コード例 #1
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle
    # moving to the current position from that prior.
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.

    # Loop over state space for all possible prior positions
    for p in range(map_size):

        # calculate the distance that vehicle have to move
        # to pseudo position from each possible prior positions
        dist = position - p

        # calculate the probability of the vehicle moving to
        # distance that vehicle have to move
        move_prob = norm_pdf(dist, mov, stdev)

        # mulyiply the probability of the vehicle moving and
        # the prior probaility of the vehicle was at the each possible
        # prior positions
        position_prob_each = move_prob * priors[p]

        # the summation of every probability of each prior positions
        # is the probability that the vehicle is at the pseudo position.
        position_prob += position_prob_each

    return position_prob
コード例 #2
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    # when motion_model function called, below is arguments
    # Calculate probability of the vehicle being at position p
    ###motion_prob = motion_model(
    ###       pseudo_position, mov_per_timestep, priors,
    ###       map_size, control_stdev)

    ## What is the arguments of norm_pdf?
    # Calculate normal (Gaussian) distribution probability.
    # norm_pdf(x, m, s) returns the probability of a random variable
    # havnig the value of x, assuming that the variable follows
    # the Gaussian probability distribution with mean of m and
    # standard deviation of s.
    ###def norm_pdf(x, m, s):

    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle
    # moving to the current position from that prior.
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.
    ##position_prob = norm_pdf(priors, 1, stdev)

    for i in range(len(priors)):

        g = norm_pdf(position - i, 1, stdev)
        position_prob += g * priors[i]

    return position_prob
コード例 #3
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    # TODO: Calculate the observation model probability as follows:            #
    # (1) If we have no observations, we do not have any probability.          #
    # (2) Having more observations than the pseudo range indicates that        #
    #     this observation is not possible at all.                             #
    # (3) Otherwise, the probability of this "observation" is the product of   #
    #     probability of observing each landmark at that distance, where       #
    #     that probability follows N(d, mu, sig) with                          #
    #     d: observation distance                                              #
    #     mu: expected mean distance, given by pseudo_ranges                   #
    #     sig: squared standard deviation of measurement                       #

    # If pseudo_ranges are more than or same to the # of observations,
    # you can calculate observation probability
    if (len(observations) <= len(pseudo_ranges)):
        # For (observation, pseudo_range) pair, calculate probability
        # and multiply it to observation probability(distance_prob)
        # As using values from the front in a sorted order,
        # the remaining pseudo_range values will be discarded if exist.
        for observation, pseudo_range in zip(observations, pseudo_ranges):
            distance_prob *= norm_pdf(observation, pseudo_range, stdev)

    # If there is no observation--(1) or there are more observations than the psuedo ranges--(2),
    # we don't have any probability or can't calculate probabilities because this observation is not possible
    # Therefore, set the distance_prob to 0.0
        distance_prob = 0.0

    return distance_prob
コード例 #4
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    if len(observations) == 0 or len(observations) > len(pseudo_ranges):
        distance_prob = 0.0

        for i in range(len(observations)):
            distance_prob = distance_prob * norm_pdf(observations[i],
                                                     pseudo_ranges[i], stdev)

    # The observation model probability can be calculated by using the above code.

    # TODO: Calculate the observation model probability as follows:
    # (1) If we have no observations, we do not have any probability.
    # (2) Having more observations than the pseudo range indicates that
    #     this observation is not possible at all.
    # (3) Otherwise, the probability of this "observation" is the product of
    #     probability of observing each landmark at that distance, where
    #     that probability follows N(d, mu, sig) with
    #     d: observation distance
    #     mu: expected mean distance, given by pseudo_ranges
    #     sig: squared standard deviation of measurement
    return distance_prob
コード例 #5
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    for i in range(map_size):
        position_prob += norm_pdf(position - i, mov, stdev) * priors[i]

    return position_prob
コード例 #6
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle
    # moving to the current position from that prior.
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.
    for i in range(map_size):
        position_prob += norm_pdf(position - i, mov, stdev) * priors[i]
    return position_prob
コード例 #7
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    if len(observations
           ) == 0 or len(observations) > len(pseudo_ranges):  # (1)/(2)
        return 0.

    for i in range(len(observations)):
        distance_prob *= norm_pdf(observations[i], pseudo_ranges[i], stdev)

    return distance_prob
コード例 #8
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # position에서의 확률을 0으로 초기화
    position_prob = 0.0

    # prior positions의 가능한 모든 state space를 돌면서
    # 해당 위치가 과거 position이라 가정하고, 현재 position까지
    # 차량이 움직일 확률을 norm_pdf를 이용하여 계산한다.
    # 이전 시점에 차량이 과거 position에 있었을 확률(priors의 과거 position에 대한 확률값)과
    # 과거 position부터 현재 position까지 이동하는 확률값(norm_pdf)를 곱한다.
    # 모든 범위에 대해서 합하면 최종적으로 time t에 현재 position에 있을 확률이 나오게 된다.
    for p in range(0, map_size):
        position_prob += norm_pdf(position-p, 1, 1) * priors[p]

    return position_prob
コード例 #9
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    for t1 in range(len(priors)):
        p_trans = norm_pdf(position - t1, 1, stdev)
        prior = priors[t1]

        position_prob = position_prob + (p_trans * prior)
    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle
    # moving to the current position from that prior.
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.
    return position_prob
コード例 #10
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    if len(observations) == 0 or len(observations) > len(pseudo_ranges):
        distance_prob = 0.0

        for i in range(len(observations)):
            d = observations[i]
            mu = pseudo_ranges[i]
            sig = stdev
            L = norm_pdf(d, mu, sig)
            distance_prob *= L

    return distance_prob
コード例 #11
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    for p in range(map_size):
        position_prob = position_prob + norm_pdf(position - p, mov,
                                                 stdev) * priors[p]
    # The prediction of motion model probability can be calculated by using the above code.
    # The code is sum of multiplying prior position by normal distribution.

    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle
    # moving to the current position from that prior.
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.
    return position_prob
コード例 #12
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    # (1) 관측된 landmark가 없다면 확률 분포를 계산할 수가 없다.
    # (2) 관측된 landmark의 수가, 차량의 앞에 놓인 landmark까지의 거리 목록(pseudo_ranges)보다
    #     많다면 잘못된 값이다.
    # (3) 이 관측 결과가 옳을 확률은, 목록의 각 landmark가 해당 거리에서 보일 확률을
    #     모두 곱한 것과 같다.
    #     N(해당 랜드마크까지의 관측된 거리, 해당 랜드마크까지의 거리, 1)
    if len(observations) is None:
        return 0.0
    elif len(observations) > len(pseudo_ranges):
        return 0.0
        for i in range(len(observations)):
            distance_prob *= norm_pdf(observations[i], pseudo_ranges[i], 1)

    return distance_prob
コード例 #13
def motion_model(position, mov, priors, map_size, stdev):
    # Initialize the position's probability to zero.
    position_prob = 0.0

    # TODO: Loop over state space for all possible prior positions,   #
    # calculate the probability (using norm_pdf) of the vehicle       #
    # moving to the current position from that prior.                 #
    # Multiply this probability to the prior probability of           #
    # the vehicle "was" at that prior position.                       #

    # Loop over state space for all possible position
    for i in range(map_size):
        # Calculate distance to the pseudo position from current position(i)
        dist = position - i
        # Calculate transition probability
        transition_prob = norm_pdf(dist, mov, stdev)
        # Multiply transition probability to the prior probability of the vehicle "was" at that prior position.
        position_prob += transition_prob * priors[i]

    return position_prob
コード例 #14
def observation_model(landmarks, observations, pseudo_ranges, stdev):
    # Initialize the measurement's probability to one.
    distance_prob = 1.0

    # TODO: Calculate the observation model probability as follows:
    # (1) If we have no observations, we do not have any probability.
    # (2) Having more observations than the pseudo range indicates that
    #     this observation is not possible at all.
    # (3) Otherwise, the probability of this "observation" is the product of
    #     probability of observing each landmark at that distance, where
    #     that probability follows N(d, mu, sig) with
    #     d: observation distance
    #     mu: expected mean distance, given by pseudo_ranges
    #     sig: squared standard deviation of measurement
    if(len(observations) <= len(pseudo_ranges)):
        for p, o in zip(pseudo_ranges, observations):
                tmp = norm_pdf(o,p,stdev)
                distance_prob *= tmp
        distance_prob = 0

    return distance_prob