コード例 #1
class Tracklist(modules.Module):
    """ This module manages the tracklist """


    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor """
        modules.Module.__init__(self, (consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR,     consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD,
                                       consts.MSG_CMD_TOGGLE_PAUSE,      consts.MSG_CMD_NEXT,              consts.MSG_CMD_PREVIOUS,
                                       consts.MSG_EVT_NEED_BUFFER,       consts.MSG_EVT_STOPPED,           consts.MSG_EVT_PAUSED,
                                       consts.MSG_EVT_UNPAUSED,          consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_OK,    consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_ERROR,
                                       consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE, consts.MSG_EVT_APP_STARTED))

    def onAppStarted(self):
        """ This is the real initialization function, called when the module has been loaded """
        wTree                  = tools.prefs.getWidgetsTree()
        self.playtime          = 0
        self.previousTracklist = None
        # Retrieve widgets
        self.window     = wTree.get_widget('win-main')
#        self.btnClear   = wTree.get_widget('btn-tracklistClear')
        self.btnRepeat  = wTree.get_widget('btn-tracklistRepeat')
        self.btnShuffle = wTree.get_widget('btn-tracklistShuffle')
#        self.btnClear.set_sensitive(False)
        # Create the list and its columns
        txtLRdr   = gtk.CellRendererText()
        txtRRdr   = gtk.CellRendererText()
        pixbufRdr = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
        txtRRdr.set_property('xalign', 1.0)

        # 'columns-visibility' may be broken, we should not use it (#311293)
        visible = tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', PREFS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY)

        columns = (('#',         [(pixbufRdr, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf), (txtRRdr, TYPE_INT)], (ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),                            False, visible[COL_TRCK_NUM]),
                   (_('Title'),  [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_TIT,),                                    True,  visible[COL_TITLE]),
                   (_('Artist'), [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),          True,  visible[COL_ARTIST]),
                   (_('Album'),  [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),                   True,  visible[COL_ALBUM]),
                   (_('Length'), [(txtRRdr, TYPE_INT)],                              (ROW_LEN,),                                    False, visible[COL_LENGTH]),
                   (_('Genre'),  [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_GNR, ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT), False, visible[COL_GENRE]),
                   (_('Date'),   [(txtLRdr, TYPE_INT)],                              (ROW_DAT, ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT), False, visible[COL_DATE]),
                   (_('Path'),   [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_PTH,),                                    False, visible[COL_PATH]),
                   (None,        [(None, TYPE_PYOBJECT)],                            (None,),                                       False, False))

        self.list = ExtListView(columns, sortable=True, dndTargets=consts.DND_TARGETS.values(), useMarkup=False, canShowHideColumns=True)
        self.list.get_column(4).set_cell_data_func(txtRRdr, self.fmtLength)
#        self.list.enableDNDReordering()
        # GTK handlers
        self.list.connect('extlistview-dnd',                       self.onDND)
        self.list.connect('key-press-event',                       self.onKeyboard)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-modified',                  self.onListModified)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-button-pressed',            self.onButtonPressed)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-column-visibility-changed', self.onColumnVisibilityChanged)

#        self.btnClear.connect('clicked',   lambda widget: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR))
        self.btnRepeat.connect('toggled',  self.onButtonRepeat)
        self.btnShuffle.connect('clicked', lambda widget: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE))
        # Restore preferences
        self.btnRepeat.set_active(tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'repeat-status', PREFS_DEFAULT_REPEAT_STATUS))
        # Set icons
        wTree.get_widget('img-repeat').set_from_icon_name('stock_repeat', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
        wTree.get_widget('img-shuffle').set_from_icon_name('stock_shuffle', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)

    def tiraLed(self): 
	gui.errorMsgBox(self.window, _('Operação de Tira Led'), _('Sem deletar a lista dos irmão!'))

    def getAllFiles(self):                  return [row[ROW_TRK].getFilePath() for row in self.list.iterAllRows()]
    def getAllTracks(self):                 return [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list.iterAllRows()]
    def fmtLength(self, col, cll, mdl, it): cll.set_property('text', tools.sec2str(mdl.get_value(it, ROW_LEN)))

    def __getNextTrackIdx(self):
        """ Return the index of the next track, or -1 if there is none """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            if self.list.getMark() < (len(self.list) - 1): return self.list.getMark() + 1
            elif self.btnRepeat.get_active():              return 0
        return -1

    def __getPreviousTrackIdx(self):
        """ Return the index of the previous track, or -1 if there is none """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            if self.list.getMark() > 0:       return self.list.getMark() - 1
            elif self.btnRepeat.get_active(): return len(self.list) - 1
        return -1

    def jumpToNext(self):
        """ Jump to the next track, if any """
        where = self.__getNextTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:

    def jumpToPrevious(self):
        """ Jump to the previous track, if any """
        where = self.__getPreviousTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:

    def jumpTo(self, trackIdx):
        """ Jump to the track located at the given index """
        if self.list.hasMark() and self.list.getItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO) != consts.icoError:
            self.list.setItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO, consts.icoNull)
        self.list.setItem(trackIdx, ROW_ICO, consts.icoPlay)
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_PLAY,        {'uri': self.list.getItem(trackIdx, ROW_TRK).getURI()})
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACK,   {'track': self.list.getRow(trackIdx)[ROW_TRK]})
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__getPreviousTrackIdx() != -1, 'hasNext': self.__getNextTrackIdx() != -1})

    def onTrackEnded(self, withError):
        """ The current track has ended, jump to the next one if any """
        currIdx = self.list.getMark()

        # If an error occurred with the current track, flag it as such
        if withError:
            self.list.setItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO, consts.icoError)

        # Find the next 'playable' track (not already flagged)
        if self.btnRepeat.get_active(): nbTracks = len(self.list)
        else:                           nbTracks = len(self.list) - 1 - currIdx

        for i in xrange(nbTracks):
            currIdx = (currIdx + 1) % len(self.list)

            if self.list.getItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO) != consts.icoError:


    def onBufferingNeeded(self):
        """ The current track is close to its end, so we try to buffer the next one to avoid gaps """
        where = self.__getNextTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_BUFFER, {'uri': self.list.getItem(where, ROW_TRK).getURI()})

    def insert(self, tracks, position=None):
        """ Insert some tracks in the tracklist, append them if position is None """
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list.getAllRows()]
        rows = [[consts.icoNull, track.getNumber(), track.getTitle(), track.getArtist(), track.getExtendedAlbum(),
                    track.getLength(), track.getGenre(), track.getDate(), track.getURI(), track] for track in tracks]

        for row in rows:
            self.playtime += row[ROW_LEN]

        self.list.insertRows(rows, position)

    def set(self, tracks, playNow):
        """ Replace the tracklist, clear it if tracks is None """
        self.playtime     = 0
        previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list.getAllRows()]

        if self.list.hasMark() and not playNow:

#        self.list.clear()

        if tracks is None:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACKLIST, {'tracks': [], 'playtime': 0})
            if playNow and len(self.list) != 0:

        self.previousTracklist = previousTracklist

    def onStopped(self):
        """ Playback has been stopped """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            currTrack = self.list.getMark()
            if self.list.getItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO) != consts.icoError:
                self.list.setItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO, consts.icoNull)

    def onPausedToggled(self, icon):
        """ Switch between paused and unpaused """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            self.list.setItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO, icon)

    def savePlaylist(self):
        """ Save the current tracklist to a playlist """
        destDir = os.path.dirname(self.list.getItem(0, ROW_TRK).getFilePath())
        outFile = gui.fileChooser.save(self.window, _('Save playlist'), 'playlist.m3u', destDir)

        if outFile is not None:
            media.playlist.save(self.getAllFiles(), outFile)

    def removeSelection(self, invert=False):
        """ Remove the selected tracks if invert is False / the unselected tracks if invert is True """
        hadMark                = self.list.hasMark()
        selectionPlaytime      = sum([row[ROW_LEN] for row in self.list.iterSelectedRows()])
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list.getAllRows()]

        if invert:
            self.playtime = selectionPlaytime
            self.playtime -= selectionPlaytime

        if hadMark and not self.list.hasMark():

    def revertTracklist(self):
        """ Back to the previous tracklist """
        self.set(self.previousTracklist, False)
        self.previousTracklist = None

    def shuffleTracklist(self):
        """ Shuffle the tracks and ensure that the current track stays visible """
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list.getAllRows()]
        if self.list.hasMark():

    def showPopupMenu(self, list, path, button, time):
        """ The index parameter may be None """
        popup = gtk.Menu()

        # Crop
#        crop = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Crop'))
#        crop.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CUT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
#        crop.set_sensitive(path is not None)
#        crop.connect('activate', lambda item: self.tiraLed())
#        popup.append(crop)

        # Remove
#        remove = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE)
#        remove.set_sensitive(path is not None)
#        remove.connect('activate', lambda item: self.tiraLed())
#        popup.append(remove)

#        popup.append(gtk.SeparatorMenuItem())

       # Shuffle
        shuffle = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Shuffle Playlist'))
        shuffle.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)
        shuffle.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_icon_name('stock_shuffle', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
        shuffle.connect('activate', lambda item: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE))

        # Revert
        revert = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Revert Playlist'))
        revert.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
        revert.set_sensitive(self.previousTracklist is not None)
        revert.connect('activate', lambda item: self.revertTracklist())

        # Clear
        clear = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Clear Playlist'))
        clear.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)
        clear.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
        clear.connect('activate', lambda item: self.tiraLed())


        # Repeat
        repeat = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_('Repeat'))
        repeat.set_active(tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'repeat-status', PREFS_DEFAULT_REPEAT_STATUS))
        repeat.connect('toggled', lambda item: self.btnRepeat.clicked())


        # Save
        save = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Save Playlist As...'))
        save.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)
        save.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
        save.connect('activate', lambda item: self.savePlaylist())

        popup.popup(None, None, None, button, time)

    # --== Message handler ==--

    def handleMsg(self, msg, params):
        """ A message has been received """
        if   msg == consts.MSG_EVT_PAUSED:                                   self.onPausedToggled(consts.icoPause)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_STOPPED:                                  self.onStopped()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_UNPAUSED:                                 self.onPausedToggled(consts.icoPlay)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_APP_STARTED:                              self.onAppStarted()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_OK:                           self.onTrackEnded(False)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_ERROR:                        self.onTrackEnded(True)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_EVT_NEED_BUFFER:                              self.onBufferingNeeded()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR:                            self.set(None, False)
#        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET:                            self.tiraLed()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD:                            self.insert(params['tracks'])
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE:                        self.shuffleTracklist()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_TOGGLE_PAUSE and not self.list.hasMark(): self.jumpTo(0)
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_PREVIOUS:                                 self.jumpToPrevious()
        elif msg == consts.MSG_CMD_NEXT:                                     self.jumpToNext()

    # --== GTK handlers ==--

    def onButtonRepeat(self, btn):
        """ The 'repeat' button has been pressed """
        tools.prefs.set(__name__, 'repeat-status', self.btnRepeat.get_active())
        if self.list.hasMark():
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__getPreviousTrackIdx() != -1, 'hasNext': self.__getNextTrackIdx() != -1})

    def onButtonPressed(self, list, event, path):
        """ Play the selected track on double click, or show a popup menu on right click """
        if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and path is not None:
#            self.jumpTo(path[0])
        elif event.button == 3:
            self.showPopupMenu(list, path, event.button, event.time)

    def onKeyboard(self, list, event):
        """ Remove the selection if possible """
        if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == 'D':
		if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
			if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK:
	elif gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Delete": 
	elif gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "R":
		if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
			if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK:
	elif gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Z":
		if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
			if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK:
    def onListModified(self, list):
        """ Some rows have been added/removed/moved """
#        self.btnClear.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)
        self.btnShuffle.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)

        # Update playlist length and playlist position for all tracks
        for position, row in enumerate(self.list.getAllRows()):
            row[ROW_TRK].setPlaylistPos(position + 1)

        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACKLIST, {'tracks': self.getAllTracks(), 'playtime': self.playtime})
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED,   {'hasPrevious': self.__getPreviousTrackIdx() != -1, 'hasNext':  self.__getNextTrackIdx() != -1})

    def onColumnVisibilityChanged(self, list, colTitle, visible):
        """ A column has been shown/hidden """
        if colTitle == '#':           colId = COL_TRCK_NUM
        elif colTitle == _('Title'):  colId = COL_TITLE
        elif colTitle == _('Artist'): colId = COL_ARTIST
        elif colTitle == _('Album'):  colId = COL_ALBUM
        elif colTitle == _('Length'): colId = COL_LENGTH
        elif colTitle == _('Genre'):  colId = COL_GENRE
        elif colTitle == _('Date'):   colId = COL_DATE
        else:                         colId = COL_PATH

        visibility = tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', PREFS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY)
        visibility[colId] = visible
        tools.prefs.set(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', visibility)

    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        if dragData.data == '':
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # A list of filenames, without 'file://' at the beginning
        if dndId == consts.DND_DAP_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri) for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of filenames starting with 'file://'
        elif dndId == consts.DND_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri)[7:] for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of tracks
        elif dndId == consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS:
            tracks = [media.track.unserialize(serialTrack) for serialTrack in dragData.data.split('\n')]

        if dropInfo is None: self.insert(tracks)
        else:                self.insert(tracks, dropInfo[0][0])

        context.finish(True, False, time)
コード例 #2
class Tracklist(modules.Module):
    """ This module manages the tracklist """

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor """
        handlers = {
                        consts.MSG_CMD_NEXT:                 self.jumpToNext,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_PAUSED:               lambda: self.onPausedToggled(icons.pauseMenuIcon()),
                        consts.MSG_EVT_STOPPED:              self.onStopped,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_UNPAUSED:             lambda: self.onPausedToggled(icons.playMenuIcon()),
                        consts.MSG_CMD_PREVIOUS:             self.jumpToPrevious,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_NEED_BUFFER:          self.onBufferingNeeded,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_APP_STARTED:          self.onAppStarted,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TOGGLE_PAUSE:         self.togglePause,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_DEL:        self.remove,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_ADD:        self.insert,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SET:        self.set,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR:        lambda: self.set(None, False, False),
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_PLAY:       self.onTracklistPlay,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_OK:       lambda: self.onTrackEnded(False),
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_REPEAT:     self.setRepeat,
                        consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_ENDED_ERROR:    lambda: self.onTrackEnded(True),
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE:    self.shuffleTracklist,
                        consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_PLAY_PAUSE: self.onTracklistPlayPause,

        modules.Module.__init__(self, handlers)

    def __fmtColumnColor(self, col, cll, mdl, it):
        """ When playing, tracks already played are slightly greyed out """
        style  = self.window.get_style()
        played = self.list.hasMark() and mdl.get_path(it)[0] < self.list.getMark()

        if played: cll.set_property('foreground-gdk', style.text[gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE])
        else:      cll.set_property('foreground-gdk', style.text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL])

    def __fmtLengthColumn(self, col, cll, mdl, it):
        """ Format the column showing the length of the track (e.g., show 1:23 instead of 83) """
        cll.set_property('text', tools.sec2str(mdl.get_value(it, ROW_LEN)))
        self.__fmtColumnColor(col, cll, mdl, it)

    def __getNextTrackIdx(self):
        """ Return the index of the next track, or -1 if there is none """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            if self.list.getMark() < (len(self.list) - 1): return self.list.getMark() + 1
            elif self.btnRepeat.get_active():              return 0
        return -1

    def __hasNextTrack(self):
        """ Return whether there is a next track """
        return self.__getNextTrackIdx() != -1

    def __getPreviousTrackIdx(self):
        """ Return the index of the previous track, or -1 if there is none """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            if self.list.getMark() > 0:       return self.list.getMark() - 1
            elif self.btnRepeat.get_active(): return len(self.list) - 1
        return -1

    def __hasPreviousTrack(self):
        """ Return whether there is a previous track """
        return self.__getPreviousTrackIdx() != -1

    def jumpToNext(self):
        """ Jump to the next track, if any """
        where = self.__getNextTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:

    def jumpToPrevious(self):
        """ Jump to the previous track, if any """
        where = self.__getPreviousTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:

    def jumpTo(self, trackIdx, sendPlayMsg = True, forced = True):
        """ Jump to the track located at the given index """
        if self.list.hasMark() and self.list.getItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
            self.list.setItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())
        self.list.setItem(trackIdx, ROW_ICO, icons.playMenuIcon())

        if sendPlayMsg:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_PLAY, {'uri': self.list.getItem(trackIdx, ROW_TRK).getURI(), 'forced': forced})

        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACK,   {'track': self.list.getRow(trackIdx)[ROW_TRK]})
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__hasPreviousTrack(), 'hasNext': self.__hasNextTrack()})

    def insert(self, tracks, playNow, position=None):
        """ Insert some tracks in the tracklist, append them if position is None """
        rows = [[icons.nullMenuIcon(), track.getNumber(), track.getTitleOrFilename(), track.getArtist(), track.getExtendedAlbum(),
                    track.getLength(), track.getBitrate(), track.getGenre(), track.getDate(), track.getFilename(), track.getURI(), track] for track in tracks]

        if len(rows) != 0:
            self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]

            for row in rows:
                self.playtime += row[ROW_LEN]

            self.list.insertRows(rows, position)

            if playNow:
                if position is not None: self.jumpTo(position)
                else:                    self.jumpTo(len(self.previousTracklist))

    def set(self, tracks, playNow, keepCurrTrack = False):
        """ Replace the tracklist, clear it if tracks is None """
        self.playtime = 0

        # Save playlist only locally to this function
        # The insert() function would overwrite it otherwise
        previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]

        # Should we stop playback?
        sendStop        = False
        keepTrackNewIdx = -1

        # If we should keep the current track but it doesn't belong to the new playlist
        if keepCurrTrack and self.list.hasMark():
            sendStop  = True
            currTrack = self.list.getRow(self.list.getMark())[ROW_TRK]

            for idx, track in enumerate(tracks):
                if track == currTrack:
                    sendStop        = False
                    keepTrackNewIdx = idx
        # Or if we shouldn't start playback now or the new playlist is empty
        elif self.list.hasMark() and ((not playNow) or (tracks is None) or (len(tracks) == 0)):
            sendStop = True

        if sendStop:


        if tracks is not None and len(tracks) != 0:
            self.insert(tracks, playNow)

        self.previousTracklist = previousTracklist

        # Mark the current track if we kept the same one
        if keepCurrTrack and keepTrackNewIdx != -1:
            self.jumpTo(keepTrackNewIdx, False, False)

    def savePlaylist(self):
        """ Save the current tracklist to a playlist """
        outFile = fileChooser.save(self.window, _('Save playlist'), 'playlist.m3u')

        if outFile is not None:
            allFiles = [row[ROW_TRK].getFilePath() for row in self.list.iterAllRows()]
            media.playlist.save(allFiles, outFile)

    def remove(self, idx=None):
        """ Remove the given track, or the selection if idx is None """
        if idx is not None and (idx < 0 or idx >= len(self.list)):

        hadMark                = self.list.hasMark()
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]

        if idx is not None:
            self.playtime -= self.list.getRow(idx)[ROW_LEN]
            self.list.removeRow((idx, ))
            self.playtime -= sum([row[ROW_LEN] for row in self.list.iterSelectedRows()])


        if hadMark and not self.list.hasMark():

    def crop(self):
        """ Remove the unselected tracks """
        hadMark                = self.list.hasMark()
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]

        self.playtime = sum([row[ROW_LEN] for row in self.list.iterSelectedRows()])

        if hadMark and not self.list.hasMark():

    def revertTracklist(self):
        """ Back to the previous tracklist """
        self.set(self.previousTracklist, False, True)
        self.previousTracklist = None

    def shuffleTracklist(self):
        """ Shuffle the tracks and ensure that the current track stays visible """
        self.previousTracklist = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]
        if self.list.hasMark():

    def setRepeat(self, repeat):
        """ Set/Unset the repeat function """
        if self.btnRepeat.get_active() != repeat:

    def showPopupMenu(self, list, path, button, time):
        """ The index parameter may be None """
        popup = gtk.Menu()

        # Crop
        crop = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Crop'))
        crop.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CUT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))

        if path is None: crop.set_sensitive(False)
        else:            crop.connect('activate', lambda item: self.crop())

        # Remove
        remove = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE)

        if path is None: remove.set_sensitive(False)
        else:            remove.connect('activate', lambda item: self.remove())


        # Shuffle
        shuffle = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Shuffle Playlist'))
        shuffle.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_icon_name('stock_shuffle', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))

        if len(list) == 0: shuffle.set_sensitive(False)
        else:              shuffle.connect('activate', lambda item: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE))

        # Revert
        revert = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Revert Playlist'))
        revert.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))

        if self.previousTracklist is None: revert.set_sensitive(False)
        else:                              revert.connect('activate', lambda item: self.revertTracklist())

        # Clear
        clear = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Clear Playlist'))
        clear.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))

        if len(list) == 0: clear.set_sensitive(False)
        else:              clear.connect('activate', lambda item: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR))


        # Repeat
        repeat = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_('Repeat'))
        repeat.set_active(tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'repeat-status', PREFS_DEFAULT_REPEAT_STATUS))
        repeat.connect('toggled', lambda item: self.btnRepeat.clicked())


        # Save
        save = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Save Playlist As...'))
        save.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))

        if len(list) == 0: save.set_sensitive(False)
        else:              save.connect('activate', lambda item: self.savePlaylist())

        popup.popup(None, None, None, button, time)

    def togglePause(self):
        """ Start playing if not already playing """
        if len(self.list) != 0 and not self.list.hasMark():
            if self.list.getSelectedRowsCount() != 0:

    # --== Message handlers ==--

    def onAppStarted(self):
        """ This is the real initialization function, called when the module has been loaded """
        wTree                  = tools.prefs.getWidgetsTree()
        self.playtime          = 0
        self.bufferedTrack     = None
        self.previousTracklist = None
        # Retrieve widgets
        self.window     = wTree.get_object('win-main')
        self.btnClear   = wTree.get_object('btn-tracklistClear')
        self.btnRepeat  = wTree.get_object('btn-tracklistRepeat')
        self.btnShuffle = wTree.get_object('btn-tracklistShuffle')
        # Create the list and its columns
        txtLRdr   = gtk.CellRendererText()
        txtRRdr   = gtk.CellRendererText()
        pixbufRdr = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
        txtRRdr.set_property('xalign', 1.0)

        # 'columns-visibility' may be broken, we should not use it (#311293)
        visible = tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', PREFS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY)
        for (key, value) in PREFS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY.iteritems():
            if key not in visible:
                visible[key] = value

        columns = (('#',           [(pixbufRdr, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf), (txtRRdr, TYPE_INT)], (ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),                            False, visible[COL_TRCK_NUM]),
                   (_('Title'),    [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_TIT,),                                    True,  visible[COL_TITLE]),
                   (_('Artist'),   [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),          True,  visible[COL_ARTIST]),
                   (_('Album'),    [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT),                   True,  visible[COL_ALBUM]),
                   (_('Length'),   [(txtRRdr, TYPE_INT)],                              (ROW_LEN,),                                    False, visible[COL_LENGTH]),
                   (_('Bit Rate'), [(txtRRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_BTR, ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT), False, visible[COL_BITRATE]),
                   (_('Genre'),    [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_GNR, ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT), False, visible[COL_GENRE]),
                   (_('Date'),     [(txtLRdr, TYPE_INT)],                              (ROW_DAT, ROW_ART, ROW_ALB, ROW_NUM, ROW_TIT), False, visible[COL_DATE]),
                   (_('Filename'), [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_FIL,),                                    False, visible[COL_FILENAME]),
                   (_('Path'),     [(txtLRdr, TYPE_STRING)],                           (ROW_PTH,),                                    False, visible[COL_PATH]),
                   (None,          [(None, TYPE_PYOBJECT)],                            (None,),                                       False, False))

        self.list = ExtListView(columns, sortable=True, dndTargets=consts.DND_TARGETS.values(), useMarkup=False, canShowHideColumns=True)
        self.list.get_column(1).set_cell_data_func(txtLRdr, self.__fmtColumnColor)
        self.list.get_column(4).set_cell_data_func(txtRRdr, self.__fmtLengthColumn)
        # GTK handlers
        self.list.connect('extlistview-dnd', self.onDND)
        self.list.connect('key-press-event', self.onKeyboard)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-modified', self.onListModified)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-button-pressed', self.onButtonPressed)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-selection-changed', self.onSelectionChanged)
        self.list.connect('extlistview-column-visibility-changed', self.onColumnVisibilityChanged)
        self.btnClear.connect('clicked', lambda widget: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_CLR))
        self.btnRepeat.connect('toggled', self.onButtonRepeat)
        self.btnShuffle.connect('clicked', lambda widget: modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TRACKLIST_SHUFFLE))
        # Restore preferences
        self.btnRepeat.set_active(tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'repeat-status', PREFS_DEFAULT_REPEAT_STATUS))
        # Set icons
        wTree.get_object('img-repeat').set_from_icon_name('stock_repeat', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
        wTree.get_object('img-shuffle').set_from_icon_name('stock_shuffle', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)

    def onTrackEnded(self, withError):
        """ The current track has ended, jump to the next one if any """
        currIdx = self.list.getMark()

        # If an error occurred with the current track, flag it as such
        if withError:
            self.list.setItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO, icons.errorMenuIcon())

        # Find the next 'playable' track (not already flagged)
        if self.btnRepeat.get_active(): nbTracks = len(self.list)
        else:                           nbTracks = len(self.list) - 1 - currIdx

        for i in xrange(nbTracks):
            currIdx = (currIdx + 1) % len(self.list)

            if self.list.getItem(currIdx, ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
                track = self.list.getItem(currIdx, ROW_TRK).getURI()
                self.jumpTo(currIdx, track != self.bufferedTrack, forced = False)
                self.bufferedTrack = None

        self.bufferedTrack = None

    def onBufferingNeeded(self):
        """ The current track is close to its end, so we try to buffer the next one to avoid gaps """
        where = self.__getNextTrackIdx()
        if where != -1:
            self.bufferedTrack = self.list.getItem(where, ROW_TRK).getURI()
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_BUFFER, {'uri': self.bufferedTrack})

    def onStopped(self):
        """ Playback has been stopped """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            currTrack = self.list.getMark()
            if self.list.getItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO) != icons.errorMenuIcon():
                self.list.setItem(currTrack, ROW_ICO, icons.nullMenuIcon())

    def onPausedToggled(self, icon):
        """ Switch between paused and unpaused """
        if self.list.hasMark():
            self.list.setItem(self.list.getMark(), ROW_ICO, icon)

    def onTracklistPlay(self, idx, seconds):
        """ Play the given track """

        if seconds != 0:
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_SEEK, {'seconds': seconds})

    def onTracklistPlayPause(self, idx, seconds):
        """ Play the given track but pause immediately """
        self.onTracklistPlay(idx, seconds)

    # --== GTK handlers ==--

    def onButtonRepeat(self, btn):
        """ The 'repeat' button has been pressed """
        tools.prefs.set(__name__, 'repeat-status', self.btnRepeat.get_active())
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_REPEAT_CHANGED, {'repeat': self.btnRepeat.get_active()})
        if self.list.hasMark():
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__hasPreviousTrack(), 'hasNext': self.__hasNextTrack()})

    def onButtonPressed(self, list, event, path):
        """ Play the selected track on double click, or show a popup menu on right click """
        if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and path is not None:
        elif event.button == 3:
            self.showPopupMenu(list, path, event.button, event.time)

    def onKeyboard(self, list, event):
        """ Keyboard shortcuts """
        keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)

        if keyname == 'Delete':   self.remove()
        elif keyname == 'Return': self.jumpTo(self.list.getFirstSelectedRowIndex())
        elif keyname == 'space':  modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_TOGGLE_PAUSE)
        elif keyname == 'Escape': modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_STOP)
        elif keyname == 'Left':   modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_STEP, {'seconds': -5})
        elif keyname == 'Right':  modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_CMD_STEP, {'seconds': 5})

    def onListModified(self, list):
        """ Some rows have been added/removed/moved """
        self.btnClear.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)
        self.btnShuffle.set_sensitive(len(list) != 0)

        # Update playlist length and playlist position for all tracks
        for position, row in enumerate(self.list):
            row[ROW_TRK].setPlaylistPos(position + 1)

        allTracks = [row[ROW_TRK] for row in self.list]
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_NEW_TRACKLIST, {'tracks': allTracks, 'playtime': self.playtime})

        if self.list.hasMark():
            modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACK_MOVED, {'hasPrevious': self.__hasPreviousTrack(), 'hasNext':  self.__hasNextTrack()})

    def onSelectionChanged(self, list, selectedRows):
        """ The selection has changed """
        modules.postMsg(consts.MSG_EVT_TRACKLIST_NEW_SEL, {'tracks': [row[ROW_TRK] for row in selectedRows]})

    def onColumnVisibilityChanged(self, list, colTitle, visible):
        """ A column has been shown/hidden """
        if colTitle == '#':             colId = COL_TRCK_NUM
        elif colTitle == _('Title'):    colId = COL_TITLE
        elif colTitle == _('Artist'):   colId = COL_ARTIST
        elif colTitle == _('Album'):    colId = COL_ALBUM
        elif colTitle == _('Length'):   colId = COL_LENGTH
        elif colTitle == _('Genre'):    colId = COL_GENRE
        elif colTitle == _('Date'):     colId = COL_DATE
        elif colTitle == _('Bit Rate'): colId = COL_BITRATE
        elif colTitle == _('File'):     colId = COL_FILENAME
        else:                           colId = COL_PATH

        visibility = tools.prefs.get(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', PREFS_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY)
        visibility[colId] = visible
        tools.prefs.set(__name__, 'columns-visibility-2', visibility)

    def onDND(self, list, context, x, y, dragData, dndId, time):
        """ External Drag'n'Drop """
        import urllib

        if dragData.data == '':
            context.finish(False, False, time)

        # A list of filenames, without 'file://' at the beginning
        if dndId == consts.DND_DAP_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri) for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of filenames starting with 'file://'
        elif dndId == consts.DND_URI:
            tracks = media.getTracks([urllib.url2pathname(uri)[7:] for uri in dragData.data.split()])
        # A list of tracks
        elif dndId == consts.DND_DAP_TRACKS:
            tracks = [media.track.unserialize(serialTrack) for serialTrack in dragData.data.split('\n')]

        dropInfo = list.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)

        # Insert the tracks, but beware of the AFTER/BEFORE mechanism used by GTK
        if dropInfo is None:                          self.insert(tracks, False)
        elif dropInfo[1] == gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER: self.insert(tracks, False, dropInfo[0][0] + 1)
        else:                                         self.insert(tracks, False, dropInfo[0][0])

        context.finish(True, False, time)