from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck import pprint import sys import logging LOGFORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOGFORMAT) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() hatchbuck = Hatchbuck(sys.argv[1], noop=False) profile = hatchbuck.search_email(sys.argv[2]) pp.pprint(profile["addresses"]) profile = hatchbuck.clean_all_addresses(profile) pp.pprint(profile["addresses"])
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck import pprint import sys pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() hatchbuck = Hatchbuck(sys.argv[1]) profile = hatchbuck.search_email("*****@*****.**") profile = hatchbuck.add_tag(profile, "new tag") pp.pprint(profile)
def test_safe_update(self): hatchbuck = Hatchbuck("", noop=True) self.maxDiff = None # top level fields originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["firstName"] = "Hello" changedprofile["lastName"] = "World" self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, {"firstName": "Hello", "lastName": "World"} ), changedprofile, ) # field with dict originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["salesRep"] = {"username": "******"} self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, {"salesRep": {"username": "******"}} ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, update by id originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["emails"] = [ { "address": "*****@*****.**", "id": "S2lIY2NOS2dBRnRCamEyQUZxTG00dzhlYjAxUU9Sa3Z5ZFVENGVHTG1DODE1", "type": "Work", "typeId": "VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1", } ] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "emails": [ { "address": "*****@*****.**", "id": "S2lIY2NOS2dBRnRCamEyQUZxTG00dzhlYjAxUU9Sa3Z5Z" "FVENGVHTG1DODE1", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, deleting empty by id originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["emails"] = [] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "emails": [ { "address": "", "id": "S2lIY2NOS2dBRnRCamEyQUZxTG00dzhlYjAxUU9Sa3Z5Z" "FVENGVHTG1DODE1", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, deleting empty by id originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["addresses"] = [] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "addresses": [ { "id": "Q0NjajF2U1lTWnBHM1hjRFlnQzhzMHZ2UUxLY2d6a1JaU" "3Nicm5hRTN6azE1", "city": "", "country": "", "state": "", "street": "", "zip": "", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, deleting empty by id originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["phones"] = [] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "phones": [ { "number": "", "id": "OHh4U0ZWc3FNVXVBQVF4cjdsak9McWc4TVppZlF4NklrN" "mZfSnBhaDZwQTE1", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, deleting empty by id originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["socialNetworks"] = [] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "socialNetworks": [ { "address": "", "id": "S1pEM2NMWlhmZ1VUcDhTUWVvQy1kU21xMjlSbDg5Z3piM" "ERVbEFsam42azE1", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, adding new originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["emails"] = [ { "address": "*****@*****.**", "id": "S2lIY2NOS2dBRnRCamEyQUZxTG00dzhlYjAxUU9Sa3Z5ZFVENGVHTG1DODE1", "type": "Work", "typeId": "VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1", }, {"address": "*****@*****.**", "type": "Home"}, ] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, {"emails": [{"address": "*****@*****.**", "type": "Home"}]}, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, updating by listdictkey originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["emails"] = [ { "address": "*****@*****.**", "id": "S2lIY2NOS2dBRnRCamEyQUZxTG00dzhlYjAxUU9Sa3Z5ZFVENGVHTG1DODE1", "type": "Home", "typeId": "VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1", } ] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, {"emails": [{"address": "*****@*****.**", "type": "Home"}]}, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, not adding empty address originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "addresses": [ { "city": "", "country": "", "state": "", "street": "", "zip": "", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, not adding empty address originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, { "addresses": [ { "city": "", "country": "", "state": "", "street": "", "zip": "", } ] }, ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, not adding empty/incomplete email originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update( originalprofile, {"emails": [{"address": "", "type": "Home"}]} ), changedprofile, ) # field with list of dict, adding incomplete address originalprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile = copy.deepcopy(testProfile) changedprofile["addresses"] = [ { "city": "Zürich", "country": "Switzerland", "countryId": "QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1", "id": "Q0NjajF2U1lTWnBHM1hjRFlnQzhzMHZ2UUxLY2d6a1JaU3Nicm5hRTN6azE1", "state": "ZH", "street": "Neugasse 10", "type": "Work", "typeId": "SjFENlU0Y2s2RDFpM0NKWEExRmVvSjZ4T3NJMG5pLWNYZjRseDBSaTVfVTE1", "zip": "8005", }, {"city": "Zürich", "country": "", "state": "", "street": "", "zip": ""}, ] self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.safe_update(originalprofile, {"addresses": [{"city": "Zürich"}]}), changedprofile, )
def test_clean_all_phone_numbers(self): hatchbuck = Hatchbuck("") hatchbuck.noop = True profile1 = { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "+(414) 454-5 53 00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", }, { "id": "2", "number": "+(414) 454-5 53 00", "type": "Home", "typeId": "qwer", }, { "id": "3", "number": "(044) 545-53-00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", }, ] } self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.clean_all_phone_numbers(profile1), { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "+41 44 545 53 00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", } ] }, ) profile2 = { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "(044) 545-53-00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", } ], "addresses": [{"country": "Switzerland"}], } self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.clean_all_phone_numbers(profile2), { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "+41 44 545 53 00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", } ], "addresses": [{"country": "Switzerland"}], }, ) profile3 = { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "(044) 545-53-00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", } ], "addresses": [{"country": "Switzerland "}], # note the space } self.assertEqual( hatchbuck.clean_all_phone_numbers(profile3), { "phones": [ { "id": "1", "number": "+41 44 545 53 00", "type": "Work", "typeId": "asdf", } ], "addresses": [{"country": "Switzerland "}], }, )
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck import pprint import sys pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() hatchbuck = Hatchbuck(sys.argv[1]) profile = hatchbuck.search_email("*****@*****.**") profile = hatchbuck.profile_contains(profile, "phones", "number", "+(414) 454-5 53 00") pp.pprint(profile)
def main(noop=False, partnerfilter=False, verbose=False): """ Fetch Odoo ERP customer info """ if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOGFORMAT) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOGFORMAT) hatchbuck = Hatchbuck(os.environ.get("HATCHBUCK_APIKEY"), noop=noop) odoo = odoorpc.ODOO(os.environ.get("ODOO_HOST"), protocol="jsonrpc+ssl", port=443) odoodb = os.environ.get("ODOO_DB", False) if not odoodb: # if the DB is not configured pick the first in the list # this takes another round-trip to the API odoodbs = odoo.db.list() odoodb = odoodbs[0] odoo.login(odoodb, os.environ.get("ODOO_USERNAME"), os.environ.get("ODOO_PASSWORD")) # logging.debug(odoo.env) partnerenv = odoo.env["res.partner"] # search for all partner contacts that are people, not companies odoo_filter = [("is_company", "=", False)] # optionally filter by name, mostly used for debugging if partnerfilter: odoo_filter.append(("name", "ilike", partnerfilter)) partner_ids = # logging.debug(partner_ids) for pid in partner_ids: for child in partnerenv.browse(pid): # browse() is similar to a database result set/pointer # it should be able to take a list of IDs # but it timeouted for my largish list of IDs$ # so we're browsing one ID at a time... # child = person/contact in a company # Available fields: # __last_update # active # bank_ids # birthdate # calendar_last_notif_ack # category_id # child_ids # city # color # comment # commercial_partner_id # company_id # contact_address # contract_ids # contracts_count # country_id # create_date # create_uid # credit # credit_limit # customer # date # debit # debit_limit # display_name # ean13 # email # employee # fax # function # has_image # image # image_medium # image_small # invoice_ids # is_company # journal_item_count # lang # last_reconciliation_date # meeting_count # meeting_ids # message_follower_ids # message_ids # message_is_follower # message_last_post # message_summary # message_unread # mobile # name # notify_email # opportunity_count # opportunity_ids # opt_out # parent_id # parent_name # phone # phonecall_count # phonecall_ids # property_account_payable # property_account_position # property_account_receivable # property_delivery_carrier # property_payment_term # property_product_pricelist # property_product_pricelist_purchase # property_stock_customer # property_stock_supplier # property_supplier_payment_term # purchase_order_count # ref # ref_companies # sale_order_count # sale_order_ids # section_id # signup_expiration # signup_token # signup_type # signup_url # signup_valid # state_id # street # street2 # supplier # supplier_invoice_count # task_count # task_ids # title # total_invoiced # type # tz # tz_offset # use_parent_address # user_id # user_ids # vat # vat_subjected # website # write_date # write_uid # zip categories = [ for cat in child.category_id], # vorname nachname #, # titel ("Dr.") # child.function, # "DevOps Engineer" # child.parent_id.invoice_ids.amount_total, child.parent_name, # Firmenname # child.parent_id, #, #, #, #, categories, # child.opt_out, # child.lang, # child.street, # child.street2, #, #, #, # child.total_invoiced, # child.invoice_ids.amount_total, # partner.total_invoiced, # partner_turnover, #, # child.comment, )) if not or == "false":"no email") continue if "@" not in or "." not in logging.error("email does not look like email: %s", continue emails ="mailto:", "") emails = [x.strip() for x in emails.split(",")] profile = hatchbuck.search_email_multi(emails) if profile is None: logging.debug("user not found in CRM") if not any([x in STATUSMAP for x in categories]): # only add contacts that have one of STATUSMAP status # -> don't add administrative contacts to CRM "not adding contact because no relevant category") continue # create profile profile = dict() firstname, lastname = split_name( profile["firstName"] = firstname profile["lastName"] = lastname profile["subscribed"] = True # dummy category, will be properly set below profile["status"] = {"name": "Customer"} profile["emails"] = [] for addr in emails: profile["emails"].append({"address": addr, "type": "Work"}) profile = hatchbuck.create(profile)"added profile: %s", profile) if profile is None: logging.error("adding contact failed: %s", profile) continue else:"contact found: %s", profile) for cat in STATUSMAP: if cat in categories: # apply the first matching category from STATUSMAP if noop: profile["status"] = STATUSMAP[cat] else:"ERP category: %s => CRM status: %s", cat, STATUSMAP[cat]) profile = hatchbuck.update(profile["contactId"], {"status": STATUSMAP[cat]}) break # logging.debug( # "contact has category vip %s and tag %s", # "VIP" in categories, # hatchbuck.profile_contains(profile, "tags", "name", "VIP"), # ) if "VIP" in categories and not hatchbuck.profile_contains( profile, "tags", "name", "VIP"):"adding VIP tag") hatchbuck.add_tag(profile["contactId"], "VIP") if "VIP" not in categories and hatchbuck.profile_contains( profile, "tags", "name", "VIP"):"removing VIP tag") hatchbuck.remove_tag(profile["contactId"], "VIP") # update profile with information from odoo if (profile.get("firstName", "") == "" or profile.get("firstName", "false") == "false"): firstname, _ = split_name("Updating first name: %s", firstname) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "firstName", None, firstname) if (profile.get("lastName", "") == "" or profile.get("lastName", "false") == "false"): _, lastname = split_name("Updating last name: %s", lastname) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "lastName", None, lastname) for addr in emails: profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "emails", "address", addr, {"type": "Work"}) if profile.get("title", "") == "" and child.function:"updating title: %s", child.function) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "title", None, child.function) if profile["status"] == "Employee" and os.environ.get( "EMPLOYEE_COMPANYNAME", False):"updating company: %s", child.parent_name) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add( profile, "company", None, os.environ.get("EMPLOYEE_COMPANYNAME")) elif profile.get("company", "") == "" and child.parent_name:"updating company: %s", child.parent_name) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "company", None, child.parent_name) if profile.get("company", "") == "": # empty company name -> # maybe we can guess the company name # from the email address? # logging.warning("empty company with emails: {0}". # format(profile['emails'])) pass # clean up company name if re.match(r";$", profile.get("company", "")): logging.warning("found unclean company name: %s", format(profile["company"])) if re.match(r"\|", profile.get("company", "")): logging.warning("found unclean company name: %s", format(profile["company"])) # Add address address = { "street": child.street, "zip_code":, "city":, "country":, } if profile["status"] == "Employee": kind = "Home" else: kind = "Work" logging.debug("adding address %s %s", address, profile) profile = hatchbuck.profile_add_address(profile, address, kind) # Add website field to Hatchbuck Contact if profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "website", "websiteUrl", # Add phones and mobile fields to Hatchbuck Contact if profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "phones", "number",, {"type": kind}) if profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "phones", "number",, {"type": "Mobile"}) # format & deduplicate all phone numbers profile = hatchbuck.clean_all_phone_numbers(profile) # Add customFields(comment, amount_total, lang) to # Hatchbuck Contact if child.comment: profile = hatchbuck.profile_add( profile, "customFields", "value", child.comment, {"name": "Comments"}, ) if child.lang: profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "customFields", "value", child.lang, {"name": "Language"}) partner_turnover = "0" if child.parent_id: # if the contact belongs to a company include total turnover of the company partner_turnover = str(round(child.parent_id.total_invoiced)) else: partner_turnover = str(round(child.total_invoiced)) # looking at # # /odoo/odoo/blob/master/addons/account/models/ # this uses in the background and returns 0 # if the user does not have access to it # permission: "Accounting & Finance": "Invoicing & Payments" profile = hatchbuck.profile_add(profile, "customFields", "value", partner_turnover, {"name": "Invoiced"}) # Add ERP tag to Hatchbuck Contact if not hatchbuck.profile_contains(profile, "tags", "name", "ERP"): hatchbuck.add_tag(profile["contactId"], "ERP")
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck import pprint import sys pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() hatchbuck = Hatchbuck(sys.argv[1]) profile = hatchbuck.search_email_multi( ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"]) pp.pprint(profile)