コード例 #1
ファイル: arima_model.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def _fit_start_params_hr(self, order):
        Get starting parameters for fit.

        order : iterable
            (p,q,k) - AR lags, MA lags, and number of exogenous variables
            including the constant.

        start_params : array
            A first guess at the starting parameters.

        If necessary, fits an AR process with the laglength selected according
        to best BIC.  Obtain the residuals.  Then fit an ARMA(p,q) model via
        OLS using these residuals for a first approximation.  Uses a separate
        OLS regression to find the coefficients of exogenous variables.

        Hannan, E.J. and Rissanen, J.  1982.  "Recursive estimation of mixed
            autoregressive-moving average order."  `Biometrika`.  69.1.
        p, q, k = order
        start_params = zeros((p + q + k))
        endog = self.endog.copy()  # copy because overwritten
        exog = self.exog
        if k != 0:
            ols_params = GLS(endog, exog).fit().params
            start_params[:k] = ols_params
            endog -= np.dot(exog, ols_params).squeeze()
        if q != 0:
            if p != 0:
                armod = AR(endog).fit(ic='bic', trend='nc')
                arcoefs_tmp = armod.params
                p_tmp = armod.k_ar
                resid = endog[p_tmp:] - np.dot(
                    lagmat(endog, p_tmp, trim='both'), arcoefs_tmp)
                if p < p_tmp + q:
                    endog_start = p_tmp + q - p
                    resid_start = 0
                    endog_start = 0
                    resid_start = p - p_tmp - q
                lag_endog = lagmat(endog, p, 'both')[endog_start:]
                lag_resid = lagmat(resid, q, 'both')[resid_start:]
                # stack ar lags and resids
                X = np.column_stack((lag_endog, lag_resid))
                coefs = GLS(endog[max(p_tmp + q, p):], X).fit().params
                start_params[k:k + p + q] = coefs
                start_params[k + p:k + p + q] = yule_walker(endog, order=q)[0]
        if q == 0 and p != 0:
            arcoefs = yule_walker(endog, order=p)[0]
            start_params[k:k + p] = arcoefs
        return start_params
コード例 #2
    def fit(self, lambd=1.):
        #this does duplicate transformation, but I need resid not wresid
        res_gls = GLS(self.endog, self.exog, sigma=self.sigma).fit()
        self.res_gls = res_gls
        sigma2_e = res_gls.mse_resid

        r_matrix = self.r_matrix
        q_matrix = self.q_matrix
        sigma_prior_inv = self.sigma_prior_inv
        x = self.wexog
        y = self.wendog[:, None]
        #why are sigma2_e * lambd multiplied, not ratio?
        #larger lambd -> stronger prior  (it's not the variance)
        #print 'lambd inside fit', lambd
        xpx = np.dot(x.T, x) + \
              sigma2_e * lambd * np.dot(r_matrix.T, np.dot(sigma_prior_inv, r_matrix))
        xpy = np.dot(x.T, y) + \
              sigma2_e * lambd * np.dot(r_matrix.T, np.dot(sigma_prior_inv, q_matrix))
        #xpy = xpy[:,None]

        xpxi = np.linalg.pinv(xpx)
        params = np.dot(xpxi, xpy)  #or solve
        params = np.squeeze(params)
        self.normalized_cov_params = xpxi  #why attach it to self, i.e. model?

        lfit = TheilRegressionResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params=xpxi)

        lfit.penalization_factor = lambd
        return lfit
コード例 #3
 def setupClass(cls):
     data = longley.load()
     data.exog = add_constant(data.exog)
     ols_res = OLS(data.endog, data.exog).fit()
     gls_res = GLS(data.endog, data.exog).fit()
     cls.res1 = gls_res
     cls.res2 = ols_res
コード例 #4
ファイル: sysreg.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
 def fit(self):
     delta = []
     wexog = self.wexog
     endog = self.endog
     for j in range(self._M):
         delta.append(GLS(endog[j], wexog[j]).fit().params)
     return delta
コード例 #5
ファイル: sysreg.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def __init__(self, sys, sigma=None, dfk=None):
        if len(sys) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError("sys must be a list of pairs of endogenous and \
exogenous variables.  Got length %s" % len(sys))
        if dfk:
            if not dfk.lower() in ['dfk1', 'dfk2']:
                raise ValueError("dfk option %s not understood" % (dfk))
        self._dfk = dfk
        M = len(sys[1::2])
        self._M = M
        #        exog = np.zeros((M,M), dtype=object)
        #        for i,eq in enumerate(sys[1::2]):
        #            exog[i,i] = np.asarray(eq)  # not sure this exog is needed
        # used to compute resids for now
        exog = np.column_stack(np.asarray(sys[1::2][i]) for i in range(M))
        #       exog = np.vstack(np.asarray(sys[1::2][i]) for i in range(M))
        self.exog = exog  # 2d ndarray exog is better
        # Endog, might just go ahead and reshape this?
        endog = np.asarray(sys[::2])
        self.endog = endog
        self.nobs = float(
            self.endog[0].shape[0])  # assumes all the same length

        # Degrees of Freedom
        df_resid = []
        df_model = []
        [df_resid.append(self.nobs - tools.rank(_)) \
                for _ in sys[1::2]]
        [df_model.append(tools.rank(_) - 1) for _ in sys[1::2]]
        self.df_resid = np.asarray(df_resid)
        self.df_model = np.asarray(df_model)

        # "Block-diagonal" sparse matrix of exog
        sp_exog = sparse.lil_matrix(
            (int(self.nobs * M),
             int(np.sum(self.df_model + 1))))  # linked lists to build
        self._cols = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, self.df_model + 1)))
        for i in range(M):
            sp_exog[i * self.nobs:(i + 1) * self.nobs,
                    self._cols[i]:self._cols[i + 1]] = sys[1::2][i]
        self.sp_exog = sp_exog.tocsr()  # cast to compressed for efficiency
        # Deal with sigma, check shape earlier if given
        if np.any(sigma):
            sigma = np.asarray(sigma)  # check shape
        elif sigma == None:
            resids = []
            for i in range(M):
                        exog[:, self._cols[i]:self._cols[i + 1]]).fit().resid)
            resids = np.asarray(resids).reshape(M, -1)
            sigma = self._compute_sigma(resids)
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.cholsigmainv = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.pinv(\
コード例 #6
ファイル: panelmod.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def _fit_btwn(self, method, effects):
        # group mean regression or WLS
        if effects != "twoway":
            endog = self._group_mean(self.endog, index=effects)
            exog = self._group_mean(self.exog, index=effects)
            raise ValueError("%s effects is not valid for the between \
estimator" % s)
        befit = GLS(endog, exog).fit()
        return befit
コード例 #7
    def setupClass(cls):
        from results.results_regression import LongleyGls

        data = longley.load()
        exog = add_constant(np.column_stack(\
        tmp_results = OLS(data.endog, exog).fit()
        rho = np.corrcoef(tmp_results.resid[1:],
                          tmp_results.resid[:-1])[0][1]  # by assumption
        order = toeplitz(np.arange(16))
        sigma = rho**order
        GLS_results = GLS(data.endog, exog, sigma=sigma).fit()
        cls.res1 = GLS_results
        cls.res2 = LongleyGls()
コード例 #8
ファイル: feasible_gls.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def fit(self, lambd=1.):
        #maybe iterate
        #preliminary estimate
        res_gls = GLS(self.endog, self.exog, sigma=self.sigma).fit()
        res_resid = OLS(res_gls.resid**2, self.exog_var).fit()
        #or  log-link
        #res_resid = OLS(np.log(res_gls.resid**2), self.exog_var).fit()
        #here I could use whiten and current instance instead of delegating
        #but this is easier
        #see pattern of GLSAR, calls self.initialize and self.fit
        res_wls = WLS(self.endog,
                      weights=1. / res_resid.fittedvalues).fit()

        res_wls._results.results_residual_regression = res_resid
        return res_wls
コード例 #9
ファイル: panelmod.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def fit(self, model=None, method=None, effects='oneway'):
        method : LSDV, demeaned, MLE, GLS, BE, FE, optional
        model :
        effects :
        femethod : demeaned (only one implemented)
        remethod :
                swar -

        This is unfinished.  None of the method arguments work yet.
        Only oneway effects should work.
        if method: # get rid of this with default
            method = method.lower()
        model = model.lower()
        if method and method not in ["lsdv", "demeaned", "mle", "gls", "be",
            "fe"]: # get rid of if method with default
            raise ValueError("%s not a valid method" % method)
#        if method == "lsdv":
#            self.fit_lsdv(model)
        if model == 'pooled':
            return GLS(self.endog, self.exog).fit()
        if model == 'between':
            return self._fit_btwn(method, effects)
        if model == 'fixed':
            return self._fit_fixed(method, effects)
コード例 #10
ファイル: sysreg.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def whiten(self, Y):
        Runs the first stage of the 2SLS.

        Returns the RHS variables that include the instruments.
        wexog = []
        indep_endog = self._indep_endog  # this has the col mapping
        #        fullexog = self.fullexog
        instruments = self.instruments
        for eq in range(
                self._M):  # need to go through all equations regardless
            instr_eq = Y.get(eq, None)  # Y has the eq to ind endog array map
            newRHS = self.exog[eq].copy()
            if instr_eq:
                for i, LHS in enumerate(instr_eq):
                    yhat = GLS(LHS, self.instruments).fit().fittedvalues
                    newRHS[:, indep_endog[eq][i]] = yhat
                # this might fail if there is a one variable column (nobs,)
                # in exog
        return wexog
コード例 #11
ファイル: panelmod.py プロジェクト: zzzz123321/pygwr
    def _fit_fixed(self, method, effects):
        endog = self.endog
        exog = self.exog
        demeantwice = False
        if effects in ["oneway","twoways"]:
            if effects == "twoways":
                demeantwice = True
                effects = "oneway"
            endog_mean, counts = self._group_mean(endog, index=effects,
            exog_mean = self._group_mean(exog, index=effects)
            counts = counts.astype(int)
            endog = endog - np.repeat(endog_mean, counts)
            exog = exog - np.repeat(exog_mean, counts, axis=0)
        if demeantwice or effects == "time":
            endog_mean, dummies = self._group_mean(endog, index="time",
            exog_mean = self._group_mean(exog, index="time")
            # This allows unbalanced panels
            endog = endog - np.dot(endog_mean, dummies)
            exog = exog - np.dot(dummies.T, exog_mean)
        fefit = GLS(endog, exog[:,-self._cons_index]).fit()
#TODO: might fail with one regressor
        return fefit
コード例 #12
 def setupClass(cls):
     from gwstatsmodels.datasets.ccard import load
     data = load()
     cls.res1 = WLS(data.endog, data.exog,
                    weights=1 / data.exog[:, 2]).fit()
     cls.res2 = GLS(data.endog, data.exog, sigma=data.exog[:, 2]).fit()