コード例 #1
ファイル: gyp_to_android_tests.py プロジェクト: 03050903/skia
  def test_create(self):

    # Now there should be a file named 'Android.mk' inside __tmp_dir
    path_to_android_mk = os.path.join(self.__tmp_dir,
コード例 #2
    def test_create(self):

        # Now there should be a file named 'Android.mk' inside __tmp_dir
        path_to_android_mk = os.path.join(self.__tmp_dir,
コード例 #3
  def _Run(self):
    with misc.ChDir(EXTERNAL_SKIA):
      # Check to see whether there is an upstream yet.
      if not UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME in shell_utils.run([GIT, 'remote', 'show']):
          shell_utils.run([GIT, 'remote', 'add', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME,
        except shell_utils.CommandFailedException as e:
          if 'remote %s already exists' % UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME in e.output:
            # Accept this error. The upstream remote name should have been in
            # the output of git remote show, which would have made us skip this
            # redundant command anyway.
            print ('%s was already added. Why did it not show in git remote'
                   ' show?' % UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME)
            raise e

      # Update the upstream remote.
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'fetch', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME])

      # Create a stack of commits to submit, one at a time, until we reach a
      # commit that has already been merged.
      commit_stack = []
      head = git_utils.ShortHash('HEAD')

      print 'HEAD is at %s' % head

      if self._got_revision:
        # Merge the revision that started this build.
        commit = git_utils.ShortHash(self._got_revision)
        raise Exception('This build has no _got_revision to merge!')

      print ('Starting with %s, look for commits that have not been merged to '
             'HEAD' % commit)
      while not git_utils.AIsAncestorOfB(commit, head):
        print 'Adding %s to list of commits to merge.' % commit
        if git_utils.IsMerge(commit):
          # Skia's commit history is not linear. There is no obvious way to
          # merge each branch in, one commit at a time. So just start with the
          # merge commit.
          print '%s is a merge. Skipping merge of its parents.' % commit
        commit = git_utils.ShortHash(commit + '~1')
        print '%s has already been merged.' % commit

      if len(commit_stack) == 0:
        raise BuildStepWarning('Nothing to merge; did someone already merge %s?'
                               ' Exiting.' % commit)

      print 'Merging %s commit(s):\n%s' % (len(commit_stack),

      # Now we have a list of commits to merge.
      while len(commit_stack) > 0:
        commit_to_merge = commit_stack.pop()

        print 'Attempting to merge ' + commit_to_merge

        # Start the merge.
          shell_utils.run([GIT, 'merge', commit_to_merge, '--no-commit'])
        except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
          # Merge conflict. There may be a more elegant solution, but for now,
          # undo the merge, and allow (/make) a human to do it.
          raise Exception('Failed to merge %s. Fall back to manual human '
                          'merge.' % commit_to_merge)

        # Grab the upstream version of SkUserConfig, which will be used to
        # generate Android's version.
        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'checkout', commit_to_merge, '--',

        # We don't want to commit the upstream version, so remove it from the
        # index.
        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'reset', 'HEAD', UPSTREAM_USER_CONFIG])

        # Now generate Android.mk and SkUserConfig.h
        gyp_failed = False
        except AssertionError as e:
          print e
          # Failed to generate the makefiles. Make a human fix the problem.
          raise Exception('Failed to generate makefiles for %s. Fall back to '
                          'manual human merge.' % commit_to_merge)
        except SystemExit as e:
          gyp_failed = True

        if not gyp_failed:
          git_utils.Add(os.path.join('tests', 'Android.mk'))
          git_utils.Add(os.path.join('tools', 'Android.mk'))
          git_utils.Add(os.path.join('bench', 'Android.mk'))
          git_utils.Add(os.path.join('gm', 'Android.mk'))
          git_utils.Add(os.path.join('dm', 'Android.mk'))

        # Remove upstream user config, which is no longer needed.

        # Create a new branch.
        shell_utils.run([REPO, 'start', LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME, '.'])

          orig_msg = shell_utils.run([GIT, 'show', commit_to_merge,
                                      '--format="%s"', '-s']).rstrip()
          message = 'Merge %s into master-skia\n\n' + SKIA_REV_URL
          if gyp_failed:
            message += '\n\nFIXME: Failed to generate makefiles!'
          shell_utils.run([GIT, 'commit', '-m', message % (orig_msg,
        except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
          # It is possible that someone else already did the merge (for example,
          # if they are testing a build slave). Clean up and exit.
          raise BuildStepWarning('Nothing to merge; did someone already merge '
                '%s?' % commit_to_merge)

        # For some reason, sometimes the bot's authentication from sync_android
        # does not carry over to this step. Authenticate again.
        with GitAuthenticate():
          # Now push to master-skia branch
            shell_utils.run([GIT, 'push', MASTER_SKIA_URL, MASTER_SKIA_REFS])
          except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
            # It's possible someone submitted in between our sync and push or
            # push failed for some other reason. Abandon and let the next
            # attempt try again.
            raise BuildStepFailure('git push failed!')

          # Our branch is no longer needed. Remove it.
          shell_utils.run([REPO, 'sync', '-j32', '.'])
          shell_utils.run([REPO, 'prune', '.'])

        # If gyp failed, this probably means there was an error in the gyp
        # files. We still want to push the commit. This way, when it gets
        # fixed with a future commit, we don't remain hung up on this one.
        if gyp_failed:
          raise BuildStepFailure('Merged %s, but failed to generate makefiles.'
                                 ' Is there a mistake in the gyp files?' %
コード例 #4
  def _Run(self):
    with misc.ChDir(EXTERNAL_SKIA):

      # Set up git config properly.
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'config', 'user.email',
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'config', 'user.name',
                       '"Skia_Android Canary Bot"'])

      # Check to see whether there is an upstream yet.
      if not UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME in shell_utils.run([GIT, 'remote', 'show']):
        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'remote', 'add', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME,

      # Update the upstream remote.
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'fetch', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME])

      # Start the merge.
        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'merge', UPSTREAM_BRANCH_NAME, '--no-commit'])
      except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
        # Merge conflict. There may be a more elegant solution, but for now,
        # undo the merge, and allow (/make) a human to do it.
        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'merge', '--abort'])
        raise Exception('Merge failed. Fall back to manual human merge.')

      # Grab the upstream version of SkUserConfig, which will be used to
      # generate Android's version.
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'checkout', UPSTREAM_BRANCH_NAME, '--',

      # We don't want to commit the upstream version, so remove it from the
      # index.
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'reset', 'HEAD', UPSTREAM_USER_CONFIG])

      # Now generate Android.mk and SkUserConfig.h
      sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PLATFORM_TOOLS_BIN))
      import gyp_to_android
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'add', 'Android.mk'])
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'add', ANDROID_USER_CONFIG])
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'add', os.path.join('tests', 'Android.mk')])

      # Remove upstream user config, which is no longer needed.
      shell_utils.run(['rm', UPSTREAM_USER_CONFIG])

      # Create a new branch.
      shell_utils.run([REPO, 'start', LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME, '.'])

      # Figure out the revision being merged, and use it to write the commit
      # message.
      commit_message = shell_utils.run([GIT, 'show', UPSTREAM_BRANCH_NAME])
      rev_index = commit_message.find(GIT_SVN_ID) + len(GIT_SVN_ID)
      rev_end = commit_message.find(' ', rev_index)
      revision = commit_message[rev_index:rev_end]

        shell_utils.run([GIT, 'commit', '-m', 'Merge Skia at r' + revision])
      except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
        # It is possible that someone else already did the merge (for example,
        # if they are testing a build slave). Clean up and exit.
        shell_utils.run([REPO, 'abandon', LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME])
        raise Exception('Nothing to merge; did someone already merge r%s?'
                        % revision)

      # Now push to master-skia branch
      shell_utils.run([GIT, 'push', MASTER_SKIA_URL, MASTER_SKIA_REFS])

      # Our branch is no longer needed. Remove it.
      shell_utils.run([REPO, 'sync', '-j32', '.'])
      shell_utils.run([REPO, 'prune', '.'])
コード例 #5
    def _Run(self):
        with misc.ChDir(EXTERNAL_SKIA):
            # Check to see whether there is an upstream yet.
            if not UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME in shell_utils.run(
                [GIT, 'remote', 'show']):
                        GIT, 'remote', 'add', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME,
                except shell_utils.CommandFailedException as e:
                    if 'remote %s already exists' % UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME in e.output:
                        # Accept this error. The upstream remote name should have been in
                        # the output of git remote show, which would have made us skip this
                        # redundant command anyway.
                            '%s was already added. Why did it not show in git remote'
                            ' show?' % UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME)
                        raise e

            # Update the upstream remote.
            shell_utils.run([GIT, 'fetch', UPSTREAM_REMOTE_NAME])

            # Create a stack of commits to submit, one at a time, until we reach a
            # commit that has already been merged.
            commit_stack = []
            head = git_utils.ShortHash('HEAD')

            print 'HEAD is at %s' % head

            if self._got_revision:
                # Merge the revision that started this build.
                commit = git_utils.ShortHash(self._got_revision)
                raise Exception('This build has no _got_revision to merge!')

                'Starting with %s, look for commits that have not been merged to '
                'HEAD' % commit)
            while not git_utils.AIsAncestorOfB(commit, head):
                print 'Adding %s to list of commits to merge.' % commit
                if git_utils.IsMerge(commit):
                    # Skia's commit history is not linear. There is no obvious way to
                    # merge each branch in, one commit at a time. So just start with the
                    # merge commit.
                    print '%s is a merge. Skipping merge of its parents.' % commit
                commit = git_utils.ShortHash(commit + '~1')
                print '%s has already been merged.' % commit

            if len(commit_stack) == 0:
                raise BuildStepWarning(
                    'Nothing to merge; did someone already merge %s?'
                    ' Exiting.' % commit)

            print 'Merging %s commit(s):\n%s' % (len(commit_stack), '\n'.join(

            # Now we have a list of commits to merge.
            while len(commit_stack) > 0:
                commit_to_merge = commit_stack.pop()

                print 'Attempting to merge ' + commit_to_merge

                # Start the merge.
                        [GIT, 'merge', commit_to_merge, '--no-commit'])
                except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
                    # Merge conflict. There may be a more elegant solution, but for now,
                    # undo the merge, and allow (/make) a human to do it.
                    raise Exception(
                        'Failed to merge %s. Fall back to manual human '
                        'merge.' % commit_to_merge)

                # Grab the upstream version of SkUserConfig, which will be used to
                # generate Android's version.
                    GIT, 'checkout', commit_to_merge, '--',

                # We don't want to commit the upstream version, so remove it from the
                # index.
                shell_utils.run([GIT, 'reset', 'HEAD', UPSTREAM_USER_CONFIG])

                # Now generate Android.mk and SkUserConfig.h
                gyp_failed = False
                except AssertionError as e:
                    print e
                    # Failed to generate the makefiles. Make a human fix the problem.
                    raise Exception(
                        'Failed to generate makefiles for %s. Fall back to '
                        'manual human merge.' % commit_to_merge)
                except SystemExit as e:
                    gyp_failed = True

                if not gyp_failed:
                    git_utils.Add(os.path.join('tests', 'Android.mk'))
                    git_utils.Add(os.path.join('tools', 'Android.mk'))
                    git_utils.Add(os.path.join('bench', 'Android.mk'))
                    git_utils.Add(os.path.join('gm', 'Android.mk'))
                    git_utils.Add(os.path.join('dm', 'Android.mk'))

                # Remove upstream user config, which is no longer needed.

                # Create a new branch.
                shell_utils.run([REPO, 'start', LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME, '.'])

                    orig_msg = shell_utils.run(
                        [GIT, 'show', commit_to_merge, '--format="%s"',
                    message = 'Merge %s into master-skia\n\n' + SKIA_REV_URL
                    if gyp_failed:
                        message += '\n\nFIXME: Failed to generate makefiles!'
                        GIT, 'commit', '-m',
                        message % (orig_msg, commit_to_merge)
                except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
                    # It is possible that someone else already did the merge (for example,
                    # if they are testing a build slave). Clean up and exit.
                    raise BuildStepWarning(
                        'Nothing to merge; did someone already merge '
                        '%s?' % commit_to_merge)

                # For some reason, sometimes the bot's authentication from sync_android
                # does not carry over to this step. Authenticate again.
                with GitAuthenticate():
                    # Now push to master-skia branch
                            [GIT, 'push', MASTER_SKIA_URL, MASTER_SKIA_REFS])
                    except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
                        # It's possible someone submitted in between our sync and push or
                        # push failed for some other reason. Abandon and let the next
                        # attempt try again.
                        raise BuildStepFailure('git push failed!')

                    # Our branch is no longer needed. Remove it.
                    shell_utils.run([REPO, 'sync', '-j32', '.'])
                    shell_utils.run([REPO, 'prune', '.'])

                # If gyp failed, this probably means there was an error in the gyp
                # files. We still want to push the commit. This way, when it gets
                # fixed with a future commit, we don't remain hung up on this one.
                if gyp_failed:
                    raise BuildStepFailure(
                        'Merged %s, but failed to generate makefiles.'
                        ' Is there a mistake in the gyp files?' %