` exception would be raised.
    :param klass: may be a Model, Manager or QuerySet object. If not given
      this parameter would be computed based on given ``params``.
    :param use_groups: if ``False``, wouldn't check user's groups object
      permissions. Default is ``True``.
    :param any_perm: if True, any of permission in sequence is accepted. Default is ``False``.
    :param with_superuser: if ``True`` and if ``user.is_superuser`` is set,
      returns the entire queryset. Otherwise will only return objects the user
      has explicit permissions. This must be ``True`` for the accept_global_perms
      parameter to have any affect. Default is ``True``.
    :param accept_global_perms: if ``True`` takes global permissions into account.
      Object based permissions are taken into account if more than one permission is handed in in perms and at least
      one of these perms is not globally set. If any_perm is set to false then the intersection of matching object
      is returned. Note, that if with_superuser is False, accept_global_perms will be ignored, which means that only
      object permissions will be checked! Default is ``True``.

    :raises MixedContentTypeError: when computed content type for ``perms``
      and/or ``klass`` clashes.
    :raises WrongAppError: if cannot compute app label for given ``perms``/


        >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user
        >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='******')
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, 'auth.change_group')
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
        >>> group = Group.objects.create('some group')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.change_group', joe, group)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, 'auth.change_group')
        [<Group some group>]

    The permission string can also be an iterable. Continuing with the previous example:

        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'])
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'], any_perm=True)
        [<Group some group>]
        >>> assign_perm('auth.delete_group', joe, group)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(joe, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'])
        [<Group some group>]

    Take global permissions into account:

        >>> jack = User.objects.get(username='******')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.change_group', jack) # this will set a global permission
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, 'auth.change_group')
        [<Group some group>]
        >>> group2 = Group.objects.create('other group')
        >>> assign_perm('auth.delete_group', jack, group2)
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group']) # this retrieves intersection
        [<Group other group>]
        >>> get_objects_for_user(jack, ['auth.change_group', 'auth.delete_group'], any_perm) # this retrieves union
        [<Group some group>, <Group other group>]

    If accept_global_perms is set to ``True``, then all assigned global
    permissions will also be taken into account.

    - Scenario 1: a user has view permissions generally defined on the model
      'books' but no object based permission on a single book instance:

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List of all books will be
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: list will be empty.

    - Scenario 2: a user has view permissions generally defined on the model
      'books' and also has an object based permission to view book 'Whatever':

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List of all books will be
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: list will only contain book

    - Scenario 3: a user only has object based permission on book 'Whatever':

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: List will only contain book
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: List will only contain book

    - Scenario 4: a user does not have any permission:

        - If accept_global_perms is ``True``: Empty list.
        - If accept_global_perms is ``False``: Empty list.
    if isinstance(perms, basestring):
        perms = [perms]
    ctype = None
    app_label = None
    codenames = set()

    # Compute codenames set and ctype if possible
    for perm in perms:
        if '.' in perm:
            new_app_label, codename = perm.split('.', 1)
            if app_label is not None and app_label != new_app_label:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("Given perms must have same app "
                                            "label (%s != %s)" %
                                            (app_label, new_app_label))
                app_label = new_app_label
            codename = perm
        if app_label is not None:
            new_ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_label,
            if ctype is not None and ctype != new_ctype:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("ContentType was once computed "
                                            "to be %s and another one %s" %
                                            (ctype, new_ctype))
                ctype = new_ctype

    # Compute queryset and ctype if still missing
    if ctype is None and klass is not None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
    elif ctype is not None and klass is None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(ctype.model_class())
    elif klass is None:
        raise WrongAppError("Cannot determine content type")
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        if ctype.model_class() != queryset.model:
            raise MixedContentTypeError("Content type for given perms and "
                                        "klass differs")

    # At this point, we should have both ctype and queryset and they should
    # match which means: ctype.model_class() == queryset.model
    # we should also have ``codenames`` list

    # First check if user is superuser and if so, return queryset immediately
    if with_superuser and user.is_superuser:
        return queryset

    # Check if the user is anonymous. The
    # django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object doesn't work for queries
    # and it's nice to be able to pass in request.user blindly.
    if user.is_anonymous():
        user = get_anonymous_user()

    global_perms = set()
    has_global_perms = False
    # a superuser has by default assigned global perms for any
    if accept_global_perms and with_superuser:
        for code in codenames:
            if user.has_perm(ctype.app_label + '.' + code):
        for code in global_perms:
        # prerequisite: there must be elements in global_perms otherwise just follow the procedure for
        # object based permissions only AND
        # 1. codenames is empty, which means that permissions are ONLY set globally, therefore return the full queryset.
        # OR
        # 2. any_perm is True, then the global permission beats the object based permission anyway,
        # therefore return full queryset
        if len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) == 0 or any_perm):
            return queryset
        # if we have global perms and still some object based perms differing from global perms and any_perm is set
        # to false, then we have to flag that global perms exist in order to merge object based permissions by user
        # and by group correctly. Scenario: global perm change_xx and object based perm delete_xx on object A for user,
        # and object based permission delete_xx  on object B for group, to which user is assigned.
        # get_objects_for_user(user, [change_xx, delete_xx], use_groups=True, any_perm=False, accept_global_perms=True)
        # must retrieve object A and B.
        elif len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) > 0):
            has_global_perms = True

    # Now we should extract list of pk values for which we would filter
    # queryset
    user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
    user_obj_perms_queryset = (user_model.objects.filter(user=user).filter(
    if len(codenames):
        user_obj_perms_queryset = user_obj_perms_queryset.filter(
    direct_fields = ['content_object__pk', 'permission__codename']
    generic_fields = ['object_pk', 'permission__codename']
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        user_fields = generic_fields
        user_fields = direct_fields

    if use_groups:
        group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
        group_filters = {
            'permission__content_type': ctype,
            'group__%s' % get_user_model().groups.field.related_query_name():
        if len(codenames):
                'permission__codename__in': codenames,
        groups_obj_perms_queryset = group_model.objects.filter(**group_filters)
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_fields = generic_fields
            group_fields = direct_fields
        if not any_perm and len(codenames) > 1 and not has_global_perms:
            user_obj_perms = user_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*user_fields)
            groups_obj_perms = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(
            data = list(user_obj_perms) + list(groups_obj_perms)
            # sorting/grouping by pk (first in result tuple)
            keyfunc = lambda t: t[0]
            data = sorted(data, key=keyfunc)
            pk_list = []
            for pk, group in groupby(data, keyfunc):
                obj_codenames = set((e[1] for e in group))
                if codenames.issubset(obj_codenames):
            objects = queryset.filter(pk__in=pk_list)
            return objects

    if not any_perm and len(codenames) > 1:
        counts = user_obj_perms_queryset.values(
        user_obj_perms_queryset = counts.filter(

    values = user_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(user_fields[0], flat=True)
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        values = set(values)
    q = Q(pk__in=values)
    if use_groups:
        values = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(group_fields[0],
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            values = set(values)
        q |= Q(pk__in=values)

    return queryset.filter(q)
コード例 #28
 def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
     if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
         return True
     ctype = get_content_type(obj)
     change_perm_name = f'change_{ctype}'
     return request.user.has_perm(change_perm_name, obj)
コード例 #29
 def get_local_cache_key(self, obj, include_group_perms=True, permission_expiry=False):
     Returns cache key for ``_obj_perms_cache`` dict.
     ctype = get_content_type(obj)
     return (ctype.id, force_str(obj.pk), include_group_perms, permission_expiry)
コード例 #30
    def get_queryset(self):

        - 如果是展开字段,这里做好是否关联查询
        - 如果 bsm admin 定义了 get_queryset 方法,贼继续使用 get_queryset 进行处理
        admin_get_queryset = None
        admin_class = self.get_bsm_model_admin()
        if admin_class:
            admin_get_queryset = getattr(admin_class(), 'get_queryset', None)

        queryset = self.model.objects.all()

        context = {'user': self.request.user}

        expand_fields = self.expand_fields
        if expand_fields:
            expand_fields = self.translate_expand_fields(expand_fields)
            expand_dict = sort_expand_fields(expand_fields)
            display_fields = self.get_display_fields()
            queryset = queryset_utils.queryset_prefetch(
                queryset, expand_dict, context, display_fields=display_fields)
        if self.action not in ['get_chart', 'group_statistics']:
            queryset = queryset_utils.annotate(queryset, context=context)
        queryset = self._get_queryset(queryset)

        if admin_get_queryset:
            queryset = admin_get_queryset(queryset, self.request, self)

        # 如果开启了 guardian 数据权限检测,那么这里会进行必要的筛选
            # 如果不是超级用户,则进行对应的数据筛选
            # FIXME: 目前只做查询类
            app_models = settings.MANAGE_GUARDIAN_DATA_APP_MODELS
            check_model = (isinstance(app_models, (list, set))
                           and f'{self.app_label}__{self.model_slug}'
                           in app_models)
            check_not_is_superuser = not self.request.user.is_superuser
            check_action = self.action in ['retrieve', 'list', 'set']

            if check_not_is_superuser and check_action and check_model:
                from guardian.ctypes import get_content_type
                from guardian.models import UserObjectPermission, GroupObjectPermission
                from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission

                content_type = get_content_type(self.model)
                permission = Permission.objects.filter(

                content_object_set = set()

                # 如果存在对应的权限
                if permission:
                    permission_object_list = UserObjectPermission.objects.filter(
                    for item in permission_object_list:

                user_groups = self.request.user.groups.all()
                if user_groups:
                    group_object_list = GroupObjectPermission.objects.filter(
                    for item in group_object_list:

                if content_object_set:
                    queryset = queryset.filter(id__in=content_object_set)
        return queryset
コード例 #31
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_unattached_users_with_perms_qset(obj,
    # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is
    # the case

    # JOINing into the perms table is a no-go - would have to be done three times, for users, groups and orgs.
    # Getting perm id first allows us to forgo this JOIN
    perm_id = None
    if perm:
        perm_id = cache.get("permission_id_{0}".format(perm))
        if not perm_id:
            perm_id = Permission.objects.get(codename=perm).id
            cache.set("permission_id_{0}".format(perm), perm_id, 86400)
    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
    related_name = user_model.user.field.related_query_name()
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        user_filters = {
            '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
            '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
        if perm_id:
                '%s__permission_id' % related_name: perm_id,
        user_filters = {'%s__content_object' % related_name: obj}
    qset = Q(**user_filters)
    if only_with_perms_in is not None:
        permission_ids = Permission.objects.filter(
            codename__in=only_with_perms_in).values_list('id', flat=True)
        qset &= Q(**{
            '%s__permission_id__in' % related_name: permission_ids,

    if permission_expiry:
        kwargs1 = {"%s__permission_expiry" % related_name: None}
        kwargs2 = {
            "%s__permission_expiry__gte" % related_name:
        qset &= (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2))

    if with_group_users:
        group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
        group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_filters = {
                'groups__%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                'groups__%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
            if perm_id:
                    'groups__%s__permission_id' % group_rel_name:
            group_filters = {
                'groups__%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj,
        if only_with_perms_in is not None:
            permission_ids = Permission.objects.filter(
                codename__in=only_with_perms_in).values_list('id', flat=True)
                'groups__%s__permission_id__in' % group_rel_name:
        qset = qset | Q(**group_filters)

        org_model = get_organization_obj_perms_model(obj)
        organization_rel_name = org_model.organization.field.related_query_name(
        if org_model.objects.is_generic():
            organization_filters = {
                'organizations_organization__%s__content_type' % organization_rel_name:
                'organizations_organization__%s__object_pk' % organization_rel_name:
            if perm_id:
                    'organizations_organization__%s__permission_id' % organization_rel_name:
            organization_filters = {
                'organizations_organization__%s__content_object' % organization_rel_name:

        if permission_expiry:
            kwargs1 = {
                "organizations_organization__%s__permission_expiry" % organization_rel_name:
            kwargs2 = {
                "organizations_organization__%s__permission_expiry__gte" % organization_rel_name:
            qset &= (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2))

        qset = qset | Q(**organization_filters)
    if with_superusers:
        qset = qset | Q(is_superuser=True)
    return qset
コード例 #32
def get_users_with_perms(obj, attach_perms=False, with_superusers=False,
    Returns queryset of all ``User`` objects with *any* object permissions for
    the given ``obj``.

    :param obj: persisted Django's ``Model`` instance

    :param attach_perms: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would be
      dictionary of ``User`` instances with permissions' codenames list as
      values. This would fetch users eagerly!

    :param with_superusers: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would
      contain all superusers.

    :param with_group_users: Default: ``True``. If set to ``False`` result would
      **not** contain those users who have only group permissions for given


        >>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
        >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, get_users_with_perms
        >>> page = FlatPage.objects.create(title='Some page', path='/some/page/')
        >>> joe = User.objects.create_user('joe', '*****@*****.**', 'joesecret')
        >>> assign_perm('change_flatpage', joe, page)
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page)
        [<User: joe>]
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page, attach_perms=True)
        {<User: joe>: [u'change_flatpage']}

    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    if not attach_perms:
        # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is
        # the case
        user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
        related_name = user_model.user.field.related_query_name()
        if user_model.objects.is_generic():
            user_filters = {
                '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
            user_filters = {'%s__content_object' % related_name: obj}
        qset = Q(**user_filters)
        if with_group_users:
            group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
            group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
            if group_model.objects.is_generic():
                group_filters = {
                    'groups__%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                    'groups__%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
                group_filters = {
                    'groups__%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj,
            qset = qset | Q(**group_filters)
        if with_superusers:
            qset = qset | Q(is_superuser=True)
        return get_user_model().objects.filter(qset).distinct()
        # TODO: Do not hit db for each user!
        users = {}
        for user in get_users_with_perms(obj,
            # TODO: Support the case of set with_group_users but not with_superusers.
            if with_group_users or with_superusers:
                users[user] = sorted(get_perms(user, obj))
                users[user] = sorted(get_user_perms(user, obj))
        return users
コード例 #33
 def get_local_cache_key(self, obj):
     Returns cache key for ``_obj_perms_cache`` dict.
     ctype = get_content_type(obj)
     return (ctype.id, force_text(obj.pk))
コード例 #34
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
 def get_local_cache_key(self, obj, include_group_perms=True, permission_expiry=False):
     Returns cache key for ``_obj_perms_cache`` dict.
     ctype = get_content_type(obj)
     return (ctype.id, force_text(obj.pk), include_group_perms, permission_expiry)
コード例 #35
ファイル: shortcuts.py プロジェクト: st8st8/django-guardian
def get_unattached_users_with_perms_qset(obj, perm, permission_expiry=False, with_group_users=True, with_superusers=False):
    # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is
    # the case

    # JOINing into the perms table is a no-go - would have to be done three times, for users, groups and orgs.
    # Getting perm id first allows us to forgo this JOIN
    perm_id = None
    if perm:
        perm_id = cache.get("permission_id_{0}".format(perm))
        if not perm_id:
            perm_id = Permission.objects.get(codename=perm).id
            cache.set("permission_id_{0}".format(perm), perm_id, 86400)
    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
    related_name = user_model.user.field.related_query_name()
    if user_model.objects.is_generic():
        user_filters = {
            '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
            '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
        if perm_id:
                '%s__permission_id' % related_name: perm_id,
        user_filters = {'%s__content_object' % related_name: obj}
    qset = Q(**user_filters)

    if permission_expiry:
        kwargs1 = {"%s__permission_expiry" % related_name: None}
        kwargs2 = {"%s__permission_expiry__gte" % related_name: datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)}
        qset &= (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2))

    if with_group_users:
        group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
        group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
        if group_model.objects.is_generic():
            group_filters = {
                'groups__%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                'groups__%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
            if perm_id:
                    'groups__%s__permission_id' % group_rel_name: perm_id,
            group_filters = {
                'groups__%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj,
        qset = qset | Q(**group_filters)

        org_model = get_organization_obj_perms_model(obj)
        organization_rel_name = org_model.organization.field.related_query_name()
        if org_model.objects.is_generic():
            organization_filters = {
                'organizations_organization__%s__content_type' % organization_rel_name: ctype,
                'organizations_organization__%s__object_pk' % organization_rel_name: obj.pk,
            if perm_id:
                    'organizations_organization__%s__permission_id' % organization_rel_name: perm_id,
            organization_filters = {
                'organizations_organization__%s__content_object' % organization_rel_name: obj

        if permission_expiry:
            kwargs1 = {"organizations_organization__%s__permission_expiry" % organization_rel_name: None}
            kwargs2 = {"organizations_organization__%s__permission_expiry__gte" % organization_rel_name: datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)}
            qset &= (Q(**kwargs1) | Q(**kwargs2))

        qset = qset | Q(**organization_filters)
    if with_superusers:
        qset = qset | Q(is_superuser=True)
    return qset
コード例 #36
def get_users_with_perms(obj,
    Returns queryset of all ``User`` objects with *any* object permissions for
    the given ``obj``.

    :param obj: persisted Django's ``Model`` instance

    :param attach_perms: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would be
      dictionary of ``User`` instances with permissions' codenames list as
      values. This would fetch users eagerly!

    :param with_superusers: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would
      contain all superusers.

    :param with_group_users: Default: ``True``. If set to ``False`` result would
      **not** contain those users who have only group permissions for given


        >>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
        >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, get_users_with_perms
        >>> page = FlatPage.objects.create(title='Some page', path='/some/page/')
        >>> joe = User.objects.create_user('joe', '*****@*****.**', 'joesecret')
        >>> assign_perm('change_flatpage', joe, page)
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page)
        [<User: joe>]
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page, attach_perms=True)
        {<User: joe>: [u'change_flatpage']}

    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    if not attach_perms:
        # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is
        # the case
        user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
        related_name = user_model.user.field.related_query_name()
        if user_model.objects.is_generic():
            user_filters = {
                '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
            user_filters = {'%s__content_object' % related_name: obj}
        qset = Q(**user_filters)
        if with_group_users:
            group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
            group_rel_name = group_model.group.field.related_query_name()
            if group_model.objects.is_generic():
                group_filters = {
                    'groups__%s__content_type' % group_rel_name: ctype,
                    'groups__%s__object_pk' % group_rel_name: obj.pk,
                group_filters = {
                    'groups__%s__content_object' % group_rel_name: obj,
            qset = qset | Q(**group_filters)
        if with_superusers:
            qset = qset | Q(is_superuser=True)
        return get_user_model().objects.filter(qset).distinct()
        # TODO: Do not hit db for each user!
        users = {}
        for user in get_users_with_perms(obj,
            # TODO: Support the case of set with_group_users but not with_superusers.
            if with_group_users or with_superusers:
                users[user] = sorted(get_perms(user, obj))
                users[user] = sorted(get_user_perms(user, obj))
        return users
コード例 #37
 def get_local_cache_key(self, obj):
     Returns cache key for ``_obj_perms_cache`` dict.
     ctype = get_content_type(obj)
     return (ctype.id, force_text(obj.pk))
コード例 #38
def get_objects_for_group(group,
    Returns queryset of objects for which a given ``group`` has *all*
    permissions present at ``perms``.

    :param group: ``Group`` instance for which objects would be returned.
    :param perms: single permission string, or sequence of permission strings
      which should be checked.
      If ``klass`` parameter is not given, those should be full permission
      names rather than only codenames (i.e. ``auth.change_user``). If more than
      one permission is present within sequence, their content type **must** be
      the same or ``MixedContentTypeError`` exception would be raised.
    :param klass: may be a Model, Manager or QuerySet object. If not given
      this parameter would be computed based on given ``params``.
    :param any_perm: if True, any of permission in sequence is accepted
    :param accept_global_perms: if ``True`` takes global permissions into account.
      If any_perm is set to false then the intersection of matching objects based on global and object based permissions
      is returned. Default is ``True``.

    :raises MixedContentTypeError: when computed content type for ``perms``
      and/or ``klass`` clashes.
    :raises WrongAppError: if cannot compute app label for given ``perms``/


    Let's assume we have a ``Task`` model belonging to the ``tasker`` app with
    the default add_task, change_task and delete_task permissions provided
    by Django::

        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_group
        >>> from tasker import Task
        >>> group = Group.objects.create('some group')
        >>> task = Task.objects.create('some task')
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, 'tasker.add_task')
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.add_task', group, task)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, 'tasker.add_task')
        [<Task some task>]

    The permission string can also be an iterable. Continuing with the previous example:
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.add_task', 'tasker.delete_task'])
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.delete_task', group, task)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.add_task', 'tasker.delete_task'])
        [<Task some task>]

    Global permissions assigned to the group are also taken into account. Continuing with previous example:
        >>> task_other = Task.objects.create('other task')
        >>> assign_perm('tasker.change_task', group)
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.change_task'])
        [<Task some task>, <Task other task>]
        >>> get_objects_for_group(group, ['tasker.change_task'], accept_global_perms=False)
        [<Task some task>]

    if isinstance(perms, basestring):
        perms = [perms]
    ctype = None
    app_label = None
    codenames = set()

    # Compute codenames set and ctype if possible
    for perm in perms:
        if '.' in perm:
            new_app_label, codename = perm.split('.', 1)
            if app_label is not None and app_label != new_app_label:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("Given perms must have same app "
                                            "label (%s != %s)" %
                                            (app_label, new_app_label))
                app_label = new_app_label
            codename = perm
        if app_label is not None:
            new_ctype = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_label,
            if ctype is not None and ctype != new_ctype:
                raise MixedContentTypeError("ContentType was once computed "
                                            "to be %s and another one %s" %
                                            (ctype, new_ctype))
                ctype = new_ctype

    # Compute queryset and ctype if still missing
    if ctype is None and klass is not None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        ctype = get_content_type(queryset.model)
    elif ctype is not None and klass is None:
        queryset = _get_queryset(ctype.model_class())
    elif klass is None:
        raise WrongAppError("Cannot determine content type")
        queryset = _get_queryset(klass)
        if ctype.model_class() != queryset.model:
            raise MixedContentTypeError("Content type for given perms and "
                                        "klass differs")

    # At this point, we should have both ctype and queryset and they should
    # match which means: ctype.model_class() == queryset.model
    # we should also have ``codenames`` list

    global_perms = set()
    if accept_global_perms:
        global_perm_set = group.permissions.values_list('codename', flat=True)
        for code in codenames:
            if code in global_perm_set:
        for code in global_perms:
        if len(global_perms) > 0 and (len(codenames) == 0 or any_perm):
            return queryset

    # Now we should extract list of pk values for which we would filter
    # queryset
    group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(queryset.model)
    groups_obj_perms_queryset = (group_model.objects.filter(
    if len(codenames):
        groups_obj_perms_queryset = groups_obj_perms_queryset.filter(
    if group_model.objects.is_generic():
        fields = ['object_pk', 'permission__codename']
        fields = ['content_object__pk', 'permission__codename']
    if not any_perm and len(codenames):
        groups_obj_perms = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(*fields)
        data = list(groups_obj_perms)

        keyfunc = lambda t: t[
            0]  # sorting/grouping by pk (first in result tuple)
        data = sorted(data, key=keyfunc)
        pk_list = []
        for pk, group in groupby(data, keyfunc):
            obj_codenames = set((e[1] for e in group))
            if any_perm or codenames.issubset(obj_codenames):
        objects = queryset.filter(pk__in=pk_list)
        return objects

    values = groups_obj_perms_queryset.values_list(fields[0], flat=True)
    if group_model.objects.is_generic():
        values = list(values)
    return queryset.filter(pk__in=values)
コード例 #39
def get_users_with_perms(obj,
    Returns queryset of all ``User`` objects with *any* object permissions for
    the given ``obj``.

    :param obj: persisted Django's ``Model`` instance

    :param attach_perms: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would be
      dictionary of ``User`` instances with permissions' codenames list as
      values. This would fetch users eagerly!

    :param with_superusers: Default: ``False``. If set to ``True`` result would
      contain all superusers.

    :param with_group_users: Default: ``True``. If set to ``False`` result would
      **not** contain those users who have only group permissions for given

    :param only_with_perms_in: Default: ``None``. If set to an iterable of
      permission strings then only users with those permissions would be


        >>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
        >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, get_users_with_perms
        >>> page = FlatPage.objects.create(title='Some page', path='/some/page/')
        >>> joe = User.objects.create_user('joe', '*****@*****.**', 'joesecret')
        >>> dan = User.objects.create_user('dan', '*****@*****.**', 'dansecret')
        >>> assign_perm('change_flatpage', joe, page)
        >>> assign_perm('delete_flatpage', dan, page)
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page)
        [<User: joe>, <User: dan>]
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page, attach_perms=True)
        {<User: joe>: [u'change_flatpage'], <User: dan>: [u'delete_flatpage']}
        >>> get_users_with_perms(page, only_with_perms_in=['change_flatpage'])
        [<User: joe>]

    ctype = get_content_type(obj)
    if not attach_perms:
        # It's much easier without attached perms so we do it first if that is
        # the case
        user_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(obj)
        related_name = user_model.user.field.related_query_name()
        if user_model.objects.is_generic():
            user_filters = {
                '%s__content_type' % related_name: ctype,
                '%s__object_pk' % related_name: obj.pk,
            user_filters = {'%s__content_object' % related_name: obj}
        qset = Q(**user_filters)
        if only_with_perms_in is not None:
            permission_ids = Permission.objects.filter(
                codename__in=only_with_perms_in).values_list('id', flat=True)
            qset &= Q(**{
                '%s__permission_id__in' % related_name: permission_ids,
        if with_group_users:
            group_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(obj)
            if group_model.objects.is_generic():
                group_obj_perm_filters = {
                    'content_type': ctype,
                    'object_pk': obj.pk,
                group_obj_perm_filters = {
                    'content_object': obj,
            if only_with_perms_in is not None:
            group_ids = set(
                        'group_id', flat=True).distinct())
            qset = qset | Q(groups__in=group_ids)
        if with_superusers:
            qset = qset | Q(is_superuser=True)
        return get_user_model().objects.filter(qset).distinct()
        # TODO: Do not hit db for each user!
        users = {}
        for user in get_users_with_perms(obj,
            # TODO: Support the case of set with_group_users but not with_superusers.
            if with_group_users or with_superusers:
                users[user] = sorted(get_perms(user, obj))
                users[user] = sorted(get_user_perms(user, obj))
        return users