コード例 #1
def compose(imInput,
    # read exr
    imRender = hdrio.imread(object_filename).astype('float32')

    imInputResized = zoom(imInput, (imRender.shape[0] / imInput.shape[0],
                                    imRender.shape[1] / imInput.shape[1], 1.0),

    imInputResized = imInputResized**2.2  # undo gamma on crop

    alphaRender = imRender[..., 3:4]

    imRender = (imRender[..., :3] * global_modifier_factor)**(1 / 2.2)
    imCompose = (1 - alphaRender) * imInputResized + alphaRender * imRender

    imCompose = imCompose**(1 / 2.2)  # apply gamma on compose

    imComposeUint8 = (np.clip(imCompose, 0.0, 1.0) * 255).astype('uint8')

    imageio.imsave(output_filename, imComposeUint8)

    print("\tCompositing done...")
コード例 #2
def process(im_path):
    im_filename = "{}-{}.jpg".format(os.path.basename(im_path), 0)
    subdir = im_filename.replace('pano_a', '')[:2]
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir), exist_ok=True)

    out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, im_filename)

    metadata_path = os.path.join(
        output_dir, subdir, '{}-meta.json'.format(os.path.basename(im_path)))
    if os.path.isfile(metadata_path):

    im = imread(im_path, 'native')
    if len(im.shape) == 2:
        im = np.stack((im, ) * 3, axis=-1)
        im = im[:, :, :3]
    data = []
    for random_id in range(7):
        datum = makeAndSaveImg(im_path, im, random_id)
        json_path = os.path.splitext(out_path)[0][:-2] + "-%d.json" % random_id
        with open(json_path, 'w') as fhdl_datum:
            json.dump(datum, fhdl_datum)

    with open(metadata_path, 'w') as fhdl:
        json.dump(data, fhdl)
コード例 #3
def generateLDRfromHDR(im_path, out_prefix):
    """Convert an HDR image into a clipped 0-255 value ("simulating" a camera)"""
    print('Processing: ', im_path)
    im = imread(im_path)
    h, w, c = im.shape
    im = im[:, w/2 - h/2:w/2 + h/2]

    envmap = EnvironmentMap(im, 'SkyAngular').convertTo('LatLong', TARGET_SIZE[0])
    im = envmap.data
    valid = (im > 0) & (~np.isnan(im))
    im_median = np.median(im[valid])
    im_low = np.percentile(im[valid], 3)
    im_high = np.percentile(im[valid], 95)
    #scales = (TARGET_SIZE[0]/im.shape[0], TARGET_SIZE[1]/im.shape[1])
    #im = zoom(im, [scales[0], scales[1], 1])
    with open(out_prefix + "_hdr.pkl", 'wb') as fhdl:
        pickle.dump(im, fhdl, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    imsave(out_prefix + '_hdr.exr', im)
    # 20th percentile -> value 5
    # 80th percentile -> value 250
    #print("Ratio:", (im_high - im_low))
    ratio = im_high - im_low
    if ratio < 0.1:
        ratio = 0.1
    im_ldr = (im - im_low) * 250. / ratio + 5
    im_ldr = np.clip(im_ldr, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    imsave(out_prefix + '_ldr.jpg', im_ldr)
    plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.hist(im.ravel()[im.ravel()<im_high], 50)
    plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.hist(im_ldr.ravel()[im_ldr.ravel()>0], 50)
    plt.savefig(out_prefix + 'debug.png')
コード例 #4
ファイル: environmentmap.py プロジェクト: jacenfox/skylibs
    def __init__(self, im, format_):
        Creates an EnvironmentMap.

        :param im: Image to be converted to an EnvironmentMap
        :param format_: EnvironmentMap format. Can be `Angular`, ...
        :type im: float, numpy array
        :type format_: string
        assert format_.lower() in SUPPORTED_FORMATS, (
            "Unknown format: {}".format(format_))

        self.format_ = format_.lower()
        self.backgroundColor = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        if isinstance(im, str):
            # We received the filename
            self.data = imread(im)
        elif isinstance(im, int):
            # We received a single scalar
            if self.format_ == 'latlong':
                self.data = np.zeros((im, im*2))
            elif self.format_ == 'cube':
                self.data = np.zeros((im, round(3/4*im)))
                self.data = np.zeros((im, im))
        elif type(im).__module__ == np.__name__:
            # We received a numpy array
            self.data = np.asarray(im, dtype='double')
            raise Exception('Could not understand input. Please prove a '
                            'filename, a size or an image.')

        # Ensure size is valid
        if self.format_ in ['sphere', 'angular', 'skysphere', 'skyangular']:
            assert self.data.shape[0] == self.data.shape[1], (
                "Sphere/Angular formats must have the same width/height")
コード例 #5
import sys
import json

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from hdrio import imread

# Usage : gethdr.py source dest

image = imread(sys.argv[1])
imresized = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
    image, (580. / image.shape[0], 580 / image.shape[1], 1), order=1)
alpha = np.zeros(imresized.shape[0:2]) + 255.
imresizeda = np.dstack((imresized, alpha))
out = imresizeda
with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as fhdl:
    fhdl.write("var targetData = ")
    json.dump(out.flatten().tolist(), fhdl)
コード例 #6
ファイル: environmentmap.py プロジェクト: weberhen/skylibs
    def __init__(self, im, format_=None, copy=True, color=True):
        Creates an EnvironmentMap.

        :param im: Image path or data to be converted to an EnvironmentMap, or 
                   the height of an empty EnvironmentMap.
        :param format_: EnvironmentMap format. Can be `Angular`, ...
        :param copy: When a numpy array is given, should it be copied.
        :param color: When providing an integer, create an empty color or
                      grayscale EnvironmentMap.
        :type im: float, numpy array
        :type format_: string
        :type copy: bool
        if not format_ and isinstance(im, str):
            filename = os.path.splitext(im)[0]
            metadata = EnvmapXMLParser("{}.meta.xml".format(filename))
            format_ = metadata.getFormat()

        assert format_ is not None, (
            "Please provide format (metadata file not found).")
        assert format_.lower() in SUPPORTED_FORMATS, (
            "Unknown format: {}".format(format_))

        self.format_ = format_.lower()
        self.backgroundColor = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        if isinstance(im, str):
            # We received the filename
            self.data = imread(im)
        elif isinstance(im, int):
            # We received a single scalar
            if self.format_ == 'latlong':
                if color:
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im * 2, 3))
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im * 2))
            elif self.format_ == 'skylatlong':
                if color:
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im * 4, 3))
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im * 4))
            elif self.format_ == 'cube':
                if color:
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, round(3 / 4 * im), 3))
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, round(3 / 4 * im)))
                if color:
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im, 3))
                    self.data = np.zeros((im, im))
        elif type(im).__module__ == np.__name__:
            # We received a numpy array
            self.data = np.asarray(im, dtype='double')

            if copy:
                self.data = self.data.copy()
            raise Exception('Could not understand input. Please provide a '
                            'filename, a single size (height) or an image.')

        # Ensure size is valid
        if self.format_ in ['sphere', 'angular', 'skysphere', 'skyangular']:
            assert self.data.shape[0] == self.data.shape[1], (
                "Sphere/Angular formats must have the same width/height")
        elif self.format_ == 'latlong':
            assert 2 * self.data.shape[0] == self.data.shape[1], (
                "LatLong format width should be twice the height")
        elif self.format_ == 'skylatlong':
            assert 4 * self.data.shape[0] == self.data.shape[1], (
                "SkyLatLong format width should be four times the height")
コード例 #7
        xyz = np.array(xyzp)
        xyzn = normalize(xyz)

        # get correspondency between 3d and pixel colors
        uv_S = np.array(world2latlong(xyzn[:, 0], xyzn[:, 1], xyzn[:, 2]))
        assert not np.isnan(np.sum(uv_S))

        # create xml with area light sources
        gen_mitsuba_xml(xyz, np.array([0, 0, 0]), uv_S, texture,

        command = 'mitsuba -o non_parametric.exr area_light_scene.xml'

        warped_texture = hdrio.imread('non_parametric.exr')
        # for j in range(3):
        #     warped_texture[:,:,j]/=(warped_texture[:,:,j].max()/ambients[j])

        warped_texture[:, :, 0:3] = warped_texture[:, :, 0:3]**2 / 2
        # combine them
        final_prediction = warped_texture[:, :, 0:3] + iblN
        # final_prediction = iblN
        hdrio.imwrite(final_prediction, "combined_envmap.exr")

        # render
        command = 'mitsuba -o final_render.exr ' + ' -Dobjx=' + str(
            obj_pos[0]) + ' -Dobjy=' + str(obj_pos[1]) + ' -Dobjz=' + str(
                obj_pos[2]) + ' -Denvmap=combined_envmap.exr render_scene.xml'
コード例 #8
    ctr = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.tan(pitch) / np.tan(vfov / 2)
    return ctr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from hdrio import imread, imsave
    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import dataset
    fn, fp, data = dataset.getParameters()
    valid_idx = dataset.getValidIdx(data)
    fn = fn[valid_idx]
    fp = fp[valid_idx]
    data = data[valid_idx, :]
    pitch = data[:, 0]
    roll = data[:, 2]
    vfov = data[:, 3]

    for i in range(100):
        print(fp[i], pitch[i], roll[i], vfov[i])

        im = imread(fp[i], 'native')[:, :, :3]
        imout = showHorizonLine(im, vfov[i], pitch[i], roll[i], debug=True)
        imsave('{0:03d}.png'.format(i), imout)
コード例 #9
ファイル: gethdr.py プロジェクト: soravux/hdrhtml5
import sys
import json

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from hdrio import imread

# Usage : gethdr.py source dest

image = imread(sys.argv[1])
imresized = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, (580./image.shape[0], 580/image.shape[1], 1), order=1)
alpha = np.zeros(imresized.shape[0:2]) + 255.
imresizeda = np.dstack((imresized, alpha))
out = imresizeda
with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as fhdl:
    fhdl.write("var targetData = ")
    json.dump(out.flatten().tolist(), fhdl)