コード例 #1
def loopDetection(linkedList):
    myHashTable = HashTable()
    current = linkedList.head
    while (current.next):
        if (myHashTable.get(current)):
            return current
            myHashTable.put(current, current.value)
        current = current.next
コード例 #2
def main():
    t = HashTable()
    buildFromFile(t, 'small.dict')
    ans = t.search(input("enter word to search for: "), 1)
    if (ans == True):
        print("valid word")
        print("invalid word")
def removeDups(linkedList):
    myHashTable = HashTable()
    current = linkedList.head
    while (current):
        myHashTable.put(current.value, "node")
        current = current.next
    entries = myHashTable.getEntries()
    current = linkedList.head
    for i in range(0, len(entries)):
        if (i == 0):
            linkedList.head.value = entries[i]['key']
            current.next.value = entries[i]['key']
            current = current.next
    current.next = None
    return linkedList
コード例 #4
class SymbolTable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.symTable = HashTable(40)

    def getSymTable(self):
        return self.symTable

    def getHashAtIndex(self, index):
        return self.symTable.hashTable[index]

    def addSymbol(self, key):
        position = self.symTable.add(key)
        return position

    def getTokenPosition(self, token):
        return self.symTable.getPosition(token)
コード例 #5
ファイル: autocorrect.py プロジェクト: yogesh1905/IT-LAB
def main():
    table = HashTable()
    buildFromFile(table, 'ispell.dict')
    print("dictionary built.")

    while True:
        word = input("word: ")
        if (table.search(word, 1) == True):
            print("Word found")
            list = getWordList(word)
            print("Suggestions:  ", end="")
            for w in list:
                if (table.search(w, 1) == True):
                    print(w, end=" ")
def linkedListPalindrome(linkedList):
    myHashTable = HashTable()
    pointer = linkedList.head
    while (pointer):
        if (myHashTable.get(pointer.value)):
            myHashTable.put(pointer.value, myHashTable.get(pointer.value) + 1)
            myHashTable.put(pointer.value, 1)
        pointer = pointer.next
    isPalindrome = True
    evenCount = 0
    oddCount = 0
    for i in range(0, len(myHashTable.getEntries())):
        if (myHashTable.getEntries()[i]['value'] % 2 == 0):
            evenCount = evenCount + 1
            oddCount = oddCount + 1
    if (oddCount > 1):
        isPalindrome = False
    return isPalindrome
def zeroMatrix(matrix):
    m = len(matrix)
    n = len(matrix[0])
    iHashTable = HashTable()
    jHashTable = HashTable()
    for i in range(0, m):
        for j in range(0, n):
            if (matrix[i][j] == 0):
                iHashTable.put(i, "i")
                jHashTable.put(j, "j")
    ientries = iHashTable.getEntries()
    jentries = jHashTable.getEntries()

    for i in range(0, len(ientries)):
        for j in range(0, n):
            matrix[ientries[i]['key']][j] = 0
    for i in range(0, len(jentries)):
        for j in range(0, m):
            matrix[j][jentries[i]['key']] = 0
    return matrix
コード例 #8
def main():
    table = HashTable(30)

    choice = int(
            "Choose dictionary to use:\n1. small.dict\n2. ispell.dict\n9. Exit\n"
    if choice == 1:
        f = open("small.dict", "r")
    elif choice == 2:
        f = open("ispell.dict", "r")
    elif choice == 9:
        return 0

    a = f.read().splitlines()
    print("Loading dictionary. Please wait...\n")
    for word in a:
    print("Ready! Please enter values...")
    while True:
        key = input("Enter element to search: (Enter k to exit)\n")
        if key == 'k':
def palindromePermutation(string):
    word = string.lower()
    myHashTable = HashTable()
    for i in range(0, len(word)):
        if (myHashTable.get(word[i]) != None):
            myHashTable.put(word[i], myHashTable.get(word[i]) + 1)
        elif (myHashTable.get(word[i]) == None and word[i] != " "):
            myHashTable.put(word[i], 1)

    numOfEvenOccurences = 0
    numOfOddOccurences = 0

    entries = myHashTable.getEntries()
    for i in range(0, len(entries)):
        if (entries[i]['value'] % 2 == 0):
            numOfEvenOccurences = numOfEvenOccurences + 1
        elif (entries[i]['value'] % 2 == 1):
            numOfOddOccurences = numOfOddOccurences + 1

    if (numOfOddOccurences > 1):
        return False
        return True
コード例 #10
class SymbolTable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.symTableIdentifiers = HashTable(17)
        self.symTableConstants = HashTable(17)

    def getIdentifiers(self):
        return self.symTableIdentifiers

    def getConstants(self):
        return self.symTableConstants

    def addIdentifier(self, key):
        position = self.symTableIdentifiers.add(key)
        return position

    def addConstant(self, key):
        position = self.symTableConstants.add(key)
        return position

    def getPositionIdentifier(self, token):
        return self.symTableIdentifiers.getPosition(token)

    def getPositionConstant(self, token):
        return self.symTableConstants.getPosition(token)
コード例 #11
from hashTable import HashTable
from truck import Truck
from distance_data import DistanceData
import utility

menu = True
while menu:
    # truck1 start time
    delta_1 = timedelta(hours=8)
    # truck2 start time
    delta_2 = timedelta(hours=9, minutes=5)
    # truck3 start time
    delta_3 = timedelta(hours=10, minutes=20)
    # Create the hash table object
    hash_table = HashTable()
    # load the hash table
    # create and load the distance graph
    distance_graph = DistanceData.load_graph()
    # instantiate truck1
    truck1 = Truck(distance_graph, hash_table, delta_1)
    # instantiate truck2
    truck2 = Truck(distance_graph, hash_table, delta_2)
    # instantiate truck3
    truck3 = Truck(distance_graph, hash_table, delta_3)
    # load packages on truck1
    truck1.load_packages("4", "7", "13", "14", "15", "16", "19", "20", "27",
                         "29", "34", "40", "23", "11", "17")
    # make a sub-graph of the package locations
コード例 #12
from hashTable import HashTable

H = HashTable()
H[20] = 13
H[21] = 14
H[31] = 20
H[31] = 21
print(31 in H)
コード例 #13
def alphaBeta(board, player, ply, depth):
    Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm.
    :param board: the board that minimax is performed on;
    :param player: the player whose turn it is;
    :param ply: the turn number
    :param - alpha: alpha value
    :param - beta: beta value
    :return value: value of the game.

    rec_table = HashTable()
    node_count = 0
    table_hits = 0

    def do_alphaBeta(board, player, ply, alpha, beta, depth):
        For memoization.
        nonlocal node_count
        nonlocal table_hits

        # update stats
        node_count += 1

        # Transposition:
        board_hash = board.encode()
        if USE_TRANSPOSITION and board_hash in rec_table and\
                depth <= rec_table[board_hash][1]:
            table_hits += 1
            return rec_table[board_hash][0]

        # evaluate board
        b_eval = Evaluate(board)

        if b_eval.utility(ply) != Constants.NON_TERMINAL:  # terminal node
            ret = b_eval.utility(ply)
        elif depth <= 0:
            ret = b_eval.evaluation()
            successors = board.successors(player)

            if len(successors) <= 0:
                ret = Constants.DRAW
            elif player == Constants.MAX:
                v = Constants.NEGINF
                for child in successors:
                    v = max(v, do_alphaBeta(child, Constants.MIN, ply+1, \
                                         alpha, beta, depth-1))
                    alpha = max(alpha, v)
                    if beta <= alpha:
                        break  # beta cut-off
                ret = v
                v = Constants.INF
                for child in successors:
                    v = min(v, do_alphaBeta(child, Constants.MAX, ply+1, \
                                         alpha, beta, depth-1))
                    beta = min(beta, v)
                    if beta <= alpha:
                        break  # alpha cut-off
                ret = v

        # Transposition:
            rec_table[board_hash] = (ret, depth)

        return ret

    return do_alphaBeta(board, player, ply, \
                        Constants.NEGINF, \
                        Constants.INF, depth), \
           len(rec_table), \
           node_count, table_hits
コード例 #14
def minimax(board, player, ply, depth):
    Minimax algorithm.
    :param board: the board that minimax is performed on;
    :param player: the player whose turn it is;
    :param ply: the turn number;
    :return value: value of the game.

    rec_table = HashTable()
    node_count = 0
    table_hits = 0

    ### Internal function begins
    def do_minimax(board, player, ply, depth):
        For memoization.
        # Stats:
        nonlocal node_count
        nonlocal table_hits
        node_count += 1

        # Transposition:
        board_hash = board.encode()
        if USE_TRANSPOSITION and board_hash in rec_table and\
                depth <= rec_table[board_hash][1]:
            table_hits += 1
            return rec_table[board_hash][0]

        # evaluate board
        b_eval = Evaluate(board)

        if b_eval.utility(ply) != Constants.NON_TERMINAL:  # End game
            ret = b_eval.utility(ply)
        elif depth <= 0:  # max search depth hit
            ret = b_eval.evaluation()
        else:  # recursive case
            successors = board.successors(player)

            # No successors is a draw
            if len(successors) <= 0:
                ret = Constants.DRAW
            elif player == Constants.MAX:
                best_value = Constants.NEGINF
                for succ in successors:
                    v = do_minimax(succ, Constants.MIN, ply + 1, depth - 1)
                    best_value = max(best_value, v)
                ret = best_value
            else:  # if player is minimizer
                best_value = Constants.INF
                for succ in successors:
                    v = do_minimax(succ, Constants.MAX, ply + 1, depth - 1)
                    best_value = min(best_value, v)
                ret = best_value

        # Transposition:
            rec_table[board_hash] = (ret, depth)
        return ret

    ### Internal function ends

    return do_minimax(board, player, ply, depth), \
           len(rec_table), \
           node_count, table_hits
コード例 #15
from hashTable import HashTable

tab = HashTable()

tab["Hello"] = "Hello1"
tab["Hello"] = "Hello2"
tab["World"] = "World"


print("\n\nKey-Value Pairs:")
for k,v in tab.items():

for i in tab.keys():

for i in tab:

コード例 #16
 def __init__(self):
     self.symTableIdentifiers = HashTable(17)
     self.symTableConstants = HashTable(17)
コード例 #17
 def test_init(self):
     ht = HashTable(4)
     assert len(ht.buckets) == 4
     assert ht.length() == 0
コード例 #18
from dynamicArray import DynamicArray
from FileIo import FileIo
from hashTable import HashTable

print("Hashing Function 2")
arr = DynamicArray()
F = FileIo(filename="Customer.csv")
table = HashTable(table=arr)
j = 0
print("%4s" % "No.", end=" ")
print("%17s" % "Customer Id", end=" ")
print("%14s" % "First Name", end="  ")
print("%9s" % "Last Name")
for i in range(len(table.table.array)):
    if table.table.array[i] is None:
        j += 1
    if table.table.array[i] is not None:
        linkedlist = table.get_hashed(i)
        a = "[" + str(linkedlist.key) + "]"
        print("%4s" % a, end=" ")
        print("%17s" % linkedlist.head.data.customer_id, end=" ")
        print("%14s" % linkedlist.head.data.first_name, end="  ")
        print("%9s" % linkedlist.head.data.last_name, end=" ")
        if table.table.array[i].GetLength() > 1:
            start = linkedlist.head.next
            while start is not None:
                print("%17s" % start.data.customer_id, end=" ")
                print("%14s" % start.data.first_name, end="  ")
                print("%9s" % start.data.last_name, end="  ")
                start = start.next
コード例 #19
from tkinter import *

from tkinter import ttk
import csv
import package
from distance import Distances
from hashTable import HashTable
from truck import Trucks
import datetime
from datetime import datetime

with open('WGUPSPackageFile1.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
    csv_file = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')  # reads the CSV package file
    list_of_packages = list(csv_file)
    # print(list_of_packages[0][0])
    pH = HashTable(
    )  # 15 - creates a hashtable object by calling the HashTable class

    distances = Distances()
    trucks = Trucks()  # creates truck object by calling Trucks class

    # creates lists of each package attribute

    Package_IDs = []
    Addresses = []
    Cities = []
    States = []
    Zips = []
    Delivery_Deadlines = []
    Weight = []
    Notes = []
    Status = []
コード例 #20
ファイル: testHashTable.py プロジェクト: mcnic/algorithms
    def test_hash_fun(self):
        hashTable = HashTable(19, 3)

        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxvn980cvnxcbfvjksd'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('yery54n77ji'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('ert43564645'), 5)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('rtbktut'), 16)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('ывспмкенкнк'), 11)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxvnxmcv08905xcbfvjksd'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('вкс3еме45н5  564  '), 18)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxыапукetxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 6)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxc5435sd'), 13)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.hash_fun('fsdfhxvnxm5443nxcbfvjksd'), 13)
コード例 #21
ファイル: testHashTable.py プロジェクト: mcnic/algorithms
    def test_find(self):
        hashTable = HashTable(19, 3)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvn980cvnxcbfvjksd'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('yery54n77ji'), 11)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('ert43564645'), 5)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('rtbktut'), 16)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('ывспмкенкнк'), 14)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcv08905xcbfvjksd'), 17)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('вкс3еме45н5  564  '), 18)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxыапукetxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 6)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxc5435sd'), 13)
        #self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxm5443nxcbfvjksd'), 0)
        # print('test_find')

        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxvnxmcv08905xcbfvjksd'), 17)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('yery54n77ji'), 11)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('ert43564645'), 5)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxvn980cvnxcbfvjksd'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxc5435sd'), 13)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('ывспмкенкнк'), 14)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('вкс3еме45н5  564  '), 18)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxыапукetxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), 6)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('rtbktut'), 16)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.find('fsdfhxvnxm5443nxcbfvjksd'), None)
コード例 #22
ファイル: testHashTable.py プロジェクト: mcnic/algorithms
    def test_put_anomale(self):
        hashTable = HashTable(1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvn980cvnxcbfvjksd'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), None)

        hashTable = HashTable(-1, 1)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), None)

        hashTable = HashTable(1, -10)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvn980cvnxcbfvjksd'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put('fsdfhxvnxmcvnxcbfvjksd'), None)

        hashTable = HashTable(1, 3)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put(''), 0)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put(''), None)
        self.assertEqual(hashTable.put(''), None)
コード例 #23
start = datetime.datetime.now()
ht = HT()
for num in nums:
    if ht.contains(num):
        ht.set(num, ht.get(num) + 1)
        ht.add(num, 1)
for num in set(nums):

end = datetime.datetime.now()
print(end - start)

start = datetime.datetime.now()
ht = HashTable()
for num in nums:
    if ht.contains(num):
        ht.set(num, ht.get(num) + 1)
        ht.add(num, 1)
for num in set(nums):

end = datetime.datetime.now()
print(end - start)

start = datetime.datetime.now()
avl = AVLMap()
for num in nums:
    if avl.contains(num):
コード例 #24
    i = 0
    noise = re.search('[^ATCG]', entry[0:25])
    while noise != None and i < len(entry) - 24:
        i = noise.span()[1]
        noise = re.search('[^ATCG]', entry[i:i + 25])
    return i

def evaluateLine(line, entry):
    if line.startswith('>'):
        return ''
        return entry + line.replace('\n', '')

    hashtable = HashTable()
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    file = open(filename)
    entry = ''
    for line in file:
        entry = evaluateLine(line, entry)
except Exception as e:
    print('Distinct 25-mers: ' + str(hashtable.size))
    print('Total 25-mers: ' + str(hashtable.total))
    print('Highest count: ' + hashtable.mostCommon)
コード例 #25
def main_one():
    with open('WGUPSPackageFile1.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
        csv_file = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')  # reads the CSV package file
        list_of_packages = list(csv_file)
        # print(list_of_packages[0][0])
        packageHashTable = HashTable()  # 15 - creates a hashtable object by calling the HashTable class

        distances = Distances()
        trucks = Trucks()  # creates truck object by calling Trucks class

        # creates lists of each package attribute

        Package_IDs = []
        Addresses = []
        Cities = []
        States = []
        Zips = []
        Delivery_Deadlines = []
        Weight = []
        Notes = []
        Status = []
        Departure_time = []

        # reads the package csv and creates attributes for each package
        for row in list_of_packages:  # space time complexity is O(N)
            pid = row[0].strip()
            address = row[1]
            city = row[2]
            state = row[3]
            zipcode = row[4]
            deadline = row[5]
            weight = row[6]
            note = row[7]
            status = row[8]
            departure_time = row[9]

            # appends each value to respective lists

            p = package.Package(pid, address, city, state, zipcode, deadline,
                                weight, note)  # creates the package object using the package class

            packageHashTable.get(pid)  # look up the package by the id
            packageHashTable.insert(pid, p)  # inserts the packages into the hashtable

        # gets the package object using the ids using the hashtable and creates package objects for each
        p1 = packageHashTable.get('1')
        p5 = packageHashTable.get('5')
        p7 = packageHashTable.get('7')
        p8 = packageHashTable.get('8')
        p10 = packageHashTable.get('10')
        p11 = packageHashTable.get('11')
        p12 = packageHashTable.get('12')
        p13 = packageHashTable.get('13')
        p14 = packageHashTable.get('14')
        p15 = packageHashTable.get('15')
        p16 = packageHashTable.get('16')
        p19 = packageHashTable.get('19')
        p20 = packageHashTable.get('20')
        p29 = packageHashTable.get('29')
        p30 = packageHashTable.get('30')
        p34 = packageHashTable.get('34')
        p37 = packageHashTable.get('37')
        p3 = packageHashTable.get('3')
        p6 = packageHashTable.get('6')
        p18 = packageHashTable.get('18')
        p25 = packageHashTable.get('25')
        p26 = packageHashTable.get('26')
        p31 = packageHashTable.get('31')
        p36 = packageHashTable.get('36')
        p38 = packageHashTable.get('38')
        p40 = packageHashTable.get('40')
        p2 = packageHashTable.get('2')
        p4 = packageHashTable.get('4')
        p9 = packageHashTable.get('9')
        p17 = packageHashTable.get('17')
        p21 = packageHashTable.get('21')
        p22 = packageHashTable.get('22')
        p23 = packageHashTable.get('23')
        p24 = packageHashTable.get('24')
        p27 = packageHashTable.get('27')
        p28 = packageHashTable.get('28')
        p32 = packageHashTable.get('32')
        p33 = packageHashTable.get('33')
        p35 = packageHashTable.get('35')
        p39 = packageHashTable.get('39')
        # p37.status = 'At Hub'
        # print(p37)
        firstTruckTripPackages = [p1, p7, p8, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p19, p20, p29, p30, p34, p37]
        # print(p1.pid)
        # puts the packages into the first truck
        # print(packageHashTable.update_status('1', 'At HUB'))

        firstTruckTripPAddresses = []
        for item in firstTruckTripPackages:
            firstTruckTripPackageA = item.address
            # creates a list of addresses of each package in the first truck
            # space time complexity of O(N)

        secondTruckTripPackages = [p3, p6, p18, p25, p26, p31, p36, p38, p40]
        # puts the package object into the second truck

        secondTruckTripPAddresses = []
        for item in secondTruckTripPackages:
            secondTruckTripPackageA = item.address
            # creates a list of addresses of each package in the second truck
            # space time complexity of O(N)

        thirdTruckTripPackages = [p2, p4, p5, p9, p17, p21, p22, p23, p24, p27, p28, p32, p33, p35, p39]
        # puts the package object into the third truck

        thirdTruckTripPAddresses = []
        for item in thirdTruckTripPackages:
            firstTruckSecondTripPackageA = item.address
            # creates a list of addresses of each package in the second truck
            # space time complexity of O(N)

        first_location = 'HUB'

        # creates list of addresses from the optimized list of addresses from truck 1
        first_truck_delivery = trucks.shortest_distance_calculation_truck1_addresses(
            firstTruckTripPAddresses, firstTruckTripPackages, first_location)

        # creates list of addresses from the optimized list of addresses from truck 2
        second_truck_delivery = trucks.shortest_distance_calculation_truck2_addresses(
            secondTruckTripPAddresses, secondTruckTripPackages, first_location)

        # creates list of addresses from the optimized list of addresses from truck 3
        third_truck_delivery = trucks.shortest_distance_calculation_truck3_addresses(
            thirdTruckTripPAddresses, thirdTruckTripPackages, first_location)

    # lines 166-168 update each package departure time

    # lines 167-169 update each package delivery time to the time they are delivered
    trucks.update_package_delivery_time_first_truck(first_truck_delivery, firstTruckTripPackages, 'HUB')
    trucks.update_package_delivery_time_second_truck(second_truck_delivery, secondTruckTripPackages, 'HUB')
    trucks.update_package_delivery_time_third_truck(third_truck_delivery, thirdTruckTripPackages, 'HUB')

    # for item in firstTruckTripPackages:
    #     print(item.pid)
    #     print(item.departure_time)
    #     print(item.delivery_time)
    # print('\n')
    # for item2 in secondTruckTripPackages:
    #     print(item2.pid)
    #     print(item2.departure_time)
    #     print(item2.delivery_time)
    # print('\n')
    # for item3 in thirdTruckTripPackages:
    #     print(item3.pid)
    #     print(item3.departure_time)
    #     print(item3.delivery_time)
    # print('\n')

    print('Hello, welcome to the portal of the Western Governors University Parcel Service!')
    print('Below is the total miles traveled in by each truck delivery:')
    first_truck_miles = trucks.calculate_total_distance_traveled_per_truck(first_truck_delivery, 'HUB')
    print('First truck miles: ', first_truck_miles)
    second_truck_miles = trucks.calculate_total_distance_traveled_per_truck(second_truck_delivery, 'HUB')
    print('Second truck miles: ', second_truck_miles)
    third_truck_miles = trucks.calculate_total_distance_traveled_per_truck(third_truck_delivery, 'HUB')
    print('Third truck miles: ', third_truck_miles)
    print('Total miles: ', first_truck_miles + second_truck_miles + third_truck_miles)

    first_input = input("Please enter 'get' or 'status' to get started. 'Get' will return package information and "
                        "'status' will return status information for a certain time: ")
    # space time complexity O(N^2)
    while first_input is not 'exit':
        if first_input == 'get':
            p = input("Please enter package ID: ")
            for package_id_input in firstTruckTripPackages:  # gets package information from each package in truck 1
                if package_id_input.pid == p:
                    departure_time = package_id_input.departure_time
                    delivery_time = package_id_input.delivery_time
                    user_input_time = input("please enter a time in the 'HH:MM:SS' format: ")
                    convert_user_input_time = datetime.strptime(user_input_time, '%H:%M:%S')
                    if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is at hub and then sets
                        # value in hashtable
                        package_id_input.status = 'At HUB'
                        print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                              package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                              'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight, 'Notes: ',
                              package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                              package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                    elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is in transit
                        # then sets in hashtable
                        if convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:
                            package_id_input.status = 'In transit'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                        else:  # checks if package is delivered and then sets value in hashtable
                            package_id_input.status = 'Delivered'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
            for package_id_input in secondTruckTripPackages:  # gets package information from each package in truck 2
                if package_id_input.pid == p:
                    departure_time = package_id_input.departure_time
                    delivery_time = package_id_input.delivery_time
                    user_input_time = input("please enter a time in the 'HH:MM:SS' format: ")
                    convert_user_input_time = datetime.strptime(user_input_time, '%H:%M:%S')
                    if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:
                        package_id_input.status = 'At HUB'
                        print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                              package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                              'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight, 'Notes: ',
                              package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                              package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                    elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time:
                        if convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:
                            package_id_input.status = 'In transit'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                            package_id_input.status = 'Delivered'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
            for package_id_input in thirdTruckTripPackages:  # gets package information from each package in truck 3
                if package_id_input.pid == p:
                    departure_time = package_id_input.departure_time
                    delivery_time = package_id_input.delivery_time
                    user_input_time = input("please enter a time in the 'HH:MM:SS' format: ")
                    convert_user_input_time = datetime.strptime(user_input_time, '%H:%M:%S')
                    if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is at the hub
                        package_id_input.status = 'At HUB'
                        print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                              package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                              'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight, 'Notes: ',
                              package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                              package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                    elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is in transit or delivered
                        if convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:
                            package_id_input.status = 'In transit'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
                            package_id_input.status = 'Delivered'
                            print('Package ID: ', package_id_input.pid, 'Address: ', package_id_input.address, 'City: ',
                                  package_id_input.city, 'State: ', package_id_input.state, 'Zipcode: ',
                                  'Deadline: ', package_id_input.deadline, 'Weight: ', package_id_input.weight,
                                  'Notes: ',
                                  package_id_input.note, 'Status: ', package_id_input.status, 'Departure Time: ',
                                  package_id_input.departure_time, 'Delivery Time: ', package_id_input.delivery_time)
        # checks the status of each package in all three trucks
        elif first_input == 'status':
            user_input_input_time = input("Please enter starting time in 'HH:MM:SS' format: ")
            convert_user_input_time = datetime.strptime(user_input_input_time,
                                                        '%H:%M:%S')  # converts time inputted to datetime
            for p in firstTruckTripPackages:  # checks status of the first truck
                departure_time = p.departure_time
                delivery_time = p.delivery_time
                if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is at the HUB
                    p.status = 'At HUB'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif delivery_time <= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package has been delivered
                    p.status = 'Delivered'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:  # checks if package is in transit
                    p.status = 'In transit'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
            for p in secondTruckTripPackages:  # checks status of the second truck
                departure_time = p.departure_time
                delivery_time = p.delivery_time
                if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is at the hub
                    p.status = 'At HUB'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif delivery_time <= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package has been delivered
                    p.status = 'Delivered'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:  # checks if package is in transit
                    p.status = 'In transit'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
            for p in thirdTruckTripPackages:  # checks status of third truck
                departure_time = p.departure_time
                delivery_time = p.delivery_time
                if departure_time >= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package is at the hub
                    p.status = 'At HUB'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif delivery_time <= convert_user_input_time:  # checks if package has been delivered
                    p.status = 'Delivered'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
                elif departure_time <= convert_user_input_time < delivery_time:  # checks if package is in transit
                    p.status = 'In transit'
                    print('Package ID: ', p.pid, 'Status: ', p.status)
        elif first_input == 'exit':
コード例 #26
 def test_length(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     assert ht.length() == 0
     ht.set('I', 1)
     assert ht.length() == 1
     ht.set('V', 5)
     assert ht.length() == 2
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.length() == 3
コード例 #27
ages_ans_often_fem = []
ages_ans_some_fem = []
ages_ans_often_other = []
ages_ans_some_other = []
ages_ans_often_male = []
ages_ans_some_male = []
survey_answers_ages = []
survey_answers_ages_fem = []
survey_answers_ages_male = []
survey_answers_ages_other = []

with open('TechMentalHealthSurvey.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
    csv_file = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')  # reads the CSV package file
    list_of_answers = list(csv_file)
    # print(list_of_packages[0][0])
    mhsurvey = HashTable(
    )  # 15 - creates a hashtable object by calling the HashTable class

    Row_IDs = []
    Age = []
    Gender = []
    Country = []
    State = []
    Self_employed = []
    Family_history = []
    Treatment = []
    Work_interference = []
    No_employees = []
    Remote_work = []
    Tech_company = []
    Benefits = []
    Care_options = []
コード例 #28
 def test_set_and_get(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.get('I') == 1
     assert ht.get('V') == 5
     assert ht.get('X') == 10
     assert ht.length() == 3
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         ht.get('A')  # Key does not exist
コード例 #29
 def __init__(self):
     self.symTable = HashTable(40)
コード例 #30
 def test_delete(self):
     ht = HashTable()
     ht.set('I', 1)
     ht.set('V', 5)
     ht.set('X', 10)
     assert ht.length() == 3
     assert ht.length() == 1
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         ht.delete('X')  # Key no longer exists
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         ht.delete('A')  # Key does not exist