コード例 #1
def run_kalman(T_obs, x_init, covar_init, f=30.):
Runs the kalman filter using just the observations from hydra.
    dt = 1/f
    N = len(T_obs)
    ## load the noise covariance matrices:
    covar_mats = cPickle.load(open(hd_path + '/hd_track/data/old/pr2-hydra-kinect-covars-xyz-rpy.cpickle'))
    motion_covar = 1e4*covar_mats['process']
    hydra_covar = 1e5*covar_mats['hydra']

    ## initialize the filter:
    KF = kalman()
    KF.init_filter(0, x_init, covar_init, motion_covar, hydra_covar, None)
    ts = dt * (np.arange(N)+1)
    estimates = [] ## the kalman filter estimates
    covars    = []

    ## run the filter:
    for i in xrange(len(ts)-1):
        KF.observe_hydra(T_obs[i+1], ts[i])
    return (estimates, covars)
コード例 #2
def run_smoother():
    dt = 1/30.
    N = 3000
    Ts_bh, Ts_bg, T_gh, Ts_bg_gh, X_bh, X_bg_gh = load_data()
    Ts_bh = Ts_bh[10:N]
    X_bh  = X_bh[:,10:N]
    X_bg_gh = X_bg_gh[:,10:N]
    ## initialize the kalman belief:
    x_init = X_bg_gh[:,0]
    I3 = np.eye(3)
    S_init = scl.block_diag(1e-6*I3, 1e-3*I3, 1e-4*I3, 1e-1*I3)
    ## run the kalman filter:
    X_kf, S_kf = run_kalman(Ts_bh, x_init, S_init, 1./dt)
    ## load the noise covariance matrices:
    covar_mats = cPickle.load(open(hd_path + '/hd_track/data/old/pr2-hydra-kinect-covars-xyz-rpy.cpickle'))
    R    = covar_mats['process']
    A, _ = kalman().get_motion_mats(dt)
    X_s, _ = smoother(A, 4e2*np.eye(12), X_kf, S_kf)
    X_s  = np.array(X_s).T[0,:,:]
    X_kf = np.array(X_kf)
    X_kf = np.reshape(X_kf, (X_kf.shape[0], X_kf.shape[1])).T
    ## plot the results:
    print X_kf.shape, X_bh.shape, X_bg_gh.shape
    plot_smoother(X_s, X_kf[:,1:], X_bh, X_bg_gh)
コード例 #3
def fit_process_noise(fname=None, f=30.):
    Gets the motion-model noise covariance.
    fname : file name of pickle file containing joint-angles of the pr2.
    f     : the frequency at which the joints were logged.
    covariance is calculated as:
        covar = 1/n sum_i=1^n (x(t+1) - A*x(t)).T * (x(t+1) - A*x(t)) 
    dt = 1.0/f   
    if fname==None:
        fname = hd_path + '/hd_track/data/pr2-knot-tie-joint-states.cpickle'

    joints = cPickle.load(open(fname, 'rb'))['mat']
    rstates = state_from_tfms(tfms_from_joints(joints[:,0:7])).T
    lstates = state_from_tfms(tfms_from_joints(joints[:,8:15])).T

    A = kalman().get_motion_mat(dt)

    r_err = A.dot(rstates[:,0:-1]) - rstates[:,1:]
    r_err[6:9,:]  = put_in_range(r_err[6:9,:])
    r_err = r_err[:,np.nonzero(np.sum(r_err, axis=0))[0]] # take out all zero columns : not sure if correct thing to do.
    r_covar = r_err.dot(r_err.T) / r_err.shape[1]
    l_err = A.dot(lstates[:,0:-1]) - lstates[:,1:]
    l_err[6:9,:]  = put_in_range(l_err[6:9,:])
    l_err = l_err[:, np.nonzero(np.sum(l_err, axis=0))[0]] 
    l_covar = l_err.dot(l_err.T) / l_err.shape[1]

    return (l_err, l_covar, r_err, r_covar)
コード例 #4
def setup_kalman(fname, lr, freq, single_camera):
    c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs = load_data(fname, lr, single_camera)  
    motion_var, ar_var, hydra_var, hydra_vvar = load_covariances()
    dt = 1./freq
    if c2_ts.any():
        tmin = min(np.min(c1_ts), np.min(c2_ts), np.min(hy_ts))
        tmax = max(np.max(c1_ts), np.max(c2_ts), np.max(hy_ts))
        tmin = min(np.min(c1_ts), np.min(hy_ts))
        tmax = max(np.max(c1_ts), np.max(hy_ts))     
    ## calculate the number of time-steps for the kalman filter.    
    nsteps = int(math.ceil((tmax-tmin)/dt))
    ## get rid of absolute time, put the three data-streams on the same time-scale
    c1_ts -= tmin
    c2_ts -= tmin
    hy_ts -= tmin
    # initialize KF:
    x0, S0 = get_first_state(dt, c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs)
    KF = kalman()
    ## ===> assumes that the variance for ar1 and ar2 are the same!!!    
    KF.init_filter(-dt, x0, S0, motion_var, hydra_var, hydra_vvar, ar_var, ar_var)
    ar1_strm = streamize(c1_tfs, c1_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    ar2_strm = streamize(c2_tfs, c2_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    hy_strm  = streamize(hy_tfs, hy_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    return (KF, nsteps, tmin, ar1_strm, ar2_strm, hy_strm)
コード例 #5
def fit_ar_noise(Ts_bg, Ts_ba_raw, T_ga, f):
    Similar to the function above for fitting hydra-noise covariance. 
    dt = 1./f
    assert len(Ts_bg) == len(Ts_ba_raw), "Number of ar and pr2 transforms not equal."
    Ts_ba = []
    Ts_bg_ga = []
    for i in xrange(len(Ts_ba_raw)):
        T_ba = Ts_ba_raw[i]
        T_bg = Ts_bg[i]
        if T_ba == None:
            #print len(t)
    assert len(Ts_bg_ga) == len(Ts_ba), "Number of valid ar and pr2 transforms not equal."

    ## extract the full state vector:    
    X_ba    = state_from_tfms(Ts_ba, dt).T
    X_bg_ga = state_from_tfms(Ts_bg_ga, dt).T
    X_bg_ga[6:9,:] = closer_angle(X_bg_ga[6:9,:], X_ba[6:9,:])

    C = kalman().get_ar_mats()[0]
    err = C.dot(X_ba) - C.dot(X_bg_ga)
    covar = (err.dot(err.T))/err.shape[1]
    return (err, covar)
コード例 #6
def fit_hydra_noise(Ts_bg, Ts_bh_raw, T_gh, f):
    Get the hydra measurement covariance.
    Ts_bg : list of transforms from pr2's base to its gripper holding the hydra.
    Ts_bh : list of transforms from pr2's base to hydra sensor.
    T_gh :  One offset transform from pr2's gripper holding the hydra and the hydra sensor.
    f    : the frequency at which the data is logged. 
    dt = 1./f
    assert len(Ts_bg) == len(Ts_bh_raw), "Number of hydra and pr2 transforms not equal."
    Ts_bh = []
    Ts_bg_gh = []
    for i in xrange(len(Ts_bh_raw)):
        T_bh = Ts_bh_raw[i]
        T_bg = Ts_bg[i]
        if T_bh == None:
            #print len(t)
    assert len(Ts_bg_gh) == len(Ts_bh), "Number of valid ar and pr2 transforms not equal."

    ## extract the full state vector:    
    X_bh    = state_from_tfms(Ts_bh, dt).T
    X_bg_gh = state_from_tfms(Ts_bg_gh, dt).T
    X_bg_gh[6:9,:] = closer_angle(X_bg_gh[6:9,:], X_bh[6:9,:])
    C = kalman().get_hydra_mats()[0]
    err = C.dot(X_bh) - C.dot(X_bg_gh)
    covar = (err.dot(err.T))/err.shape[1]
    return (err, covar)
コード例 #7
def setup_kalman(fname, freq=30.):
    c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs = load_data(fname)
    motion_var, ar_var, hydra_var = load_covariances()
    dt = 1/freq
    tmin = min(np.min(c1_ts), np.min(c2_ts), np.min(hy_ts))
    tmax = max(np.max(c1_ts), np.max(c2_ts), np.max(hy_ts))

    ## calculate the number of time-steps for the kalman filter.    
    nsteps = int(math.ceil((tmax-tmin)/dt))
    ## get rid of absolute time, put the three data-streams on the same time-scale
    c1_ts -= tmin
    c2_ts -= tmin
    hy_ts -= tmin
    # initialize KF:
    x0, S0 = get_first_state(dt, c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs)
    KF     = kalman()
    ## ===> assumes that the variance for ar1 and ar2 are the same!!!
    hydra_var_vel = np.zeros((6, 6))
    hydra_var_vel[3:6, 3:6] = hydra_var[3:6, 3:6]
    hydra_var_vel[0:3, 0:3] = 25e-8 * np.eye(3)
    KF.init_filter(0,x0, S0, motion_var, hydra_var_vel, ar_var, ar_var)
    ar1_strm = streamize(c1_tfs, c1_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    ar2_strm = streamize(c2_tfs, c2_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    hy_strm  = streamize(hy_tfs, hy_ts, freq, avg_transform)
    return (KF, nsteps, tmin, ar1_strm, ar2_strm, hy_strm)
コード例 #8
def initialize_KFs(kf_data, freq):
    Initializes the Kalman filters (one-each for left/right x segment).
    KF_DATA : Data as returned by prepare_kf_data function above. 
    KFs = {'l':None, 'r':None}
    motion_covar = initialize_motion_covariance(freq)

    n_segs = len(kf_data['r'])
    for lr in 'lr':
        KF_lr = []
        for i in xrange(n_segs):
            hydra_strm   = kf_data[lr][i]['hydra_strm']
            cam_dat   = kf_data[lr][i]['cam_dat']
            cam_strms= []
            for cinfo in cam_dat.values():

            x0, S0 = get_first_state(cam_strms + [hydra_strm], freq=1./hydra_strm.dt, start_time=kf_data[lr][i]['shifted_seg_start_times'])

            KF = kalman()
            kf_tstart = hydra_strm.get_start_time()
            KF.init_filter(kf_tstart, x0, S0, motion_covar)
        KFs[lr] = KF_lr
    return KFs
コード例 #9
def run_kalman_filter(T_hydra, T_ar, x_init, covar_init, ar_cov_scale, hydra_cov_scale, f=30.):
    Runs the kalman filter
    dt = 1/f
    N = len(T_hydra)
    ## load the noise covariance matrices:
    covar_mats = cPickle.load(open(hd_path + '/hd_track/data/nodup-covars-1.cpickle'))
    motion_covar = covar_mats['process']
    hydra_covar = hydra_cov_scale*covar_mats['hydra']
    ar_covar = ar_cov_scale*covar_mats['kinect']

    ## initialize the filter:
    KF = kalman()
    KF.init_filter(0, x_init, covar_init, motion_covar, hydra_covar, ar_covar)
    ts = dt * (np.arange(N)+1)
    filter_estimates = [] ## the kalman filter estimates
    filter_covariances = [] ## the kalman filter covariances
    ## run the filter:
    for i in xrange(len(ts)-1):
        KF.register_observationx(ts[i], T_ar[i+1], T_hydra[i+1])
    A, R = KF.get_motion_mats(dt)

    return filter_estimates, filter_covariances, A, R