def get(self): search_value = self.get_argument('search_value', '') search_type = self.get_argument('search_type', '') page = int(self.get_argument('page', 1)) if page <= 0: page = 1 limit = int(self.get_argument('limit', 10)) if limit <= 0 or limit >= 100: limit = 10 Q = {} if search_value and search_type in ['title', '_id']: if search_type == '_id': Q[search_type] = ObjectId(search_value) else: Q[search_type] = {'$regex': search_value} _list = tb_anime.find(Q).sort('atime', -1).limit(limit).skip( (page - 1) * limit) count = tb_anime.find(Q).count() res = [] for f in _list: f['atime'] = str(cp.unixtimeToDatetime(f.get('atime', 0))) res.append(cp.formatWriteJson(f)) self.write({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'count': count, 'data': res, })
def get(self): search_value = self.get_argument('search_value', '') search_type = self.get_argument('search_type', '') page = int(self.get_argument('page', 1)) if page <= 0: page = 1 limit = int(self.get_argument('limit', 10)) if limit <= 0 or limit >= 100: limit = 10 Q = {} if search_value and search_type in ['title', '_id', 'anime_id']: if search_type in ['_id', 'anime_id']: Q[search_type] = ObjectId(search_value) else: Q[search_type] = {'$regex': search_value} _list = tb_music.find(Q).sort('atime', -1).limit(limit).skip( (page - 1) * limit) count = tb_music.find(Q).count() res = [] for f in _list: f['play_url'] = GetSignUrl(str(f['_id'])) anime_info = tb_anime.find_one({'_id': f.get('anime_id', None)}) if anime_info: f['anime_name'] = anime_info.get('title') else: f['anime_name'] = '未知' f['atime'] = str(cp.unixtimeToDatetime(f['atime'])) res.append(cp.formatWriteJson(f)) self.write({ 'code': 0, 'msg': 'ok', 'count': count, 'data': res, })