def guardGoal(): """Go to the goal line and face the enemy with the ball""" me.goal = Goals.guardGoal angle_to_face = me.bearing(ball) # if not on our goal line, move into the middle of it if abs(me.currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x) > 15: angle_to_move = me.bearing(ourGoal) distance = me.distance(ourGoal) controller.move(angle_to_move, angle_to_move, distance) # if we're on our goal line, move to block the ball else: # work out which enemy has the ball if ball.status == BallStatus.enemyA: enemyNum = 0 elif ball.status == BallStatus.enemyB: enemyNum = 1 else: print("just guarding lol") controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True) return # calculate where on the y axis the ball would hit if kicked now x_dist = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x y_dist = x_dist * tan(enemies[enemyNum].currentRotation) y_intersection = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.y + y_dist # calculate where we should therefore go to (we don't want to leave the goal line) minY = PITCH_WIDTH / 2 - 0.5 * GOAL_WIDTH + ROBOT_WIDTH / 2 maxY = PITCH_WIDTH / 2 + 0.5 * GOAL_WIDTH - ROBOT_WIDTH / 2 point_to_be = Point(ourGoal.x, max(minY, min(maxY, y_intersection))) # if we're not where we should be, move there holonomically if not nearEnough(point_to_be, me.currentPoint, near_enough_point=10): # turn to face the opposite side of the pitch before the holo movement if OUR_GOAL == 'left': angle_to_face = 0 else: angle_to_face = 180 # calculate the parameters to send to the robot distance = me.distance(point_to_be) # we want to move holonomically up and down if point_to_be.y < me.currentPoint.y: angle_to_move = 90 else: angle_to_move = -90 controller.move(angle_to_face, angle_to_move, distance) # if we're in position already but just facing wrongly, turn to face the robot with the ball elif not nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True) # if we're all set, just wait for something to happen else: controller.stop_robot()
def guardGoal(): """Go to the goal line and face the enemy with the ball""" me.goal = Goals.guardGoal angle_to_face = me.bearing(ball) # if not on our goal line, move into the middle of it if abs(me.currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x) > 15: angle_to_move = me.bearing(ourGoal) distance = me.distance(ourGoal) controller.move(angle_to_move,angle_to_move,distance) # if we're on our goal line, move to block the ball else: # work out which enemy has the ball if ball.status == BallStatus.enemyA: enemyNum=0 elif ball.status == BallStatus.enemyB: enemyNum=1 else: print("just guarding lol") controller.move(angle_to_face,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True) return # calculate where on the y axis the ball would hit if kicked now x_dist = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.x - ourGoal.x y_dist = x_dist * tan(enemies[enemyNum].currentRotation) y_intersection = enemies[enemyNum].currentPoint.y + y_dist # calculate where we should therefore go to (we don't want to leave the goal line) minY = PITCH_WIDTH/2 - 0.5*GOAL_WIDTH + ROBOT_WIDTH/2 maxY = PITCH_WIDTH/2 + 0.5*GOAL_WIDTH - ROBOT_WIDTH/2 point_to_be = Point(ourGoal.x, max(minY, min(maxY, y_intersection))) # if we're not where we should be, move there holonomically if not nearEnough(point_to_be, me.currentPoint, near_enough_point=10): # turn to face the opposite side of the pitch before the holo movement if OUR_GOAL=='left': angle_to_face=0 else: angle_to_face=180 # calculate the parameters to send to the robot distance = me.distance(point_to_be) # we want to move holonomically up and down if point_to_be.y<me.currentPoint.y: angle_to_move = 90 else: angle_to_move = -90 controller.move(angle_to_face,angle_to_move,distance) # if we're in position already but just facing wrongly, turn to face the robot with the ball elif not nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.move(angle_to_face,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True) # if we're all set, just wait for something to happen else: controller.stop_robot()
def receivePass(): """Face our ally and get ready to grab the ball if they kick it to us""" me.goal = Goals.receivePass angle_to_face = me.bearing(ally) # if we're facing the ally, ungrab and get ready to receive the ball if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() controller.ungrab(True) # otherwise, turn to face our ally else: controller.move(angle_to_face,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True)
def get_grabbed(self, robot): willBounce = random.sample([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], 1)[0] if nearEnough(robot.currentPoint, self.currentPoint): if willBounce: print("oh no, the ball bounced off the robot!") self.direction = robot.direction - 15 self.currentSpeed = 0 self.acceleration = -0.15 else: self.acceleration = 0 self.state =
def get_grabbed(self, robot): willBounce = random.sample([0,0,1,1,0,0,0], 1)[0] if nearEnough(robot.currentPoint, self.currentPoint): if willBounce: print("oh no, the ball bounced off the robot!") self.direction = robot.direction - 15 self.currentSpeed = 0 self.acceleration = -0.15 else: self.acceleration = 0 self.state =
def receivePass(): """Face our ally and get ready to grab the ball if they kick it to us""" me.goal = Goals.receivePass angle_to_face = me.bearing(ally) # if we're facing the ally, ungrab and get ready to receive the ball if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() controller.ungrab(True) # otherwise, turn to face our ally else: controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True)
def passBall(): """Kick the ball full power towards our ally""" me.goal = Goals.passBall angle_to_face = me.bearing(ally) # if we're facing the ally, pass them the ball if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() if not controller.haveIkicked: controller.kick(255) # otherwise, turn to face our ally else: controller.move(angle_to_face,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True)
def passBall(): """Kick the ball full power towards our ally""" me.goal = Goals.passBall angle_to_face = me.bearing(ally) # if we're facing the ally, pass them the ball if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() if not controller.haveIkicked: controller.kick(255) # otherwise, turn to face our ally else: controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True)
def shoot(): """Kick the ball full power towards the goal""" me.goal = Goals.shoot angle_to_face = me.bearing(opponentGoal) # if we're facing the goal, shoot! if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() print controller.haveIkicked if not controller.haveIkicked: controller.kick(255) # otherwise, turn to face the goal else: controller.move(angle_to_face,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True)
def confuseEnemy(): """Shoogle around a bit to confuse the enemy and hopefully make them move""" global confusionTarget # if just started this new goal, choose an amount to shoogle if me.goal!=Goals.confuse: confusionTarget = me.currentRotation + random.uniform(-90,90) me.goal = Goals.confuse # if we've reached our confusion target, we're done for now if nearEnough(confusionTarget, me.currentRotation): clearPlan() # otherwise, shoogle! else: controller.move(confusionTarget,0,0,False,rotate_in_place=True)
def shoot(): """Kick the ball full power towards the goal""" me.goal = Goals.shoot angle_to_face = me.bearing(opponentGoal) # if we're facing the goal, shoot! if nearEnough(angle_to_face, me.currentRotation): controller.stop_robot() print controller.haveIkicked if not controller.haveIkicked: controller.kick(255) # otherwise, turn to face the goal else: controller.move(angle_to_face, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True)
def confuseEnemy(): """Shoogle around a bit to confuse the enemy and hopefully make them move""" global confusionTarget # if just started this new goal, choose an amount to shoogle if me.goal != Goals.confuse: confusionTarget = me.currentRotation + random.uniform(-90, 90) me.goal = Goals.confuse # if we've reached our confusion target, we're done for now if nearEnough(confusionTarget, me.currentRotation): clearPlan() # otherwise, shoogle! else: controller.move(confusionTarget, 0, 0, False, rotate_in_place=True)
def collectBall(): """Move towards then grab the ball""" me.goal=Goals.collectBall # if we've caught up to the ball, stop and grab if nearEnough(me.bearing(ball), me.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=30) and ball.distance(me)< BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: controller.stop_robot() controller.grab(True) # otherwise, go to the ball else: me.goal = Goals.collectBall angle_to_face = me.bearing(ball) angle_to_move = angle_to_face distance_to_move = me.distance(ball) if lineOfSight(me.currentPoint,ball.currentPoint): print "Real" controller.move(angle_to_face,angle_to_move,distance_to_move,True) else: ghost_walk(angle_to_face)
def collectBall(): """Move towards then grab the ball""" me.goal = Goals.collectBall # if we've caught up to the ball, stop and grab if nearEnough(me.bearing(ball), me.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=30 ) and ball.distance(me) < BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: controller.stop_robot() controller.grab(True) # otherwise, go to the ball else: me.goal = Goals.collectBall angle_to_face = me.bearing(ball) angle_to_move = angle_to_face distance_to_move = me.distance(ball) if lineOfSight(me.currentPoint, ball.currentPoint): print "Real" controller.move(angle_to_face, angle_to_move, distance_to_move, True) else: ghost_walk(angle_to_face)
def updatePositions(): """Updates the system's belief of the state of the game based on the vision system""" # get the info on the robots from the vision system if api.getMyPosition() is not None: mePosition = api.getMyPosition() me.update(Point(mePosition[0]*X_RATIO,mePosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find my position this tick :(" if api.getMyOrientation() is not None: meOrientation = api.getMyOrientation()[1] me.updateRotation(meOrientation) else: print "Can't find my orientation this tick :(" if api.getAllyPosition() is not None: allyPosition = api.getAllyPosition() ally.update(Point(allyPosition[0]*X_RATIO,allyPosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find my friend's position this tick :(" if api.getAllyOrientation() is not None: allyOrientation = api.getAllyOrientation()[1] ally.updateRotation(allyOrientation) else: print "Can't find my friend's orientation this tick :(" if api.getEnemyPositions()[0] is not None: enemy0Position = api.getEnemyPositions()[0] enemies[0].update(Point(enemy0Position[0]*X_RATIO,enemy0Position[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find enemy 0 this tick :(" if api.getEnemyOrientation()[0] is not None: enemy0Orientation = api.getEnemyOrientation()[0][1] enemies[0].updateRotation(enemy0Orientation) else: print "Can't find enemy 0's orientation this tick :(" if api.getEnemyPositions()[1] is not None: enemy1Position = api.getEnemyPositions()[1] enemies[1].update(Point(enemy1Position[0]*X_RATIO,enemy1Position[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Can't find enemy 1 this tick :(" if api.getEnemyOrientation()[1] is not None: enemy1Orientation = api.getEnemyOrientation()[1][1] enemies[1].updateRotation(enemy1Orientation) else: print "Can't find enemy 1's orientation this tick :(" if api.getBallCenter() is not None: ballPosition = api.getBallCenter() ball.update(Point(ballPosition[0]*X_RATIO,ballPosition[1]*Y_RATIO)) else: print "Shit! Where's the ball gone" try:#see who has ball posesion - needs work if nearEnough(enemies[0].bearing(ball),enemies[0].currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(enemies[0]) < BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = BallStatus.enemyA elif nearEnough(enemies[1].bearing(ball),enemies[1].currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(enemies[1]) < BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = BallStatus.enemyB elif nearEnough(ally.bearing(ball),ally.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(ally)< BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE: ball.status = elif nearEnough(me.bearing(ball), me.currentRotation, near_enough_angle=45) and ball.distance(me)< BALL_OWNERSHIP_DISTANCE and me.grabbed: ball.status = # if we can't see it, assume it's the same elif['ball_center']==None: pass # if it's far enough from everything, it's free else: ball.status = except (TypeError, AttributeError): print("Location of some objects unknown")