class MainDialog(gobject.GObject): search_text = "" _bullet_cache = {} __gsignals__ = { "bill-added": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), "bill-updated": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), "bill-removed": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), } def __init__(self): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) if exists(join(USER_CFG_PATH, CFG_NAME)): from lib.migrate_to_gconf import migrate migrate(join(USER_CFG_PATH, CFG_NAME)) self.gconf_client = Configuration() self.message = Message() # Connects to the database self.actions = Actions() self.ui = gtk.Builder() self.ui.add_from_file(os.path.join(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH, "main.ui")) self.window = self.ui.get_object("main_window") self.window.set_title("%s" % common.APPNAME) self.window.set_icon_from_file(common.APP_ICON) # ViewBill self.list = ViewBill() self.list.connect("cursor_changed", self._on_list_cursor_changed) self.list.connect("row_activated", self._on_list_row_activated) self.list.connect("button_press_event", self._on_list_button_press_event) self.ui.get_object("bill_box").add(self.list) # Toolbar self.toolbar = self.ui.get_object("toolbar") # Menubar self._populate_menubar() # Statusbar self.statusbar = Statusbar() self.ui.get_object("statusbar_box").add(self.statusbar) # Restore timeline zoom timeline_count = self.gconf_client.get("timeline_count") # Timeline self.timeline = Timeline(count=timeline_count, callback=self.on_timeline_cb) self.timeline.connect("range-changed", self._on_timeline_changed) self.timeline.connect("button-press-event", self._on_timeline_click) self.timeline.connect("cleared", self._on_timeline_cleared) self.ui.get_object("timeline_box").add(self.timeline) # Chart self.chart = ChartWidget() self.chart.set_border_width(10) self.ui.get_object("chart_box").add(self.chart) # Restore position and size of window width = self.gconf_client.get("window_width") height = self.gconf_client.get("window_height") x = self.gconf_client.get("window_position_x") y = self.gconf_client.get("window_position_y") if width and height: self.window.resize(width, height) if x and y: self.window.move(x, y) self.window.show_all() # Whether to display toolbar or not self.on_showToolbar_toggled(self.ui.get_object("showToolbar")) self.list.grab_focus() if self.gconf_client.get("start_in_tray"): self.window.hide() self.toggle_buttons() # Connects to the Daemon self.iface = None iface = get_dbus_interface(common.DBUS_INTERFACE, common.DBUS_PATH) if iface: iface.connect_to_signal("bill_edited", self.reloadTreeView) iface.connect_to_signal("bill_edited", self.reloadTimeline) iface.connect_to_signal("show_main_window", self.iface = iface gobject.timeout_add(2000, self._send_tray_hints) self.set_action_strings() self.ui.connect_signals(self) # populate treeview self.reloadTreeView() self.notify = NotifyIcon(self) # Integrate with Ubuntu Unity if UNITY: self.unity = UnityIntegration(self) def set_action_strings(self): # for some reason the actions strings do not get translated yet # so we define them here so they would be picked up by the pyfile scanner self.ui.get_object("newBill").set_label(_("_New")) self.ui.get_object("newBill").set_tooltip(_("Add new bill")) self.ui.get_object("editBill").set_label(_("_Edit")) self.ui.get_object("editBill").set_tooltip(_("Edit a bill")) self.ui.get_object("removeBill").set_label(_("_Delete")) self.ui.get_object("removeBill").set_tooltip(_("Delete selected bill")) self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_label(_("P_aid")) self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_tooltip(_("Mark as paid")) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_label(_("No_t Paid")) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_tooltip(_("Mark as not paid")) self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_label(_("_Show Toolbar")) self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_tooltip(_("Show the toolbar")) # Methods: UI def _send_tray_hints(self): self.iface.set_tray_hints(force_string(self.notify.get_hints())) gobject.timeout_add(60000, self._send_tray_hints) def get_window_visibility(self): return self.window.get_property("visible") def show_hide_window(self): if self.window.get_property("visible"): self.window.hide() else: def get_selected_record(self): """ Returns a bill object from the current selected record """ if len(self.list.listStore) > 0: model_ = self.list.get_model() if self.list.get_cursor()[0]: index = self.list.get_cursor()[0][0] else: index = 0 b_id = model_[index][0] records = self.actions.get_bills(id=b_id) self.currentrecord = records[0] else: self.currentrecord = None print "Current record is: %s" % self.currentrecord def populate_view(self, records): """ Populates the treeview control with the records passed """ # Reset list self.list.listStore.clear() if not records: return 0 # Loops through bills collection path = 0 for rec in records: # Format the record prior to adding it to treeview row = self.format_row(rec) self.list.add(row) # Set the cursor to the first (top) record self.list.set_cursor(path) # Returns how many records there are in the treeview return len(records) def reloadTreeView(self, *arg): # Update list with updated record status = self.gconf_client.get("show_paid_bills") path = self.list.get_cursor()[0] self.list.listStore.clear() self.currentrecord = None first = self.timeline.start_date last = self.timeline.end_date # Get list of records records = self.actions.get_interval_bills(first, last, status) # Populate treeview self.populate_view(records) # Update status bar self.update_statusbar() # populate chart self._populate_chart(status, first, last) return len(records) def format_row(self, row): """ Formats a bill to be displayed as a row. """ categoryName = if row.category else _("None") categoryColor = row.category.color if row.category else "#d3d7cf" formatted = [, create_pixbuf(color=categoryColor), categoryName, row.payee, row.dueDate.strftime(_("%m/%d").encode("ASCII")), row.amount, row.notes, int(row.paid), None, ] return formatted def _populate_chart(self, status, start, end): records = [] categories = [] totals = [] records = self.actions.get_monthly_totals(start, end, status) # Chart widget takes data in format (('CategoryName', amount),) categories = [cat or "None" for cat, total in records] totals = [float(total) for cat, total in records] # records = [(c if c else 'None',float(t)) for c,t in records] # set bar colors all_categories = self.actions.get_categories() self.chart.chart.key_colors = dict([( or "None", cat.color) for cat in all_categories]) self.chart.plot(categories, totals) def _populate_menubar(self): try: saved_view = self.gconf_client.get("show_paid_bills") except: saved_view = 1 self.gconf_client.set("show_paid_bills", saved_view) if saved_view == 0: self.ui.get_object("showNotPaid").set_active(True) elif saved_view == 1: self.ui.get_object("showPaid").set_active(True) else: self.ui.get_object("showAll").set_active(True) # Check whether we display the toolbar or not self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_active(self.gconf_client.get("show_toolbar")) def add_bill(self): selectedDate = self.timeline.value records = dialogs.add_dialog(parent=self.window, selectedDate=selectedDate) # Checks if the user did not cancel the action if records: # Add new bill to database for rec in records: bill_id = self.actions.add(rec) bill = self.actions.get_bills(id=bill_id)[0] if bill: self.list.add(self.format_row(bill)) self.update_statusbar() # Reload records tree (something changed) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def edit_bill(self): records = dialogs.edit_dialog(parent=self.window, record=self.currentrecord) # Checks if the user did not cancel the action if records: for rec in records: # Edit bill to database rec = self.actions.edit(rec) self.emit("bill-updated", rec) # Reload records tree (something changed) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def remove_bill(self): self.actions.delete(self.currentrecord) self.list.remove() self.emit("bill-removed", None) self.update_statusbar() self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def toggle_bill_paid(self): # Fetch record from database record = self.actions.get_bills([0] # Toggle paid field record.paid = False if record.paid else True # Edit bill in the database transaction = self.actions.add(record) self.emit("bill-updated", record) # Update our current copy self.currentrecord = self.actions.get_bills([0] # Update timeline widget to reflect change self._bullet_cache[self.currentrecord.dueDate] = [self.currentrecord] # Update list with updated record idx = self.list.get_cursor()[0][0] self.update_statusbar(idx) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def about(self): dialogs.about_dialog(parent=self.window) def preferences(self): dialogs.preferences_dialog(parent=self.window) # Methods def _quit_application(self): self.save_position() self.save_size() self.save_timeline_zoom() gtk.main_quit() return False def save_position(self): x, y = self.window.get_position() self.gconf_client.set("window_position_x", x) self.gconf_client.set("window_position_y", y) def save_size(self): width, height = self.window.get_size() self.gconf_client.set("window_width", width) self.gconf_client.set("window_height", height) def save_timeline_zoom(self): count = self.timeline.count self.gconf_client.set("timeline_count", count) def toggle_buttons(self, paid=None): """ Toggles all buttons conform number of records present and their state """ for widget in ["editBill", "removeBill", "markPaid", "markNotPaid"]: self.ui.get_object(widget).set_sensitive(len(self.list.listStore) > 0) if len(self.list.listStore) > 0: self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_sensitive(paid == False) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_sensitive(paid == True) def update_statusbar(self, index=0): """ This function is used to update status bar informations about the list """ records = len(self.list.listStore) # Record count self.statusbar.Records(records) if self.currentrecord: # Display the status self.statusbar.Notes(self.currentrecord.notes) # Toggles toolbar buttons on/off self.toggle_buttons(self.currentrecord.paid) else: # Clear the status for the selected row self.statusbar.Notes("") # Toggles toolbar buttons on/off self.toggle_buttons() show_paid_bills = self.gconf_client.get("show_paid_bills") if show_paid_bills is 0: self.statusbar.Info(_("Not Paid Only")) elif show_paid_bills is 1: self.statusbar.Info(_("Paid Only")) else: self.statusbar.Info("") # Event handlers def _on_list_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """ This function will handle the signal to show a popup menu sent by a right click on tvBill widget. """ if event.button == 3 and event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: self.get_selected_record() c = self.ui.get_object("context_menu") c.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.get_time()) def _on_list_row_activated(self, widget, path, column): self._on_list_cursor_changed(widget) self.on_editBill_activate(None) def _on_list_cursor_changed(self, widget): # Get currently selected bill self.get_selected_record() # Update statusbar self.update_statusbar() def on_newBill_activate(self, toolbutton): self.add_bill() def on_editBill_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: self.edit_bill() def on_removeBill_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: resp = self.message.ShowQuestionYesNo( _('Do you really want to delete "%s"?') % self.currentrecord.payee, self.window, _("Confirmation") ) if resp: self.remove_bill() def on_markNotPaid_activate(self, toolbutton): self.on_markPaid_activate(toolbutton) # forward def on_markPaid_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: self.toggle_bill_paid() def on_btnAbout_activate(self, toolbutton): self.about() def on_btnPrefs_activate(self, toolbutton): self.preferences() def on_btnQuit_activate(self, toolbutton): self._quit_application() def on_delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): self._quit_application() def _on_timeline_changed(self, widget, args): self.reloadTreeView() def _on_timeline_cleared(self, widget, args): self._bullet_cache = {} def _on_timeline_click(self, widget, event): if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: self.add_bill() def switch_view(self, view_number): self.gconf_client.set("show_paid_bills", view_number) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def on_showNotPaid_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(0) def on_showPaid_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(1) def on_showAll_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(2) def on_showToolbar_toggled(self, action): # Toggle toolbar's visibility if action.get_active(): self.toolbar.show_all() else: self.toolbar.hide_all() self.gconf_client.set("show_toolbar", action.get_active()) def reloadTimeline(self, *args): self._bullet_cache = {} self.timeline.refresh() def on_timeline_cb(self, date, display_type, force=False): # TODO: Improve tooltip # TODO: Improve cache if date in self._bullet_cache.keys() and not force: return None self._bullet_cache[date] = self.actions.get_bills(dueDate=date) if self._bullet_cache[date]: status = self.gconf_client.get("show_paid_bills") amount = 0 amount_not_paid = 0 tooltip = "" bullet = Event() = date for bill in self._bullet_cache[date]: amount += bill.amount if tooltip: tooltip += "\n" tooltip += bill.payee + " (" + str(float_to_currency(bill.amount)) + ")" if bill.paid: tooltip += " [%s]" % _("Paid") if status == 0: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.PAID else: amount_not_paid += bill.amount if date <= if status == 1: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.OVERDUE else: if status == 1: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.TO_BE_PAID if bill.notes: tooltip += " - " + bill.notes bullet.amountdue = amount_not_paid if amount_not_paid else amount bullet.payee = bill.payee bills = len(self._bullet_cache[date]) if bills > 1: bullet.multi = bills bullet.payee = "%d bills" % bills bullet.tooltip = tooltip return bullet return None
class MainDialog(gobject.GObject): search_text = "" _bullet_cache = {} __gsignals__ = { 'bill-added': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )), 'bill-updated': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )), 'bill-removed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )) } def __init__(self): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) if exists(join(USER_CFG_PATH, CFG_NAME)): from lib.migrate_to_gconf import migrate migrate(join(USER_CFG_PATH, CFG_NAME)) self.gconf_client = Configuration() self.message = Message() # Connects to the database self.actions = Actions() self.ui = gtk.Builder() self.ui.add_from_file(os.path.join(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH, "main.ui")) self.window = self.ui.get_object("main_window") self.window.set_title("%s" % common.APPNAME) self.window.set_icon_from_file(common.APP_ICON) # ViewBill self.list = ViewBill() self.list.connect('cursor_changed', self._on_list_cursor_changed) self.list.connect('row_activated', self._on_list_row_activated) self.list.connect('button_press_event', self._on_list_button_press_event) self.ui.get_object("bill_box").add(self.list) # Toolbar self.toolbar = self.ui.get_object("toolbar") # Menubar self._populate_menubar() # Statusbar self.statusbar = Statusbar() self.ui.get_object("statusbar_box").add(self.statusbar) # Restore timeline zoom timeline_count = self.gconf_client.get('timeline_count') # Timeline self.timeline = Timeline(count=timeline_count, callback=self.on_timeline_cb) self.timeline.connect("value-changed", self._on_timeline_changed) self.timeline.connect("cleared", self._on_timeline_cleared) self.ui.get_object("timeline_box").add(self.timeline) # Chart self.chart = ChartWidget() self.chart.set_border_width(10) self.ui.get_object("chart_box").add(self.chart) # Restore position and size of window width = self.gconf_client.get('window_width') height = self.gconf_client.get('window_height') x = self.gconf_client.get('window_position_x') y = self.gconf_client.get('window_position_y') if width and height: self.window.resize(width, height) if x and y: self.window.move(x, y) self.window.show_all() # Whether to display toolbar or not self.on_showToolbar_toggled(self.ui.get_object("showToolbar")) self.list.grab_focus() if self.gconf_client.get('start_in_tray'): self.window.hide() self.toggle_buttons() # Connects to the Daemon self.iface = None iface = get_dbus_interface(common.DBUS_INTERFACE, common.DBUS_PATH) if iface: iface.connect_to_signal("bill_edited", self.reloadTreeView) iface.connect_to_signal("bill_edited", self.reloadTimeline) iface.connect_to_signal("show_main_window", self.iface = iface timeout_add(2000, self._send_tray_hints) self.set_action_strings() self.ui.connect_signals(self) # populate treeview self.reloadTreeView() self.notify = NotifyIcon(self) # Integrate with Ubuntu Unity if UNITY: self.unity = UnityIntegration(self) def set_action_strings(self): # for some reason the actions strings do not get translated yet # so we define them here so they would be picked up by the pyfile scanner self.ui.get_object("newBill").set_label(_("_New")) self.ui.get_object("newBill").set_tooltip(_("Add new bill")) self.ui.get_object("editBill").set_label(_("_Edit")) self.ui.get_object("editBill").set_tooltip(_("Edit a bill")) self.ui.get_object("removeBill").set_label(_("_Delete")) self.ui.get_object("removeBill").set_tooltip(_("Delete selected bill")) self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_label(_("P_aid")) self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_tooltip(_("Mark as paid")) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_label(_("No_t Paid")) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_tooltip(_("Mark as not paid")) self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_label(_("_Show Toolbar")) self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_tooltip(_("Show the toolbar")) # Methods: UI def _send_tray_hints(self): self.iface.set_tray_hints(force_string(self.notify.get_hints())) timeout_add(60000, self._send_tray_hints) def get_window_visibility(self): return self.window.get_property("visible") def show_hide_window(self): if self.window.get_property("visible"): self.window.hide() else: def get_selected_record(self): """ Returns a bill object from the current selected record """ if len(self.list.listStore) > 0: model_ = self.list.get_model() if self.list.get_cursor()[0]: index = self.list.get_cursor()[0][0] else: index = 0 b_id = model_[index][0] records = self.actions.get_bills(id=b_id) self.currentrecord = records[0] else: self.currentrecord = None print "Current record is: %s" % self.currentrecord def populate_view(self, records): """ Populates the treeview control with the records passed """ # Reset list self.list.listStore.clear() if not records: return 0 # Loops through bills collection path = 0 for rec in records: # Format the record prior to adding it to treeview row = self.format_row(rec) self.list.add(row) # Set the cursor to the first (top) record self.list.set_cursor(path) # Returns how many records there are in the treeview return len(records) def reloadTreeView(self, *arg): # Update list with updated record status = self.gconf_client.get('show_paid_bills') path = self.list.get_cursor()[0] self.list.listStore.clear() self.currentrecord = None first = self.timeline.start_date last = self.timeline.end_date # Get list of records records = self.actions.get_interval_bills(first, last, status) # Populate treeview self.populate_view(records) # Update status bar self.update_statusbar() # populate chart self._populate_chart(status, first, last) return len(records) def format_row(self, row): """ Formats a bill to be displayed as a row. """ categoryName = if row.category else _('None') categoryColor = row.category.color if row.category else '#d3d7cf' formatted = [, create_pixbuf(color=categoryColor), categoryName, row.payee, row.dueDate.strftime(_('%m/%d').encode('ASCII')), row.amount, row.notes, int(row.paid), None ] return formatted def _populate_chart(self, status, start, end): records = [] categories = [] totals = [] records = self.actions.get_monthly_totals(start, end, status) # Chart widget takes data in format (('CategoryName', amount),) categories = [cat or 'None' for cat, total in records] totals = [float(total) for cat, total in records] #records = [(c if c else 'None',float(t)) for c,t in records] # set bar colors all_categories = self.actions.get_categories() self.chart.chart.key_colors = dict([( or 'None', cat.color) for cat in all_categories]) self.chart.plot(categories, totals) def _populate_menubar(self): try: saved_view = self.gconf_client.get('show_paid_bills') except: saved_view = 1 self.gconf_client.set("show_paid_bills", saved_view) if saved_view == 0: self.ui.get_object("showNotPaid").set_active(True) elif saved_view == 1: self.ui.get_object("showPaid").set_active(True) else: self.ui.get_object("showAll").set_active(True) # Check whether we display the toolbar or not self.ui.get_object("showToolbar").set_active( self.gconf_client.get('show_toolbar')) def add_bill(self): selectedDate = self.timeline.value records = dialogs.add_dialog(parent=self.window, selectedDate=selectedDate) # Checks if the user did not cancel the action if records: # Add new bill to database for rec in records: bill_id = self.actions.add(rec) bill = self.actions.get_bills(id=bill_id)[0] if bill: self.list.add(self.format_row(bill)) self.update_statusbar() # Reload records tree (something changed) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def edit_bill(self): records = dialogs.edit_dialog(parent=self.window, record=self.currentrecord) # Checks if the user did not cancel the action if records: for rec in records: # Edit bill to database rec = self.actions.edit(rec) self.emit('bill-updated', rec) # Reload records tree (something changed) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def remove_bill(self): self.actions.delete(self.currentrecord) self.list.remove() self.emit('bill-removed', None) self.update_statusbar() self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def toggle_bill_paid(self): # Fetch record from database record = self.actions.get_bills([0] # Toggle paid field record.paid = False if record.paid else True # Edit bill in the database transaction = self.actions.add(record) self.emit('bill-updated', record) # Update our current copy self.currentrecord = self.actions.get_bills([0] # Update timeline widget to reflect change self._bullet_cache[self.currentrecord.dueDate] = [self.currentrecord] # Update list with updated record idx = self.list.get_cursor()[0][0] self.update_statusbar(idx) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def about(self): dialogs.about_dialog(parent=self.window) def preferences(self): dialogs.preferences_dialog(parent=self.window) # Methods def _quit_application(self): self.save_position() self.save_size() self.save_timeline_zoom() gtk.main_quit() return False def save_position(self): x, y = self.window.get_position() self.gconf_client.set('window_position_x', x) self.gconf_client.set('window_position_y', y) def save_size(self): width, height = self.window.get_size() self.gconf_client.set('window_width', width) self.gconf_client.set('window_height', height) def save_timeline_zoom(self): count = self.timeline.count self.gconf_client.set('timeline_count', count) def toggle_buttons(self, paid=None): """ Toggles all buttons conform number of records present and their state """ for widget in ["editBill", "removeBill", "markPaid", "markNotPaid"]: self.ui.get_object(widget).set_sensitive( len(self.list.listStore) > 0) if len(self.list.listStore) > 0: self.ui.get_object("markPaid").set_sensitive(paid == False) self.ui.get_object("markNotPaid").set_sensitive(paid == True) def update_statusbar(self, index=0): """ This function is used to update status bar informations about the list """ records = len(self.list.listStore) # Record count self.statusbar.Records(records) if self.currentrecord: # Display the status self.statusbar.Notes(self.currentrecord.notes) # Toggles toolbar buttons on/off self.toggle_buttons(self.currentrecord.paid) else: # Clear the status for the selected row self.statusbar.Notes("") # Toggles toolbar buttons on/off self.toggle_buttons() show_paid_bills = self.gconf_client.get('show_paid_bills') if show_paid_bills is 0: self.statusbar.Info(_("Not Paid Only")) elif show_paid_bills is 1: self.statusbar.Info(_("Paid Only")) else: self.statusbar.Info('') # Event handlers def _on_list_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """ This function will handle the signal to show a popup menu sent by a right click on tvBill widget. """ if event.button == 3 and event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: self.get_selected_record() c = self.ui.get_object("context_menu") c.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.get_time()) def _on_list_row_activated(self, widget, path, column): self._on_list_cursor_changed(widget) self.on_editBill_activate(None) def _on_list_cursor_changed(self, widget): # Get currently selected bill self.get_selected_record() # Update statusbar self.update_statusbar() def on_newBill_activate(self, toolbutton): self.add_bill() def on_editBill_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: self.edit_bill() def on_removeBill_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: resp = self.message.ShowQuestionYesNo( _("Do you really want to delete \"%s\"?") % \ self.currentrecord.payee, self.window, _("Confirmation")) if resp: self.remove_bill() def on_markNotPaid_activate(self, toolbutton): self.on_markPaid_activate(toolbutton) # forward def on_markPaid_activate(self, toolbutton): if self.currentrecord: self.toggle_bill_paid() def on_btnAbout_activate(self, toolbutton): self.about() def on_btnPrefs_activate(self, toolbutton): self.preferences() def on_btnQuit_activate(self, toolbutton): self._quit_application() def on_delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): self._quit_application() def _on_timeline_changed(self, widget, args): self.reloadTreeView() def _on_timeline_cleared(self, widget, args): self._bullet_cache = {} def switch_view(self, view_number): self.gconf_client.set('show_paid_bills', view_number) self.reloadTreeView() self.reloadTimeline() def on_showNotPaid_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(0) def on_showPaid_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(1) def on_showAll_toggled(self, action): if action.get_active(): self.switch_view(2) def on_showToolbar_toggled(self, action): # Toggle toolbar's visibility if action.get_active(): self.toolbar.show_all() else: self.toolbar.hide_all() self.gconf_client.set("show_toolbar", action.get_active()) def reloadTimeline(self, *args): self._bullet_cache = {} self.timeline.refresh() def on_timeline_cb(self, date, display_type, force=False): # TODO: Improve tooltip # TODO: Improve cache if date in self._bullet_cache.keys() and not force: return None self._bullet_cache[date] = self.actions.get_bills(dueDate=date) if self._bullet_cache[date]: status = self.gconf_client.get('show_paid_bills') amount = 0 amount_not_paid = 0 tooltip = '' bullet = Event() = date for bill in self._bullet_cache[date]: amount += bill.amount if tooltip: tooltip += '\n' tooltip += bill.payee + ' (' + str( float_to_currency(bill.amount)) + ')' if bill.paid: tooltip += ' [%s]' % _('Paid') if status == 0: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.PAID else: amount_not_paid += bill.amount if date <= if status == 1: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.OVERDUE else: if status == 1: return False bullet.status = bullet.status | bullet.TO_BE_PAID if bill.notes: tooltip += ' - ' + bill.notes bullet.amountdue = amount_not_paid if amount_not_paid else amount bullet.payee = bill.payee bills = len(self._bullet_cache[date]) if bills > 1: bullet.multi = bills bullet.payee = '%d bills' % bills bullet.tooltip = tooltip return bullet return None