class UnrealCvTracking_spline(gym.Env): def __init__( self, setting_file, reset_type='Random', # random action_type='discrete', # 'discrete', 'continuous' observation_type='color', # 'color', 'depth', 'rgbd' reward_type='distance', # distance docker=False, resolution=(80, 80)): setting = misc.load_env_setting(setting_file) self.cam_id = setting['cam_id'] self.target_list = setting['targets'] self.discrete_actions = setting['discrete_actions'] self.continous_actions = setting['continous_actions'] self.max_distance = setting['max_distance'] self.max_direction = setting['max_direction'] self.objects_env = setting['objects_list'] self.docker = docker self.reset_type = reset_type self.roll = 0 self.pitch = 0 self.count_steps = 0 # start unreal env self.unreal = env_unreal.RunUnreal(ENV_BIN=setting['env_bin']) env_ip, env_port = self.unreal.start(docker, resolution) # connect UnrealCV self.unrealcv = Navigation(cam_id=self.cam_id, port=env_port, ip=env_ip, env=self.unreal.path2env, resolution=resolution) # define action self.action_type = action_type assert self.action_type == 'Discrete' or self.action_type == 'Continuous' if self.action_type == 'Discrete': self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.discrete_actions)) elif self.action_type == 'Continuous': self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=np.array(self.continous_actions['low']), high=np.array(self.continous_actions['high'])) # define observation space, # color, depth, rgbd,... self.observation_type = observation_type assert self.observation_type == 'Color' or self.observation_type == 'Depth' or self.observation_type == 'Rgbd' self.observation_space = self.unrealcv.define_observation( self.cam_id, self.observation_type) # define reward self.reward_function = reward.Reward(setting) self.rendering = False # init augment env if 'Random' in self.reset_type: self.show_list = self.objects_env self.hiden_list = random.sample(self.objects_env, min(15, len(self.objects_env))) for x in self.hiden_list: self.show_list.remove(x) self.unrealcv.hide_obj(x) def render(self, mode='rgb_array', close=False): if close == True: self.unreal.close() return self.unrealcv.img_color def step(self, action): info = dict( Collision=False, Done=False, Reward=0.0, Action=action, Pose=[], Trajectory=self.trajectory, Steps=self.count_steps, Direction=None, Distance=None, Color=None, Depth=None, ) action = np.squeeze(action) if self.action_type == 'Discrete': # linear (velocity, angle) = self.discrete_actions[action] else: (velocity, angle) = action info['Collision'] = self.unrealcv.move_2d(self.cam_id, angle, velocity) self.count_steps += 1 info['Pose'] = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id) self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_location(self.target_list[0]) info['Direction'] = misc.get_direction(info['Pose'], self.target_pos) info['Distance'] = self.unrealcv.get_distance(self.target_pos, info['Pose'], 2) info['Reward'] = self.reward_function.reward_distance( info['Distance'], info['Direction']) # update observation state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type, 'direct') info['Color'] = self.unrealcv.img_color info['Depth'] = self.unrealcv.img_depth # done condition if info['Distance'] > self.max_distance or abs( info['Direction']) > self.max_direction: self.count_close += 1 if self.count_close > 10: info['Done'] = True info['Reward'] = -1 # save the trajectory self.trajectory.append(info['Pose']) info['Trajectory'] = self.trajectory self.C_reward += info['Reward'] return state, info['Reward'], info['Done'], info def reset(self, ): self.C_reward = 0 self.count_close = 0 self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_pose(self.target_list[0]) # random hide and show objects if 'Random' in self.reset_type: num_update = 5 objs_to_hide = random.sample(self.show_list, num_update) for x in objs_to_hide: self.show_list.remove(x) self.hiden_list.append(x) self.unrealcv.hide_obj(x) objs_to_show = random.sample(self.hiden_list[:-num_update], num_update) for x in objs_to_show: self.hiden_list.remove(x) self.show_list.append(x) self.unrealcv.show_obj(x) time.sleep(0.5 * random.random()) time.sleep(1) cam_pos = self.target_pos self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_location(self.target_list[0]) # set pose self.unrealcv.set_location(self.cam_id, cam_pos[:3]) self.unrealcv.set_rotation(self.cam_id, cam_pos[-3:]) current_pose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id, 'soft') # get state time.sleep(0.1) state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type) self.trajectory = [] self.trajectory.append(current_pose) self.count_steps = 0 return state def close(self): self.unreal.close() def seed(self, seed=None): pass def render(self, mode='rgb_array', close=False): if close == True: self.unreal.close() return self.unrealcv.img_color
class depthFusion_keras_multHouse(gym.Env): # init the Unreal Gym Environment def __init__( self, setting_file='depth_fusion.json', reset_type='waypoint', # testpoint, waypoint, augment_env=None, #texture, target, light test=True, # if True will use the test_xy as start point action_type='discrete', # 'discrete', 'continuous' observation_type='rgbd', # 'color', 'depth', 'rgbd' reward_type='bbox', # distance, bbox, bbox_distance, docker=False, # resolution = (84,84) # resolution = (640,480), resolution=(640, 480), log_dir='log/'): setting = self.load_env_setting(setting_file) self.cam_id = 0 # self.reset_type = 'random' self.reset_type = 'test' self.log_dir = log_dir # gt_pcl = pcl.load('house-000024-gt.ply') # run virtual enrionment in docker container # self.docker = run_docker.RunDocker() # env_ip, env_dir = self.docker.start(ENV_NAME=ENV_NAME) # start unreal env docker = False # self.unreal = env_unreal.RunUnreal(ENV_BIN="house_withfloor/MyProject2/Binaries/Linux/MyProject2") self.unreal = env_unreal.RunUnreal(ENV_BIN=self.env_bin) env_ip, env_port = self.unreal.start(docker, resolution) # connect unrealcv client to server # self.unrealcv = UnrealCv(self.cam_id, ip=env_ip, env=env_dir) # connect UnrealCV self.unrealcv = Navigation(cam_id=self.cam_id, port=env_port, ip=env_ip, targets=self.target_list, env=self.unreal.path2env, resolution=resolution) self.unrealcv.pitch = self.pitch # define action self.action_type = action_type assert self.action_type == 'discrete' or self.action_type == 'continuous' if self.action_type == 'discrete': self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.discrete_actions)) elif self.action_type == 'continuous': self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=np.array(self.continous_actions['low']), high=np.array(self.continous_actions['high'])) self.observation_type = observation_type assert self.observation_type == 'color' or self.observation_type == 'depth' or self.observation_type == 'rgbd' or self.observation_type == 'gray' self.observation_shape = self.unrealcv.define_observation( self.cam_id, self.observation_type) self.startpose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id) #try hardcode start pose # self.startpose = [750.0, 295.0, 212.3,356.5,190.273, 0.0] # self.startpose = [0.0, 707.1068, 707.1067,0.0,270.0, -45.0] # [0,45,1000] # self.startpose = [0.0,99.6,8.72,0.0,270.0,-5.0] #[for depth fusion] [0,5,100] # self.startpose = [0.0,70.7,70.7,0.0,270.0,-45.0] azimuth, elevation, distance = self.start_pose_rel # print('start pose rel', azimuth,elevation,distance) self.startpose = poseRelToAbs(azimuth, elevation, distance) # print('start_pose: ', self.startpose) ''' create base frame ''' poseOrigin(self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.pose.txt'.format(1000)) # ACTION: (Azimuth, Elevation, Distance) self.count_steps = 0 self.count_house_frames = 0 # self.max_steps = 35 self.target_pos = (-60, 0, 50) self.gt_pclpose_prev = np.array(self.start_pose_rel) # self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.ACTION_LIST)) # state = self.unrealcv.read_image(self.cam_id, 'lit') # self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=state.shape) self.nn_distance_module = tf.load_op_library( '/home/daryl/gym-unrealcv/gym_unrealcv/envs/utils/' ) self.total_distance = 0 objects = self.unrealcv.get_objects() # print('objects', objects) self.houses = [(obj) for obj in objects if obj.startswith('BAT6_')] # print('houses', self.houses) for house in self.houses: self.unrealcv.hide_obj(house) self.house_id = 0 self.unrealcv.show_obj(self.houses[self.house_id]) gt_dir = '/hdd/AIRSCAN/datasets/house38_44/groundtruth/' self.gt_pcl = [] for i in range(len(self.houses)): gt_fn = gt_dir + self.houses[i] + '_sampled_10k.ply' # print('gt', gt_fn) # gt_pcl = pcl.load(gt_fn) gt_pcl = o3d.read_point_cloud(gt_fn) gt_pcl = np.asarray(gt_pcl.points, dtype=np.float32) # gt_pcl = pcl.load('/home/daryl/datasets/BAT6_SETA_HOUSE8_WTR_sampled_10k.ply') # gt_pcl = np.asarray(gt_pcl) self.gt_pcl.append(np.expand_dims(gt_pcl, axis=0)) def _step(self, action=0): # (velocity, angle) = self.ACTION_LIST[action] self.count_steps += 1 self.count_house_frames += 1 azimuth, elevation, distance = self.discrete_actions[action] change_pose = np.array((azimuth, elevation, distance)) pose_prev = np.array(self.pose_prev) # print('pose prev', pose_prev) # print('action', change_pose) MIN_elevation = 20 MAX_elevation = 70 MIN_distance = 100 # MAX_distance = 150 MAX_distance = 125 pose_new = pose_prev + change_pose # pose_new = pose_prev + np.array([30,0,0]) # to test ICM if pose_new[2] > MAX_distance: pose_new[2] = MAX_distance elif pose_new[2] < MIN_distance: pose_new[2] = MIN_distance if (pose_new[1] >= MAX_elevation): pose_new[1] = MAX_elevation elif (pose_new[1] <= MIN_elevation): pose_new[1] = MIN_elevation else: pose_new[1] = 45.0 if (pose_new[0] < 0): pose_new[0] = 360 + pose_new[0] elif (pose_new[0] >= 359): pose_new[0] = pose_new[0] - 360 # print('action ', action) # print('pose new', pose_new) # print(azimuth, elevation, distance ) # collision, move_dist = self.unrealcv.move_rel2(self.cam_id, azimuth, elevation, distance) collision, move_dist = self.unrealcv.move_rel2(self.cam_id, pose_new[0], pose_new[1], pose_new[2]) # print('collision', collision) # print('distance: ', move_dist) self.pose_prev = pose_new # state = self.unrealcv.read_image(self.cam_id, 'lit') state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type) # print('state shape', state.shape) depth_pt = self.unrealcv.read_depth(self.cam_id, mode='depthFusion') pose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id, 'soft') depth = depth_conversion(depth_pt, 320) # pose_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.pose.txt'.format(self.count_steps) # depth_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.depth.npy'.format(self.count_steps) pose_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.pose-{:06}.txt'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) depth_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.depth-{:06}.npy'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) write_pose(pose, pose_filename), depth) reward, done = self.reward(collision, move_dist) # limit max step per episode if self.count_steps > self.max_steps: done = True # print('Reach Max Steps') return state, reward, done, {} # reset the environment def _reset(self, start_pose_rel=None): x, y, z, _, yaw, _ = self.startpose self.house_id = 0 for house in self.houses: self.unrealcv.hide_obj(house) self.unrealcv.show_obj(self.houses[self.house_id]) if self.reset_type == 'random': distance = 1000 azimuth = 0 elevation = 45 p = 90 distance = distance + random.randint(-250, 250) azimuth = random.randint(0, 359) elevation = random.randint(35, 55) yaw_exp = 270 - azimuth pitch = -1 * elevation y = distance * sin(radians(p - elevation)) * cos(radians(azimuth)) x = distance * sin(radians(p - elevation)) * sin(radians(azimuth)) z = distance * cos(radians(p - elevation)) self.unrealcv.set_pose(self.cam_id, [x, y, z, 0, yaw_exp, pitch ]) # pose = [x, y, z, roll, yaw, pitch] else: self.unrealcv.set_pose( self.cam_id, self.startpose) # pose = [x, y, z, roll, yaw, pitch] state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type) self.count_steps = 0 self.count_house_frames = 0 depth_pt = self.unrealcv.read_depth(self.cam_id, mode='depthFusion') pose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id, 'soft') depth = depth_conversion(depth_pt, 320) # depth_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.depth-{:06}.npy'.format(self.count_steps) # pose_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.pose-{:06}.txt'.format(self.count_steps) pose_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.pose-{:06}.txt'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) depth_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.depth-{:06}.npy'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) write_pose(pose, pose_filename), depth) out_pcl_np = depth_fusion_mult(self.log_dir, first_frame_idx=0, base_frame_idx=1000, num_frames=self.count_house_frames + 1, save_pcd=False, max_depth=1.0, house_id=self.house_id) # out_fn = 'log/house-' + '{:06}'.format(self.count_steps+1) + '.ply' # out_pcl = pcl.load(out_fn) # out_pcl_np = np.asarray(out_pcl) out_pcl_np = np.expand_dims(out_pcl_np, axis=0) self.cd_old = self.compute_chamfer(out_pcl_np) # print('cd old ', self.cd_old) self.pose_prev = np.array(self.start_pose_rel) return state # close docker while closing openai gym # def _close(self): # self.docker.close() # calcuate reward according to your task def reward(self, collision, move_dist): done = False depth_start = time.time() out_pcl_np = depth_fusion_mult(self.log_dir, first_frame_idx=0, base_frame_idx=1000, num_frames=self.count_house_frames + 1, save_pcd=False, max_depth=1.0, house_id=self.house_id) # print('out_pcl_np', out_pcl_np.shape) if out_pcl_np.shape[0] != 0: out_pcl_np = np.expand_dims(out_pcl_np, axis=0) cd = self.compute_chamfer(out_pcl_np) else: cd = 0.0 cd_delta = cd - self.cd_old depth_end = time.time() # print("Depth Fusion time: ", depth_end - depth_start) # print('coverage: ', cd) if cd > 96.0: self.unrealcv.hide_obj(self.houses[self.house_id]) self.house_id += 1 if (self.house_id == len(self.houses)): done = True # reward = 50 reward = 50 else: # print('covered', self.count_steps) # print('new house') self.unrealcv.show_obj(self.houses[self.house_id]) self.count_house_frames = 0 reward = 100 self.unrealcv.set_pose(self.cam_id, self.startpose) depth_pt = self.unrealcv.read_depth(self.cam_id, mode='depthFusion') pose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id, 'soft') depth = depth_conversion(depth_pt, 320) # depth_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.depth-{:06}.npy'.format(self.count_steps) # pose_filename = self.log_dir+'frame-{:06}.pose-{:06}.txt'.format(self.count_steps) pose_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.pose-{:06}.txt'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) depth_filename = self.log_dir + 'frame-{:06}.depth-{:06}.npy'.format( self.count_house_frames, self.house_id) write_pose(pose, pose_filename), depth) out_pcl_np = depth_fusion_mult( self.log_dir, first_frame_idx=0, base_frame_idx=1000, num_frames=self.count_house_frames + 1, save_pcd=False, max_depth=1.0, house_id=self.house_id) # out_fn = 'log/house-' + '{:06}'.format(self.count_steps+1) + '.ply' # out_pcl = pcl.load(out_fn) # out_pcl_np = np.asarray(out_pcl) out_pcl_np = np.expand_dims(out_pcl_np, axis=0) self.cd_old = self.compute_chamfer(out_pcl_np) self.pose_prev = np.array(self.start_pose_rel) else: # reward = cd_delta*0.2 reward = cd_delta # reward = cd_delta*0.4 reward += -2 # added to push minimization of steps self.cd_old = cd self.total_distance += move_dist return reward, done # calcuate the 2D distance between the target and camera def cauculate_distance(self, target, current): error = abs(np.array(target) - np.array(current))[:2] # only x and y distance = math.sqrt(sum(error * error)) return distance def load_env_setting(self, filename): f = open(self.get_settingpath(filename)) type = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if type == '.json': import json setting = json.load(f) elif type == '.yaml': import yaml setting = yaml.load(f) else: print('unknown type') self.cam_id = setting['cam_id'] self.target_list = setting['targets'] self.max_steps = setting['maxsteps'] self.trigger_th = setting['trigger_th'] self.height = setting['height'] self.pitch = setting['pitch'] self.start_pose_rel = setting['start_pose_rel'] self.discrete_actions = setting['discrete_actions'] self.continous_actions = setting['continous_actions'] self.env_bin = setting['env_bin'] self.env_name = setting['env_name'] print('env name: ', self.env_name) print('env id: ', setting['env_bin']) return setting def get_settingpath(self, filename): import gym_unrealcv gympath = os.path.dirname(gym_unrealcv.__file__) return os.path.join(gympath, 'envs/setting', filename) def compute_chamfer(self, output): # with tf.Session('') as sess: # sess = K.get_session() # # loss_out =,feed_dict={inp_placeholder: output}) with tf.device('/gpu:0'): sess = K.get_session() with sess.as_default(): # with tf.Session('') as sess: # inp_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # reta,retb,retc,retd=self.nn_distance(inp_placeholder,self.gt_pcl) # with tf.name_scope('chamfer'): # reta,retb,retc,retd=self.nn_distance(output,self.gt_pcl) _, _, retc, _ = self.nn_distance(output, self.gt_pcl[self.house_id]) # loss=tf.reduce_sum(reta)+tf.reduce_sum(retc) # loss=tf.reduce_sum(retc) dist_thresh = tf.greater(0.0008, retc) dist_mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(dist_thresh, tf.float32)) # loss_out = tf.Tensor.eval(loss) coverage = tf.Tensor.eval(dist_mean) # coverage2 = tf.Tensor.eval(dist_mean2) # print('coverage2 ', coverage2) # loss_out =,feed_dict={inp_placeholder: output}) # print('coverage ', coverage) return coverage * 100 def nn_distance(self, xyz1, xyz2): ''' Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3) the first point cloud input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3) the second point cloud output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1) distance from first to second output: idx1: (batch_size,#point_1) nearest neighbor from first to second output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2) distance from second to first output: idx2: (batch_size,#point_2) nearest neighbor from second to first ''' return self.nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2)
class UnrealCvTracking_base(gym.Env): def __init__(self, setting_file = 'search_quadcopter.json', reset_type = 'random', # random action_type = 'discrete', # 'discrete', 'continuous' observation_type = 'color', # 'color', 'depth', 'rgbd' reward_type = 'distance', # distance docker = False, resolution=(84, 84) ): print(setting_file) setting = self.load_env_setting(setting_file) self.docker = docker self.reset_type = reset_type self.roll = 0 self.pitch = 0 # start unreal env self.unreal = env_unreal.RunUnreal(ENV_BIN=setting['env_bin']) env_ip, env_port = self.unreal.start(docker,resolution) # connect UnrealCV self.unrealcv = Navigation(cam_id=self.cam_id, port= env_port, ip=env_ip, env=self.unreal.path2env, resolution=resolution) # define action self.action_type = action_type assert self.action_type == 'discrete' or self.action_type == 'continuous' if self.action_type == 'discrete': self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.discrete_actions)) elif self.action_type == 'continuous': self.action_space = spaces.Box(low = np.array(self.continous_actions['low']),high = np.array(self.continous_actions['high'])) self.count_steps = 0 # define observation space, # color, depth, rgbd,... self.observation_type = observation_type assert self.observation_type == 'color' or self.observation_type == 'depth' or self.observation_type == 'rgbd' self.observation_shape = self.unrealcv.define_observation(self.cam_id,self.observation_type) # define reward type # distance, bbox, bbox_distance, self.reward_type = reward_type self.reward_function = reward.Reward(setting) self.rendering = False # init augment env if 'random' in self.reset_type or 'hide' in self.reset_type: self.show_list = self.objects_env self.hiden_list = random.sample(self.objects_env, min(15,len(self.objects_env))) for x in self.hiden_list: self.show_list.remove(x) self.unrealcv.hide_obj(x) def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): self.rendering = True def _step(self, action ): info = dict( Collision=False, Done = False, Trigger=0.0, Maxstep=False, Reward=0.0, Action = action, Pose = [], Trajectory = self.trajectory, Steps = self.count_steps, Direction = None, Distance = None, Color = None, Depth = None, ) if self.action_type == 'discrete': # linear (velocity, angle) = self.discrete_actions[action] else: (velocity, angle) = action info['Collision'] = self.unrealcv.move_2d(self.cam_id, angle, velocity) self.count_steps += 1 info['Pose'] = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id) self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_location(self.target_list[0]) info['Direction'] = self.get_direction(self.target_pos, info['Pose'][:3]) - info['Pose'][-2] if info['Direction'] < -180: info['Direction'] += 360 elif info['Direction'] > 180: info['Direction'] -= 360 info['Distance'] = self.get_distance(self.target_pos,info['Pose'][:3]) # update observation state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type) info['Color'] = self.unrealcv.img_color info['Depth'] = self.unrealcv.img_depth if info['Distance'] > self.max_distance or abs(info['Direction'])> self.max_direction: #if self.C_reward<-450: # for evaluation info['Done'] = True info['Reward'] = -1 elif 'distance' in self.reward_type: info['Reward'] = self.reward_function.reward_distance(info['Distance'],info['Direction']) # limit the max steps of every episode if self.count_steps > self.max_steps: info['Done'] = True info['Maxstep'] = True print('Reach Max Steps') # save the trajectory self.trajectory.append(info['Pose']) info['Trajectory'] = self.trajectory if self.rendering: show_info(info,self.action_type) self.C_reward += info['Reward'] return state, info['Reward'], info['Done'], info def _reset(self, ): self.C_reward = 0 self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_location(self.target_list[0]) # random hide and show objects if 'random' in self.reset_type: num_update = 3 objs_to_hide = random.sample(self.show_list,num_update) for x in objs_to_hide: self.show_list.remove(x) self.hiden_list.append(x) self.unrealcv.hide_obj(x) #self.unrealcv.hide_objects(to_hiden) objs_to_show = random.sample(self.hiden_list[:-num_update],num_update) for x in objs_to_show: self.hiden_list.remove(x) self.show_list.append(x) self.unrealcv.show_obj(x) #self.unrealcv.show_objects(to_show) time.sleep(0.5 * random.random()) time.sleep(0.5) cam_pos = self.target_pos self.target_pos = self.unrealcv.get_obj_location(self.target_list[0]) yaw = self.get_direction(self.target_pos, cam_pos) # set pose self.unrealcv.set_location(self.cam_id, cam_pos) self.unrealcv.set_rotation(self.cam_id, [self.roll, yaw, self.pitch]) current_pose = self.unrealcv.get_pose(self.cam_id,'soft') # get state state = self.unrealcv.get_observation(self.cam_id, self.observation_type) self.trajectory = [] self.trajectory.append(current_pose) self.count_steps = 0 return state def _close(self): if self.docker: self.unreal.docker.close() def _get_action_size(self): return len(self.action) def get_distance(self,target,current): error = abs(np.array(target)[:2] - np.array(current)[:2])# only x and y distance = math.sqrt(sum(error * error)) return distance def get_direction(self,target_pos,camera_pos): relative_pos = np.array(target_pos) - np.array(camera_pos) if relative_pos[0] > 0: direction = 180 * np.arctan(relative_pos[1] / relative_pos[0]) / np.pi else: direction = 180 + 180 * np.arctan(relative_pos[1] / relative_pos[0]) / np.pi return direction def load_env_setting(self,filename): f = open(self.get_settingpath(filename)) type = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if type == '.json': import json setting = json.load(f) elif type == '.yaml': import yaml setting = yaml.load(f) else: print('unknown type') #print setting self.cam_id = setting['cam_id'] self.target_list = setting['targets'] self.max_steps = setting['max_steps'] self.discrete_actions = setting['discrete_actions'] self.continous_actions = setting['continous_actions'] self.max_distance = setting['max_distance'] self.max_direction = setting['max_direction'] self.objects_env = setting['objects_list'] return setting def get_settingpath(self, filename): import gym_unrealcv gympath = os.path.dirname(gym_unrealcv.__file__) return os.path.join(gympath, 'envs/setting', filename)