コード例 #1
    def __connection_in_extra_genes_step_1(self, control, connected_nodes):
        calculate c[1]: whether 'extra-gene' is directly connected to the LGN

        connected_nodes = list[set()] ==> remember to 'flatten' them first
        # use set() since we do not pay attention to how many times
        # extra genes connect with LGN
        nodes = set(helper.list_of_sets_to_list(connected_nodes))
        for gene in nodes:
            if gene in control:
                control[gene][1] += 1
                # In the same block, this thing should never happen!!!
                print "Problem!!! internal validation 1"

        return control
コード例 #2
    def __connection_in_extra_genes_step_2(self, control, connected_nodes):
        calculate c[2] ... c[n+1]: number of times it's connected to SLGN(0), ...,
        whether 'extra-gene' is connected to SLGN(i), ... ,
        whether 'extra-gene' is connected to SLGN(n-1))

        connected_nodes_in_subLGN = list[]
        number_of_LGN_genes = len(self.genes_in_lgn)
        list_of_connected_nodes = helper.list_of_sets_to_list(connected_nodes)
        calculated_node = set()
        set_of_connected_nodes = set(list_of_connected_nodes)
        for (index, set_of_genes) in enumerate(connected_nodes):
            for gene in set_of_genes:
                if gene in control:
                    for k in range(0, number_of_LGN_genes):
                        control[gene][k + 2] = 1
                    if gene not in calculated_node:
                        control[gene][index + 2] = 0
                    # In the same block, this thing should never happen!!!
                    print "Problem!!! internal validation 2"
        return control