def get_layer_points_postgis_ogr(self, layer, bbox_str, max_features): # print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n") points = [] # "the_geom from (select, g.point as the_geom from gw_tracepoint g where g.point && GeomFromText('POLYGON((-4.275557 50.242394,-4.275557 54.685361,14.115557 54.685361,14.115557 50.242394,-4.275557 50.242394))',4326) order by random() limit 3000) as subquery using unique id using srid=4326" bbox_arr = [float(x) for x in bbox_str.split(",")] box_polygon = ( str(bbox_arr[0]) + " " + str(bbox_arr[1]) + "," + str(bbox_arr[0]) + " " + str(bbox_arr[3]) + "," + str(bbox_arr[2]) + " " + str(bbox_arr[3]) + "," + str(bbox_arr[2]) + " " + str(bbox_arr[1]) + "," + str(bbox_arr[0]) + " " + str(bbox_arr[1]) ) # box_polygon = "-4.275557 50.242394, -4.275557 54.685361, 14.115557 54.685361, 14.115557 50.242394, -4.275557 50.242394" sql = ( "select AsBinary(point) as wkb_geometry from gw_tracepoint where point && GeomFromText('POLYGON((" + box_polygon + "))',4326) order by random() limit " + str(max_features) ) connProp = "PG: host=localhost dbname='georambling' user='******' password='******'" conn = ogr.Open(connProp) result = conn.ExecuteSQL(sql) ftCnt = result.GetFeatureCount() printtime("PostGIS query done cnt=" + str(ftCnt)) # print ftCnt try: for i in range(0, ftCnt): feat = result.GetFeature(i) feat_pt = feat.GetGeometryRef() point = Point((feat_pt.GetY(), feat_pt.GetX())) points.append(point) # printtime('feat(' + str(i) + ') x=' + str(feat_pt.GetX()) + ' y=' + str(feat_pt.GetY())) except Exception: # print Exception.message # print sys.exc_info() return points return points
def get_layer_points_postgis(self, layer, bbox_str, max_features): # print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n") points = [] name = "mapglow" dsn = layer.connection # e.g. "host=localhost dbname='dbname' user='******' password='******'" table = layer.getMetaData("mapglow_table_name") fid = layer.getMetaData("gml_featureid") # defaults to ogc_fid geometry = layer.getMetaData("mapglow_table_geom_col") # defaults to the_geom srid = 4326 # defaults to 4326 encoding = "utf-8" # defaults to utf-8 attribute_cols = "rating" # optional order = "random()" # optional # try: pg = PostGIS(name=name, fid=fid, geometry=geometry, srid=srid, order=order, layer=table, dsn=dsn) pg.begin() class Action: id = None attributes = None bbox = [float(x) for x in bbox_str.split(",")] maxfeatures = max_features startfeature = None action = Action() features = # print(str(features[0].get_geo()['coordinates'][0 ])) ftCnt = features.__len__() printtime("PostGIS query done cnt=" + str(ftCnt)) # print ftCnt try: for i in range(0, ftCnt): feat = features[i] feat_pt = feat.get_geo() point = Point((feat_pt["coordinates"][1], feat_pt["coordinates"][0])) points.append(point) # printtime('feat(' + str(i) + ') x=' + str(feat_pt.GetX()) + ' y=' + str(feat_pt.GetY())) except Exception: # print Exception.message # print sys.exc_info() return points return points
def startElement(self, name, attrs): # printtime('startElement=' + name) if name == "gml:pos": # Found coordinate: next content will be lon/lat self.coord_elm = True elif name == "wfs:FeatureCollection": self.numberOfFeatures = int(attrs["numberOfFeatures"]) self.skip_count = (self.numberOfFeatures / self.max_features) + 1 printtime( "max_features=" + str(self.max_features) + " nroffeatures=" + str(self.numberOfFeatures) + " skip_count=" + str(self.skip_count) )
def wms_getheatmap_req(self, wms_req): # # test url #,52,5.6,52.3&version=1.1.0&layers=tracepoints&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/png&width=400&height=400 # print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n") bbox = wms_req.getValueByName("BBOX") layer = wms_req.getValueByName("LAYERS") srs = wms_req.getValueByName("SRS") width = float(wms_req.getValueByName("WIDTH")) height = float(wms_req.getValueByName("HEIGHT")) # CREATE WKT STRING OF POINT COORDS bbox_arr = bbox.split(",") wktLL = "POINT(%s %s)" % (bbox_arr[0], bbox_arr[1]) wktUR = "POINT(%s %s)" % (bbox_arr[2], bbox_arr[3]) # CREATE PROJECTION OBJECTS google = osr.SpatialReference() google.ImportFromEPSG(900913) wgs84 = osr.SpatialReference() wgs84.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # CREATE OGR POINT OBJECT, ASSIGN PROJECTION, REPROJECT pointLL = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wktLL) pointLL.AssignSpatialReference(google) pointLL.TransformTo(wgs84) pointUR = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wktUR) pointUR.AssignSpatialReference(google) pointUR.TransformTo(wgs84) bbox = "%f,%f,%f,%f" % (pointLL.GetX(), pointLL.GetY(), pointUR.GetX(), pointUR.GetY()) bboxLL = "%f,%f,%f,%f" % (pointLL.GetY(), pointLL.GetX(), pointUR.GetY(), pointUR.GetX()) # Do not use internal WFS (too slow) # points = self.get_layer_points_wfs(layer, bbox, max_features) # Get points from the layer (direct layer query) layerObj = points = [] if layerObj: # see if layer has configured feature density # this determines max number of features for Layer query feature_density = float(layerObj.metadata.get("mapglow_feat_density", "0.002")) # calculate max features for Layer query max_features = int(round(feature_density * width * height)) # get array of Point objects from Layer printtime("START - get points from layer max_features=" + str(max_features)) points = self.get_layer_points(layerObj, bbox, max_features) printtime("Got " + str(len(points)) + " points from layer") # No points: generate transparent overlay image using standard MS dispatch if len(points) <= 0: mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() # MS does not like the heatmap-style STYLES wms_req.setParameter("STYLES", "") print(mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes()) return # Get heatmap algoritm+parms # Now 1 type in STYLES, e.g. 'heat/seth/red-yellow-green/12/0.5' # TODO: parameters are heatmap-type specific (heat, heatmap_type, gradient, radius, decay) = wms_req.getValueByName("STYLES").split("/") # Just to protect ourselves from blowing up if int(radius) > 20: radius = "20" # check how gradient is specified: either a gradient file or a range of doubles (stop, R, G, B, A) gradient_path = self.root_dir + "config/gradients/gradient-" + gradient + ".png" if os.path.exists(gradient_path): # Gradient as file gradient_option_name = "--gradient" gradient_option_value = gradient_path else: # Gradient as range of doubles (stop, R, G, B, A), (stop, R, G, B, A),... # each of value double between 0..1 # e.g. 0,1,1,0,1, 0.75,1,0,0,1, 0.9,1,1,0 gradient_option_name = "--gradient_color_srgba" gradient_option_value = gradient # Assemble arguments args = [ "--web", "--points_arr", "--radius", radius, "--decay", decay, "--width", wms_req.getValueByName("WIDTH"), "--height", wms_req.getValueByName("HEIGHT"), gradient_option_name, gradient_option_value, "--extent", bboxLL, ] # Creates and sends the heatmap main(args, points)