def _constructCamouflage(self, cID, groups, camouflages, armorColor, lifeCycle = None, isCurrent = False, isInHangar = False, withoutCheck = True, currVehIntD = None): camouflageInfo = None camouflage = camouflages.get(cID, None) hiddenCamos = if camouflage is not None and (withoutCheck or cID not in hiddenCamos or isInHangar or camouflage.get('igrType', 0) != constants.IGR_TYPE.NONE and cID not in hiddenCamos): denyCD = camouflage.get('deny') allowCD = camouflage.get('allow') if currVehIntD not in denyCD and (len(allowCD) == 0 or currVehIntD in allowCD) or currVehIntD is None: invisibilityFactor = camouflage.get('invisibilityFactor', 1) invisibilityPercent = int(round((invisibilityFactor - 1) * 100)) invisibilityLbl = gui.makeHtmlString('html_templates:lobby/customization', 'camouflage-hint', {'percents': invisibilityPercent}, sourceKey=self.__getKindById(camouflage.get('kind', 0))) price = self._makeCost(self._cost, self._vehPriceFactor, self._getPriceFactor(cID)) if not isInHangar else 0 defaultPrice = self._makeCost(self._defCost, self._defVehPriceFactor, self._getDefaultCamoPriceFactor(cID)) if not isInHangar else 0 action = None if price != defaultPrice: isPremium = self._isGold == 1 newPrice = (0, price) if isPremium else (price, 0) oldPrice = (0, defaultPrice) if isPremium else (defaultPrice, 0) state = (None, ACTION_TOOLTIPS_STATE.DISCOUNT) if isPremium else (ACTION_TOOLTIPS_STATE.DISCOUNT, None) key = 'camouflagePacket7Cost' if self._period == 0: key = 'camouflagePacketInfCost' elif self._period == 30: key = 'camouflagePacket30Cost' action = {'type': ACTION_TOOLTIPS_TYPE.CAMOUFLAGE, 'key': cPickle.dumps((currVehIntD, key)), 'isBuying': True, 'state': state, 'newPrice': newPrice, 'oldPrice': oldPrice} timeLeftStr = '' days = 0 isPermanent = False value = 0 timeLeft = 0 if self._isGold else self._period * 86400 if isInHangar: item = CustomizationHelper.getItemFromHangar(CUSTOMIZATION_ITEM_TYPE.CAMOUFLAGE_TYPE, cID, self.nationID) if item: isPermanent = item.get('isPermanent') value = item.get('quantity') timeLeft = value * 86400 if not item.get('isPermanent') else 0 timeLeftStr = CustomizationHelper.getTimeLeftText(timeLeft) if isCurrent: updatedDescr = CustomizationHelper.getUpdatedDescriptor(g_currentVehicle.item.descriptor) item = updatedDescr.camouflages[camouflage.get('kind', 0)] _, startTime, days = item if days: timeLeft = startTime + days * 86400 - time.time() timeLeftStr = CustomizationHelper.getTimeLeftText(timeLeft) camouflageInfo = {'id': cID, 'texturePath': self._makeSmallTextureUrl(camouflage.get('texture'), camouflage.get('colors', (0, 0, 0, 0)), armorColor, lifeCycle), 'description': self._makeDescription(groups, camouflage.get('groupName', ''), camouflage.get('description', '')), 'price': {'cost': price, 'isGold': self._isGold == 1}, 'action': action, 'isNew': self.isNewID(cID), 'invisibilityLbl': invisibilityLbl, 'igrType': camouflage.get('igrType', 0), 'current': isCurrent, 'isInHangar': isInHangar, 'timeLeftStr': timeLeftStr, 'type': CUSTOMIZATION_ITEM_TYPE.CAMOUFLAGE, 'nationId': self.nationID, 'isSpecialTooltip': True, 'timeLeftValue': timeLeft, 'isPermanent': isPermanent, 'value': value} return camouflageInfo
def _constructInscription(self, itemID, groups, inscriptions, isCurrent = False, isInHangar = False, withoutCheck = True): itemInfo = None inscription = inscriptions.get(itemID, None) priceFactors = defPriceFactors = hiddens = if inscription is not None: groupName, igrType, texture, bumpMap, inscriptionUserString, isFeatured = inscription[0:6] inscriptionIDs, groupUserString, igrType, allow, deny = groups.get(groupName) isNewItem = self.isNewID(itemID) if withoutCheck or isNewItem or isInHangar or groupName not in hiddens: price = self._makeCost(self._cost, self._vehPriceFactor, priceFactors.get(groupName)) if not isInHangar else 0 defaultPrice = self._makeCost(self._defCost, self._defVehPriceFactor, defPriceFactors.get(groupName, 1)) if not isInHangar else 0 action = None if price != defaultPrice: isPremium = self._isGold == 1 newPrice = (0, price) if isPremium else (price, 0) oldPrice = (0, defaultPrice) if isPremium else (defaultPrice, 0) state = (None, ACTION_TOOLTIPS_STATE.DISCOUNT) if isPremium else (ACTION_TOOLTIPS_STATE.DISCOUNT, None) key = 'inscriptionPacket7Cost' if self._period == 0: key = 'inscriptionPacketInfCost' elif self._period == 30: key = 'inscriptionPacket30Cost' action = {'type': ACTION_TOOLTIPS_TYPE.ECONOMICS, 'key': key, 'isBuying': True, 'state': state, 'newPrice': newPrice, 'oldPrice': oldPrice} timeLeftStr = '' days = 0 isPermanent = False value = 0 timeLeft = 0 if self._isGold else self._period * 86400 canUse = True if isInHangar: item = CustomizationHelper.getItemFromHangar(CUSTOMIZATION_ITEM_TYPE.INSCRIPTION_TYPE, itemID, self.nationID, self.position) if item: isPermanent = item.get('isPermanent') value = item.get('quantity') timeLeft = value * 86400 if not item.get('isPermanent') else 0 timeLeftStr = CustomizationHelper.getTimeLeftText(timeLeft) if not isPermanent: _, selectedInscriptions = VehicleCustomizationModel.getVehicleModel() for selectedInscription in selectedInscriptions: if selectedInscriptions.index(selectedInscription) != self.position and selectedInscription[0] == itemID: canUse = False if isCurrent: updatedDescr = CustomizationHelper.getUpdatedDescriptor(g_currentVehicle.item.descriptor) item = updatedDescr.playerInscriptions[self.position] _, startTime, days, _ = item if days: timeLeft = startTime + days * 86400 - time.time() timeLeftStr = CustomizationHelper.getTimeLeftText(timeLeft) itemInfo = {'id': itemID, 'texturePath': self._makeSmallTextureUrl(texture, None, None), 'description': self._makeDescription(groupUserString, inscriptionUserString), 'igrType': igrType, 'price': {'cost': price, 'isGold': days == 0 if isCurrent else self._isGold == 1}, 'action': action, 'current': isCurrent, 'position': self.position, 'isInHangar': isInHangar, 'isFeatured': isFeatured, 'isNew': isNewItem, 'timeLeftStr': timeLeftStr, 'type': CUSTOMIZATION_ITEM_TYPE.INSCRIPTION, 'nationId': self.nationID, 'isSpecialTooltip': True, 'timeLeftValue': timeLeft, 'isPermanent': isPermanent, 'value': value, 'canUse': canUse} return itemInfo