コード例 #1
ファイル: ComMaWw.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/rl_werewolf
    def reset(self):
        """Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation.

                observation (object): the initial observation.
        logger.info("Reset called")
        return self.observe(phase=0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ComMaWw.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/rl_werewolf
    def __init__(self, num_players, roles=None, flex=0):

        :param num_players: int, number of player, must be grater than 4
        :param roles: list of str, list of roles for each agent
        :param flex: float [0,1), percentage of targets to consider when voting, 0 is just one, depend on the number of player.
            EG:  if num_players=10 -> targets are list of 10 elements, 10*0.5=5 -> first 5 player are considered when voting

        if isinstance(num_players, EnvContext):
                num_players = num_players['num_players']
            except KeyError:
                raise AttributeError(
                    f"Attribute 'num_players' should be present in the EnvContext"

        # number of player should be more than 5
        assert num_players >= 5, "Number of player should be >= 5"

        if roles is None:
            # number of wolves should be less than villagers
            num_wolves = math.floor(math.sqrt(num_players))
            num_villagers = num_players - num_wolves
            roles = [ww] * num_wolves + [vil] * num_villagers
                f"Starting game with {num_players} players: {num_villagers} {vil} and {num_wolves} {ww}"
            assert len(
            ) == num_players, f"Length of role list ({len(roles)}) should be equal to number of players ({num_players})"

        self.num_players = num_players
        self.roles = roles
        self.penalties = CONFIGS['penalties']
        self.max_days = CONFIGS['max_days']
        if flex == 0:
            self.flex = 1
            self.flex = math.floor(num_players * flex)

        # define empty attributes, refer to initialize method for more info
        self.role_map = None
        self.status_map = None
        self.is_night = True
        self.is_comm = True
        self.day_count = 0
        self.is_done = False
        self.targets = None
        self.previous_target = None
        self.custom_metrics = None

コード例 #3
ファイル: TurnEnv.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/rl_werewolf
    def reset(self):
        """Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation.

                observation (object): the initial observation.
        if Params.log_step == self.ep_step:
            logger.info("Reset called")
        init_signal = {p: [-1] * self.signal_length for p in range(self.num_players)}
        obs = self.observe(phase=0, signal=init_signal, targets={k: -1 for k in range(self.num_players)})
        obs, _, _, _ = self.convert(obs, {}, {}, {}, 0)
        return obs
コード例 #4
ファイル: ComMaWw.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/rl_werewolf
    def check_done(self, rewards):
        Check if the game is over, moreover return true for dead agent in done
        :param rewards: dict, maps agent id_ to curr reward
            dones: list of bool statement
            rewards: update rewards
        dones = {id_: 0 for id_ in rewards.keys()}

        for idx in range(self.num_players):
            # done if the player is not alive
            done = not self.status_map[idx]
            dones[idx] = done

        # get list of alive agents
        alives = self.get_ids('all', alive=True)

        # if there are more wolves than villagers than they won
        wolf_won = len(self.get_ids(ww)) >= len(self.get_ids(vil))
        # if there are no more wolves than the villager won
        village_won = all([
            role == vil for id_, role in self.role_map.items() if id_ in alives

        if wolf_won:  # if wolves won
            # set flag to true (for reset)
            self.is_done = True
            # reward
            for idx in self.get_ids(ww, alive=False):
                rewards[idx] += self.penalties.get('victory')
            for idx in self.get_ids(vil, alive=False):
                rewards[idx] += self.penalties.get('lost')

            logger.info(f"\n{'#' * 10}\nWolves won\n{'#' * 10}\n")
            self.custom_metrics['win_wolf'] += 1

        if village_won:
            self.is_done = True
            for idx in self.get_ids(vil, alive=False):
                rewards[idx] += self.penalties.get('victory')
            for idx in self.get_ids(ww, alive=False):
                rewards[idx] += self.penalties.get('lost')
            logger.info(f"\n{'#' * 10}\nVillagers won\n{'#' * 10}\n")
            self.custom_metrics['win_vil'] += 1

        if self.day_count >= self.max_days - 1:
            self.is_done = True

        return dones, rewards
コード例 #5
ファイル: TurnEnv.py プロジェクト: nicofirst1/rl_werewolf
    def __init__(self, configs, roles=None, flex=0):

        :param num_players: int, number of player, must be grater than 4
        :param roles: list of str, list of roles for each agent
        :param flex: float [0,1), percentage of targets to consider when voting, 0 is just one, depend on the number of player.
            EG:  if num_players=10 -> targets are list of 10 elements, 10*0.5=5 -> first 5 player are considered when voting

        # if config is dict
        if isinstance(configs, EnvContext) or isinstance(configs, dict):
            # get num player
                num_players = configs['num_players']
            except KeyError:
                raise AttributeError(f"Attribute 'num_players' should be present in the EnvContext")

        elif isinstance(configs, int):
            # used for back compatibility
            num_players = configs
            raise AttributeError(f"Type {type(configs)} is invalid for config")

        # number of player should be more than 5
        assert num_players >= 5, "Number of player should be >= 5"

        if roles is None:
            # number of wolves should be less than villagers
            num_wolves = math.floor(math.sqrt(num_players))
            num_villagers = num_players - num_wolves
            roles = [ww] * num_wolves + [vil] * num_villagers
            # random.shuffle(roles)
            logger.info(f"Starting game with {num_players} players: {num_villagers} {vil} and {num_wolves} {ww}")
            assert len(
                roles) == num_players, f"Length of role list ({len(roles)}) should be equal to number of players ({num_players})"
            num_wolves = len([elem for elem in roles if elem == ww])

        self.num_players = num_players
        self.num_wolves = num_wolves
        self.roles = roles
        self.penalties = CONFIGS['penalties']
        self.max_days = CONFIGS['max_days']
        self.signal_length = CONFIGS['signal_length']
        self.signal_range = CONFIGS['signal_range']

        # used for logging game
        self.ep_step = 0

        if flex == 0:
            self.flex = 1
            self.flex = math.floor(num_players * flex)

        # define empty attributes, refer to initialize method for more info
        self.status_map = None
        self.shuffle_map = None
        self.unshuffle_map = None
        self.is_night = True
        self.is_comm = True
        self.day_count = 0
        self.phase = 0
        self.is_done = False
        self.custom_metrics = None
        self.role_map = None