def tipo(): global funcao funcao = escolhaenfermeiro.get() #print(funcao) app1.destroy() #Interface app1 = App(title="Escolha o tipo de Enfermeiro: ", width=150, height=100, layout="grid") escolhaenfermeiro = Combo(app1, options=["transmissor", "recetor"], grid=[0, 1]) descricaoenfermeiro = Text( app1, text="Tipos:", grid=[0, 0], ) confirmar = PushButton(app1, command=tipo, text="Confirmar", grid=[3, 1], align="left") app1.display() app = App(title="Enfermeiro Móvel", layout="grid")
from guizero import App, TextBox, Text, Slider, PushButton, Picture, Combo, CheckBox, ButtonGroup, Box app = App(title="different sizes", width=700, height=700) text = Text(app, "lets change some sizes", width=20, height=2) text_box = TextBox(app, "some text", width=50) slider = Slider(app, width=300, height=30) button = PushButton(app, width=20, height=2) pic = Picture(app, image="guizero.gif", width=400, height=50) combo = Combo(app, ["martin", "laura", "rik"], width=50, height=2) check = CheckBox(app, "tick me", width=17, height=2) button_group = ButtonGroup(app, ["cheese", "onion", "crisps"], 1, width=35, height=9) = "darkgrey" box = Box(app, width=100, height=100) box.border = True = "red" app.display()
app = App(title="Student management system", layout="grid") # Set up the Box areas for our layout add_box = Box(app, grid=[0, 0], layout="grid") search_box = Box(app, grid=[1, 0]) delete_box = Box(app, grid=[2, 0]) # This section has the GUI widgets in the add_box area heading = Text(add_box, text="Add new student", grid=[0, 0]) name_lbl = Text(add_box, text="Name", grid=[0, 1]) name_text = TextBox(add_box, grid=[1, 1]) age_lbl = Text(add_box, text="Age", grid=[0, 2]) age_text = TextBox(add_box, grid=[1, 2]) phone_lbl = Text(add_box, text="Phone", grid=[0, 3]) phone_text = TextBox(add_box, grid=[1, 3]) gender_lbl = Text(add_box, text="Gender", grid=[0, 4]) gender_combo = Combo(add_box, options=["Male", "Female", "Other"], grid=[1, 4]) class_lbl = Text(add_box, text="Classes", grid=[0, 5], align="top") class_listbox = ListBox( add_box, ["GRA", "BIO", "PHY", "MAT", "DTC", "ART", "ENG", "XYZ"], grid=[1, 5], multiselect=True) add_button = PushButton(add_box, text="Add student", grid=[0, 6, 2, 1], width=20, command=add_student) success_lbl = Text(add_box, grid=[0, 7, 2, 1]) delete_btn = PushButton(delete_box, text="Delete Student", command=delete_student) # This is section where you add any GUI widgets to the search_box area
def __init__(self, master): self.master = master #Creates the application window self.space2 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 0], width="fill") self.Shapemessage1 = Text(master, size=18, text="Waveform Shape:", grid=[0, 2], align="left", font="Times") self.Waveform1 = PushButton(master, text="Normal", grid=[1, 1], width="10", command=self.show_choices1) self.Waveform2 = PushButton(master, text="Abnormal", grid=[1, 2], width="10", command=self.show_choices2) self.Waveform3 = PushButton(master, text="Leveled", grid=[1, 3], width="10", command=self.show_choices3) #self.Waveform1.toggle() #self.Waveform2.toggle() #self.Waveform3.toggle() self.combo1 = Combo( master, options=["10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"], grid=[2, 1], command=self.modelone) self.combo2 = Combo(master, options=[ "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26" ], grid=[2, 2], command=self.modeltwo) self.combo3 = Combo(master, options=["0"], grid=[2, 3], command=self.modelthree) self.combo1.disable() self.combo2.disable() self.combo3.disable() #Creates the three waveform buttons as well as the selection for ICP value #When the waveform selected the user is then able to select an ICP value self.space2 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 6]) #Creates space between Waveform Shape and Heart Rate self.HRmessage = Text(master, size=18, text="Heart Rate:", grid=[0, 10], align="left", font="Times") #Creates the HR subtitle self.rate = TextBox(master, grid=[1, 10]) self.HRunit = Text(master, size=15, text="BPM", grid=[2, 10], font="Times") #Creates the HR textbox to allow for typed input self.space3 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 11], font="Times") #Creates space between Heart Rate and the Update Button self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.update_value, width="12", height="10", text="Update", grid=[0, 13, 2, 2], align="bottom") #Creates an Update Button that updates the inputed information and exports the user-inputs to the next part of the program self.when_clicked = self.update_value #self.when_mouse_enters = self.update_value #Creates the update button, no new code will be executed until update button is pressed self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.calibration, width="12", height="4", text="Zero", grid=[2, 13], align="bottom") #Creates zero button which is used to calibrate self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.quit, width="12", height="4", text="Quit", grid=[2, 14], align="bottom") #Creates the quit button which will exit out of app and stop the process from running = -1 #Initialize process id
white = (255,255,255) app = App(title="Abstract Art - Circle") Text(app, text="Number of amount:", size=16) amount_input = TextBox(app, text="500") Text(app, text="File Saving", size=16) Text(app, text="Filename with full path:") fname_input = TextBox(app, text="/home/pi/Desktop/circle", width=20) Text(app, text="File type:") ftype_input = Combo(app, options=["png","jpeg","bmp","tga"]) Text(app, text="Advanced", size=16) Text(app, text="Color brightness (255 is brightest):") Slider(app, start=0, end=255, command=brightUpdate) Text(app, text="Circle size:") size_input = TextBox(app, text="50") Text(app, text="Canvas size (x):") x_input = TextBox(app, text="1092") Text(app, text="Canvas size (y):") y_input = TextBox(app, text="749")
def test_auto_layout(): a = App() w = Combo(a) auto_layout_test(w, None) a.destroy()
largeur_boite = TextBox(premiere, "100", width=10, grid=[1, 2], align="left") hauteur_tag = Text(premiere, "Hauteur de la surface(mm)", grid=[0, 3], align="left") hauteur_boite = TextBox(premiere, "100", width=10, grid=[1, 3], align="left") espacement_tag = Text(premiere, "Espacement (qualité d'impression)", grid=[0, 4], align="left") selection_espacement = Combo( premiere, options=["0,4 mm", "0,8 mm", "1 mm", '2 mm', '3 mm', '5 mm'], selected='1 mm', command=confirmer_espacement, grid=[1, 4], align='left') bouton_confirmer_premiere_page = PushButton(premiere, text="Confirmer les informations", command=confirmation_premiere_page, grid=[0, 5]) deuxieme = Window(premiere, layout="grid", title="Lancement de l'impression", width=900, height=500) deuxieme.hide()
def test_update_command(): a = App() callback_event = Event() def callback(): callback_event.set() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) c._command_callback(c.value) assert not callback_event.is_set() c.update_command(callback) c._command_callback(c.value) assert callback_event.is_set() callback_event.clear() c.update_command(None) c._command_callback(c.value) assert not callback_event.is_set() a.destroy()
def test_after_schedule(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) schedule_after_test(a, c) a.destroy()
menubar = MenuBar(app, toplevel=["File"], options=[[["Exit", exit_function]]]) # Layout the app controls firstNameLabel = Text(app, text="First Name", grid=[0, 0], align="left", size=10) lastNameLabel = Text(app, text="Last Name", grid=[0, 1], align="left", size=10) countryLabel = Text(app, text="Country", grid=[0, 2], align="left", size=10) addressLabel = Text(app, text="Address", grid=[0, 3], align="left", size=10) firstNameText = TextBox(app, width=25, grid=[1, 0]) lastNameText = TextBox(app, width=25, grid=[1, 1]) countryCombo = Combo(app, options=['United Kingdom', 'United States', 'France'], selected='United Kingdom', grid=[1, 2]) box = Box(app, grid=[1, 3], layout="grid") addressText1 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 0]) addressText2 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 1]) addressText3 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 2]) addressText4 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 3]) addressText5 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 4]) addressText6 = TextBox(box, width=25, grid=[0, 5]) jobTitleLabel = Text(app, text="TBA", grid=[1, 4], size=10) salaryLabel = Text(app, text="Salary : ", grid=[2, 0], align="left", size=10) salaryScale = Slider(app, start=10000,
from guizero import App, Text, ButtonGroup, Combo, PushButton, TextBox app = App(title='Hero-o-matic', width=300) def make_hero_name(): adjective = bgp_adjective.value colour = txt_colour.value animal = cmb_animal.value hero = adjective + ' ' + colour + ' ' + animal lbl_output.value = 'You are... The '+hero+ "." message1 = Text(app, text='Choose an adjective') bgp_adjective= ButtonGroup(app, options=['Amazing', 'Bonny', 'Charming', 'Delightful'], selected='Amazing') message2 = Text(app, text='Enter a colour') txt_colour = TextBox(app) message3 = Text(app, text='Pick an animal') cmb_animal = Combo(app, options=['Aardvark', 'Badger', 'Cat', 'Dolphin', 'Velociraptor']) btn_make_name = PushButton(app, text='Make me a hero', command=make_hero_name) lbl_output= Text(app, text='A hero name will appear here') app.display()
newPosition = (position - key) % 26 newCharacter = upperCaseAlphabet[newPosition] else: newCharacter = character newMessage += newCharacter output.value = newMessage app = App(title="Secret messages", width="600", height="200", layout="grid") message_description = Text(app, text="Enter your message", grid=[0, 0], align="left") unencrypted_message = TextBox(app, width="50", grid=[0, 1, 2, 1], align="left") encryption_key = Combo(app, options=["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], grid=[1, 2], align="left") key_description = Text(app, "Choose your key", grid=[0, 2]) output = Text(app, "view the result here", grid=[0, 3]) send_message = PushButton(app, command=encrypt_message, text="Encrypt", grid=[0, 4], align="left") translate_message = PushButton(app, command=decrypt_message, text="Decrypt", grid=[1, 4], align="left")
student_listbox.append(student.get_name()) # create the application interface from guizero import App, Text, ListBox, PushButton, Combo app = App(title="Student management system") # This is section where you add any GUI widgets heading = Text(app, text="List of Teachers", color=(210, 45, 17)) # List of teacher names teacher_names = [] # Loop through the teachers and add their names to teacher_names for t in teacher_list: teacher_names.append(t.get_tname()) # Create a listbox with all the teachers names displayed teacher_list = ListBox(app, items=teacher_names, command=print_selection) heading = Text(app, text="List of Classes", color=(210, 45, 17)) class_combo = Combo(app, options=["GRA", "ENG", "PHY", "MAT", "ART"], command=class_count) heading = Text(app) # Start the program app.display()
def do_booking(): info("Booking", "Loading") print( measure_choice.get() ) print( map_option.get_value() ) print( graphic_option.get_value() ) if measure_choice.get()=="Humidity" and map_option.get_value()==True: Humidity_map() if measure_choice.get()=="Humidity" and graphic_option.get_value()==True: Humidity_graphic() if measure_choice.get()=="Temperature" and graphic_option.get_value()==True: Temperature_graphic() if measure_choice.get()=="Temperature" and map_option.get_value()==True: Temperature_map() if measure_choice.get()=="Pressure" and graphic_option.get_value()==True: Pressure_graphic() if measure_choice.get()=="Pressure" and map_option.get_value()==True: Pressure_map() app = App(title="MMI", width=300, height=200, layout="grid") measure_choice = Combo(app, options=["Pressure", "Humidity", "Temperature"], grid=[0,1], align="left") film_description = Text(app, text="Which measure?", grid=[0,0], align="left") map_option = CheckBox(app, text="Map", grid=[1,1], align="left") graphic_option = CheckBox(app, text="Graphic", grid=[1,2], align="left") confirmation_button = PushButton(app, command=do_booking, text="confirm", grid=[3,1], align="left") app.display()
def test_cascaded_properties(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) cascaded_properties_test(a, c, True) a.destroy()
def test_repeat_schedule(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) schedule_repeat_test(a, c) a.destroy()
def test_inherited_properties(): a = App() inherited_properties_test(a, lambda: Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]), True) a.destroy()
def test_enable(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) enable_test(c) a.destroy()
dirs = [item for item in list(os.walk("."))[0][1] if not item.startswith(".")] videoname = TextBox(app, grid=[1, 3], align="left") videoname.value = "videoname" labelVN = Text(app, grid=[0, 3], text="video name", align="left") wdText = Text(app, grid=[1, 0], text="folder", align="left") timeRecording = TextBox(app, grid=[1, 5], align="left") timeRecording.value = "3" labelTime = Text(app, grid=[0, 5], text="record time", align="left") browserDir = Combo(app, options=dirs, command=select, grid=[0, 0], align="left") parametersText = Text(app, grid=[1, 6], text="Parameters", align="left") umbralText = TextBox(app, grid=[1, 7], align="left") umbralText.value = "100" umbralLabel = Text(app, grid=[0, 7], text="Treshold", align="left") radioText = TextBox(app, grid=[3, 7], align="left") radioText.value = "30" radiolLabel = Text(app, grid=[2, 7], text="Radius", align="left") fpsText = TextBox(app, grid=[1, 8], align="left") fpsText.value = "25"
def test_display(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) display_test(c) a.destroy()
color="Red") Kettle_covered_check = CheckBox(debug, grid=[2, 21], text="Kettle element covered", command=kettle_covered_update) ######################################################################################################################## #declaring floats, string and bools setpoint_mode_label = Text(app, grid=[0, 14], text="Setpoint mode", size=15, align="left") setpoint_mode = Combo(app, grid=[1, 14], options=["Strike", "Sparge", "Manual Input"], align="left") HTL_temp_input_label = Text(debug, grid=[0, 15], text="Debug HTL temp", size=15, align="left") HTL_temp_input = TextBox(debug, grid=[1, 15]) HTL_update_temp = PushButton(debug, command=update_temp_htl, grid=[2, 15], text="Update temp", align="left") Mashtun_temp_input_label = Text(debug,
def test_text(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) text_test(c) a.destroy()
class MyGUI: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master #Creates the application window self.space2 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 0], width="fill") self.Shapemessage1 = Text(master, size=18, text="Waveform Shape:", grid=[0, 2], align="left", font="Times") self.Waveform1 = PushButton(master, text="Normal", grid=[1, 1], width="10", command=self.show_choices1) self.Waveform2 = PushButton(master, text="Abnormal", grid=[1, 2], width="10", command=self.show_choices2) self.Waveform3 = PushButton(master, text="Leveled", grid=[1, 3], width="10", command=self.show_choices3) #self.Waveform1.toggle() #self.Waveform2.toggle() #self.Waveform3.toggle() self.combo1 = Combo( master, options=["10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"], grid=[2, 1], command=self.modelone) self.combo2 = Combo(master, options=[ "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26" ], grid=[2, 2], command=self.modeltwo) self.combo3 = Combo(master, options=["0"], grid=[2, 3], command=self.modelthree) self.combo1.disable() self.combo2.disable() self.combo3.disable() #Creates the three waveform buttons as well as the selection for ICP value #When the waveform selected the user is then able to select an ICP value self.space2 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 6]) #Creates space between Waveform Shape and Heart Rate self.HRmessage = Text(master, size=18, text="Heart Rate:", grid=[0, 10], align="left", font="Times") #Creates the HR subtitle self.rate = TextBox(master, grid=[1, 10]) self.HRunit = Text(master, size=15, text="BPM", grid=[2, 10], font="Times") #Creates the HR textbox to allow for typed input self.space3 = Text(master, text=" ", grid=[0, 11], font="Times") #Creates space between Heart Rate and the Update Button self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.update_value, width="12", height="10", text="Update", grid=[0, 13, 2, 2], align="bottom") #Creates an Update Button that updates the inputed information and exports the user-inputs to the next part of the program self.when_clicked = self.update_value #self.when_mouse_enters = self.update_value #Creates the update button, no new code will be executed until update button is pressed self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.calibration, width="12", height="4", text="Zero", grid=[2, 13], align="bottom") #Creates zero button which is used to calibrate self.button = PushButton(master, command=self.quit, width="12", height="4", text="Quit", grid=[2, 14], align="bottom") #Creates the quit button which will exit out of app and stop the process from running = -1 #Initialize process id #Launches the function for modelone , Normal ICP, in a seperate python process and obtains the process ID def modelone(self): self.done() #Launches the function for modeltwo , Leveled ICP, in a seperate python process and obtains the process ID def modeltwo(self): self.done() #Launches the function for modelthree, Abnormal ICP, in a seperate python process and obtains the process ID def modelthree(self): self.done() #Launches the calibration def calibration(self): self.done() self.process = subprocess.Popen('python', shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = #Used to show the ICP value choices for the normal waveform def show_choices1(self): self.done() if self.Waveform1.value == 0: self.combo1.enable() self.combo2.disable() self.combo3.disable() if self.Waveform1.value == 1: self.combo1.disable() self.combo1.value = 0 #Used to show the ICP value choices for the abnormal waveform def show_choices2(self): self.done() if self.Waveform2.value == 0: self.combo2.enable() self.combo1.disable() self.combo3.disable() if self.Waveform2.value == 1: self.combo2.disable() self.combo2.value = 0 #Used to show the ICP value choices for the leveled waveform def show_choices3(self): self.done() if self.Waveform3.value == 0: self.combo3.enable() self.combo1.disable() self.combo2.disable() if self.Waveform3.value == 1: self.combo3.disable() self.combo3.value = 0 #Command for updating the heart rate value def update_value(self): if self.rate.value == "": self.rate.value = 65 if self.combo1.value == "10": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "11": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "12": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "13": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "14": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "15": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "16": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == "17": self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo2.value == 21: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == 22: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == 23: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == 24: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == 25: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo1.value == 26: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = if self.combo3.value == 0: self.process = subprocess.Popen('python {}'.format( self.rate.value), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) = self.combo1.disable() self.combo2.disable() self.combo3.disable() #Kills the process that is currently running def done(self): if > 0: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) = -1 except ProcessLookupError: pass def quit(self): self.done() self.master.destroy()
def test_color(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) color_test(c) a.destroy()
robot = CamJamKitRobot() def Stop(): robot.stop() app = App() slider = Slider(app, command=slider_changed) textbox = TextBox(app) instructions = Text(app, text="Choose a forward speed") combo = Combo(app, options=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1], command=you_chose_forward) combo.width = 60 combo.height = 5 result = Text(app) instructions = Text(app, text="Choose a backward speed") combo = Combo(app, options=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1], command=you_chose_backward) combo.width = 60 combo.height = 5 result = Text(app) Turtle_button = PushButton(app, command=Turtle, text="Turtle") Turtle_button.width = 20
def test_size(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) size_text_test(c) size_fill_test(c) a.destroy()
"Booking", "Thank you for booking \n" + "Movie: " + film_choice.value + "\nSeat type: " + seat_type.value + "\nSeat location: " + row_choice.value) #adds a text widget app = App(title="My Second GUI app", width=300, height=200, layout="grid") #adds a text widget film_description = Text(app, text="Select movie to watch", grid=[0, 0], align="left") #adds a combo widget film_choice = Combo(app, options=["Star Wars", "Frozen", "Lion King"], grid=[1, 0], align="left") #adds a text widget seat_type_label = Text(app, text="Seat type", grid=[0, 1], align="left") #adds radio button widget seat_type = ButtonGroup(app, options=[["VIP seat", "vip"], ["Regular seat", "regular"]], selected="regular", horizontal="True", grid=[1, 1], align="left") #adds a text widget seat_location = Text(app, text="Seat location", grid=[0, 2], align="left") #adds radio button widget row_choice = ButtonGroup(app,
def test_events(): a = App() c = Combo(a, ["foo", "bar"]) events_test(c) a.destroy()
meme.text( 20, 320, bottom_text.value, color=color.value, size=size.value, font=font.value, ) # App ------------------- app = App("meme") top_text = TextBox(app, "top text", command=draw_meme) bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", command=draw_meme) color = Combo(app, options=["black", "white", "red", "green", "blue", "orange"], command=draw_meme, selected="blue") font = Combo(app, options=["times new roman", "verdana", "courier", "impact"], command=draw_meme) size = Slider(app, start=20, end=50, command=draw_meme) meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill") draw_meme() app.display()
cest_dfreq_label = Text(cest_settings_window, align='left', text='Delta Frequenz', grid=[0, 6]) cest_dfreq = TextBox(cest_settings_window, text=cestProperties.dfreq, align='left', grid=[1, 6]) cest_alternating_label = Text(cest_settings_window, align='left', text='Alternating', grid=[0, 7]) cest_alternating = Combo(cest_settings_window, selected=cestProperties.alternating, align='left', options=["True", "False"], grid=[1, 7]) cest_ndynamic_label = Text(cest_settings_window, align='left', text='Dynamiken', grid=[0, 8]) cest_ndynamic = TextBox(cest_settings_window, text=cestProperties.nDynamics, align='left', grid=[1, 8]) cest_gauss_label = Text(cest_settings_window, align='left', text='Gauss',