def get(self, request, service_customer_id, contract_type='Annual'): # Redirect to newebpay page if contract_type == 'Annual' or not contract_type: premium_price = 1000 merchant_order_no = STORE_SHOPPINGCART_PREMIUM(service_customer_id, premium_price) if not merchant_order_no: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to store premiun to cart', code='031') pay_data = PREMIUM_NEWEBPAY(merchant_order_no, contract_type) if pay_data: return render(request, 'NEWEBPAY_pay.html', {'data':pay_data}) else: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to generate payment page', code='011') elif contract_type == 'Monthly': premium_price = 99 merchant_order_no = STORE_SHOPPINGCART_PREMIUM(service_customer_id, premium_price) if not merchant_order_no: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to store premiun to cart', code='031') pay_data = PREMIUM_NEWEBPAY(merchant_order_no, contract_type) if pay_data: return render(request, 'NEWEBPAY1.1_pay.html', {'data':pay_data}) else: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to generate payment page', code='011') else: return APIHandler.catch('Contract type not correct', code='034')
def post(self, request): # Get transaction data data = # print ('newebpay_data', data) decrypt_data = NEWEBPAY_Decrypt(data['TradeInfo']) temp_id = decrypt_data['Result']['MerchantOrderNo'] temp_info = GetGuestTempInfo(temp_id) schedule_id = temp_info.schedule_id if data['Status'] != 'SUCCESS': logger.error (f'Fail to charge with credit card, transaction number(temp_id) {temp_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Fail to charge', code='999') if not temp_info: return APIHandler.catch('Missing temp info', code='004') learners = eval(temp_info.learners) # Get all needed class info by schedule_id class_info = GetClassInfo(schedule_id) # Get credict_return_data credict_return_data = 'NEWEBPAY' # Todo here: check credict card record in newebpay # Start transaction to transactions trans = Update_Transaction(temp_id, schedule_id, learners, class_info, credict_return_data, newebpay_decrypt_data=decrypt_data['Result']) if trans == '006': return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') elif trans == '013': return APIHandler.catch('Learner dob format not legible', code='013') else: print ('trans', trans) return APIHandler.catch('ok', code='014')
def post(self, request): # Get transaction data data = # print ('newebpay_data', data) decrypt_data = NEWEBPAY_Decrypt(data['TradeInfo']) # print ('dec newebpay_data', decrypt_data) shoppingcart_summary_id = decrypt_data['Result']['MerchantOrderNo'] customer_id = GET_CUSTOMERID_BY_SUMID(shoppingcart_summary_id) if not customer_id: return APIHandler.catch('Missing shopping cart informations', code='022') # print ('shoppingcart_id', customer_id) if data['Status'] != 'SUCCESS': logger.error (f'Fail to charge with credit card, transaction number(customer_id) {customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Newebpay Fail to charge', code='023') # Get credict_return_data credict_return_data = 'NEWEBPAY' # Todo here: check credict card record in newebpay # Start transaction to transactions trans = Update_LEJ2_Transaction(customer_id, credict_return_data, newebpay_decrypt_data=decrypt_data['Result']) if trans == '006': return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') elif trans == '013': return APIHandler.catch('Learner dob format not legible', code='013') else: # print ('trans', trans) return APIHandler.catch('ok', code='014')
def post(self, request): # Get transaction data data = decrypt_data = NEWEBPAY_Decrypt(data['TradeInfo']) merchant_order_no = decrypt_data['Result']['MerchantOrderNo'] service_customer_id = GET_PREMIUM_INFO(merchant_order_no).service_customer_id if not service_customer_id: return APIHandler.catch('Missing premium informations', code='030') if data['Status'] != 'SUCCESS': logger.error (f'Fail to charge with credit card, transaction number(customer_id) {customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Newebpay Fail to charge', code='023') # Update transaciton transaction_id = UPDATE_PREMIUM_TRANSACTION(merchant_order_no, decrypt_data['Result']) # Upate premium privilege via account service # 1 YEAR for this return data plus_date = 365 update_period_data = CALCULATE_PREMIUM_VALID_PERIOD(service_customer_id, plus_date) update_period_data['transaction_id'] = transaction_id response = CALL_REQUEST('account', 'post', router=f'/customer/{service_customer_id}/plan/', data=update_period_data, token=account_token) update_result = json.loads(response.content) if not response: logger.error(f'Account service no response while updating premium, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') elif update_result['code'] != 'S001018': logger.error(f'Account service failed while updating premium, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Success', code='000')
def get(self, request): temp_id = request.GET.get('temp_id') guest_email = request.GET.get('guest_email') try: schedule_id = GetGuestTempInfo(temp_id).schedule_id except: return APIHandler.catch('Lack of temp info', code='004') class_info = GetClassInfo(schedule_id) payment_url = public_url + '/payment/url_guest_pay/' + temp_id + '/' data = { "guest_email": guest_email, "customer_name": 'Guest', "payment_url": payment_url, "class_name": class_info['class_name'], "class_option": class_info['option_name'], "class_date" : class_info['schedule_name'], "class_time" : class_info['schedule_start_time'] + '-' + class_info['schedule_end_time'], } if not temp_id or not guest_email: return APIHandler.catch('Lack of mail information', code='018') url = public_url_sendmail + '/sendmail/payment/' send_mail =, json=data) try: send_mail = eval(send_mail.content) except: return APIHandler.catch(data='Sending mail fail', code='018') # Call email api # if mail sent if not send_mail['code'] == '005000': return APIHandler.catch(data=send_mail, code='018') else: return APIHandler.catch('Sending mail success', code='019')
def post(self, request): data = MerchantTradeNo = data['MerchantTradeNo'] trade = ECPAY_TradeInfo(MerchantTradeNo) # Get payment informations credict_return_data = trade schedule_id = eval(data['CustomField1'])['s_id'] temp_id = eval(data['CustomField3'])['t_id'] temp_info = GetGuestTempInfo(temp_id) if not temp_info: return APIHandler.catch('Missing temp info', code='004') learners = eval(temp_info.learners) # Get all needed class info by schedule_id class_info = GetClassInfo(schedule_id) # Start transaction to transactions trans = Update_Transaction(temp_id, schedule_id, learners, class_info, credict_return_data) if trans == '006': return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') elif trans == '013': return APIHandler.catch('Learner dob format not legible', code='013') elif trans == '020': return APIHandler.catch('Sending mail failed', code='020') else: # print ('trans', trans) return APIHandler.catch('ok', code='014')
def post(self, request): # Get shopping cart summary ('web here') customer_id ='customer_id') customer_cart_items = GET_CUSTOMER_CART_ITEMS(customer_id) if customer_cart_items.count == 0: return APIHandler.catch('No class in customer\'s cart', code='024') cart_price = 0 for shopping_cart_info in customer_cart_items: # shoppingcart_id = cart_item.shoppingcart_id # shopping_cart_info = GET_SHOPPINGCART_INFOS(shoppingcart_id) # if shopping_cart_info == '022': # return APIHandler.catch('Missing shopping cart informations', code='022') # elif not shopping_cart_info: # return APIHandler.catch('Missing temp info', code='004') # (f'cart info here {shopping_cart_info}') # auto_create_account = temp_info.auto_create_account # THIS ONE IS FOR GUESTPAY on WEB # Get all needed class info by schedule_id shoppingcart_id = cart_infos = GET_SHOPPINGCART_INFOS(shoppingcart_id) schedule_id = cart_infos['schedule_id'] learners = cart_infos['learners'] class_info = GetClassInfo(schedule_id) if not class_info: return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') # Confirm vacancy learner_count = len(learners) if not learners: return APIHandler.catch('Missing learner info', code='007') elif learner_count > class_info['vacancy']: return APIHandler.catch('No vacancy', code='008') cart_price += class_info['option_price'] # Handle the free class by skip ECPAY if cart_price <= 0: trans = Update_Free_LEJ2_Transaction(customer_id) if trans == '006': return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') elif trans == '013': return APIHandler.catch('Learner dob format not legible', code='013') elif trans == '014': return APIHandler.catch('Success, free class, go to transactions', code='010') else: return APIHandler.catch('Free transaction problem', code='017') # Start to ECpay and redirect to payment html # html = ECPAY(schedule_id, learners, guest_id, temp_id) pay_data = LEJ2_NEWEBPAY(customer_id) # print (html) # if html: # return render(request, 'ECPAY_pay.html', {'html':html}) if pay_data: return render(request, 'NEWEBPAY_pay.html', {'data':pay_data}) else: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to generate payment page', code='011') return APIHandler.catch('Sending mail success', code='999')
def post(self, request): # Get transaction data data = decrypt_data = NEWEBPAY_Decrypt(data['TradeInfo']) newebpay_decrypt_data = decrypt_data['Result'] trans = UPDATE_FASTLAUNCH_TRANSACTION(newebpay_decrypt_data) if trans: return APIHandler.catch({'transaction success': trans}, code='014') else: return APIHandler.catch('fail', code='000')
def get(self, request): temp_id = request.GET.get('temp_id') if not temp_id: return APIHandler.catch('Please provide temp_id', code='003') trans_no = GetTransactionNumber(temp_id) trans_id = GetTransactionID(temp_id) if not trans_no: return APIHandler.catch('Transaction not found', code='021') else: return APIHandler.catch(data={'transaction_no':trans_no, 'transaction_id':trans_id}, code='000')
def post(self, request): temp_id ='temp_id') counter_result = Update_Counter_Transaction(temp_id) if counter_result == '004': return APIHandler.catch('Missing temp info', code='004') elif counter_result == '020': return APIHandler.catch('Sending mail failed', code='020') else: return APIHandler.catch(data={'transaction_no':counter_result}, code='016')
def get(self, request, charge_type, fastlaunch_no, email): pay_data = FASTLAUNCH_NEWEBPAY(fastlaunch_no, email,charge_type) if pay_data: return render(request, 'NEWEBPAY_pay.html', {'data':pay_data}) else: return APIHandler.catch('fail', code='000')
def get(self, request): # Use get method with parameters?= email = request.GET.get('guest_email') # print ('email:', email) learners = GetHistroyLearners(email) return APIHandler.catch(data=learners, code='015')
def post(self, request): url = os.getenv('NBA_URL') zip_data = CRAW(url) new_news_ids = [] for data in zip_data: news_state = CHECK_EXIST(data) if news_state: continue else: news_id = SAVE_NEWS(data) new_news_ids.append(news_id) if new_news_ids: return APIHandler.catch(data={'news_ids': new_news_ids}, code='001') else: return APIHandler.catch(data='Nothing new', code='000')
def NBA_Crawl(): url = os.getenv('NBA_URL') zip_data = CRAW(url) new_news_ids = [] for data in zip_data: news_state = CHECK_EXIST(data) if news_state: continue else: news_id = SAVE_NEWS(data) new_news_ids.append(news_id) if new_news_ids:'Sccessfully got new news') return APIHandler.catch(data={'news_ids': new_news_ids}, code='001') else:'Nothing new') return APIHandler.catch(data='Nothing new', code='000')
def post(self, request): service_customer_id ='service_customer_id') token = GET_AUTHORIZED_TOKEN(service_customer_id) premium_price = 99 if not token: logger.error(f'Get authorized token failed, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('This customer has no charge token', code='037') merchant_order_no = STORE_SHOPPINGCART_PREMIUM(service_customer_id, premium_price) if not merchant_order_no: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to store premiun to cart', code='031') result = CHARGEBYTOKEN_NEWEBPAY(merchant_order_no, token) if result['Status'] == 'SUCCESS': data = result['Result'] transaction_id = UPDATE_PREMIUM_TRANSACTION(merchant_order_no, data) return APIHandler.catch({'transaction_id':transaction_id}, code='036') else: logger.error(f'Fail to charge with token, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Fail to charge with token', code='000')
def post(self, request): # Get transaction data data = data = json.loads(data['JSONData']) print ('DATA will be used for token storage', data) decrypt_data = json.loads(data['Result']) merchant_order_no = decrypt_data['MerchantOrderNo'] premium_cart_info = GET_PREMIUM_INFO(merchant_order_no) lej_customer_id = premium_cart_info.lej_customer_id service_customer_id = GET_PREMIUM_INFO(merchant_order_no).service_customer_id if not service_customer_id: return APIHandler.catch('Missing premium informations', code='030') if data['Status'] != 'SUCCESS': logger.error (f'Fail to charge with credit card, transaction number(customer_id) {customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Newebpay Fail to charge', code='023') # Save token for future charge authorized_token = decrypt_data['TokenValue'] toekn_life = decrypt_data['TokenLife'] save_toekn = SAVE_AUTHORIZED_TOKEN(authorized_token, toekn_life, lej_customer_id, service_customer_id) if not save_toekn: logger.error(f'Save authorized token failed, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Save authorized token failed', code='000') # Update transaciton transaction_id = UPDATE_PREMIUM_TRANSACTION(merchant_order_no, decrypt_data) # Upate premium privilege via account service # 30 days for this return data plus_date = 30 update_period_data = CALCULATE_PREMIUM_VALID_PERIOD(service_customer_id, plus_date) update_period_data['transaction_id'] = transaction_id response = CALL_REQUEST('account', 'post', router=f'/customer/{service_customer_id}/plan/', data=update_period_data, token=account_token) update_result = json.loads(response.content) if update_result['code'] != 'S001018': logger.error(f'Update customer to premium failed, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Update customer to premium failed', code='000') if not response: logger.error(f'Account service no response while updating premium, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') elif update_result['code'] != 'S001018': logger.error(f'Account service failed while updating premium, service_customer_id {service_customer_id}') return APIHandler.catch('Success', code='000')
def post(self, request): change_point ='change_point') add_minus ='add_minus') description ='description', '') customer_id ='customer_id') price_prefix ='price_prefix', '') transaction_id ='transaction_id') ECREDIT_VALUE_CONTROL(customer_id, change_point, add_minus, price_prefix, transaction_id, description) return APIHandler.catch(data='Success', code='000')
def get(self, request): info_list = GET_ALL_TOPEX_MEMBER() return APIHandler.catch(data=info_list, code='BA1')
def put(self, request): customer_id ='customer_id') quota ='quota') update_status = CHANGE_TOPEX_QUOTA(customer_id, quota) return APIHandler.catch(data={"topex_id": update_status}, code='BA3')
def post(self, request): customer_id ='customer_id') update_status = ACTIVATE_TOPEX_CUSTOMER(customer_id) return APIHandler.catch(data={"topex_id": update_status}, code='BA0')
def delete(self, request): customer_id ='customer_id') update_status = REMOVE_TOPEX_CUSTOMER(customer_id) return APIHandler.catch(data={"topex_id": update_status}, code='BA2')
def get(self, request, temp_id): temp_id = temp_id if not temp_id: return APIHandler.catch('Please provide temp_id', code='003') temp_info = GetGuestTempInfo(temp_id) if not temp_info: return APIHandler.catch('Missing temp info', code='004') email = first_name = temp_info.first_name last_name = temp_info.last_name customer_mobile = learners = eval(temp_info.learners) schedule_id = temp_info.schedule_id # ECPAY_token ='ECPAY_token') # coupon ='coupon') auto_create_account = temp_info.auto_create_account if not email or not first_name or not last_name or not customer_mobile: return APIHandler.catch('Temp info not complete', code='005') # Get all needed class info by schedule_id class_info = GetClassInfo(schedule_id) if not class_info: return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') # Confirm that learners and vacancy learner_count = len(learners) if not learners: return APIHandler.catch('Missing learner info', code='007') elif learner_count > class_info['vacancy']: return APIHandler.catch('No vacancy', code='008') guest_id = temp_info.guest_id # Handle the free class by skip ECPAY if class_info['option_price'] <= 0: trans = Update_Free_Transaction(temp_id, schedule_id, learners) if trans == '006': return APIHandler.catch('Schedule not exist', code='006') elif trans == '013': return APIHandler.catch('Learner dob format not legible', code='013') elif trans == '014': return APIHandler.catch('Success, free class, go to transactions', code='010') else: return APIHandler.catch('Free transaction problem', code='017') # Start to ECpay and redirect to payment html # html = ECPAY(schedule_id, learners, guest_id, temp_id) pay_data = NEWEBPAY(schedule_id, learners, guest_id, temp_id) # print (html) # if html: # return render(request, 'ECPAY_pay.html', {'html':html}) if pay_data: return render(request, 'NEWEBPAY_pay.html', {'data':pay_data}) else: return APIHandler.catch('Fail to generate payment page', code='011') return APIHandler.catch('Sending mail success', code='999')
def post(self, request): # Get datas and store email ='customer_email') first_name ='customer_firstname') last_name ='customer_lastname') customer_mobile ='customer_mobile') learners ='learners') # Check learner formation for learner in learners: if 'profile_name' not in learner or 'profile_dob' not in learner: return APIHandler.catch('lack of informations', code='001') schedule_id ='schedule_id') auto_create_account ='auto_create_account', 0) line_id ='line_id') if not email or not first_name or not last_name or not customer_mobile or not auto_create_account: return APIHandler.catch('lack of informations', code='001') # Register if auto_create == 1 if auto_create_account == 1 or auto_create_account == '1': letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits password = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(5)) register_data = { 'email': email, 'password': password, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'mobile': customer_mobile, 'country': 'Taiwan' } # Try to register a account and login with token try: response = CALL_REQUEST('account', 'post', router=f'/customer/', data=register_data, token=account_token) content = json.loads(response.content) if content['code'] != 'S001011': return APIHandler.catch(data='This email address has been registered. Please check your verification email again to earn eCredits now!', code='032') else: # Login and get token, if create success login_data = { 'customer_email':email, 'customer_password':password, 'appId':4, 'deviceType':2 } login_response = CALL_REQUEST('lej', 'post', router=f'/login', data=login_data) login_content = json.loads(login_response.content) login_code = login_content['code'] if login_code != 0: return APIHandler.catch(data="Fail to login", code='033') else: login_content = login_content['data'] customer_info = { 'token': login_content['token'], 'customerId':login_content['customer_id'], 'emailActivate':login_content['email_activate'] } # If new account, send password mail_data = { 'customer_email':email } # print ('response_send_password_mail', content['code']) try: response_send_password_mail = CALL_REQUEST('lej', 'post', router=f'/mail/forgetPassword', data=mail_data) except: pass except: customer_info = "Error while creating account" else: customer_info = 'auto_create_account is set as 0' # Insert Guest information guest_id = SaveGuestInfos(email, first_name, last_name, customer_mobile) # print ('guest_id', guest_id) if not guest_id: return APIHandler.catch('Saving guest info failed', code='009') temp_id = StoreTempInfo(email, first_name, last_name, customer_mobile, learners, schedule_id, auto_create_account, guest_id, line_id) return APIHandler.catch(data={"temp_id":temp_id, "customerInfo":customer_info}, code='002')
def post(self, request): data = print('data', data) response = CREATE_B2C_CREDITCARD_INVOICE(data) response = json.loads(response.content) return APIHandler.catch(data=response, code='000')