コード例 #1
 def step(self, action, objective):
     self.prev_position = self.position.copy()
     # Rate of Turn
     # https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1826/2912/CHAPTER_8_july27_2.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y
     ROT = np.float64(action) * 9.81 * np.sqrt(self.maxLatAx * self.maxLatAx - 1) / Util.rss(self.velocity)
     ROD = 0
     pol_vel = Util.cart2sph(self.velocity)
     pol_vel[0] = pol_vel[0] + ROT
     self.velocity = Util.sph2cart(pol_vel)
     # Apply accel to vel
     self.position += self.velocity * self.Ts
     self.objective_in_fov = Util.getAngle(self.velocity + self.position, self.position, objective.position) < self.fov / 2
コード例 #2
ファイル: Target.py プロジェクト: Shirnia/P-DRIL
    def CLOS(self, t_pos):
        Pm = self.position
        Pt = t_pos
        Vm = self.velocity
        theta_t = Util.cart2sph(Pt - Pm)
        theta_m = Util.cart2sph(Vm)
        angle = Util.getAngle(Vm + Pm, Pm, Pt)

        # Max Rate of Turn
        # https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1826/2912/CHAPTER_8_july27_2.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y
        ROT_max_rad = 9.81 * np.sqrt(self.max_lat_ax**2 - 1) / Util.rss(
            self.velocity) * self.Ts

        theta_m[0] += np.sign(theta_t[0] - theta_m[0]) * Util.absMin(
            ROT_max_rad[0], angle)

        self.velocity = Util.sph2cart(theta_m.copy())
        self.position += self.velocity * self.Ts
コード例 #3
ファイル: Target.py プロジェクト: Shirnia/P-DRIL
    def PN(self, t_pos, t_vel):
        # TODO - FIX PN

        # To find omega:
        #   omega = (R*Vr)/dot(R,R)
        #   Vr = Vt - Vm
        #   Rr = Rt - Rm
        Vm = self.velocity
        Rm = self.position
        Rr = t_pos - Rm
        Vr = t_vel - Vm
        eq1 = np.cross(Rr, Vr)
        eq2 = np.dot(Rr, Rr)
        omega = np.divide(eq1, eq2)

        # To find accel:
        #   a = -N*|Vr|*(Vm/|Vm|)*omega
        #   eq1 = (Vm/|Vm|)
        #   eq2 = N*|Vr|
        #   eq3 = cross(eq1*eq2,omega)
        n = self.N
        eq1 = np.divide(Vm, Util.rss(Vm))
        a = n * np.cross(eq1, omega)
        a_sph_rad = Util.cart2sph(a)
        v_sph_rad = a_sph_rad * self.Ts
        tmp_velocity_sph = Util.cart2sph(self.velocity.copy())

        # Max Rate of Turn
        # https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1826/2912/CHAPTER_8_july27_2.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y
        ROT_max_rad = 9.81 * np.sqrt(self.max_lat_ax**2 - 1) / Util.rss(
            self.velocity) * self.Ts
        ROT_max_deg = np.rad2deg(ROT_max_rad)

        # if a_sph_deg < ROT_max_deg:
        # min(v_sph_rad[0], ROT_max_rad[0])
        tmp_velocity_sph[0] += v_sph_rad[0]
        tmp_velocity = Util.sph2cart(tmp_velocity_sph)
        # else:
        #     tmp_velocity += ROT_max_deg * self.Ts
        self.velocity = tmp_velocity.copy()
        self.position += np.sign(a) * self.velocity * self.Ts