def get_direct_tex_mat_mul_code(): return ( [POD(float_type, "fof%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline)] + [POD(float_type, "lm"), Line()] + unroll( lambda j: [ Assign( "fof%d" % inl, "fp_tex1Dfetch(in_vector_tex, " "GLOBAL_MB_PREIMG_DOF_BASE" " + %(inl)d * ALIGNED_PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB" " + mb_el*PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL+%(j)s)" % { "j": j, "inl": inl, "row": "SEGMENT_DOF" }, ) for inl in range(par.inline) ] + [ Assign( "lm", "smem_matrix[" "%(row)s*MATRIX_COLUMNS + %(j)s]" % { "j": j, "row": "SEGMENT_DOF" }, ) ] + [ S("result%(inl)d += fof%(inl)d*lm" % {"inl": inl}) for inl in range(par.inline) ], total_number=self.plan.preimage_dofs_per_el, max_unroll=self.plan.max_unroll) + [Line()])
def get_direct_tex_mat_mul_code(): return ( [POD(float_type, "fof%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline)] + [POD(float_type, "lm"), Line()] + unroll( lambda j: [ Assign("fof%d" % inl, "fp_tex1Dfetch(in_vector_tex, " "GLOBAL_MB_PREIMG_DOF_BASE" " + %(inl)d * ALIGNED_PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB" " + mb_el*PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL+%(j)s)" % {"j":j, "inl":inl, "row": "SEGMENT_DOF"},) for inl in range(par.inline) ]+[ Assign("lm", "smem_matrix[" "%(row)s*MATRIX_COLUMNS + %(j)s]" % {"j":j, "row": "SEGMENT_DOF"}, ) ]+[ S("result%(inl)d += fof%(inl)d*lm" % {"inl":inl}) for inl in range(par.inline) ], total_number=self.plan.preimage_dofs_per_el, max_unroll=self.plan.max_unroll) + [Line()])
def get_scalar_diff_code(): code = [] for inl in range(par.inline): for axis in dims: code.append( Initializer(POD(float_type, "d%drst%d" % (inl, axis)), 0)) code.append(Line()) def get_mat_entry(row, col, axis): return ("smem_diff_rst_mat[" "%(row)s*DIFFMAT_COLUMNS + %(axis)s*DOFS_PER_EL" " + %(col)s" "]" % { "row": row, "col": col, "axis": axis }) tex_channels = ["x", "y", "z", "w"] from import unroll code.extend([ POD(float_type, "field_value%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline) ] + [Line()] + unroll( lambda j: [ Assign( "field_value%d" % inl, "fp_tex1Dfetch(field_tex, GLOBAL_MB_DOF_BASE + %d*ALIGNED_DOFS_PER_MB " "+ mb_el*DOFS_PER_EL + %s)" % (inl, j)) for inl in range(par.inline) ] + [Line()] + [ S("d%drst%d += %s * field_value%d" % (inl, axis, get_mat_entry("SEGMENT_DOF", j, axis), inl)) for axis in dims for inl in range(par.inline) ] + [Line()], given.dofs_per_el(), self.plan.max_unroll)) store_code = Block() for inl in range(par.inline): for rst_axis in dims: store_code.append( Assign( "drst%d_global[GLOBAL_MB_DOF_BASE" " + %d*ALIGNED_DOFS_PER_MB + MB_DOF]" % (rst_axis, inl), "d%drst%d" % (inl, rst_axis), )) code.append(If("MB_DOF < DOFS_PER_EL*ELS_PER_MB", store_code)) return code
def get_scalar_diff_code(): code = [] for inl in range(par.inline): for axis in dims: code.append( Initializer(POD(float_type, "d%drst%d" % (inl, axis)), 0)) code.append(Line()) def get_mat_entry(row, col, axis): return ("smem_diff_rst_mat[" "%(row)s*DIFFMAT_COLUMNS + %(axis)s*DOFS_PER_EL" " + %(col)s" "]" % {"row":row, "col":col, "axis":axis} ) tex_channels = ["x", "y", "z", "w"] from import unroll code.extend( [POD(float_type, "field_value%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline)] +[Line()] +unroll(lambda j: [ Assign("field_value%d" % inl, "fp_tex1Dfetch(field_tex, GLOBAL_MB_DOF_BASE + %d*ALIGNED_DOFS_PER_MB " "+ mb_el*DOFS_PER_EL + %s)" % (inl, j) ) for inl in range(par.inline)] +[Line()] +[S("d%drst%d += %s * field_value%d" % (inl, axis, get_mat_entry("SEGMENT_DOF", j, axis), inl)) for axis in dims for inl in range(par.inline)] +[Line()], given.dofs_per_el(), self.plan.max_unroll) ) store_code = Block() for inl in range(par.inline): for rst_axis in dims: store_code.append(Assign( "drst%d_global[GLOBAL_MB_DOF_BASE" " + %d*ALIGNED_DOFS_PER_MB + MB_DOF]" % (rst_axis, inl), "d%drst%d" % (inl, rst_axis), )) code.append(If("MB_DOF < DOFS_PER_EL*ELS_PER_MB", store_code)) return code
def get_matmul_code(): from import unroll index_check_condition = "GLOBAL_MB_NR < microblock_count" def if_(conditions, then): final_cond = " && ".join(cond for cond in conditions if cond) if final_cond: return If(final_cond, then) else: return then result = Block([ Comment("everybody needs to be done with the old data"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), ]+[If(index_check_condition, get_load_code())]+[ Line(), Comment("all the new data must be loaded"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), ]+[ Initializer(POD(float_type, "result%d" % inl), 0) for inl in range(par.inline) ]+[ Line(), POD(float_type, "mat_entry"), Line(), ]) result.append(if_(["IMAGE_MB_DOF < IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB", index_check_condition], Block(unroll(lambda j: [Assign("mat_entry", "fp_tex2D(mat_tex, IMAGE_EL_DOF, %s)" % j)] +[ S("result%d += mat_entry " "* smem_in_vector[PAR_MB_NR][%d][mb_el*PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL + %s]" % (inl, inl, j)) for inl in range(par.inline) ], total_number=plan.preimage_dofs_per_el) +[Line()] +[Assign( "out_vector[GLOBAL_MB_IMAGE_DOF_BASE + " "%d*ALIGNED_IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB + IMAGE_MB_DOF]" % inl, "result%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline)] ))) return result
def get_scalar_diff_code(): code = [] for inl in range(par.inline): for axis in dims: code.append(Initializer(POD(float_type, "d%drst%d" % (inl, axis)), 0)) code.append(Line()) tex_channels = ["x", "y", "z", "w"] store_code = Block() for inl in range(par.inline): for rst_axis in dims: store_code.append( Assign( "drst%d_global[GLOBAL_MB_IMAGE_DOF_BASE + " "%d*ALIGNED_IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB + IMAGE_MB_DOF]" % (rst_axis, inl), "d%drst%d" % (inl, rst_axis), ) ) from import unroll code.extend( [ Comment("everybody needs to be done with the old data"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), get_load_code(), Line(), Comment("all the new data must be loaded"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), ] ) if float_type == numpy.float32: code.append(Value("float%d" % rst_channels, "dmat_entries")) code.extend([POD(float_type, "field_value%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline)] + [Line()]) def unroll_body(j): result = [ Assign("field_value%d" % inl, "smem_field[PAR_MB_NR][%d][mb_el*PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL+%s]" % (inl, j)) for inl in range(par.inline) ] if float_type == numpy.float32: result.append( Assign("dmat_entries", "tex1Dfetch(diff_rst_mat_tex, IMAGE_EL_DOF + %s*IMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL)" % j) ) result.extend( S("d%drst%d += dmat_entries.%s * field_value%d" % (inl, axis, tex_channels[axis], inl)) for inl in range(par.inline) for axis in dims ) elif float_type == numpy.float64: result.extend( S( "d%(inl)drst%(axis)d += " "fp_tex1Dfetch(diff_rst_mat_tex, %(axis)d " "+ DIMENSIONS*(IMAGE_EL_DOF + %(j)d*IMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL))" "* field_value%(inl)d" % {"inl": inl, "axis": axis, "j": j} ) for inl in range(par.inline) for axis in dims ) else: assert False return result code.append( If( "IMAGE_MB_DOF < IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB", Block(unroll(unroll_body, total_number=plan.preimage_dofs_per_el) + [store_code]), ) ) return code
def get_scalar_diff_code(): code = [] for inl in range(par.inline): for axis in dims: code.append( Initializer(POD(float_type, "d%drst%d" % (inl, axis)), 0)) code.append(Line()) tex_channels = ["x", "y", "z", "w"] store_code = Block() for inl in range(par.inline): for rst_axis in dims: store_code.append(Assign( "drst%d_global[GLOBAL_MB_IMAGE_DOF_BASE + " "%d*ALIGNED_IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB + IMAGE_MB_DOF]" % (rst_axis, inl), "d%drst%d" % (inl, rst_axis) )) from import unroll code.extend([ Comment("everybody needs to be done with the old data"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), get_load_code(), Line(), Comment("all the new data must be loaded"), S("__syncthreads()"), Line(), ]) if float_type == numpy.float32: code.append(Value("float%d" % rst_channels, "dmat_entries")) code.extend([ POD(float_type, "field_value%d" % inl) for inl in range(par.inline) ]+[Line()]) def unroll_body(j): result = [ Assign("field_value%d" % inl, "smem_field[PAR_MB_NR][%d][mb_el*PREIMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL+%s]" % (inl, j)) for inl in range(par.inline) ] if float_type == numpy.float32: result.append(Assign("dmat_entries", "tex1Dfetch(diff_rst_mat_tex, IMAGE_EL_DOF + %s*IMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL)" % j)) result.extend( S("d%drst%d += dmat_entries.%s * field_value%d" % (inl, axis, tex_channels[axis], inl)) for inl in range(par.inline) for axis in dims) elif float_type == numpy.float64: result.extend( S("d%(inl)drst%(axis)d += " "fp_tex1Dfetch(diff_rst_mat_tex, %(axis)d " "+ DIMENSIONS*(IMAGE_EL_DOF + %(j)d*IMAGE_DOFS_PER_EL))" "* field_value%(inl)d" % { "inl": inl, "axis": axis, "j": j }) for inl in range(par.inline) for axis in dims) else: assert False return result code.append(If("IMAGE_MB_DOF < IMAGE_DOFS_PER_MB", Block(unroll(unroll_body, total_number=plan.preimage_dofs_per_el) +[store_code]))) return code