def run(args): params = helper.parseArguments(args) # default values size = 40 probabilityOfInfection = 0.02 probabilityOfDeath = 0 infectionLength = [6, 9] # check size for user input if '-N' in params: val = int(params['-N']) if val < 1: raise ValueError("Size of the simulation has to be positive.") size = val # check probability of infection for user input if '-S' in params: val = float(params['-S']) if val < 0 or val > 1: raise ValueError("Probabilities have to be within [0,1].") probabilityOfInfection = val # check probability of death for user input if '-L' in params: val = float(params['-L']) if val < 0 or val > 1: raise ValueError("Probabilities have to be within [0,1].") probabilityOfDeath = val # check length of infection for user input if '-minDays' in params and '-maxDays' in params: min = int(params['-minDays']) max = int(params['-maxDays']) if min < 0 or min > max: raise ValueError("Infection interval has to be positive and min > max.") infectionLength = [min, max] # init simulation simulation = Simulation(size, probabilityOfInfection, probabilityOfDeath, infectionLength) # contaminate chosen individuals if '-x' in params and len(params['-x']) > 0: for i in range(0, len(params['-x'])): point = params['-x'][i].split(",") x = int(point[0]) y = int(point[1]) if x < 0 or x > size or y < 0 or y > size: raise ValueError("One of your individuals was out of bounds.") simulation.contaminate(x, y) else: # contaminate one cell simulation.contaminate(0,0) if '--frames' in params and params['--frames']: simulation.writeFrames = True if '-seed' in params: simulation.setSeed(int(params['-seed'])) # run simulation iteration, avgInfectedPerDay, avgDeathsPerDay, avgRecoveredPerDay, avgIllPerDay, sumInfectedPerDay, sumDeathsPerDay = # print output if '--iterations' in params or '--print' in params: print("Simulation took {0} iterations.".format(iteration)) if '--avgInfected' in params or '--print' in params: print("Average infected per iteration: {0}".format(avgInfectedPerDay)) if '--avgDead' in params or '--print' in params: print("Average deaths per iteration: {0}".format(avgDeathsPerDay)) if '--avgRecovered' in params or '--print' in params: print("Average recovered per iteration: {0}".format(avgRecoveredPerDay)) if '--avgIll' in params or '--print' in params: print("Average ill per iteration: {0}".format(avgIllPerDay)) if '--sumInfected' in params or '--print' in params: print("Sum of infected: {0}".format(sumInfectedPerDay)) if '--sumDeaths' in params or '--print' in params: print("Sum of deaths: {0}".format(sumDeathsPerDay)) return sumInfectedPerDay
# print(images) with tf.Session() as sess: # get image embeddings features = get_image_list_embeddings(images, sess, jpeg_data_tensor, bottleneck_tensor) saver = tf.train.Saver([features]), os.path.join(FLAGS.summaries_dir, 'embeddings.ckpt')) config = projector.ProjectorConfig() # One can add multiple embeddings. embedding = config.embeddings.add() embedding.tensor_name = embedding.metadata_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.summaries_dir, 'metadata.tsv') embedding.sprite.image_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.summaries_dir, 'images_sprite.png') embedding.sprite.single_image_dim.extend( [image_data.shape[1], image_data.shape[1]]) # Saves a config file that TensorBoard will read during startup. projector.visualize_embeddings( tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summaries_dir), config) if __name__ == '__main__': FLAGS, unparsed = parseArguments(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
import run, helper, sys, pylab, math # pares input parameters for potential custom ranges params = helper.parseArguments(sys.argv) # chosen prime numbers as base seeds selectedRandomPrimes = [ 982434227, 982390301, 982449889, 982406627, 982406809, 982400521, 982412141, 982394291, 982430263, 982447637, 982396931, 982430819, 982399151, 982419479, 982412329, 982426883, 982427539, 982401317, 982399799, 982445341, 982425713, 982401757, 982398419, 982443211, 982388467, 982402781, 982388947, 982403369, 982415297, 982450039, 982405103, 982432883, 982426309, 982447021, 982443331, 982412933, 982389403, 982402697, 982391741, 982441259, 982439413, 982427443, 982405069, 982390567, 982439891, 982426201, 982399441, 982440299, 982419433, 982445587, 982418221, 982449239, 982443589, 982402921, 982420609, 982435007, 982410097, 982394293, 982413319, 982391273, 982431823, 982427987, 982450943, 982440587, 982418243, 982415857, 982413983, 982418873, 982415429, 982399813, 982394737, 982398799, 982400183, 982418209, 982409521, 982417697, 982441637, 982415381, 982396637, 982444417, 982436311, 982413227, 982429909, 982421203, 982427273, 982396003, 982431493, 982391737, 982423543, 982389073, 982402823, 982414061, 982429229, 982415689, 982389613, 982407707, 982440941, 982443733, 982409873, 982403033 ] # simulation parameters size = 40 probabilityOfDeath = 0 infectionLengthFrom = 6 infectionLengthTo = 9
def run(args): params = helper.parseArguments(args) # Generate base data classA, classB = datagen.generateRandomData(100) data = classA + classB random.shuffle(data) n = len(data) p = 3 if '-p' in params: p = int(params['-p']) sigma = 2 if '-sigma' in params: sigma = float(params['-sigma']) k = 0.05 if '-k' in params: k = float(params['-k']) delta = 0 if '-delta' in params: delta = int(params['-delta']) C = 0 if '-C' in params: C = float(params['-C']) # Choose kernel if '--polynomial' in params: kernel = kernels.polynomialClosure(p) elif '--radial' in params: kernel = kernels.radialBasisClosure(sigma) elif '--sigmoid' in params: kernel = kernels.sigmoidClosure(k, delta) else: kernel = kernels.linear # Create dual formulation terms # P_i,j = t_i * t_j * K(\vec{x_i}, \vec{x_j}) P = [] for i in range(n): P.append([]) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): P[i].append( data[i][2] * data[j][2] * kernel([data[i][0], data[i][1]], [data[j][0], data[j][1]])) q = -1 * numpy.ones((n, 1)) h = numpy.zeros_like(q) G = -1 * numpy.eye(n) # Slack variables if C != 0: G = numpy.concatenate((numpy.eye(n), G)) h = numpy.concatenate((C * numpy.ones((n, 1)), h)) # Find \vec{a} which minimizes dual formulation r = qp(matrix(P), matrix(q), matrix(G), matrix(h)) alpha = list(r['x']) # Set up indicator closure indicator = generateIndiciator(data, alpha, kernel) # Find decision boundary xrange = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05) yrange = numpy.arange(-4, 4, 0.05) grid = matrix([[indicator(x, y) for y in yrange] for x in xrange]) # plot all the things # pylab.hold(True) pylab.clf() pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classA], [p[1] for p in classA], 'bo') pylab.plot([p[0] for p in classB], [p[1] for p in classB], 'ro') pylab.contour(xrange, yrange, grid, (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), colors=('red', 'black', 'blue'), linewidths=(1, 3, 1)) if '--save' in params: filename = 'foo.png' if '-o' in params: filename = params['-o'] # pylab.savefig("out/{0}".format(filename), bbox_inches='tight') pylab.savefig("out/{0}".format(filename)) else: