def _output(outs, rtype ): """ Return results in the rtype format""" if len(outs) == 0:'Found no occurence.') raise StopIteration if rtype == 'string': yield '[' for ss, addr in outs: yield "# --------------- 0x%lx \n%s"% (addr, ss.toString() ) pass yield ']' raise StopIteration #else {'json', 'pickled'} : # cast in pyObject from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by instance method fincCtypesinpyobj ret = [ (ss.toPyObject(), addr) for ss, addr in outs] # last check to clean the structure from any ctypes Structure if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(ret): raise HaystackError('Bug in framework, some Ctypes are still in the return results. Please Report test unit.') # finally if rtype == 'python': # pyobj yield ret elif rtype == 'json': #jsoned yield json.dumps(ret, default=basicmodel.json_encode_pyobj ) #cirular refs kills it check_circular=False, elif rtype == 'pickled': #pickled yield pickle.dumps(ret) raise StopIteration
def searchIn(structName, mappings, targetMappings=None, maxNum=-1): """ Search a structure in a specific memory mapping. if targetMappings is not specified, the search will occur in each memory mappings in mappings. :param structName the structure name. :param mappings the memory mappings list. :param targetMappings the list of specific mapping to look into. :param maxNum the maximum number of results expected. -1 for infinite. """ from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by instance method log.debug('searchIn: %s - %s'%(structName,mappings)) structType = getKlass(structName) finder = StructFinder(mappings, targetMappings) # find all possible structType instance outs=finder.find_struct( structType, maxNum=maxNum) # prepare outputs ret=[ (ss.toPyObject(),addr) for ss, addr in outs] if len(ret) >0: log.debug("%s %s"%(ret[0], type(ret[0]) ) ) if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(ret): log.error('=========************======= CTYPES STILL IN pyOBJ !!!! ') return ret
def _show_output(instance, validated, rtype): """ Return results in the rtype format""" if not validated: str_fn = lambda x: str(x) else: str_fn = lambda x: x.toString() if rtype == 'string': return "(%s\n, %s)" % (str_fn(instance), validated) #else {'json', 'pickled', 'python'} : # cast in pyObject pyObj = instance.toPyObject() from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by isntance method finctypesinpyobj # last check to clean the structure from any ctypes Structure if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(pyObj): raise HaystackError( 'Bug in framework, some Ctypes are still in the return results. Please Report test unit.' ) # finally if rtype == 'python': # pyobj return (pyObj, validated) elif rtype == 'json': #jsoned return json.dumps((pyObj, validated), default=basicmodel.json_encode_pyobj ) #cirular refs kills it check_circular=False, elif rtype == 'pickled': #pickled return pickle.dumps((pyObj, validated)) raise ValueError('rtype should have a valid value')
def _output(outs, rtype): """ Return results in the rtype format""" if len(outs) == 0:'Found no occurence.') raise StopIteration if rtype == 'string': yield '[' for ss, addr in outs: yield "# --------------- 0x%lx \n%s" % (addr, ss.toString()) pass yield ']' raise StopIteration #else {'json', 'pickled'} : # cast in pyObject from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by instance method fincCtypesinpyobj ret = [(ss.toPyObject(), addr) for ss, addr in outs] # last check to clean the structure from any ctypes Structure if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(ret): raise HaystackError( 'Bug in framework, some Ctypes are still in the return results. Please Report test unit.' ) # finally if rtype == 'python': # pyobj yield ret elif rtype == 'json': #jsoned yield json.dumps(ret, default=basicmodel.json_encode_pyobj ) #cirular refs kills it check_circular=False, elif rtype == 'pickled': #pickled yield pickle.dumps(ret) raise StopIteration
def searchIn(structName, mappings, targetMappings=None, maxNum=-1): """ Search a structure in a specific memory mapping. if targetMappings is not specified, the search will occur in each memory mappings in mappings. :param structName the structure name. :param mappings the memory mappings list. :param targetMappings the list of specific mapping to look into. :param maxNum the maximum number of results expected. -1 for infinite. """ from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by instance method log.debug('searchIn: %s - %s' % (structName, mappings)) structType = getKlass(structName) finder = StructFinder(mappings, targetMappings) # find all possible structType instance outs = finder.find_struct(structType, maxNum=maxNum) # prepare outputs ret = [(ss.toPyObject(), addr) for ss, addr in outs] if len(ret) > 0: log.debug("%s %s" % (ret[0], type(ret[0]))) if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(ret): log.error('=========************======= CTYPES STILL IN pyOBJ !!!! ') return ret
def _show_output(instance, validated, rtype ): """ Return results in the rtype format""" if not validated : str_fn = lambda x: str(x) else: str_fn = lambda x: x.toString() if rtype == 'string': return "(%s\n, %s)"% ( str_fn(instance), validated ) #else {'json', 'pickled', 'python'} : # cast in pyObject pyObj = instance.toPyObject() from haystack import basicmodel # TODO replace by isntance method finctypesinpyobj # last check to clean the structure from any ctypes Structure if basicmodel.findCtypesInPyObj(pyObj): raise HaystackError('Bug in framework, some Ctypes are still in the return results. Please Report test unit.') # finally if rtype == 'python': # pyobj return (pyObj, validated) elif rtype == 'json': #jsoned return json.dumps( (pyObj, validated), default=basicmodel.json_encode_pyobj ) #cirular refs kills it check_circular=False, elif rtype == 'pickled': #pickled return pickle.dumps((pyObj, validated)) raise ValueError('rtype should have a valid value')