コード例 #1
def is_guessable(pattern, segments):
    answer = True
    if pattern in base_structures:
        tags = guesser.unpack(pattern)
        for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
            if segment.word not in tag_dicts[tags[i]]:
                answer = False
        answer = False
    return answer
コード例 #2
def main(base_structures, tag_dicts, file):
    db = parser.connectToDb()
    dictionary = parser.getDictionary(db, parser.dict_sets)
    pos_tagger = BackoffTagger()
    guessable_count = 0
    i = 0
    for l in file:
        password = l.rstrip()
        if not password : continue
        segmentations = segment(password, dictionary, db)
        guessable = False

        for s in segmentations:
            tags = pos_tagger.tag([ f.word for f in s if f.dictset_id <= 90])
            for j in range(len(s)):
                if s[j].dictset_id > 90:
                    s[j].pos = None
                    s[j].pos = tags.pop(0)[1]
            pattern = grammar.pattern(s)
            guessable = is_guessable(pattern, s)
            if guessable:
                guessable_count += 1 
        print "{}\t{}\t{}".format(password, pattern, guessable, probability(pattern, guesser.unpack(pattern), s))    
#         print "{}\t{}".format(password, guessable)
        i += 1
#        if i >= 1000: break
    # print # of guessable passwords
    print "{} guessable passwords out of {}, ({:%})".format(guessable_count, i, float(guessable_count)/i)