class MultiAgent_DDPG(BaseEnvironment): metadata = { 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array', 'state_pixels'], 'video.frames_per_second': render2d.FPS } def __init__(self, env_config, test_mode=False, render_mode='2d', verbose=False): """ The __init__ method declares all class atributes and calls the self.reset() to intialize them properly. Parameters ---------- env_config : dict Configuration parameters for the environment. The default values are set in test_mode : bool If test_mode is True, the environment will not be autonatically reset due to too low cumulative reward or too large distance from the path. render_mode : {'2d', '3d', 'both'} Whether to use 2d or 3d rendering. 'both' is currently broken. verbose Whether to print debugging information. """ self.test_mode = test_mode self.render_mode = render_mode self.verbose = verbose self.config = env_config # Setting dimension of observation vector self.n_observations = len( Vessel.NAVIGATION_FEATURES) + 4 * self.config["n_sectors"] self.episode = 0 self.total_t_steps = 0 self.t_step = 0 self.history = [] # Declaring attributes #self.obstacles = None self.main_vessel = None #self.path = None self.reached_goal = None self.collision = None self.progress = None self.cumulative_reward = None self.last_reward = None self.last_episode = None self.rng = None self._tmp_storage = None self._action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.array([-1, -1]), high=np.array([1, 1]), dtype=np.float32) self._observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=np.array([-1] * self.n_observations), high=np.array([1] * self.n_observations), dtype=np.float32) # Initializing rendering self.viewer2d = None self.viewer3d = None if self.render_mode == '2d' or self.render_mode == 'both': render2d.init_env_viewer(self) if self.render_mode == '3d' or self.render_mode == 'both': render3d.init_env_viewer(self, autocamera=self.config["autocamera3d"]) self.reset() @property def path(self): return self.main_vessel.path @property def obstacles(self): return self.main_vessel.obstacles @property def vessel(self): return self.main_vessel def _generate(self): print('In GENERATE in MA') self.main_vessel = Vessel(self.config, width=self.config["vessel_width"]) prog = 0 self.path_prog_hist = np.array([prog]) self.max_path_prog = prog self.rewarder = MultiRewarder(self.main_vessel) print(f'Ownship created!') self.moving_obstacles = [self.main_vessel] self.static_obstacles = [] self.queued_vessels = [] #Adding static obstacles #for _ in range(8): # obstacle = CircularObstacle(*helpers.generate_obstacle(self.rng, self.main_vessel.path, self.main_vessel)) # self.static_obstacles.append(obstacle) self._vessel_count = 1 #Adding moving obstacles (ships) curr_vessel_count = self._vessel_count for i in range(curr_vessel_count, curr_vessel_count + 5): #obst_speed = np.random.random() ship = Vessel(self.config, width=self.config["vessel_width"], index=i, vessel_pos=self.main_vessel.position) self.moving_obstacles.append(ship) print(f'Ship {i} has been created') self._vessel_count += 1 for ship in self.moving_obstacles: other_ships = [ x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != ship.index ] #ship.obstacles.extend(other_ships) ship.obstacles = np.hstack([self.static_obstacles, other_ships]) print('Exiting GENERATE in MA') def step(self, action: list) -> (np.ndarray, float, bool, dict): """ Steps the environment by one timestep. Returns observation, reward, done, info. Parameters ---------- action : np.ndarray [thrust_input, torque_input]. Returns ------- obs : np.ndarray Observation of the environment after action is performed. reward : double The reward for performing action at his timestep. done : bool If True the episode is ended, due to either a collision or having reached the goal position. info : dict Dictionary with data used for reporting or debugging """ print('IN STEP') if len(self.queued_vessels) == 0: current_vessel = self.main_vessel else: current_vessel = self.queued_vessels.pop(0) current_index = current_vessel.index print(f'Current vessel is ship {current_index}') #[vessel.update_without_agent(self.config["t_step_size"]) for vessel in self.moving_obstacles if vessel.index != current_index] action[0] = (action[0] + 1) / 2 current_vessel.step(action) reward = self.rewarder.calculate(current_vessel) self.cumulative_reward += reward vessel_data = self.main_vessel.req_latest_data() self.collision = vessel_data['collision'] self.reached_goal = vessel_data['reached_goal'] self.progress = vessel_data['progress'] info = {} info['collision'] = self.collision info['reached_goal'] = self.reached_goal info['progress'] = self.progress done = self._isdone() self._save_latest_step() self.moving_obstacles = self.main_vessel.nearby_vessels #Adding moving obstacles (ships) if not self.t_step % 150: #print(f'Time step: {self.t_step}, position of vessel: {self.main_vessel.position}') curr_vessel_count = self._vessel_count for i in range(curr_vessel_count, curr_vessel_count + 5): #obst_speed = np.random.random() ship = Vessel(self.config, width=self.config["vessel_width"], index=i, vessel_pos=self.main_vessel.position) self.moving_obstacles.append(ship) print(f'Ship {i} has been created') self._vessel_count += 1 for ship in self.moving_obstacles: other_ships = [ x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != ship.index ] #ship.obstacles.extend(other_ships) ship.obstacles = np.hstack( [self.static_obstacles, other_ships]) if len(self.queued_vessels) == 0: self.queued_vessels = [ x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != 0 ] next_vessel = self.main_vessel else: next_vessel = self.queued_vessels[0] obs = next_vessel.observe() self.t_step += 1 print('EXITIG STEP') return (obs, reward, done, info) # [obst.update(self.config["t_step_size"]) for obst in self.moving_obstacles if obst.index != 0] # # # action[0] = (action[0] + 1)/2 # Done to be compatible with RL algorithms that require symmetric action spaces # if np.isnan(action).any(): action = np.zeros(action.shape) # self.main_vessel.step(action) # # # # Getting observation vector # obs = self.observe() # vessel_data = self.main_vessel.req_latest_data() # self.collision = vessel_data['collision'] # self.reached_goal = vessel_data['reached_goal'] # self.progress = vessel_data['progress'] # # # Receiving agent's reward # reward = self.rewarder.calculate() # self.last_reward = reward # self.cumulative_reward += reward # # info = {} # info['collision'] = self.collision # info['reached_goal'] = self.reached_goal # info['progress'] = self.progress # # # Testing criteria for ending the episode # done = self._isdone() # # self._save_latest_step() # # If the environment is dynamic, calling self.update will change it. # self._update() # # self.t_step += 1 # # #Adding moving obstacles (ships) # if not self.t_step % 100: # #print(f'Time step: {self.t_step}, position of vessel: {self.main_vessel.position}') # curr_vessel_count = self._vessel_count # for i in range(curr_vessel_count ,curr_vessel_count+5): # #obst_speed = np.random.random() # ship = Vessel(self.config, width=self.config["vessel_width"], index=i, vessel_pos=self.main_vessel.position) # # self.moving_obstacles.append(ship) # print(f'Ship {i} has been created') # self._vessel_count += 1 # # # for ship in self.moving_obstacles: # other_ships = [x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != ship.index] # #ship.obstacles.extend(other_ships) # ship.obstacles = np.hstack([self.static_obstacles, other_ships]) # # return (obs, reward, done, info) def _update(self): valid_ships = [self.main_vessel] for ship in self.moving_obstacles: if (not ship.collision ) and ship.index != 0: # and ship.reachable : valid_ships.append(ship) # print(f'Time: {self.t_step}') print([x.index for x in valid_ships]) self.moving_obstacles = valid_ships for ship in self.moving_obstacles: other_ships = [ x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != ship.index ] #ship.obstacles.extend(other_ships) ship.obstacles = np.hstack([self.static_obstacles, other_ships]) #print('Exiting UPDATE in MA') def observe(self): navigation_states = self.main_vessel.navigate(self.path) sector_closenesses, sector_velocities, sector_moving_obstacles = self.main_vessel.perceive( self.obstacles) obs = np.concatenate([ navigation_states, sector_closenesses, sector_velocities, sector_moving_obstacles ]) return (obs)
class TwoVessel_HeadOn(BaseEnvironment): def __init__(self, env_config, test_mode=False, render_mode='2d', verbose=False): """ The __init__ method declares all class atributes and calls the self.reset() to intialize them properly. Parameters ---------- env_config : dict Configuration parameters for the environment. The default values are set in test_mode : bool If test_mode is True, the environment will not be autonatically reset due to too low cumulative reward or too large distance from the path. render_mode : {'2d', '3d', 'both'} Whether to use 2d or 3d rendering. 'both' is currently broken. verbose Whether to print debugging information. """ self.test_mode = test_mode self.render_mode = render_mode self.verbose = verbose self.config = env_config # Setting dimension of observation vector self.n_observations = len( Vessel.NAVIGATION_FEATURES ) + 3 * self.config["n_sectors"] + ColavRewarder.N_INSIGHTS self.episode = 0 self.total_t_steps = 0 self.t_step = 0 self.history = [] # Declaring attributes #self.obstacles = None self.main_vessel = None #self.agent = None #self.path = None self.reached_goal = None self.collision = None self.progress = None self.cumulative_reward = None self.last_reward = None self.last_episode = None self.rng = None self._tmp_storage = None self._action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.array([-1, -1]), high=np.array([1, 1]), dtype=np.float32) self._observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=np.array([-1] * self.n_observations), high=np.array([1] * self.n_observations), dtype=np.float32) # Initializing rendering self._viewer2d = None self._viewer3d = None if self.render_mode == '2d' or self.render_mode == 'both': render2d.init_env_viewer(self) if self.render_mode == '3d' or self.render_mode == 'both': render3d.init_env_viewer(self, autocamera=self.config["autocamera3d"]) # self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1589625657ppo/6547288.pkl') #self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1590746004ppo/2927552.pkl') # self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1590827849ppo/4070808.pkl') #'C:/Users/amalih/OneDrive - NTNU/github/logs/agents/MultiAgentPPO-v0/1064190.pkl' #self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1590705511ppo/4425456.pkl') #self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1589130704ppo/6916896.pkl') #self.agent = PPO2.load('C:/Users/amalih/Documents/gym-auv-master/gym-auv-master/logs/agents/MovingObstacles-v0/1589031909ppo/1760568.pkl') self.agent = PPO2.load( 'C:/Users/amalih/OneDrive - NTNU/github/logs/agents/MultiAgentPPO-v0/1591171914ppo/79288.pkl' ) self.rewarder_dict = {} self.reset() print('Init done') def _generate(self): waypoints1 = np.vstack([[0, 0], [0, 500]]).T path1 = Path(waypoints1) init_pos1 = path1(0) init_angle1 = path1.get_direction(0) init_state1 = np.hstack([init_pos1, init_angle1]) self.main_vessel = Vessel(self.config, init_state=init_state1, init_path=path1, width=2) #self.config["vessel_width"]) self.main_vessel.path = path1 self.rewarder_dict[self.main_vessel.index] = ColavRewarder( self.main_vessel) self.rewarder = self.rewarder_dict[self.main_vessel.index] prog = 0 self.path_prog_hist = np.array([prog]) self.max_path_prog = prog self.moving_obstacles = [self.main_vessel] #Adding moving obstacle waypoints2 = np.vstack([[0, 150], [0, -400]]).T path2 = Path(waypoints2) init_pos2 = path2(0) init_angle2 = path2.get_direction(0) init_state2 = np.hstack([init_pos2, init_angle2]) vessel = Vessel(self.config, init_state=init_state2, init_path=path2, index=1, width=2) #self.config["vessel_width"]) self.rewarder_dict[vessel.index] = ColavRewarder(vessel) self.moving_obstacles.append(vessel) vessel.path = path2 for vessel in self.moving_obstacles: other_vessels = [ x for x in self.moving_obstacles if x.index != vessel.index ] vessel.obstacles = np.hstack([other_vessels]) print('Generated vessels!') #self._update() @property def path(self): return self.main_vessel.path @property def obstacles(self): return self.main_vessel.obstacles @property def vessel(self): return self.main_vessel def step(self, action: list) -> (np.ndarray, float, bool, dict): """ Steps the environment by one timestep. Returns observation, reward, done, info. Parameters ---------- action : np.ndarray [thrust_input, torque_input]. Returns ------- obs : np.ndarray Observation of the environment after action is performed. reward : double The reward for performing action at his timestep. done : bool If True the episode is ended, due to either a collision or having reached the goal position. info : dict Dictionary with data used for reporting or debugging """ action[0] = ( action[0] + 1 ) / 2 # Done to be compatible with RL algorithms that require symmetric action spaces if np.isnan(action).any(): action = np.zeros(action.shape) self.main_vessel.step(action) for vessel in self.moving_obstacles: if vessel.index != 0: obs = vessel.observe() reward = self.rewarder_dict[vessel.index].calculate() insight = self.rewarder_dict[vessel.index].insight() #print(f'Reward for vessel {vessel.index}: {reward} -- lambda: {insight}') obs = np.concatenate([insight, obs]) action, _states = self.agent.predict(obs, deterministic=True) action[0] = (action[0] + 1) / 2 vessel.step(action) # Testing criteria for ending the episode done = self._isdone() self._save_latest_step() # Getting observation vector obs = self.observe() vessel_data = self.main_vessel.req_latest_data() self.collision = vessel_data['collision'] self.reached_goal = vessel_data['reached_goal'] self.progress = vessel_data['progress'] # Receiving agent's reward reward = self.rewarder.calculate() self.last_reward = reward #self.cumulative_reward += reward info = {} info['collision'] = self.collision info['reached_goal'] = self.reached_goal info['progress'] = self.progress self.t_step += 1 return (obs, reward, done, info)