count_pred_true = 0
        count_pred_false = 0

        for i in range(0,myclass2.data_notlive.trials.shape[0]):
            fs = myclass2.data_notlive.sampling_freq
            label = myclass2.data_notlive.labels[i]
            trial = myclass2.data_notlive.trials[i]
            if i < (myclass2.data_notlive.trials.shape[0] - 1):
                next_trial = myclass2.data_notlive.trials[i+1]
                X = myclass2.data_notlive.raw_data[trial:next_trial]
                X = myclass2.data_notlive.raw_data[trial:]

            trial = 0
            nst_eeg_live = NST_EEG_LIVE(base_dir, file_name2)

            current_classifier, pred_true, pred_valid = myclass.classify_live(nst_eeg_live)

            if not pred_valid:

            #print('Classification result: ',current_classifier[0],'\n')
            if pred_true:
                #print('This is true!\n')
                count_pred_true = count_pred_true + 1
                count_pred_false += 1
                #print('This is false!\n')

        print('Count of true predictions:', count_pred_true)
コード例 #2
class RecordData_liveEEG_JB():
    def __init__(self,

        ### decide whether control thread should also be started
        ### currently not used
        self.docontrol = False

        ### indizes in X indicating the beginning of a new trial
        self.trial = []
        ### list including all the recorded EEG data
        self.X = []

        ### time stamp indicating the beginning of each trial
        self.trial_time_stamps = []
        ### all time stamps, one is added for each data point
        self.time_stamps = []
        ### label of each trial: 0: left, 1: right, 2: both
        self.Y = []
        ### currently not used # 0 negative_feedback # 1 positive feedback
        self.feedbacks = []
        ### sampling frequency
        self.Fs = Fs
        ### trial offset in motor imagery paradigm. Used in get_last_trial()
        self.trial_offset = 4

        self.gender = gender
        self.age = age
        self.add_info = "with feedback" if with_feedback else "with no feedback"

        ### initialise a subfolder where the data is to be saved
        ### if it does not yet exist, create it
        self.datapath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '00_DATA')
        if not os.path.exists(self.datapath):

        ### stop event used to pause and resume to the recording & processing thread
        self.stop_event_rec = threading.Event()
        self.stop_event_con = threading.Event()

        ### initialise recording thread. It does not run yet. Therefore use start_recording()
        recording_thread = threading.Thread(
            args=(self.stop_event_rec, self.X, self.time_stamps),
        recording_thread.daemon = True
        self.recording_thread = recording_thread

        ### initialise control thread.
        if self.docontrol:
            control_thread = threading.Thread(
                args=(self.stop_event_con, self.X),
            control_thread.daemon = True
            self.control_thread = control_thread


    def __iter__(self):
        yield 'trial', self.trial
        yield 'age', self.age
        yield 'X', self.X
        yield 'time_stamps', self.time_stamps
        yield 'trial_time_stamps', self.trial_time_stamps
        yield 'Y', self.Y
        yield 'Fs', self.Fs
        yield 'gender', self.gender
        yield 'add_info', self.add_info
        yield 'feedbacks', self.feedbacks


    def add_trial(self, label):
        ### called whenever a new trial is started
        ### trial includes the index in X and force, where each trial has begun
        self.trial.append(len(self.X) - 1)


    def add_feedback(self, feedback):


    def start_recording(self, len_X=0, len_f=0):
        ### start the recording thread

        if self.docontrol:

        ### check whether data arrived, if not raise error
        if len(self.X) - len_X == 0:
            raise NoRecordingDataError()


    def pause_recording(self):
        ### raise stop_event to break the loop in record() while the classification of notlive data is done
        print('Recording has been paused.')


    def restart_recording(self):
        ### newly initialise the recording thread and start it
        recording_thread = threading.Thread(
            args=(self.stop_event_rec, self.X, self.time_stamps),
        recording_thread.daemon = True
        self.recording_thread = recording_thread

        print('Recording has been restarted.')

### this function is not required anymore, because self.trial is updated in add_trial()
### kept for historical reasons

    def set_trial_start_indexes(self):
        ### since it can be called twice during one recording (because of live processing)
        ### everything done by the first step is deleted before the second step
        if len(self.trial) > 0:
            self.trial = []
        ### the loop was once used to calculate the index in X that the time stamp of each trial begin relates to
        ### this is solved by updating self.trial already in add_trial()
        i = 0
        for trial_time_stamp in self.trial_time_stamps:
            for j in range(i, len(self.time_stamps)):
                time_stamp = self.time_stamps[j]
                if trial_time_stamp <= time_stamp:
                    self.trial.append(j - 1)
                    i = j


    def stop_recording_and_dump(self,
                                file_name="EEG_session_" + time_str() +
        ### finish the recording, save all data to a .mat file
        sio.savemat(os.path.join(self.datapath, file_name), dict(self))
        print('Recording will shut down.')
        return file_name, self.datapath


    def stop_recording_and_dump_live(self,
                                     file_name="EEG_session_live_" +
                                     time_str() + ".mat"):
        ### still there for historic reasons, to support run_session by Mirjam Hemberger
        return self.continue_recording_and_dump()


    def continue_recording_and_dump(self,
                                    file_name="EEG_session_live_" +
                                    time_str() + ".mat"):
        ### only save data while still keeping the recording thread alive
        ### the data can then be used to classify the notlive data
        sio.savemat(os.path.join(self.datapath, file_name), dict(self))
        return file_name, self.datapath


    def pause_recording_and_dump(self,
                                 file_name="EEG_session_live_" + time_str() +
        ### save data to .mat and pause the recording such that it can be resumed lateron
        sio.savemat(os.path.join(self.datapath, file_name), dict(self))
        return file_name, self.datapath


    def get_last_trial(self, filename_live=""):
        ### generate a NST_EEG_LIVE object and save data of last trial into it
        ### the dataset can then be used for live classification
        last_label = self.Y[-1:]
        ### subtract one trial offset, because add trial is allways called when the moto imagery starts and not in the beginning of each trial
        last_trial = self.trial[-1:][0] - self.Fs * self.trial_offset
        X = np.array(self.X[slice(last_trial, None, None)])
        if False:  ### usefull info for debugging
            print('last index is: ', last_trial[0])
            print('last time is:', self.trial_time_stamps[-1:][0])
            print('current time is: ', pylsl.local_clock())
            print('current index is:', len(self.X))

        ### hand over 0 as index to dataset object, because the new index in the slice of X that will be handed over is 0
        last_trial = 0
        ### generate an instance of the NST_EEG_LIVE class (inherits from Dataset class)
        self.nst_eeg_live = NST_EEG_LIVE(self.datapath, filename_live)
        ### hand over data to the NST_EEG_LIVE instance
        self.nst_eeg_live.load_from_mat(last_label, last_trial, X, self.Fs)
        return self.nst_eeg_live


    def startAccumulate(self):
        self.accStart = len(self.X)
        print("starting accumulation")


    def stopAccumulate(self):
コード例 #3
class RecordData():
    def __init__(self,
        # timepoints when the subject starts imagination
        self.trial = []

        self.X = []

        self.trial_time_stamps = []
        self.time_stamps = []

        # 0 negative_feedback
        # 1 positive feedback
        self.feedbacks = []

        # containts the lables of the trials:
        # 1: left
        # 2: right
        # 3: both hands
        self.Y = []

        # sampling frequncy
        self.Fs = Fs

        self.trial_offset = 4

        self.gender = gender
        self.age = age
        self.add_info = "with feedback" if with_feedback else "with no feedback"

        recording_thread = threading.Thread(
            args=(self.X, self.time_stamps),
        recording_thread.daemon = True
        self.recording_thread = recording_thread

    def __iter__(self):
        yield 'trial', self.trial
        yield 'age', self.age
        yield 'X', self.X
        yield 'time_stamps', self.time_stamps
        yield 'trial_time_stamps', self.trial_time_stamps
        yield 'Y', self.Y
        yield 'Fs', self.Fs
        yield 'gender', self.gender
        yield 'add_info', self.add_info
        yield 'feedbacks', self.feedbacks

    def add_trial(self, label):
        self.trial.append(len(self.X) - 1)

    def add_feedback(self, feedback):

    def start_recording(self):
        if len(self.X) == 0:
            raise NoRecordingDataError()

    ### this function is not required anymore, because self.trial is updated in add_trial()
    ### kept for historical reasons
    def set_trial_start_indexes(self):
        if len(self.trial) > 0:
            self.trial = []

        i = 0
        for trial_time_stamp in self.trial_time_stamps:
            for j in range(i, len(self.time_stamps)):
                time_stamp = self.time_stamps[j]
                if trial_time_stamp <= time_stamp:
                    self.trial.append(j - 1)
                    i = j

    def stop_recording_and_dump(self,
                                file_name="session_" + time_str() + ".mat"):
        #self.set_trial_start_indexes() #solved by collecting index in add_trial()
        sio.savemat(file_name, dict(self))

        return file_name

    ### used for live processing step 2: dump all data generated so far, another filename than stop_recording_and_dump
    def stop_recording_and_dump_live(self,
                                     file_name="session_live_" + time_str() +
        #self.set_trial_start_indexes() #solved by collecting index in add_trial()
        sio.savemat(file_name, dict(self))

        return file_name

    def get_last_trial(self, filename_live):
        # generate a NST_EEG_LIVE object and save data of last trial into it
        last_label = self.Y[-1:]
        ### subtract one trial offset, because add trial is allways called when the moto imagery starts and not in the beginning of each trial
        last_trial = self.trial[-1:][0] - self.Fs * self.trial_offset
        X = np.array(self.X[slice(last_trial[0], None, None)])
        last_trial = 0  #hand over 0 as index to dataset object, because the new index in the slice of X that will be handed over is 0
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.nst_eeg_live = NST_EEG_LIVE(cwd, filename_live)
        self.nst_eeg_live.load_from_mat(last_label, last_trial, X, self.Fs)
        return self.nst_eeg_live