def record_single_demo (demo_name, calib_file, num_cameras, use_voice, config_num=None): """ Records a single demo. @demo_name: name of demo. @calib_file: file to load calibration from. "", -- default -- means using the one in the master file @num_demos: number of demos to be recorded. -1 -- default -- means until user stops. @use_voice: use voice commands to start/stop demo if true. o/w use command line. """ global cmd_checker, camera_types, demo_type_dir, master_file, topic_writer rospy.init_node("time_to_record") sleeper = rospy.Rate(10) load_parameters(num_cameras) # Load calibration cpipe.initialize_calibration(args.num_cameras) calib_file_path = osp.join(calib_files_dir, calib_file); if osp.isfile(calib_file_path): cpipe.tfm_pub.load_calibration(calib_file_path) else: cpipe.run_calibration_sequence() # Get voice command and subscriber launched and ready greenprint(voice_cmd) voice_handle = subprocess.Popen(voice_cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) started_voice = True cmd_checker = voice_alerts() init_config = load_init_config(config_num) if init_config is None: greenprint("No init config. Provide random init config.")"espeak -v en 'Provide random init config.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) else: display_init_config(init_config, old=False) for cam in camera_types: if camera_types[cam] == 'rgbd': save_image_services[cam](cam_publish_request) greenprint("Please place rope in proper position.")"espeak -v en 'Please place rope in position on screen.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) if use_voice: time.sleep(1.2) while True: """ Wait for user to place rope. """ if init_config is not None: display_init_config(init_config, old=True) status = cmd_checker.get_latest_msg() if status in ["begin recording","done session"]: break sleeper.sleep() else: status = raw_input("Hit enter when ready to record demo (or q/Q to quit). ") display_init_config(points=None, old=False, clear=True) if status in ["done session", "q","Q"]: greenprint("Done recording for this session (already?).") return # Initialize names and record demo_dir = osp.join(demo_type_dir, demo_name) if osp.exists(demo_dir): yellowprint("%s exists! Removing directory for fresh recording."%demo_dir) shutil.rmtree(demo_dir) os.mkdir(demo_dir) # Need cam types and calib file copied before for visualize demo cam_type_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name) with open(cam_type_file,"w") as fh: yaml.dump(camera_types, fh) shutil.copyfile(calib_file_path, osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.calib_name)) ready_service_for_demo (demo_dir) greenprint("Recording %s."%demo_name) # Temp file to show recording with open(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp),'w') as fh: fh.write('Recording...') save_demo = record_demo(demo_name, use_voice) if save_demo: with open(master_file, 'a') as fh: fh.write('- demo_name: %s\n'%demo_name) cam_model_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_models_name) with open(cam_model_file,"w") as fh: yaml.dump(camera_models, fh) shutil.copyfile(calib_file_path, osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.calib_name)) generate_annotation(demo_type, demo_name) os.remove(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp)) greenprint("Saved %s."%demo_name) else: time.sleep(3) if osp.exists(demo_dir): yellowprint("Removing demo %s"%demo_name) shutil.rmtree(demo_dir) yellowprint("Done") if started_voice: terminate_process_and_children(voice_handle) voice_handle.wait() yellowprint("stopped voice") stop_camera_saving() cpipe.done() topic_writer.done_session()
def record_pipeline ( calib_file, num_cameras, num_demos, use_voice, use_init=True, redo): """ Either records n demos or until person says he is done. @calib_file: file to load calibration from. "", -- default -- means using the one in the master file @num_cameras: number of cameras being used. @num_demos: number of demos to be recorded. -1 -- default -- means until user stops. @use_voice: use voice commands to start/stop demo if true. o/w use command line. """ global cmd_checker, camera_types, demo_type_dir, master_file, demo_num, latest_demo_file, topic_writer, num_saved time_sess_start = time.time() rospy.init_node("time_to_record") sleeper = rospy.Rate(10) load_parameters(num_cameras) # Load calibration cpipe.initialize_calibration(args.num_cameras) calib_file_path = osp.join(calib_files_dir, calib_file); if osp.isfile(calib_file_path): cpipe.tfm_pub.load_calibration(calib_file_path) else: cpipe.run_calibration_sequence() # Get voice command and subscriber launched and ready greenprint(voice_cmd) voice_handle = subprocess.Popen(voice_cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) started_voice = True cmd_checker = voice_alerts() # Start recording demos. while True: # Check if continuing or stopping print '\n\n' time.sleep(1.2) if use_init: if redo is None: init_config = load_init_config(demo_num-1) else: ind = demo_num-100-1 init_config = load_init_config(redo[ind]-1) if init_config is None: greenprint("No init config. Provide random init config.")"espeak -v en 'Provide random init config.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) else: display_init_config(init_config, old=False) for cam in camera_types: if camera_types[cam] == 'rgbd': save_image_services[cam](cam_publish_request) greenprint("Please place rope in proper position.")"espeak -v en 'Please place rope in position on screen.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) else: greenprint("No init config. Provide random init config.")"espeak -v en 'Provide random init config.'", stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) if use_voice: time.sleep(1.2) while True: """ Wait for user to place rope. """ if use_init and init_config is not None: display_init_config(init_config, old=True) status = cmd_checker.get_latest_msg() if status in ["begin recording","done session"]: total_rec_start = time.time() break sleeper.sleep() else: status = raw_input("Hit enter when ready to record demo (or q/Q to quit). ") for cam in camera_types: if camera_types[cam] == 'rgbd': save_image_services[cam](cam_publish_request) display_init_config(points=None, old=False, clear=True) if status in ["done session", "q","Q"]: greenprint("Done recording for this session.") break # Initialize names and record demo_name = demo_names.base_name%(demo_num) demo_dir = osp.join(demo_type_dir, demo_name) if osp.exists(demo_dir): yellowprint("%s exists! Removing directory for fresh recording."%demo_dir) shutil.rmtree(demo_dir) os.mkdir(demo_dir) # Need cam types and calib file copied before for visualize demo cam_type_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name) with open(cam_type_file,"w") as fh: yaml.dump(camera_types, fh) shutil.copyfile(calib_file_path, osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.calib_name)) ready_service_for_demo (demo_dir) greenprint("Recording %s."%demo_name) # Temp file to show recording with open(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp),'w') as fh: fh.write('Recording...') save_demo = record_demo(demo_name, use_voice) if save_demo: time.sleep(1.2)"espeak -v en 'Saving demo %i.'"%demo_num, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True) with open(master_file, 'a') as fh: fh.write('- demo_name: %s\n'%demo_name) cam_type_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name) with open(cam_type_file,"w") as fh: yaml.dump(camera_types, fh) cam_model_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_models_name) with open(cam_model_file,"w") as fh: yaml.dump(camera_models, fh) with open(latest_demo_file,'w') as fh: fh.write(str(demo_num)) demo_num += 1 generate_annotation(demo_type, demo_name) if num_demos > 0: num_demos -= 1 os.remove(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp)) num_saved += 1 greenprint("Saved %s."%demo_name) total_rec_finish = time.time() greenprint("Time taken to record + overhead: %02f"%(total_rec_finish - total_rec_start)) else: if osp.exists(demo_dir): shutil.rmtree(demo_dir) yellowprint("Removed %s dir."%demo_name) if num_demos == 0: greenprint("Recorded all demos for session.") break if started_voice: terminate_process_and_children(voice_handle) voice_handle.wait() yellowprint("Stopped voice.") stop_camera_saving() cpipe.done() topic_writer.done_session() time_sess_finish = time.time() greenprint("Time taken to record in this session: %02f s"%(time_sess_finish-time_sess_start)) if num_saved > 0: greenprint("Average time per saved demo: %02f s"%((time_sess_finish-time_sess_start)/num_saved))