def main(portName, simulated): print "INITIALIZING MOBILE BASE BY MARCOSOFT..." ###Connection with ROS rospy.init_node("mobile_base") pubOdometry = rospy.Publisher("mobile_base/odometry", Odometry, queue_size=1) pubBattery = rospy.Publisher("robot_state/base_battery", Float32, queue_size=1) subStop = rospy.Subscriber("robot_state/stop", Empty, callbackStop) subSpeeds = rospy.Subscriber("mobile_base/speeds", Float32MultiArray, callbackSpeeds) #subCmdVel = rospy.Subscriber("mobile_base/cmd_vel", Twist, callbackCmdVel) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rate = rospy.Rate(20) Roboclaw = roboclaw.Roboclaw( portName, 115200) #nombre del puerto, baudrate del puerto ###Communication with the Roboclaw if not simulated: print "MobileBase.-> Trying to open serial port on \"" + portName + "\"" Roboclaw.Open() address = 0x80 print "MobileBase.-> Serial port openned on \"" + portName + "\" at 38400 bps (Y)" print "MobileBase.-> Clearing previous encoders readings" Roboclaw.ResetEncoders(address) #reseteando encoders ###Variables for setting tire speeds global leftSpeed global rightSpeed global newSpeedData leftSpeed = 0 rightSpeed = 0 newSpeedData = False speedCounter = 5 ###Variables for odometry robotPos = [0, 0, 0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if newSpeedData: newSpeedData = False speedCounter = 5 if not simulated: leftSpeed = int(leftSpeed * 127) rightSpeed = int(rightSpeed * 127) try: if leftSpeed >= 0: Roboclaw.ForwardM2(address, leftSpeed) else: Roboclaw.BackwardM2(address, -leftSpeed) if rightSpeed >= 0: Roboclaw.ForwardM1(address, rightSpeed) else: Roboclaw.BackwardM1(address, -rightSpeed) except: print "MOBILE BASE.->Error while sending speeds to Roboclaw" else: speedCounter -= 1 if speedCounter == 0: if not simulated: Roboclaw.ForwardM1(address, 0) Roboclaw.ForwardM2(address, 0) else: leftSpeed = 0 rightSpeed = 0 if speedCounter < -1: speedCounter = -1 if not simulated: try: c1, encoderLeft, c2 = Roboclaw.ReadEncM2(address) d1, encoderRight, d2 = Roboclaw.ReadEncM1(address) Roboclaw.ResetEncoders(address) except: print "MOBILE BASE.->Error while reading encoders" else: encoderLeft = leftSpeed * 0.1 * 16000 / 0.58 encoderRight = rightSpeed * 0.1 * 16000 / 0.58 ###Odometry calculation robotPos = calculateOdometry(robotPos, encoderLeft, encoderRight) #print "Encoders: " + str(encoderLeft) + " " + str(encoderRight) ##Odometry and transformations ts = TransformStamped() ts.header.stamp = ts.header.frame_id = "odom" ts.child_frame_id = "base_link" ts.transform.translation.x = robotPos[0] ts.transform.translation.y = robotPos[1] ts.transform.translation.z = 0 ts.transform.rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, robotPos[2]) br.sendTransform((robotPos[0], robotPos[1], 0), ts.transform.rotation,, ts.child_frame_id, ts.header.frame_id) msgOdom = Odometry() msgOdom.header.stamp = msgOdom.pose.pose.position.x = robotPos[0] msgOdom.pose.pose.position.y = robotPos[1] msgOdom.pose.pose.position.z = 0 msgOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 msgOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 msgOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z = math.sin(robotPos[2] / 2) msgOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w = math.cos(robotPos[2] / 2) pubOdometry.publish(msgOdom) ###Reads battery and publishes the corresponding topic motorBattery = 18.5 if not simulated: motorBattery = Roboclaw.ReadMainBatteryVoltage( address) #Lectura de voltaje de bateria #msgBattery = Float32() = motorBattery #pubBattery.publish(msgBattery) rate.sleep() #End of while if not simulated: Roboclaw.ForwardM1(address, 0) Roboclaw.ForwardM2(address, 0)
import serial, time, sys, math import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Empty from std_msgs.msg import Float32 from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from std_msgs.msg import Bool from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from hardware_tools import roboclaw import tf base_diameter = 0.52; rc_address_frontal = 0x80; rc_address_lateral = 0x80; rc_frontal = roboclaw.Roboclaw("/dev/ttyACM0", 38400); #Roboclaw controling motors for frontal movement (left and right) rc_lateral = roboclaw.Roboclaw("/dev/ttyACM1", 38400); #Roboclaw controling motors for lateral movement (front and rear) rc_acceleration = 1000000; global simul; simul = False; def print_help(): print "MOBILE BASE BY MARCOSOFT. Options:" print "\t --port \t Serial port name. If not provided, the default value is \"/dev/ttyACM0\"" print " - Mobile base can be moved by publishing either mobile_base/cmd_vel or" print " - mobile_base/speeds. Speeds must be values in [-1, 1] where a value of 1 " print " - represents the maximum speed that each motor can generate." print "PLEASE DON'T TRY TO OPERATE JUSTINA IF YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED ENOUGH." def check_speed_ranges(s_left, s_right, s_front, s_rear): #speeds: left, right, front and rear max_value_frontal = max(abs(s_left), abs(s_right));
###ALREADY IMPLEMENTED IN THE ROBOCLAW BOARD. THE SIMULATION OPTION HAS BEEN SUPRESSED ###FOR SIMULATION YOU SHOULD USE THE OMNI_BASE_SIMUL NODE. import serial, time, sys, math import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Empty from std_msgs.msg import Float32 from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from hardware_tools import roboclaw import tf base_diameter = 0.86 rc_address_left = 0x80 rc_address_right = 0x80 rc_left = roboclaw.Roboclaw("/dev/ttyACM0", 38400) #Roboclaw controling motors for frontal movement (left and right) rc_right = roboclaw.Roboclaw("/dev/ttyACM1", 38400) #Roboclaw controling motors for lateral movement (front and rear) rc_acceleration = 1000000 def print_help(): print "MOBILE BASE BY MARCOSOFT. Options:" print "\t --port \t Serial port name. If not provided, the default value is \"/dev/ttyACM0\"" print " - Mobile base can be moved by publishing either mobile_base/cmd_vel or" print " - mobile_base/speeds. Speeds must be values in [-1, 1] where a value of 1 " print " - represents the maximum speed that each motor can generate." print "PLEASE DON'T TRY TO OPERATE JUSTINA IF YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED ENOUGH."
def __init__(self): print "MobileBase.-> INITIALIZING THE AMAZING MOBILE BASE NODE BY REY..." rospy.init_node("mobile_base") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) rospy.loginfo("Trying to Connect to roboclaws") port_name_frontal = "/dev/ttyACM0" port_name_lateral = "/dev/ttyACM1" self.simul = False if rospy.has_param('~simul'): self.simul = rospy.get_param('~simul') if rospy.has_param('~port1'): port_name_frontal = rospy.get_param('~port1') elif not self.simul: print_help() sys.exit() if rospy.has_param('~port2'): port_name_lateral = rospy.get_param('~port2') elif not self.simul: #TODO put the correct config ros param help print_help() sys.exit() #TODO If is necessary add the ros param address roboclaw self.rc_address_frontal = 0x80 self.rc_address_lateral = 0x80 #self.BASE_WIDTH = 0.6 #388 + 6.5 self.BASE_WIDTH = 0.44 #self.TICKS_PER_METER_LATERAL = 103072.0 #Ticks per meter for the slow motors (front and rear) #self.TICKS_PER_METER_FRONTAL = 103072.0 #Ticks per meter for the fast motors (left and right) self.TICKS_PER_METER_LATERAL = 139071.0 #Ticks per meter for the slow motors (front and rear) self.TICKS_PER_METER_FRONTAL = 139071.0 #Ticks per meter for the fast motors (left and right) #baud_rate_frontal = 38400 #baud_rate_lateral = 38400 baud_rate_frontal = 115200 baud_rate_lateral = 115200 self.speed_front_left = 0 self.speed_front_right = 0 self.speed_rear = 0 if not self.simul: self.rc_frontal = roboclaw.Roboclaw(port_name_frontal, baud_rate_frontal) #Roboclaw controling motors for frontal movement (left and right) self.rc_lateral = roboclaw.Roboclaw(port_name_lateral, baud_rate_lateral) #Roboclaw controling motors for lateral movement (front and rear) if self.rc_address_frontal > 0x87 or self.rc_address_frontal < 0x80: rospy.logfatal("Address frontal out of range") rospy.signal_shutdown("Address lateral out of range") if self.rc_address_frontal > 0x87 or self.rc_address_frontal < 0x80: rospy.logfatal("Address frontal out of range") rospy.signal_shutdown("Address lateral out of range") try: self.rc_frontal.Open() except Exception as e: rospy.logfatal("Could not connect to frontal Roboclaw") rospy.logdebug(e) rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not connect to frontal Roboclaw") try: self.rc_lateral.Open() except Exception as e: rospy.logfatal("Could not connect to lateral Roboclaw") rospy.logdebug(e) rospy.signal_shutdown("Could not connect to lateral Roboclaw") #TODO Config the diagnostic config try: frontal_version = self.rc_frontal.ReadVersion( self.rc_address_frontal) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Problem getting roboclaw frontal version") rospy.logdebug(e) pass if not frontal_version[0]: rospy.logwarn("Could not get version from frontal roboclaw") else: rospy.logdebug(repr(frontal_version[1])) try: lateral_version = self.rc_frontal.ReadVersion( self.rc_address_lateral) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Problem getting roboclaw lateral version") rospy.logdebug(e) pass if not lateral_version[0]: rospy.logwarn("Could not get version from lateral roboclaw") else: rospy.logdebug(repr(lateral_version[1])) self.rc_frontal.SpeedM1M2(self.rc_address_frontal, 0, 0) self.rc_frontal.ResetEncoders(self.rc_address_frontal) self.rc_lateral.SpeedM1(self.rc_address_lateral, 0) self.rc_lateral.ResetEncoders(self.rc_address_lateral) #ROBOCLAW CONFIGURATION CONSTANT pos_PID_front_left = self.rc_frontal.ReadM1PositionPID( self.rc_address_frontal) pos_PID_front_right = self.rc_frontal.ReadM2PositionPID( self.rc_address_frontal) pos_PID_rear = self.rc_lateral.ReadM1PositionPID( self.rc_address_lateral) vel_PID_front_left = self.rc_frontal.ReadM1VelocityPID( self.rc_address_frontal) vel_PID_front_right = self.rc_frontal.ReadM2VelocityPID( self.rc_address_frontal) vel_PID_rear = self.rc_lateral.ReadM1VelocityPID( self.rc_address_lateral) print "MobileBase.->Position PID constants: Success P I D MaxI Deadzone MinPos MaxPos" print "MobileBase.->Front Left Motor: " + str(pos_PID_front_left) print "MobileBase.->Front Right Motor: " + str(pos_PID_front_right) print "MobileBase.->Rear Motor: " + str(pos_PID_rear) print "MobileBase.->Velocity PID constants: Success P I D QPPS" #QPPS = speed in ticks/s when motor is at full speed print "MobileBase.->Front Left Motor: " + str(vel_PID_front_left) print "MobileBase.->Front Right Motor: " + str(vel_PID_front_right) print "MobileBase.->Rear Motor: " + str(vel_PID_rear) self.QPPS_FRONT_LEFT = vel_PID_front_left[4] self.QPPS_FRONT_RIGHT = vel_PID_front_right[4] self.QPPS_REAR = vel_PID_rear[4] if self.QPPS_FRONT_LEFT != self.QPPS_FRONT_RIGHT or self.QPPS_FRONT_RIGHT != self.QPPS_REAR: print "MobileBase.->WARNING: Motors have different max speeds!! Stall condition may occur." if self.rc_frontal.ReadPWMMode(self.rc_address_frontal)[1] == 1: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for left and right motors: Sign magnitude" else: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for left and right motors: Locked antiphase" if self.rc_lateral.ReadPWMMode(self.rc_address_lateral)[1] == 1: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for front and rear motors: Sign magnitude" else: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for front and rear motors: Locked antiphase" else: self.QPPS_FRONT_LEFT = self.TICKS_PER_METER_FRONTAL self.QPPS_FRONT_RIGHT = self.TICKS_PER_METER_FRONTAL self.QPPS_REAR = self.TICKS_PER_METER_LATERAL self.encodm = EncoderOdom(self.TICKS_PER_METER_FRONTAL, self.TICKS_PER_METER_LATERAL, self.BASE_WIDTH) self.last_set_speed_time = rospy.get_rostime() rospy.sleep(1) self.pubBattery = rospy.Publisher("mobile_base/base_battery", Float32, queue_size=1) self.pubJointStates = rospy.Publisher("/joint_states", JointState, queue_size=1) #subStop = rospy.Subscriber("robot_state/stop", Empty, callback_stop, queue_size=1); self.subCmdVel = rospy.Subscriber("/hardware/mobile_base/cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmd_vel_callback, queue_size=1) self.subSimul = rospy.Subscriber("/simulated", Bool, self.callback_simulated, queue_size=1)
def main(port_name_1, port_name_2): print "MobileBase.-> INITIALIZING THE AMAZING MOBILE BASE NODE BY MARCOSOFT..." #ROS CONNECTION rospy.init_node("omni_mobile_base") pubBattery = rospy.Publisher("mobile_base/base_battery", Float32, queue_size=1) subStop = rospy.Subscriber("robot_state/stop", Empty, callback_stop) subSpeeds = rospy.Subscriber("/hardware/mobile_base/speeds", Float32MultiArray, callback_speeds) subCmdVel = rospy.Subscriber("/hardware/mobile_base/cmd_vel", Twist, callback_cmd_vel) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rate = rospy.Rate(30) #ROBOCLAW CONNECTION rc_frontal = roboclaw.Roboclaw(port_name_1, 250000) rc_lateral = roboclaw.Roboclaw(port_name_2, 250000) rc_address1 = 0x80 rc_address2 = 0x80 if rc_frontal.Open() != 1: print "MobileBase.-> Cannot open port " + port_name_1 return #if rc_lateral.Open() != 1: # print "MobileBase.-> Cannot open port " + port_name_2; # return; print "MobileBase.-> Roboclaw1 open on port " + port_name_1 print "MobileBase.-> Roboclaw2 open on port " + port_name_2 rc_frontal.ResetEncoders(rc_address1) #rc_lateral.ResetEncoders(rc_address2); #ROBOCLAW CONFIGURATION CONSTANTS m_left_pos_PID = rc_frontal.ReadM1PositionPID(rc_address1) m_right_pos_PID = rc_frontal.ReadM2PositionPID(rc_address1) #m_front_pos_PID = rc_lateral.ReadM1PositionPID(rc_address2); #m_rear_pos_PID = rc_lateral.ReadM2PositionPID(rc_address2); m_left_vel_PID = rc_frontal.ReadM1VelocityPID(rc_address1) m_right_vel_PID = rc_frontal.ReadM2VelocityPID(rc_address1) #m_front_vel_PID = rc_lateral.ReadM1VelocityPID(rc_address2); #m_rear_vel_PID = rc_lateral.ReadM2VelocityPID(rc_address2); print "MobileBase.->Position PID constants: Success P I D MaxI Deadzone MinPos MaxPos" print "MobileBase.->Left Motor: " + str(m_left_pos_PID) print "MobileBase.->Right Motor: " + str(m_right_pos_PID) #print "MobileBase.->Front Motor: " + str(m_front_pos_PID); #print "MobileBase.->Rear Motor: " + str(m_rear_pos_PID); print "MobileBase.->Velocity PID constants: Success P I D QPPS" #QPPS = speed in ticks/s when motor is at full speed print "MobileBase.->Left Motor: " + str(m_left_vel_PID) print "MobileBase.->Right Motor: " + str(m_right_vel_PID) #print "MobileBase.->Front Motor: " + str(m_front_vel_PID); #print "MobileBase.->Left Motor: " + str(m_left_vel_PID); QPPS_M_LEFT = m_left_vel_PID[4] QPPS_M_RIGHT = m_right_vel_PID[4] QPPS_M_FRONT = 1000 #m_front_vel_PID[4]; QPPS_M_REAR = 1000 #m_rear_vel_PID[4]; if QPPS_M_LEFT != QPPS_M_RIGHT or QPPS_M_REAR != QPPS_M_FRONT: print "MobileBase.->WARNING: Motors have different max speeds!! Stall condition may occur." if rc_frontal.ReadPWMMode(rc_address1)[1] == 1: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for left and right motors: Sign magnitude" else: print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for left and right motors: Locked antiphase" #if rc_lateral.ReadPWMMode(rc_address2) == 1: # print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for front and rear motors: Sign magnitude" #else: # print "MobileBase.->PWM Mode for front and rear motors: Locked antiphase" #Variable initialization M_LR_ACCELERATION = 15000 #Acceleration for speed control of left and right motors M_FR_ACCELERATION = 30000 #Acceleration for speed control of front and rear motors global new_data global speed_left global speed_right global speed_front global speed_rear speed_left = 0 speed_right = 0 speed_front = 0 speed_rear = 0 new_data = False no_new_data_counter = 10 #If no new speed data arrive after 5 cycles, motors are stopped. robot_x = 0 robot_y = 0 robot_t = 0 encoder_left_last = 0 encoder_right_last = 0 encoder_front_last = 0 encoder_rear_last = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if new_data: new_data = False no_new_data_counter = 10 speed_left = int(speed_left * 16.0 / 35.0 * QPPS_M_LEFT) #Factor 16/35 is due to the different motor reductions speed_right = int(speed_right * 16.0 / 35.0 * QPPS_M_RIGHT) #Factor 16/35 is due to the different motor reductions speed_front = int(speed_front * QPPS_M_FRONT) speed_rear = int(speed_rear * QPPS_M_REAR) try: rc_frontal.SpeedAccelM1M2(rc_address1, M_LR_ACCELERATION, speed_left, speed_right) #rc_lateral.SpeedAccelM1M2(rc_address2, M_FR_ACCELERATION, speed_front, speed_rear); except: print "MobileBase.->Error while sending speed to left-right Roboclaw" else: no_new_data_counter -= 1 if no_new_data_counter == 0: rc_frontal.ForwardM1(rc_address1, 0) rc_frontal.ForwardM2(rc_address1, 0) #rc_lateral.ForwardM1(rc_address2, 0); #rc_lateral.ForwardM2(rc_address2, 0); if no_new_data_counter < -1: no_new_data_counter = -1 encoder_left = rc_frontal.ReadEncM1(rc_address1)[1] encoder_right = rc_frontal.ReadEncM2(rc_address1)[1] encoder_front = 0 #rc_lateral.ReadEncM1(rc_address2)[1]; encoder_rear = 0 #rc_lateral.ReadEncM2(rc_address2)[1]; delta_left = encoder_left - encoder_left_last delta_right = encoder_right - encoder_right_last delta_front = encoder_front - encoder_front_last delta_rear = encoder_rear - encoder_rear_last encoder_left_last = encoder_left encoder_right_last = encoder_right encoder_front_last = encoder_front encoder_rear_last = encoder_rear if (math.fabs(delta_left) < 10000 and math.fabs(delta_right) < 10000 and math.fabs(delta_front) < 10000 and math.fabs(delta_rear) < 10000): (robot_x, robot_y, robot_t) = calculate_odometry(robot_x, robot_y, robot_t, delta_left, delta_right, delta_front, delta_rear) else: print "MobileBase.->Invalid encoder readings." quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, robot_t) br.sendTransform((robot_x, robot_y, 0), quaternion,, "base_link", "odom") pubBattery.publish( Float32(rc_frontal.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(rc_address1)[1])) rate.sleep() print "MobileBase.->Stopping motors..." rc_frontal.ForwardM1(rc_address1, 0) rc_frontal.ForwardM2(rc_address1, 0)