def hankel_spline_lognormal_cl(ells, cl, plot=False, ell_min=90, ell_max=1e5): ft = SymmetricFourierTransform(ndim=2, N=200, h=0.03) # transform to angular correlation function with inverse hankel transform and spline interpolated C_ell spline_cl = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.log10(ells), np.log10(cl)) f = lambda ell: 10**(spline_cl(np.log10(ell))) thetas = np.pi / ells w_theta = ft.transform(f, thetas, ret_err=False, inverse=True) # compute lognormal angular correlation function w_theta_g = np.log(1. + w_theta) # convert back to multipole space spline_w_theta_g = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.log10(np.flip(thetas, 0)), np.flip(w_theta_g, 0)) g = lambda theta: spline_w_theta_g(np.log10(theta)) cl_g = ft.transform(g, ells, ret_err=False) spline_cl_g = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.log10(ells), np.log10(np.abs(cl_g))) # plotting is just for validation if ever unsure if plot: plt.figure() plt.loglog(ells, cl, label='$C_{\\ell}$', marker='.') plt.loglog(ells, cl_g, label='$C_{\\ell}^G$', marker='.') plt.loglog(np.linspace(ell_min, ell_max, 1000), 10**spline_cl_g( np.log10(np.linspace(ell_min, ell_max, 1000))), label='spline of $C_{\\ell}^G$') plt.legend(fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('$\\ell$', fontsize=16) plt.title('Angular power spectra', fontsize=16) return cl_g, spline_cl_g
def _realspace_power(self, nu1, nu2): r = np.logspace(-3, 3, 1000) ht1 = SymmetricFourierTransform(ndim=2, N=1000, h=0.003, a=0, b=2 * np.pi) gres = ht1.transform( lambda u: np.sqrt(self.point_source_power_spec(2 * np.pi * u)) * np .sqrt(self.point_source_power_spec(2 * np.pi * u)), k=r, inverse=True, ret_err=False) # *nu1*nu2 xir = spline(np.log(r), np.log(gres)) return lambda r: np.exp(xir(np.log(r)))